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The Blackstone Bear

Page 13

by Alicia Montgomery

  He scanned the room, looking for Penny. Did she not show up? A snarl escaped his throat.


  He pivoted around. It was that other waitress, the flirty one with the dark hair. The bear shifter. “Where’s Penny?”

  She frowned. “Sit down, there’s something I have to tell you.”

  “Where is she? Is she hurt.”

  “Please. Sit down or Tim will kick you out,” she said, nodding to Tim, who was standing in his usual spot behind the bar, keeping an eye on things. He wasn’t looking their way yet, but Ben knew he’d notice if anything was off. “Fine.” He sat down on the nearest chair.

  “I’ll pretend you ordered a beer and you drink it, okay?” She put a hand on his arm, but he shrugged her away. “Just look … normal. And then we can talk.”

  “Fine,” he said through gritted teeth.

  She walked to the bar, chatted with the bartender and came back with a mug of beer. “Here,” she said, sliding the mug over to him.

  He stopped the mug with his hand. “Where’s Penny?”

  “Take a drink, big boy,” she said. “Or Tim will—”

  “Fine.” He took a big gulp and wiped his mouth with the back of her hand. “Now where’s Penny?”

  “Shush!” She looked around. “Finish your beer and then meet me in the back as soon as you're done.”

  “Why won’t you—”

  “Just do it,” she said. “If you care for Penny, you’ll do this.”

  He wanted to shake her until she told him what was going on, but he couldn’t risk it. “Fine.”

  “Mia,” she said.


  “That’s my name. Mia.”

  “Right.” He looked away from her and took another sip of beer. She seemed to take the hint and left him alone, disappearing into the employees-only door.

  Ben downed the beer and threw a couple of bills on the table. He got up, left through the front door, and made his way to the back entrance.

  Something wasn’t right. Why wasn’t Penny here? And what did that other waitress know?

  When he got to the back door, he saw Mia waiting for him. He strode over to her, his fists at his sides. “Tell me where she is.”

  “Oh, you know, she’s around,” Mia said, walking closer to him. “But maybe I can keep you company until she gets here.” She put a hand on his chest.

  Ben snarled and caught her wrist. “Don’t touch me, lady. Now what game are you playing?” He towered over her and walked her back until she was against the wall. “Don’t make me ask again. Where. Is. Pen—” He let her wrist go and staggered back as he felt the ground tilt. Huh? Was there an earthquake?

  Mia’s mouth curled into a smirk. “Oh, are you okay, Ben?” she said in a mocking tone. “Did you get a little too much to drink?”

  His vision began to blur at the edges. “You … the beer.”

  She tsked and shook her head. “Don’t you know never to accept drinks from strangers? Then again, soon, I won’t be a stranger.”

  There was something wrong in his system. His head was spinning, and he was losing his balance. He fought against it with all his might. “What did you do?” he roared as he lunged at her.

  She easily evaded him, and he ended up slamming his shoulder against the wall. He spun around to face her.

  “Don’t worry Ben, the effects of bloodsbane are temporary, don’t you know?”

  Bloodsbane. The only thing that could bring a shifter down for long periods of time. They metabolized everything too quickly—alcohol, drugs, medications—but this was one thing that could take them down. What was happening?

  Mia’s eyes lit up. “Oh, and here’s the part I’ve been waiting for.” She raised a hand, which was now covered in black fur and tipped with razor sharp claws. He thought she was going to swipe at him, but instead, she ran a hand down her shirt, tearing the fabric into shreds. What was she up to?

  “No, Ben, please don’t!” she cried. “Stop! I told you, I don’t want to do this anymore!”

  “What … the …” His tongue felt thick, and he couldn’t speak. He needed to get to the bottom of this. But when the sweet fruity scent hit his nose, he realized what was happening.

  Penny was standing behind Mia, frozen to the spot. She must have been late, as she was still in street clothes, her purse slung over her shoulder and keys still in her hand. Penny, he wanted to scream. He raised a hand toward her.

