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The Blackstone Bear

Page 8

by Alicia Montgomery

  He let out an annoyed grunt and looked at her. Sure, she was pretty, with her dark hair and red pouty lips, but she was getting on his nerves. His bear was not too happy either, and it fumed each time she got too near. Couldn’t she feel it? “Yes, that’s it. I’ll call you if I need anything else.”

  She gave a pout and then walked away, swaying her hips in an exaggerated manner which might have been seductive. It’s not that she wasn’t attractive; he just wasn’t into it. He’d had his share of women over the years; even had a serious girlfriend for a year back in college though they broke up right before graduation. But now that he had met Penny, it was like other women didn’t even appeal to him.

  Ah speaking of which …. He spotted her right away as she exited the employees’ door by the bar. His bear perked up happily at the sight of her, and he put all thoughts of the other waitress away. Penny had changed into her uniform shirt and jeans, and she waved shyly at him as she walked across the room. He considered sitting in her section, but he didn’t want her waiting on him.

  As the night wore on, The Den started to fill up. He nursed his beer and got up to order another one at the bar when he was done so he didn't have to call that waitress. A couple of people stopped by to say hi and chat, mostly people he knew from town or the mines. He talked with them but kept a close eye on Penny. Thankfully, there was no trouble, and all her customers seemed to treat her with respect. Tim did run a tight ship and didn’t tolerate any bullshit, but he couldn’t control who came into his bar.

  Closing time didn’t come soon enough. Ben waited for the last patron to leave, paid his tab, and went to the parking lot. He drove his Jeep over to the employee entrance to wait for Penny.

  There was that feeling again, like someone was watching him. As he stood outside, he glanced around. A movement along the trees caught his eye. He wanted to brush it off; maybe it was a raccoon or a stray dog. As he was about to walk over and investigate, he saw Penny come through the door with Heather, the bartender. She waved goodbye to the other woman before walking over to him.

  “Everything okay?” she asked as he opened the door for her.

  “Sure,” he said, taking one last glance at the trees in the distance. His instincts weren’t screaming yet, but alarm bells were definitely raised. He filed it away in the back of his mind for now.

  Their conversation was light as they drove back to Greenville. Ben asked Penny more questions about her job and what she liked to do, and she responded positively, asking him her own questions.

  “I had a good time tonight. The date, anyway, not the work part,” she said as he walked her up to her front door.

  “Me too,” he said.

  They stood there for a moment, not saying anything.



  She put her hand over her mouth, and he scratched the back of his neck.

  “Sorry, I—”

  “You go—”

  This time, she laughed. “Okay, you go first.”

  His heart thumped in his chest. “I said we’d take it slow and we could go at your own pace and I would never do anything without asking. So,” he cleared his throat, “may I kiss you, Penny?”

  Her lips curled into a smile. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Ben didn’t wait any longer. He placed his hands tentatively on her hips, leaned down to touch his lips to hers, then covered her mouth. Willing himself to be gentle, he drank in her taste and sweet scent. It took all his self-control to stay steady, but when she let out a low moan and parted her lips, it was like a dam broke loose in him.

  He pushed her back against the door, his lips never leaving hers. His mouth devoured hers, and she responded eagerly. Dipping his tongue into her mouth, he tasted her, and she was even more delicious than he’d imagined. Her small palms landed on his chest, moving up higher until her fingers dug into his shoulders.

  Her innocent touch sent his cock throbbing, and he moved his hands up to cup her breasts. Goddamn, her tits were amazing, overflowing in his hands. He pressed his hips to hers, so she could feel how hard he was, trapping her between him and the door. She whimpered against his mouth and her body froze.

  “Shit.” He pulled away from her. “I’m sorry. That was too much.”

  Penny’s face was flush; her green eyes stared right at him. She huffed out a breath. “I’m … I haven’t … been with anyone."

  “I know,” he said. She was a virgin. He thought that might have been the case but didn’t assume. The idea that she was untouched stirred up feelings inside him he didn’t know how to name.

