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Possessing Josephine (Siren Publishing Classic)

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by Silke Ming

  Possessing Josephine

  When Josephine "Josie" Fletcher meets a handsome cowboy in the bar, there is immediately a mutual attraction, but it is not a chance meeting. She has been set up by her roommate, Gypsy. She soon finds out that Richard Schreck is not a cowboy, but a respected lawyer, with a penchant for black women. Their relationship is electric, and they both have ravenous sexual appetites.

  However, a well-known woman from his past, who had been genitally mutilated as a child, hires him in a case against her mother. When news of her mutilation is leaked, the press camp out around her home. He tells Josie the bare bones of the case, but not the identity of his client.

  Afraid for her safety, he moves his client into his home, which makes Josie unhappy. With no contact between them, Josie is convinced he has forgotten about her, until he once again finds himself on her doorstep with promises of fidelity.

  Genre: Contemporary, Interracial

  Length: 26,356 words


  Silke Ming


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2014 by Silke Ming

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-247-6

  First E-book Publication: February 2014

  Cover design by Christine Kirchoff

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To all my friends who have made this novel a reality.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  About the Author



  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  “I’m ready to go, Gypsy,” Josie called out to her roommate. “Sure you won’t come along?”

  “My, you certainly look lovely,” Gypsy said, standing at her bedroom door.

  “Come on, Gyps. It’s Friday night. Think of all the fun we could have together. Watching those losers come onto you, and paying for our drinks. I really wish you would come along.”

  “Nah, I’ll stay home this evening. I want to finish this book I’m reading,” she said.

  “How do I really look?” Josie asked. “Will they be swarming all over me?”

  “You look absolutely stunning. There’s just one thing that’s missing,” she said, disappearing back into her bedroom.

  “What?” she asked, peering into the mirror.

  I don’t see anything wrong, Josie thought.

  Gypsy returned with the new necklace she had bought the previous week, and placed it around her friend’s neck.

  “You’re right,” Josie exclaimed. “This is the icing on the proverbial cake.”

  “Remember to bring it back,” Gypsy said, laughing. “Have fun.”

  “I’ll try my best,” she replied.

  The doorbell rang and she moved quickly to the intercom. The taxi driver was waiting downstairs.

  “Don’t wait up for me,” she said to Gypsy. “I’ll see you tomorrow and I’ll tell you all about it.”

  The taxi driver stared at her, for she was indeed a stunning woman. Five foot six, lean, skin the color of butterscotch and a figure to die for, which was enhanced by her forty D bustline.

  “Mercy’s bar,” she said to the driver.

  Still heartbroken after the split from her boyfriend of three years, Josephine Fletcher decided she needed a vacation away from the day-to-day stress of her real estate job which left her body constantly drained. A vacation was probably the break she needed to reenergize her batteries, but now, cooped up in the apartment for over two days, boredom began to set in. She decided to go out on the town and have some fun. Perhaps to a bar, to have a few drinks and dance a bit with a handsome stranger. Although she wanted Gypsy’s company, she knew that she wouldn’t stand a chance against her roommate if they went out together. Most of the males in the bars, no matter who they were or what they looked like, all headed straight for the beautiful blonde, and as a woman of color, Josie seemed to attract only those whose sole interest was a quick roll in the hay. So tonight, in her sexy low-cut dress, her high-priced stilettos and her roommate’s expensive necklace, she was heading for one of the bars the two women regularly frequented. She was looking forward to a good time because Mercy’s was usually full of people around her age, dancing, drinking or watching some kind of event on television.

  When she stepped from the taxi, she could hear the beat of the music before she opened the door. The place was hopping with young people all around her age. Twenty-five and some younger! She stretched herself to her full five foot six and surveyed the room. Not recognising anyone, she strolled confidently to the bar, took a seat, and ordered a vodka martini. She s
pun around on the bar stool and stared at the faces around her. There was a friend of Gypsy’s whom she didn’t particularly care for, so she quickly turned around again to face the rows of bottles neatly lined up on the bar.

