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Lesbian Maid Mega Bundle

Page 34

by Ella Ford

  For my part, I spent those few days drifting around the house aimlessly, my mind alive with the scope of possibility that now lay before me. Gone were the feelings of guilt and shame, the feeling that my initial good intentions were simply a cloak for my darkest desires. I had accepted that the nature of my relationship with Lillian was something that we both wanted somehow, both needed. For whatever reason, it was discipline and submission that she craved as much as I craved her tender touch and the thrill of domination. We were the perfect opposites, an erotic mirror.

  On the evening of the third day, I provided Lillian with some very specific instructions. She was to finish up her tasks, then head upstairs and shower. While showering, she was to shave her pubic hair with the grooming implements that I had provided. I was quite clear on this point - it was a new rule that maids in my employ should have shaven pussies. When she was done preparing herself, she was to report to me in the living room.

  Her face lit up when I outlined my instructions, a mischievous glint in her eyes causing a shudder to run down my spine and a familiar warmth to build in my loins. “What should I wear mistress?” she asked, falling into her girly voice that was filthy and adorable at the same time.

  I thought for a second, in the same way that one might consider which sauce to have on a medium rare steak. “No clothes, I want you completely naked,” I replied, then dismissed her with a flourish.


  At around eight o’clock, I heard a timid knock at the door to the living room. “Come,” I shouted, and the door slowly pushed open. With her hands linked over her pussy, Lillian hurried into the room, completely naked with her head bowed.

  I watched her walk across the room, studying every inch of her youthful body. She’d tied her honey blonde hair up in a neat braid, pulling it off her face and revealing her delicate features wonderfully. She wore little makeup, aside from a scarlet lip gloss that made her full lips glisten with implied moisture.

  As she approached me, I exhaled deeply, unable to contain the fiery lust that burned within me. To see her before me, so naked and vulnerable, so trusting and obedient, it thrilled me in a way that nothing ever had before. She was mine, my possession, to do with as I wanted. And I wanted to do so many things!

  I sat forward in the sofa and motioned for her to stand before me. She complied without question and positioned herself inches from where I sat. “Part your legs please Lillian,” I requested in a playful tone. She did as she was told, and I reached forward and lightly touched between her legs. She shuddered at my caress, sighing audibly.

  She’d done an excellent job with her grooming, removing every stray hair until her pussy was completely smooth. There was not a nick or blemish on her perfect sex, just a tantalising crease that ran between her legs and contained the riches of her womanhood. “Quite beautiful Lillian,” I said, dragging my fingers through her soft folds, “you’ve done a wonderful job.”

  “Thank you mistress,” she said, visibly delighted with my complement.

  “Now, I’d like you to kneel down here,” I added, gesturing to the floor in front of my feet, “I have a surprise for you that I think we’re both going to enjoy a great deal.”

  She took a step back and lowered herself down to her knees, straightening her back and crossing her arms behind her back. Then she relaxed and waited for my next words.

  Without breaking eye contact with her, I reached casually to my side and pushed aside a cushion. Then I took hold of what lay underneath and held it up before her.

  She gasped and her eyes widened, the previous look of docile contentment swept away with an expression that was equal parts disbelief and fear. “Mistress, I…” she began, her voice trembling with apprehension.

  I shushed her quiet and turned the object over in my hands, relishing the weight of the thing. Lillian’s apparent reluctance was understandable. The thing that I held up to her was a strap-on dildo, a ten-inch column of moulded rubber. It was bulbous and textured, rippled with grotesque veins and intricate features. The hideous flesh colored rod was several inches thick, with a bulbous helmet at one end and a complex harness of leather straps at the other.

  I’d bought the dildo on a whim at a sleazy downtown sex-store earlier in the day. The store clerk, a filthy looking lump of a man, had fixed me with a sordid look when I nervously took it to the counter to pay for. “Anniversary gift for the hubby?” he’d asked with a perverted wink. My face lit up an angry red and I managed to utter a reply, “Y-yes, something like that.”

  Then I handed over a wad of bills and hurried from the store with my new purchase clutched to my chest, not bothering to wait for my change.

  Now, as I rolled the grotesque appendage around in my hands, I wondered if I’d bitten off more than I could chew. Or, rather, more than Lillian could chew. Perhaps I was getting too carried away with my role as dominant, perhaps I was asking too much of my maid as I pursued my deepest desires? But the brief flash of self-doubt was cut short when Lillian spoke up.

  “Where does mistress want me?” she whispered and I gasped with surprise and delight.

  I beckoned her forwards and she shuffled towards me on her knees, then stopped when she was inches from me. I reached down and took her chin in my hand, angling her head upwards so that she was staring directly at me. She looked into my eyes with an expression of guileless trust and total devotion. I wondered briefly what I had done to earn this girl’s loyalty when my intent was so plainly dishonorable.