  “Oh Penny!” Mia cried, crocodile tears streaming down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry. So sorry. I tried to tell you.”

  Penny’s eyes were wide, and her face grew pale. “I don’t understand.”

  “I tried to tell you. But he threatened me. I swear Penny, he said … he would hurt me if I tried to tell you.”

  “Tell me what?” Penny choked out.

  “Ben and I … we had a thing back in high school. My parents found out, and that’s why we moved away. When I came back, we started things up again. We didn’t tell anyone.”

  NO! I’ve never seen this woman before in my life! Ben was screaming in his head even though his mouth couldn’t say it. His limbs felt heavy, and he had to brace himself against the wall to stay upright.

  Penny turned to Ben. “Is this true?” Tears were gathering in her eyes, and her shoulders were shaking.

  “He’s drunk,” Mia said. “He’s always like this when he gets drunk. He can’t control himself.” Mia looked at Ben, a glint in her eye. “He’s a monster.”

  Penny let out a cry. “Ben, please tell me this isn’t true!”

  Ben used all his strength to get up and say something, but it was no use. It was like he was swimming in thick syrup. He tried to speak, but nothing came out.

  “I think his silence speaks for itself,” Mia said, grinning at Ben. When Penny turned to her, her face scrunched up and the tears started.

  That two-face bitch! As soon as the bloodsbane wore off, he was going to tear Mia apart.

  “I ….” Penny turned away from him, her shoulders shaking. “I can’t ….” She began walking away, picking up her pace the farther she got.


  Ben knew he had to fight the bloodsbane in his system. His bear was snapping its jaws and clawing at him from inside his skin. He knew there was only one way to break free of the drug’s influence.

  The bear let out an earth-shattering roar as it tore out of his human skin. Rage and fury filled its veins, and the bear bared its teeth at Mia.

  Shock, then terror crossed Mia’s features, and she let out a screech. Ben could feel the bear inside her cower in fear, unwilling to defend itself. His bear wanted to hurt that bitch for telling Penny all those lies.


  The massive grizzly swung its body away from Mia and charged in the direction Penny had run. She was in her car and slamming the door shut.

  Ben pushed his bear’s body, reaching out a massive paw to reach her before she could drive away. His eyes focused on Penny as she looked out the window and saw the look on her face. Horror. Panic. Fear.

  The bear let out a pained roar as Ben pulled it back. It gave Penny enough time to pull out of the parking spot and drive away from him.


  Claws tore down his face and chest, but he continued fighting his bear. Penny had been through enough. He wouldn’t put her through more pain.


  No. Penny was lost to them now. The look on her face told him it was over. He really was a monster.

  Ben struggled for control, and when he won out, he pushed his bear’s body toward the woods. He had to get it away from Penny.

  He should have told her the truth. But he knew now he had been selfish, wanting to keep her when there was no way this was going to end well. Not since that night at homecoming when his father told him the truth.

  That damn Joshua Watson. He was the biggest jock in school but also the biggest jerk. He had taken Emma Reid to the homecoming dance as a joke. She’d been one of the plainest girls in school
, a little on the plump side, and so shy. Of course, when they arrived at the dance, he started making fun of her, and all his friends joined in. Emma ran out of the gym in tears.

  Ben had seen the whole thing, and he lost it. Emma was one of the nicest people in school and had never hurt anyone. He was only going to punch Joshua, but his bear came out. He nearly killed Joshua. If Joshua hadn’t been a wolf shifter, he probably would have died.

  It was pure chaos after that. The police were called, and his parents, of course. They smoothed things out with the school, the authorities, and the Watsons. But Ben had been confused. He’d never lost it like that, never felt so out of control.

  Growing up, he had known he was different, not only because of his size, but also because of those uncontrollable urges inside him. And when he lost control, he knew something was wrong.

  That was when James told him the truth.

  “You know how Laura’s not your birth mom, right?”

  Ben had nodded. They had been truthful about that from the beginning. He and Laura had only known each other for six months when Ben came into their lives.