  Gypsy’s parents were well-to-do and had bought their daughter the beautiful condo which she and Josie shared. There Josie felt safe. Security knew everyone who came in and went out, and made sure no undesirables were allowed onto the premises.

  The two friends had met when they were in University together. Gypsy’s interest was psychology and Josie’s was finance, and although they were never in the same classroom, the two had formed an unbreakable bond.

  “I thought it was you, Josie,” someone said over her shoulder. “Where is Gypsy?”

  “Oh, hello, Dusty,” she said in a friendly voice. “She had something to do, so I came alone.”

  “Would you like to join us?” the young woman asked.

  “Thanks, but I’m waiting on someone.”

  “Got a hot date, Josie?”

  “You can say that,” she replied, hoping the girl would go away.

  “Well, have a great time, and holler if he gets out of hand.”

  “Thanks, but I don’t think that will be necessary.”

  “You never know,” replied the young woman.

  She was relieved when the girl returned to her seat with her friends and left her alone. She ordered another martini. The first one had put her in a mellow mood. What would the second one do? She asked the bartender for a fresh bowl of peanuts, because she had this thing about hygiene. Who knew how many unwashed hands had dipped into those bowls of peanuts?

  “Care to dance?” a nerdy young man asked, placing his hand on her shoulder.

  He was not her type, but what did she have to lose? After all, it was just a dance.

  All was going well until he began yelling to her over the music. When the dance was over, he promptly sat down beside her, but soon left when he realized she had no interest in him. Five minutes later, he was doing the same with a young blonde woman, who also seemed just as disinterested as she was. Josie smiled, happy to see he had found interest elsewhere.

  “Bring me another beer,” a deep voice called out.

  She turned around to see where the voice was coming from. There he was, standing at the far end of the bar. He was a fine specimen and it was the first time she had noticed him. Tall, dark-haired, cowboy hat, jeans and a denim jacket! She liked what she saw. She had this fantasy about dating a cowboy, at least once. About thirty years old with an athletic build. His eyes were fastened on the television screen as he concentrated on his beer and peanuts. She ordered another martini and watched him out of the corner of her eye. How she wished he would notice her! He removed his jacket and set it down on the stool beside him. The tattoo on his upper arm caught her eye, but she couldn’t quite make out what was imprinted on his bulging upper arm. His pectoral muscles rippled under the tight blue T-shirt. She sighed. Everything was so right about him. She did everything hoping to attract him, but he continued to watch the football game that was being televised. Since he was not going to make the first move, she summoned up the courage brought on by the number of martinis she had consumed, and decided to introduce herself to him. When she stood up, her knees became wobbly and her courage immediately failed her when she got close to him. Instead she brushed against him, pretending it was an accident. She was annoyed that she lacked the confidence to say hello.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, as her lips parted in a smile.

  He turned to look at her and raised a finger, indicating that it was all right. The clickety-clack of her heels was all she could hear when she sought shelter out of sight in the ladies’ room. When she returned, he was no longer there. Disappointment registered across her face. There was nothing left to do but to go home, back to her lonely room. She had thought it a waste of time, because those cowboy types loved blondes, and would never cast a second glance at her, but one could always hope. With the televised game over, she believed that he had probably left for home. She gathered up her shawl and purse from the stool beside her and was about to leave, when he suddenly reappeared, coming from the direction of the bathroom. This time he looked in her direction and the eye games started until most of the customers had left, leaving the two strangers still seated at the bar.

  “What’s the lady drinking?” the handsome cowboy asked the bartender.

  “Vodka martinis. Stirred, not shaken,” the barman said with an easy smile.

  “This one’s for her,” he said, slapping down a twenty-dollar bill on the bar.

  The barman placed the drink in front of Josie and pointed to the cowboy. She turned around to thank him, and their eyes met. He knew that she was pretty, and as the dim light of the bar cast an inviting glow on her pretty, dark face, he knew he couldn’t let her get away. She smiled at him and he looked away in a shy manner. She kept on drinking while he tossed peanuts into his mouth, glancing coyly at her when he thought she wasn’t looking. She turned her head and stared at him. Finally they stared at each other without looking away. He slowly lifted himself from the bar stool and strutted over the empty seat beside her. He oozed charm and his cologne surged through her nostrils like an aphrodisiac.