  Bending forward, I brushed my lips against hers, and she exhaled. I could feel the warmth of her breath, minty and fresh, on my lips and I shuddered, suddenly charged with an electric energy. I leaned in again, this time locking my mouth on hers. She returned the kiss, moving her lips against mine and parting them slightly, inviting me forwards. My tongue flicked out and licked her mouth, then plunged inwards and sought its twin. When our tongues met, they rolled together, dancing in the air between us, a desperate dance fueled by our mutual desires.

  My hand moved to the back of her head and I gripped her ponytail, yanking her head back and holding her in place. Then I slipped off the sofa and kneeled above her, peering down at my submissive toy. She gazed back, lost in the maelstrom of her passion. I kissed her again, harder this time, more frantic, eager tongue probing for every taste that I could get.

  Panting heavily, I pulled back and released her hair. Her head fell forward and she gasped.

  “Get on all fours, put your head down and your ass up,” I commanded. She complied instantly, and fell into the position. I shuffled around her, positioning myself behind her magnificent behind. Her upper half was almost touching the floor, her arms stretched out in front of her, and her pussy was exposed at her rear. I tapped her thighs, indicating that she should spread her legs. She did, and I rewarded her by plunging my fingers into her damp lips.

  She cried out as I found my mark, her head lifted up and she squeezed her eyes tightly shut. With rough motions, I toyed with her clitoris. I found myself driven by desire, fueled by lust and possessed of an energy I had never experienced before.

  I withdrew my hand and stood up, then began to frantically undress myself. I cast aside my blouse, my skirt, my shoes. With trembling hands, I tore at my bra and panties, tossing them aside, never once taking my eyes off the glorious sight of her gaping pussy. Then I reached down and grabbed the monstrous strap-on, stepping into the leather harness, first one foot, then the other.

  As I tightened the straps, the thin cord that ran between my legs brushed against my clitoris and I gasped, realizing then how exquisitely aroused I was. Lillian turned to looked at me, her eyes imploring me for satisfaction, and I felt a strong wave of desire washing over me.

  I fell to my knees and shuffled over to Lillian’s rear, enjoying the way that the immense cock swayed in front of me. It thrilled me with a sense of immaculate power, a feeling of total control. Was this how it felt to be a man?

  Lillian was breathing heavily now, desperate for attenti
on, inviting me forward with the glistening pink of her young pussy. I got into position behind her and gripped her pelvis with my left hand. With my right, I began to slowly tease the blunt end of the strap-on shaft against her lips, soaking it in her wetness. I could smell her desire, thick and rich, a heady cocktail of intoxicating lust. I longed to plunge my mouth into that steamy crevice, to devour her as she had devoured me before. Perhaps later, but for now, I had work to do.

  I positioned the dildo against her puckered hole and lightly pressed forward, tightening my grip on her hip to steady her. She inhaled deeply and threw her head back, then moaned as I slowly eased the thick girth of my plastic cock into her. I peered down, captivated by the sight of the shaft disappearing into her stretched entrance, invigorated by the sound of her moans.

  I thrust forwards as far as I dared, then pulled back, reversing my stroke and the intolerable pleasure that she was experiencing. She gasped, simultaneously relieved that the thick pole was leaving her and distressed by its sudden absence. I pushed forward once more, harder this time, deeper, rocking her body forwards with the motion of my own. She squealed, begging for more and begging to stop. But I plunged on, thrusting back and forwards, back and forwards. My thighs slapped against her ass, skin on skin, and I pulled her towards me by her waist, impaling her deeper than ever.

  She sound incoherent now, her labored cries were those of pure pleasure as she moaned a perfect cacophony of physical ecstasy.

  Over and over I thrust into her, feeling the insistent tug of the leather harness against my own throbbing pussy. It felt real, it felt like I was actually fucking her with a real cock. And the physical sensations were matched and exceeded by the eroticism of the situation, how it made me feel. The raw ecstasy of domination, the feeling of controlling her young body, the endless possibility of total submission.

  I joined her cries, joined my voice to hers and we reached a crescendo of pleasure.

  Then I sensed her voice change, more of a wail than a moan now. With each thrust into her, her breathing quickened and her cries became more frequent. I felt her losing control, felt her body begin to tense. Her skin was slippery, glistening in the dim room as tiny beads of sweat formed on her pale body. Harder and harder, faster and faster, deeper and deeper. Until finally, inevitably, she screamed out one final time, a high pitched screech that passed beyond human hearing to become a silent cry.

  Her head pushed back and her neck muscles tensed, popping out against her skin with the sheer brute force of the orgasm. Her leg kicked out and she dug her clawed hands into the carpet. Overcome myself, I slapped her bare ass, revelling in her moment of total ecstasy.