  “Son, you’ve never asked about her. Your biological mother.”

  He had never needed to know. Laura was his mother, she raised him and that was that.

  “Well, it’s time you knew the truth. Sue, your mom … she was a one-night stand, someone I had been with three years before I met Laura. But she was also a bear shifter like us. She was … from the Bronson clan.”

  That revelation had shaken him to the core. The Bronsons were the Walkers’ most hated enemy. They’d been warring for generations back in Morgan Valley. He had asked his father if he knew Sue was when they met.

  “No,” he had said. “I didn’t. But she knew who I was. Ben … her father sent her to me. So she could get pregnant with you. She was going to bring you back to her clan, for God knows what reason. Maybe to use you as a pawn against the Walkers. She went back to them, pregnant with you. I didn’t know and then she died. She left you with a friend and then you came to us.”

  That was the truth. He had looked up the Bronsons and had even gotten some info from his cousins. The Bronsons were a bunch of criminals and degenerates. While the Walker clan protected Morgan Valley, the Bronsons sought to take it over. They brought in drugs, guns, moonshine, and did all kinds of illegal activities, hoping to bring chaos. They hated the Walkers because of what they stood for and because they did everything in their power to stop them from dominating the Valley. The Bronsons did whatever the hell they wanted and didn't care about the consequences.

  It was the Bronson blood in him that was making him uncontrollable. It made him a monster, just like everyone in that family.

  Penny didn’t need that in her life. She deserved better. And he knew this was the right thing to do. This line would end with him. There would be no mate and no cubs in his future.

  Chapter 15

  Penny didn’t know what to do. There was no way she was going back to Blackstone. Ever. Not after what had happened.

  Ben and Mia. She didn’t want to believe it. Mia was a liar, calling Ben a monster. She didn’t want to believe they’d been screwing around behind her back. But she’d seen it with her own eyes. Mia’s shirt. Ben drunk off his ass and not even trying to defend himself. How could he when the evidence was there? And then he did turn into a monster and she knew it was all true. It had terrified her, seeing his bear come after her, and brought back memories of that night she had locked herself in the bathroom to get away from John.

  Her brain was screaming that she’d been stupid to believe Ben. He’d just wanted to get into her pants, telling her that he was her mate. It was obvious none of that was true, not if he was seeing Mia on the side.

  But her heart. Oh God, her heart. It hurt so bad. She knew why it was called heartbreak. She could feel her heart tearing itself apart. She crawled into a ball in bed, willing the pain to go away. She cried until she didn’t have any tears left and then closed her eyes and let exhaustion take over.

  The sun was high in the sky when she woke up. But it wasn’t the sun that woke her; it was the knocking on the door. “Go away!” she shouted, throwing a pillow over her head. But the knocking didn’t stop.

  “Arrggghhh!” She sat up and rolled out of bed, stomping to the front door. She threw it open. “I said go—Dutchy?”

  Dutchy was standing on the porch, a dress bag in one hand and a rolling suitcase in the other. “Penny! I’ve been calling you all morning! I have the dress ready, and I thought I’d come over to help you.” Dutchy’s brows knitted. “Are you okay?”

  She had forgotten the wedding was today. “I’m … not.” It was embarrassing, really, breaking down in front of a near-stranger. But she couldn’t help herself, and the tears just poured out of her.

  “Oh my Lord!” Dutchy marched into her house, putting her things to the side. She put her arm around Penny as she sobbed. “There, there now,” she soothed. “Penny, honey, what’s the matter?”

  “Oh Dutchy … it’s … you don’t have to ….”

  “Oh shush! C’mon now, tell me what’s wrong.”

  Penny hiccoughed, then took a breath. “I’m not going to the wedding.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because Ben … we broke up. He … he’s not my mate.” Though it embarrassed her to tell Dutchy what had happened, the whole pathetic story just spilled out of her mouth.

  Dutchy placed a hand on her chest. “What? I can’t believe he would do that!”

  “I’m sorry you came all the way here for nothing,” Penny said.