  “Oh God.” She hid her face in her hand. “That’s so embarrassing. I can’t believe—”

  “Shh …,” he soothed. “It’s okay. It’s my fault. It was too much.”

  She didn’t say anything, just stared up at him with her pretty green eyes. He sighed. “Did you at least enjoy dinner?”

  She nodded. “Thank you for tonight.”

  “You’re welcome,” he said. “Would you like to go out again?”

  “I’d like that.”

  He let out a breath. “Good. Tomorrow? I’ll pick you up same time?”

  She hesitated but nodded, making the tension leave his body. He hadn’t blown things yet.

  “Well, I should get some rest.”

  “Yeah, get some sleep. You’ve been on your feet the whole night.”

  She turned and slipped her key into the lock. “Thanks again.”

  “Good night, Penny.” He stood back and watched her disappear into her house. As soon as the lock clicked into place and he knew she was safe inside, he walked back to his car.

  Ben supposed the night had gone better than he’d hoped for. He wanted Penny—of course he did—but he had to get a grip. If he lost control like that, he’d traumatize her for sure. Never again, he told himself. Can’t risk it.

  Chapter 9

  “Are you tired?” Ben asked as they drove away from The Den.

  “Huh?” Penny turned her head toward him.

  “You seem quiet,” he observed.

  “I’m not,” she said in a defensive tone, then sank back into the seat. “Maybe a little.” The truth was Penny was tired. Tired of wondering when Ben Walker was going to make any kind of move on her.

  They’d gone on five dates total now. Every day, he’d pick her up, they’d go to dinner, and he’d drive her to work. He would stay the whole night, keeping a respectful distance while she was on her shift. By the time she clocked out, he’d be waiting outside to take her home. When they reached her house, he would walk her up to her door and then … that was it. He’d say goodnight and wait until she got inside and locked the door before leaving.

  Ugh. She couldn’t believe she was annoyed at him for being a nice guy. And Ben was so nice to her. He opened doors, paid for their meals, and even brought her flowers. Every single date without fail. But ….

  But what? Most girls complained about dates being too grabby, right? Penny pouted. Of course she’d be the one who would complain about a date not trying to cop a feel. Just her luck.

  Maybe it’s because you’re a virgin. She squashed the thought that seemingly came from nowhere. Oh God, she told him, too, after that first date. She slapped her hand on her forehead with a loud smack.

  “Penny?” Ben glanced over at her. “You all right?”

  She gave him a weak smile. “I’m fine.”

  No, she knew why he was avoiding getting physical with her. It was that kiss. Oh God, she shivered when she thought of that amazing kiss. It was perfect. Ben. His lips. His hands. And then … she felt his erection pressing against her. It had excited her and thrilled her; she didn’t know what to do. So she tensed up and froze.

  He must have thought she was scared. That she had been thinking about what happened in the past. But it wasn’t her fault. Over and over again, Marian said it wasn’t her fault. Grams said it wasn’t her fault. She knew that now.

  The memories of John’s attack hadn’
t faded away, and sometimes she had bad episodes, like when that one customer had cornered her or when Christina brought it up. However, she didn’t stay a virgin because she couldn’t have sex. She went on a couple of dates back in Houston. Really, she tried. But before it could go any further, she would push them away. Maybe it was partly the memories. But now she realized none of them felt right.

  Ben did, though. Oh God, did he feel so right. But how was she supposed to tell him that?

  “We’re here,” he announced as he opened the door.

  Penny didn’t even realize they had arrived. She took his hand as he helped her down. He had even installed one of those power step boards on his Jeep so she didn’t have to climb up so high.

  I’m an awful, awful person, she moaned to herself. Ben was the nicest guy, and she was annoyed he hadn’t even tried to kiss her since their first date.

  “Well, here we are,” she said as they stood in front of her door.

  “Uh, yeah.” He seemed nervous. “So, Penny, I need to ask you something.”

