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Majestic Mountain Romance Series: Books One through Seven! (Clean Western Romances)

Page 49

by Zoe Matthews

  Emma smiled. “I think so too.”

  “Why don’t you let me be the judge of that?” Spencer suggested, making as if to head towards the guest bedroom in question.

  Emma pulled him back. “No way, buddy! It’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride’s dress before she walks down the aisle. Or in this case, down the elaborately decorated hallway.”

  They all three chuckled, and Spencer relented, coming back to stand beside his future wife. “I can’t believe that in less than twenty-four hours we’re going to be man and wife.”

  “I can,” Emma smiled up at him. “However, if you and Cade don’t finish writing your vows up, Father Alexander is going to be very upset. The look on the man’s face when you and Cade kind of mumbled through your vows earlier was priceless.”

  Spencer had the good grace to blush. When Cade walked in a moment later, he jumped at the opportunity to escape. “There he is now. We’ll be working in the back office.” Spencer quickly grabbed Cade’s arm and pulled him from the room.”

  “Dude, what’s going on?” Cade asked, extricating his arm from Spencer’s grasp.

  “Marriage vows. That’s what’s going on.”

  Cade nodded his head in understanding. “I was just coming to find you for the same reason. Stella wasn’t happy at all that we didn’t have them finished.”

  “Emma was teasing, but I could tell she was upset. Let’s just sit down and get it done,” Spencer said.

  “Sounds good,” Cade agreed.

  Two hours later, and several pots of coffee used as reinforcement, the two men exited the office with large smiles upon their faces.

  “I think we did well,” Cade told Spencer, slapping him on the back.

  Spencer grinned, “Yes, we did. I can’t wait to see their faces when they hear our vows.”

  “Me either. Man, can you believe the wedding is tomorrow?”

  “Getting nervous?” Spencer asked.

  “Not really, just can’t believe that the waiting will finally be over.”

  The two men headed towards the Great Room, only to find it deserted. “Christmas is just a few days away as well,” Spencer said.

  Cade grinned, “I know. I’m glad the weather report cleared up.” He crossed to the large window and looked out to see blue sky overhead, and the white landscape glistening in the cold winter air. “This place is amazing!”

  Spencer joined him and they looked at the mountains rising in the distance, seeming to stand guard over the ranch spread out below. No words were exchanged, but the sheer magnificence of their place in the world caused them both to smile. The Majestic Mountain Ranch had evolved. It was no longer a cattle ranch. It was home. Their home.


  Emma wandered up the stairs, looking for Stella. She found her in the suite of rooms being used by Stephanie and Bridger. “Hey, I just thought I’d let you know the guys are downstairs working on their vows.”

  “They better be!” Stella informed her. “I can’t believe Spencer and Cade didn’t get them finished before now.”

  “Don’t be too hard on them. There have been quite a few interruptions this week.”

  “I guess. What do you think they’ll finally come up with?” Stella asked.

  “Probably something corny. I’m glad we just pretended to use our vows. I can’t wait to see their reaction tomorrow.”

  Stephanie smiled at them both. “I’m so happy for both of you.”

  “Thanks, sis,” Stella told her.

  “So, what’s left to do for tomorrow?” Stephanie asked.

  “Not much. The food is all prepared and Kathy assured me that she and Annie are going to be fine.”

  “The final decorations are being put up right now. Sadie and Sierra are handling that, and Logan and Hunter are helping Bridger and Sheridan put up the folding chairs and tables in the tent out back.”

  Stella smiled. “That thing is much bigger than I thought when we ordered it.”

  Stephanie grinned as well. “Just think about all of the weddings and parties that will be hosted there in the years to come.”

  Stella laughed. “Sheridan didn’t even complain about the cost!”

  “Yeah. We have Megan to thank for that,” Stephanie told her.