  “What are you talking about?” Dutchy put her hands on her hips. “I didn’t come here for nothing. You are going to that wedding.”

  “What? I just told you … Ben, he—”

  “So, he’s a cheating bastard!” Dutchy was shaking with anger. “And you know what the best revenge is, right?”


  “Showing up and looking so good that he regrets it.”

  “Dutchy, no! I don’t want to go!” Penny just wanted to stay home in her pajamas and curl up in bed.

  “No way, I won’t allow it,” Dutchy said.

  “What are you going to do? Tie me up and dress me? Push me into the hotel in a cart?”

  “C’mon, Penny! Live a little,” Dutchy pleaded. “Besides, you need to do this for me! I need you to be there and wear my gown. Please? Pretty please? I’ll dress you up and drive you. You don’t have to stay long. Kate and Sybil will be there, right?”

  And so will Ben. “I can’t.” But the forlorn look on Dutchy’s face made her resolve falter. Dutchy really was kind to drive all the way here to lend her the dress. “Fine. But I’m only staying an hour. I’ll talk you up nonstop during that time, but then I’m leaving.” It was a big wedding, right? Surely she could avoid him for an hour.

  “Oh, thank you, Penny! You won’t regret this.”

  As she stood in line, waiting to get into the ballroom of the Blackstone Hotel, Penny dug her fingers into the soft tulle fabric of her skirt, wiping the perspiration that had built on her palms. She suddenly pulled away, not wanting to destroy the delicate fabric.

  This was a bad idea. What if she’d been uninvited? Ben had said she didn’t need a paper invitation. Christina had put her on the guest list because he would be at the private ceremony at Blackstone Castle, which was for family only, and they had planned to meet at the hotel.

  As she neared the front of the line, her heart began to beat a mile a minute. It would be humiliating if she was told she wasn’t on the list. She was all dressed up and everything. Dutchy had done a fine job with her makeup and hair. Penny felt like one of those glamorous Hollywood actresses from the 50s, with her hair in waves and her lips painted red.

  When she reached the front and gave her name to the severe-looking woman in a tight-fitted suit, Penny held her breath. The woman looked down at her tablet, scrolled on the screen, then narrowed her eyes at Penny.

“You can go in, Ms. Bennet,” Guest List Lady said, her expression unchanging. “Have a good time.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the ballroom, carefully avoiding the gaze of the two very large and very intimidating men who were standing guard by the door.

  The easy part was over. Now came the hard part. Mingling with guests and avoiding Ben at the same time. She wasn’t sure how she was going to do that. She really only knew Kate, Sybil, and Christina. Catherine, she’d met only twice.

  This was awkward. She came here for Dutchy, nothing more. Not even Dutchy’s plan of ‘making him drool and regret what he gave up.’ She nodded while Dutchy was giving her tips on how to make Ben jealous, but all the while thinking of ways to avoid him.

  As she walked around the ballroom, trying to make it seem like she was going somewhere, rather than stand awkwardly alone by herself, she was saved by the announcement over the PA system that the bride and groom had arrived.

  Everyone hushed, and the lights dimmed. Music began to play, and the doors opened. Jason and Christina walked in, and everyone applauded.

  “Oh.” Penny put her hand over her mouth. What was it about weddings that made almost everyone cry? Christina looked beautiful, and Jason, well, he just looked so happy. He wasn’t paying attention to anyone else in the room; in fact, it was like no one else existed but Christina. Penny brushed the tears forming in the corner of her eyes. She truly was happy for them, but there was that stabbing pain in her heart she couldn’t ignore for long.

  And then, as if on cue, Ben walked in behind them. He looked so tall and handsome in his tux, she nearly forgot to breathe. Had it only been a few hours since the incident? It felt like a million years ago. Only the fresh pain in her chest reminded her how it was just last night he had shattered her heart.

  To make matters worse, he was strolling in with a beautiful blond woman. She was gorgeous, tall, and elegant. She grinned at him, and he smiled back and drew her in for a side hug.


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