  Yes! Oh yes, you can come in, she wanted to scream. She pursed her lips instead. “What is it?”

  “Will you come to the wedding with me next week? Christina and Jason’s wedding, I mean?”

  “Huh?” She frowned. “I … I don’t know. I mean, I know we’ve been going on dates, but … the wedding?”

  He looked crestfallen. “Oh.”

  “Wait, it’s not that I don’t want to!” Though the thought of showing up at such a major event on Ben’s arm was making the butterflies in her stomach flutter again. “I just don’t have anything to wear. I don’t own any fancy gowns.”

  “It’s not white tie or anything,” he said. “But I guess us guys will be wearing tuxes.”

  “Oh.” Her heart fell. She didn’t even have anything suitable for business casual. “Ben, that’s nice of you to invite me. But—”

  “If it’s the dress that’s a problem, I’ll take care of it.”

  “Absolutely not.” She was putting her foot down at that. Even a simple dress would cost way too much. “You’re not paying for a dress. I still owe you for the car.”

  He grunted and rubbed his hand down his face. “You don’t owe me anything.”

  “Yes, I do!” She stamped her foot like a child, then quickly realized how immature she was being. Again, Ben was being sweet and thoughtful, but she was being stubborn. But she still had her pride after all. It was her own damn blue-collar values that made her refuse to take handouts.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “It's just, it would mean a lot to me if you were there.”

  She let out a breath. “Look, can we talk about this another time? I’m really tired.”

  He nodded. “Whatever you want. Can we still have dinner tomorrow?”

  “Of course.” The way he looked at her—so sincere and eager to please—it made her heart wrench. She couldn’t stand the thought of not seeing him for more than a day. “Actually, it’s my night off, so you can come a little later? Say, six-thirty? And you won’t have to stay up so late, waiting for me to finish my shift.”

  “I don’t mind at all.” His face was lit up. “See you tomorrow, then?”

  “See you.” She went inside, closed and locked the door behind her, and listened to Ben’s heavy footsteps as they grew fainter. She smacked her forehead on the wood. I really am an awful person.

  Penny was sitting in her kitchen the next morning, enjoying a cup of coffee and a book when she heard her cell phone ring. “Huh?” Who would call her at this time? She scrambled for her purse, which she had tossed onto the couch last night. “Hello?”

  “Penny, it’s me.”

  Ben. Oh God, did he change his mind about her? “Hey, there,” she said, trying to sound casual. “Did you need to reschedule or something?”

  “No, we’re still on for tonight. Unless you need—”

  “No! Er, I mean, I’m good.”

  “Good. Now, I called you because … well, don’t hate me, but I kind of did something.”

  Penny sank down on the couch and twisted a curl of her hair in her fingers. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, remember last night when you said you didn’t have anything to wear to a wedding?”


  “And you wouldn’t let me buy you a dress?”


  “Well, I got someone to help.”

  “Who?” Before Ben could answer, an insistent knock made her jump up. “Hold on.” She put the phone away from her ear and bounded to the door. When she looked in the peephole, she frowned in confusion. It was Kate Caldwell, Nathan’s sister. She’d met Kate twice before, once when she served them at Catherine’s bachelorette party and the second time was when she walked up to Christina at the cafe. But what was she doing here?


  “Penny, my girl!” Kate breezed into her living room the moment she cracked the door open.

  Another figure was right behind Kate. “Hey, Penny!” Sybil Lennox greeted as she followed behind Kate. Sybil was Matthew and Jason’s sister, and Ben’s cousin. “How are you?”

  “Good. It’s nice to see you, but what are you guys doing here? How did you know where I live?”

  “Ben sent us!” Kate said cheerfully as she plopped herself down on the couch.


  “You’re on the phone with him, right?” Kate nodded to her hand.

  “Oh. Right.” She put her phone up to her ear. “Ben?”

  “Are they there?”

  “Kate and Sybil?”


  “They are. But I don’t understand.”

  “Well, you know how you didn’t have anything to wear to the wedding?”