  Emma grinned. “No, you have William to thank for that. I don’t know what he was like before, but I’ve watched him interacting with his son a few times, and he gets this look in his eyes…like he’s truly happy.”

  Stephanie and Stella both nodded. “We’ve noticed that as well. I’m really happy for him and Megan.”

  “Well, Megan has definitely been good for him and for the ranch. With her taking over the accounting, Spencer has been so much happier.” Emma remembered the first time she’d met Sheridan; he’d been very focused, but not really happy from what she gathered. Returning home after a short trip with both a wife and a son had surprised everyone. She’d been the outsider, so she’d quietly been observing everyone on the ranch, and it was very apparent that Sheridan had undergone a major mental shift. The ranch was still important to him, but family had become more important.

  She looked at the two women who were about to become her new sisters, and once again thanked her lucky stars for taking a chance on visiting the mountains of Colorado. Every dream she’d ever had was coming true. And tomorrow she would become Mrs. Spencer Collingsworth!

  Chapter 11

  Saturday, December 20th, Wedding Day….

  Sadie quietly entered the rooms being used by the brides to get dressed and relax while the guests arrived and were seated.

  Stella and Emma both sat in front of large mirrors that had been brought down from the upstairs bedrooms specifically for this day. Megan had volunteered to do their hair, having gotten some experience by doing her late sister’s hair from time to time.

  Both women had chosen to wear their hair up, and Megan had managed to make their hairdos look both messy and elegant at the same time. Stella’s long hair was arranged in a chaotic mass of curls atop her head, with long curly tendrils hanging down on either side of her face. Emma’s hair was completely contained on top of her head, the large curls overlying each other in no particular order, but looking very stylish.

  They were both dressed, and putting the final touches on their makeup when Stella spied Sadie in the mirror behind her. “Hey, Sadie. Is everything going alright out there?”

  “Everything is perfect. You two are absolutely beautiful!” Sadie told Stella and Emma with a smile.

  Stella grinned at her and Emma blushed. Sadie walked up behind her, leaned down so that they were eye level in the mirror. “Thank you for coming here and agreeing to stay. Spencer has never been happier.”

  Emma met her eyes and smiled. “I’ve never been happier either.”

  Sadie hugged her. “Welcome to the family, Emma.”

  Emma felt tears sting her eyes and blinked rapidly to dispel them so they wouldn’t ruin her makeup. “Thanks.”

  A rap of knuckles on the door had them all turning to see Father Alexander’s wife, Miriam, coming through the doorway. “Are we all ready?”

  Emma and Stella looked at each other and then nodded their heads.

  “Well then, I saw a couple of young men, all dressed up and looking rather lonely. They are standing in front of your friends and family, waiting to be amazed when they catch their first glimpse of you.”

  “Miriam, that was beautiful,” Sadie told the older woman with the greying hair that had a distinct purplish tint to it. She was the pastor’s wife, and the unofficial matriarch of Pinedale. She was in the know about everything, and was the small community’s go to for problem solving and match making.

  “Thank you, Miriam.” Stella reached over and squeezed Emma’s hand. “Let’s go make our men smile.”

  Emma nodded her head, and together they headed for the doorway and the long hallway that would take them to their men.

  The hallway wasn’t wide enough for both of them to walk side-by-side, so it
had been decided that Emma would go first, joining Spencer at the makeshift altar, and then Stella would make her walk down the aisle, meeting Cade at the front.

  The music changed when Miriam appeared at the doorway, and Emma began her short walk down the hallway. William and Brooklyn were already making their way down the aisle, with Brooklyn loudly telling William to stop picking up the pretty snowflakes she was tossing to the ground. The large tent and sealed doorway extended the indoor living space, the hidden heaters keeping the outside winter wind at bay.

  William was drawing his share of chuckles from their guests, having abandoned the pillow with the fake rings attached to it in lieu of picking up the snowflakes in his little hands. When those became full, he simply sat down in the middle of the aisle and glowered at Brooklyn.