  “Hello!” His voice was deep and just hearing it gave her goose bumps.

  “Thanks for the drink,” she said smiling. “What’s your name, cowboy?”

  “My friends call me Shrek,” he boomed, in a baritone voice.

  She started to laugh.

  “Shrek?” she asked, laughing. “Then I guess I’m Fiona.”

  She sipped her martini and finally popped the olive in her mouth.

  “Who is Fiona?” he asked, drinking her in.

  “Wasn’t she Shrek’s lover?”

  “Never heard of her.” A smile crossed his lips, showing his sexy dimples.

  They were interrupted by Dusty, who was leaving and wanted to say good-bye to Josie.

  “Hi there,” she said, staring at Shrek.

  He smiled.

  “What a hunk,” Dusty whispered in Josie’s ear. “He’s juicy. If you don’t want him, give him my phone number. Just looking at him makes my mouth water.”

  “I’ll remember that,” Josie said, smiling with her.

  “Bye,” she said, waving two fingers at him.

  “So tell me, cowboy, why do your friends call you Shrek?” asked Josie.

  “It’s a secret,” he whispered in her ear, staring salaciously down her low-cut top.

  “So aren’t you going to tell me?”

  “Can’t! Live around here, Fiona?” he asked, running the back of his hand along her arm.

  “Not too far away,” she said, staring down at the hand which had turned her nipples into two Rocky Mountain peaks.

  “Care for another drink?” he asked.

  “Only if you’ll have one with me, Shrek,” she replied in a flirtatious manner.

  He signalled to the bartender and a martini and one beer appeared in front of them.

  “Anyone in your life, Fiona?” he asked, throwing a handful of peanuts into his mouth.

  “As you can see, I’m alone.”

  “Care to invite a lonely cowboy home for a cup of coffee?”

  “Depends on how you like it, Shrek,” she replied, continuing to flirt with him.

  “I’ll take it however I can get it, Fiona.”

  The sexual attraction to each other was obvious. Light touches on each other’s bodies and the constant eye contact told the onlooker that they were hot for each other.

  “It’s late,” she said, pulling out her cell phone. “I’ve got to be going.”

  “Calling your boyfriend to take you home?” he asked.

  “I’m calling a taxi,” she said, as she continued to dial the number.

  “No need to do that,” he said. “My horse is already saddled and tied up outside.”

  Josephine had never taken a stranger into her home. She was not the type, but s
omething about the cowboy intrigued her. She knew she was playing a dangerous game, but with her roommate Gypsy at home, she felt a sense of security, so she took the chance and invited him for that cup of coffee.

  “You’re pretty, Fiona,” he said, as he opened the door to the jeep.

  “Thank you,” she said, climbing in and hugging the corner of the seat.

  The light from the Mercy’s sign filtered into the car. He stared at her and his green eyes seduced her. He grabbed her and pulled her close.

  “You’re so sexy. My blood is boiling for you, Fiona,” he whispered in her ear. “I’ve been watching you all night.”

  “Come on, Shrek. Don’t lie to me. Your eyes have been glued to the television screen most of the night.”

  “That’s what you think, Fiona.”

  Still staring at her, he turned on the ignition, and the engine roared. When they reached her apartment building, she opened the door, stepped out, and waited for him to join her. He walked around the vehicle and pulled her to him.

  “Love these lips,” he said, lifting her off the ground and bringing her face to face with him.

  He pushed her against the vehicle and his tongue invaded her mouth.

  “Wanted to do this all night,” he said, gazing down at her. “Saw you from the moment I entered the bar.”

  Her body went limp and she returned the kiss, groaning and moaning as they discovered the velvety softness of each other’s mouths and lips. She was experiencing feelings she hadn’t felt in a long time, and knowing that he, too, longed to be with her, sent her into a state of mindless euphoria.

  “Let’s go inside,” she said.


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