  “I told you, they’re there to help.”

  “I said I didn’t want you to pay for a dress!” she exclaimed.

  “I’m not.”

  “He’s not,” Kate piped in. She stood up and grabbed the phone from Penny. “Ben, we’ll take care of this, okay … Yeah, yeah, don’t worry about it. She’s in good hands. Now stop moping. Bye.” She rolled her eyes and passed the phone back to Penny. “Get dressed, Penny, my girl! We’re going out!”


  “Go!” Kate shooed her, pushing her toward the bedroom.

  Penny wanted to protest more, but she had a feeling it would do no good. She grabbed some clothes from her closet and quickly dressed.

  “Where are we going?” Penny asked later as they sat in Sybil’s car. They were driving in the direction of Blackstone. “I told Ben not to buy me a dress.”

  “He’s not,” Sybil said.

  Penny slumped back and crossed her arms over her chest. “You guys are not buying me one either.”

  “We aren’t.” Kate looked back at her from the front passenger seat. “Look, Ben told us you didn’t have anything to wear to the wedding and you wouldn’t accept a dress from him. So, I’m taking you to a friend of mine. She’s an aspiring designer and would be absolutely thrilled if you would wear one of her designs to the wedding.”

  Surely a dress by a designer would be out of her budget. “I can’t afford it.”

  Kate shook her head. “You’re just borrowing it. Hollywood movie stars do it all the time, you know? For exposure.”

  Huh. That actually wasn’t a bad solution. She could keep her pride and go to the wedding with Ben. “I guess that would be okay.”

  “Great. You’ll love her stuff. Her style’s all vintage and glam.”

  They drove for another twenty minutes until they arrived at a house just on the edge of Blackstone. It was small but quaint, painted in blue and white. The trio walked up to the door, and Kate rang the doorbell. The door opened a few seconds later.

  “Hello, Kate.”

  “Dutchy!” Kate greeted. “Thanks for letting us drop by on short notice.”

  “How could I say no to a fashion emergency?” The woman who answered was probably their age, w
ith pale blue eyes and strawberry blond hair that was perfectly styled in waves around her face. “Come in, please.” She smiled at them and stood aside to let them through.

  “Guys, this is Duchess Forrester.”

  “Please, call me Dutchy. Everyone does.”

  “You already know Sybil, but this is Penny. She’s the one with a fashion emergency.”

  “I’m sorry for the trouble,” Penny said in a quiet voice.

  Dutchy laughed, her voice like tinkling bells. “No trouble at all. I’m not exactly busy. Let’s go into my workshop.”

  She led them into the main area of the one-story house, which should have been the living room, but this room was filled with half-unpacked boxes, bolts of fabric, two sewing machines, and several mannequins. The mannequins were outfitted in gorgeous outfits, from casual sundresses to an elegant-looking ball gown in black and white. “Sorry about the mess; I’m still figuring things out. I only moved in a couple of days ago.”

  “Oh, that’s nice,” Penny said, looking around her. “From where?”

  “New York. I just finished fashion school and was looking for a change,” she explained. “I came to visit Blackstone last month. My aunts live here, and they said I should check it out." She smiled wistfully. "I don’t know, something about this place makes me feel at home.”

  “Dutchy is going to start her fashion line here,” Kate explained. “She’s going to become famous!”

  “Kate, you’re too kind,” Dutchy said with a laugh.

  “Can the modesty, sister! You’re so talented. Blackstone will be the place where you flourish! I mean, imagine, a shifter designer making gowns for other shifters! You could start a trend!”

  Penny didn’t realize Dutchy was a shifter, though it made sense, with her feeling feel like she belonged here. The rest of the world, especially in the big cities, wasn’t very welcoming to their kind.

  “Blackstone is growing, so I thought, why not? Anyway, please have a seat.” She gestured to the couch, the one area that was relatively clutter-free, and sat next to Penny. “So, Kate tells me you’re going to the Lennox-Stavros wedding and you need a dress.”


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