  She looked at him and then set her basket down in the aisle and marched back to where he was sitting. “William, you has to keep walking.” She attempted to whisper, but her three-year old version of a whisper was more like a gentle yell.

  Hunter and Sheridan came to the rescue a few seconds later, scooping up both children, the forgotten pillow and basket, and carrying them rest of the way down the aisle. Rather than tempt fate, they kept the children with them, nodding and smiling at the guests who were barely containing their laughter.

  “Well, if this is a taste of how things are going to go today, we’re in for it,” Sheridan whispered to Hunter. Hunter silently nodded his head, trying in vain to contain Brooklyn’s need to look down the aisle.

  “Where is she? Where’s Aunt Stella and Emma?” Brooklyn asked, standing on Hunter’s thighs and trying to see over his head.

  “Brooklyn, you need to sit down and whisper. Remember, we have to use our quiet voices today,” Hunter whispered to her.

  Brooklyn gave her daddy a big smile and then kissed him on the cheek loudly; drawing chuckles from the people sitting right behind her.

  Sheridan leaned over and whispered, “Give it up. She’s so much like her momma was at that age, the more you try to get her to be quiet, the louder she’s going to get.”

  Hunter sighed and nodded his head. “Thanks.”

  He and Sheridan rose to their feet as Emma appeared and began her walk down the aisle. Spencer was waiting for her, and Sheridan watched the look upon his face and knew that they were only getting married because they loved one another.

  Spencer couldn’t contain the smile on his face when he got his first glimpse of Emma coming down the aisle. Her hair was styled up, revealing the elegant curve her neck and he felt his heart swell with emotion. This is my wife!

  She reached his side and he tucked her hand into the curve of his elbow and then led her to the right side of where Father Alexander was standing.

  Cade took his place and moments later, Stella appeared at the doorway. Spencer watched his twin walk down the aisle and sent up a quick prayer of thanks. Without his father’s last request, he would have never come back to the ranch, and he’d have never found such fulfillment in living with his siblings. He’d have never been in a position to offer Emma the one thing her heart desired – a place to call home.

  When Stella winked at him and then diverted her attention to the man she was ready to spend her life with, he glanced at Cade to see what he imagined was a mirror image of the goofy look that had been on his own face just moments before. Love! The best feeling in the world!

  Chapter 12

  Father Alexander smiled at the two couples standing in front of him and then waved the guests to take their seat.

  “First, let me welcome all of you to the Majestic Mountain Ranch on behalf of the Collingsworth family. We are gathered here today to not only celebrate the holiday season with this fine family, but to see the two couples standing before me united in marriage.

  “Marriage is an institution, not unlike that of the family, designed to help us become better people, and share our journey through this life with others. The trials and the triumphs. Now before we continue, is there anyone here that can show a reason why these two couples should not be united in holy matrimony today?”

  He made a point of looking over the crowd, none of whom said a word. Nodding his head, he continued to read a few scriptures about marriage, and then he asked the two couples to turn, facing each other and repeat their vows to each other.

  He explained to the congregation that the women had joined forces to write their vows, wanting to repeat them to their men together. They had then insisted the men do likewise.

  “Now folks, I have heard a rumor that the men before you were even last night trying to finalize their vows. I am sure you join me in waiting with baited breath to hear their declarations of love and devotion. However, I believe we’ll hear from the ladies first. Anticipation of what’s to come is a good thing.” He chuckled and was joined by a myriad of others.

  “Ladies, you may begin whenever you are ready,” he told them quietly.

  Stella and Emma both smiled at him and then Stella nodded her head once, the signal she and Emma had devised to begin talking in unison. Two lovely voices rang out as the guests quieted down, the better to hear the vows they spoke.

  I promise to love and care for you.

  I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you.

  To laugh and cry with you.

  To walk through life hand in hand with you, wherever that road may take us.