  And then it ceased. Her body went limp, collapsing down to the floor like a broken down doll. Limp and lifeless, her arms collapsed by her side and she exhaled deeply. I slid the enormous strap-on out of her, and dipped my finger into her exhausted pussy. She shuddered at my touch, body still aching and sensitive from the exertions of the orgasm. I coated my fingers in her wetness, then withdrew them and absentmindedly placed them in my mouth, savoring her exquisite taste.


  Some time later, she began to recover. I shifted back to the sofa and settled back to watch her tired body re-animate. She glanced up at me, sheepish and content, blushing slightly at the memory of what had happened. Then she raised herself up to her hands and knees, and crawled over to where I sat, then she curled up beside my feet and sighed contentedly.

  I realized then that although my actions might appear self-serving and my original good intentions may have gone awry somewhere along the way, we had both ended up with what we wanted. I had my maid, my lover, my possession - she fulfils a need in me that I never knew I had, or chose not to recognize. A need to dominate and control, to mould another person to my whims.

  Meanwhile, Lillian gets structure, discipline and a firm hand to guide her. To her, this surrender of self and submission to my authority is what she craves. An unorthodox need in this modern world, to be sure, but a valid one.

  And so, we both complement each other. Maid and mistress, owner and owned.

  I look down at her and she looks back at me. Her timid expression awash with love and devotion. “Lillian, I think I’d like to change something.”

  She looks back at me, her expression changing to mild confusion. “Mistress?”

  “Your name,” I began, “I feel that Lillian is the name from your old life, that old world that you belonged to. You belong to me now, you’re mine.” She smiled at this. “From now on, I will call you Lilly.”

  And Lilly it was, until the day she left my service and possibly beyond.


  When playtime is finished, I help Lilly to stand up from the table and untie her arms. She winces as her aching joints straighten for the first time in hours. Her exhausted face is streaked with tears, but flushed red with the afterglow of her pleasure. I reach around her head and unfasten the ball gag, and it falls from her mouth.

  “Thank you mistress,” she croaks, and smiles warmly.

  “That’s quite alright Lilly, now run along to the living room. You may sit at my feet tonight. I shall join you presently, but first I have a phone call to make.”

  The girl’s face lights up, and she scurries away. The sweet, young thing enjoys curling up around my stockinged feet of an evening like a pet cat. I watch her leave, captivated by the long length of her legs, highly alluring in the seamed stockings and absurdly short dress. Maybe I would make the playtime uniform her everyday uniform as well? I might as well. The need for practicality vanished when my maid started spending more of her time fucking me than she did cleaning my house.

  I follow her into the hallway and pick up my mobile telephone from the small table by the door. With fingers still thick with the smell of Lilly’s pussy, I select the number I wish to dial. The phone rings twice and then a young gentleman answers.

  “Hello, yes, I’d like to reserve a table,” I pause while they hunt for their reservation book. “Yes, it’s for eight o’clock tomorrow night. Three people. My name? Certainly, my name is Klein, Ms. Olivia Klein.”

  And with that, I hang up and wander into the living room, wondering idly whether I will let Lilly pleasure me later on.


  More by Ella Ford

  Hey there! Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it as much I enjoyed writing it. If so, check out some of my other stories. If you like lesbian sex or domination and submission, then you might find something here to enjoy! xx

  Series Bundles - three story collections

  The Complete Maid Trilogy

  The Complete SubAir Trilogy

  Lesbian Confessions: Three First Times

  The Complete Futaland Chronicles

  The Complete House Of Submission Trilogy

  Training Her Maid: The Complete Trilogy

  Lesbian Fantasies: Three BDSM Tales

  Three Pantyhose Fantasies

  The Complete Mistresses And Maid Trilogy

  The Complete Lesbian Invaders Trilogy

  Mega Bundles - nine story collections

  Kinky Lesbian Mega Bundle

  Lesbian Maid Mega Bundle

  Kinky BDSM Mega Bundle

  Lesbian Fetish Mega Bundle

  Single Books

  Maid For Her Pleasure

  Maid To Obey Her

  Maid To Train Her

  Girls In Training

  Taken In The Cockpit

  Lesbian Layover

  Seduced By Her Feet

  Dominating Summer

  Seduced By An Older Woman

  Three Futanari Wishes

  Futanari Slumber Party

  The Futanari Sorority

  Maid To Submit

  Maid To Be Owned

  Maid To Be Shared

  Training Her Asian Maid

  Training Her BFF Maid

  Training Her Hooker Maid

  Her Birthday Gift To Me

  The Night Of One Hundred Lesbians
r />   How I Became Her Pet

  Her Best Friend Likes Feet

  Her Boss Likes Pantyhose

  Nerd Girls Like Pantyhose Too

  Making Their Maid

  Breaking Their Maid

  Taking Their Maid

  Lesbian Invaders From Space

  Lesbian Invaders Strike Back

  Return Of The Lesbian Invaders From Space

  For more details of my books and upcoming releases, check out my page at Second Wolf Publishing:

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