  To dream together, to grow together – that is my desire.

  You are the other half of me that I didn’t even know I was missing until you.

  I love now, and for always.

  My friend. My champion. My love.

  When their voices stopped, a few sniffles could be heard from the guests, but Stella and Emma only had eyes for their men.

  Father Alexander cleared his throat and then addressed everyone again, “Those vows were lovely. Gentlemen, I believe this is the moment we are all anxiously awaiting.”

  Spencer shuffled his feet and Cade swallowed – loudly. Father Alexander took a step closer and whispered, “Now would be a good time to start speaking.”

  Spencer looked over his shoulder at Cade and gave him a nod, indicating he should begin. They hadn’t gone so far as to practice saying their vows together, but they’d decided they would simply take turns saying the lines of the vows they’d written. Making sure their women knew just how much they were loved and appreciated.

  Cade began, and over the next few minutes, he and Spencer alternated speaking the vows they’d written –

  Until today, I thought the day I told you I loved you was the best day of my life.

  But that pales in comparison to what I’m feeling today.

  You are the light of my life.

  The rainbow that shines above every storm of this life.

  I promise to cherish each moment spent with you.

  I promise to help you make your dreams come true.

  I promise to never be late for dinner.

  The crowd started laughing when Cade made that pledge to Stella, the majority of the guests knowing what an excellent cook she was. Promising to be on time for dinner was no hardship at all!

  I promise to help you make your visions reality, and together find new visions.

  I love you with all of my heart and thank God each day for bringing you into my


  I will love you from now until the end of time, and will work each day to be worthy

  of your love.

  When they stopped talking, Stella and Emma were both smiling, and even though it was unorthodox, they both stepped forward and gave their men hugs.

  Father Alexander cleared his throat and made a motion with his hands that had both women stepping back a step. But just barely a step.

  He looked at them both and then shook his head and gave a rueful laugh. “Very well. May we have the rings?”

  Sheridan stood up and approached the two couples, handing two sets of rings to the pastor. Once he had returned to his seat, the pastor contin
ued, “If you would please turn and face me.”

  Once that had occurred, he held his hands out and they each took their individual wedding bands. Stella and Cade had chosen silver eternity bands in deference to their everyday tasks. Stella hadn’t wanted to have to remove her ring while cooking, and Cade wanted something he could wear while working on the ranch.

  Emma and Spencer had gone for a more elegant wedding set for her. While she worked with her hands in the dirt, she spent just as much time drawing and planning. Spencer had chosen an elegant one carat marquis solitaire, set in a thin golden band. Spencer’s golden band, rather than being smooth metal, had a brushed appearance with two smooth bands on either edge.

  Father Alexander nodded his head and continued. “Ladies, please place the rings on their fingers and repeat, with this ring, I thee wed.”

  Stella and Emma’s voices rang out loud and true as they followed the pastor’s directions. Then it was the men’s turn. They went through the same process and then Father Alexander spoke up, “By the power vested in me by the State of Colorado and God in Heaven above, I now pronounce you husbands and wives. You may kiss you respective bride.”

  The two couples wasted no time in following his directive, and after several minutes, the guests began to clap and cheer for them. Father Alexander allowed them a few moments and then he clapped his hands, “Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Cade Jensen, and Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Collingsworth.”

  The two couples turned and faced their family and friends, broad grins on their faces, echoed by those in the audience. They headed back down the aisle, shaking hands and greeting their guests as they went. All six siblings were now married, and it was time to celebrate. In Majestic Mountain Ranch style!

  Chapter 13

  Thursday, December 25th, Christmas morning…

  Brooklyn quietly slipped from her bed, hours before the sun was set to arise. She was wearing her special princess nightgown with the ruffled sleeves, and she smiled when she found the door to the bedroom slightly ajar. She crept towards the door to the hallway, opening it carefully and then heading for the large staircase that would lead to the Great Room and the Christmas tree.


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