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That Beautiful Orange Gown

Page 4

by Malone, Misty

  "But what if I just forgot to lock the door?"

  "Then a spanking would remind you of the importance of locking it. Hopefully, it would serve as a reminder to lock it the next time."

  "But you would actually—"

  "Don't make more out of this than you need to, Emily. Yes, I would actually spank you. But think about this a minute. If you let your door unlocked and the wrong person found it open, he could come in and cause you serious harm, both physical and emotional, which could last a lifetime. A spanking, on the other hand, can give you a sore bottom for a while, but that's it. You won't have any permanent injuries or traumatic experiences to deal with. It will involve a little discomfort at the time, which will hopefully serve as a reminder so it doesn't happen again, and you'll be safe. Afterwards, I'll hold you and comfort you while you recover, and I'll make sure you know how special you are to me."

  "That last part sounds nice," she murmured without thinking.

  "That last part is nice, for both of us. But like I said, don't make too much out of this. If you listen to what I say, it won't ever be an issue anyway, so my suggestion is don't dwell on it too much. That's just asking for trouble. I do want you to think about what I've said, though, and make sure you're okay with it. Just don't dwell on the consequences of being held accountable."

  "Being held accountable," she repeated quietly, as if thinking about the words as she said them.

  "That's what this is. It means being held accountable for your actions. If you make poor choices, you have consequences."

  A mischievous grin appeared on her face. "And if I make good choices?"

  He returned her grin and gave her a little hug. "I believe in rewarding good choices occasionally, as well."

  "Rewarding? That sounds interesting."

  "Good. Make good choices and you'll see what I mean." He leaned over and kissed her nose. "Now, I have a few questions about Don. I want to make sure I understand exactly what all happened."

  They spent the next hour talking. After Nick was satisfied that he knew the whole situation with Don, they talked about their families, and growing up. Nick learned that she was an only child and had a wonderful childhood. He could tell she'd grown up very happy. It also sounded like money hadn't been an issue for her growing up.

  "So you grew up as a spoiled little rich girl, and very happy?"

  She started to object, but saw the smile on his face that reached his eyes. "You know, I never thought about it, but I might have to admit I may have been a bit spoiled. I never thought of us as being rich, either, but now that you mentioned it, we weren't poor. I mean, that was never an issue. I didn't have a ton of clothes like some of the girls at school, but clothes were never that important to me so I never asked for many."

  "Did you get a car when you turned sixteen and got your license?"

  She thought before answering again. "Not really, but kind of, I guess. Not real long after I got my license, Dad bought Mom a new car, which they did every two or three years. Dad always wanted Mom driving a car that was new enough it shouldn't have a bunch of problems. So that wasn't unusual, but he usually traded the old one in on the new one. This time he kept her old one, which was only a couple years old. They never told me it was my car, but if I wanted to go somewhere they always told me I could take that car. I always had to ask first, though. I guess they just wanted to know where I was going and with whom, and when I'd be back."

  "They sound like good parents."

  "They were."

  "Did you have a curfew?"

  "Yes, but it depended on where I was going and with whom. How about you? I know you have a sister, Anita. Any other siblings?"

  "Just us. I had a good childhood, too. I think I know what you mean about money, because I guess we would have been considered middle class. I never had more than any of my friends, but there wasn't ever a time that I remember that we needed something and didn't have it. I guess we were comfortable."

  "That's what I was trying to say. I guess that's what we were, as well."

  They spent the next while sharing stories from their youth and getting to know each other better. Both had grown up in the general area, though on opposite ends of Hopewell, and had gone to different schools. When he took her home an hour later, they felt they had gotten to know each other pretty well, and both hated to say good-bye.

  He took her back to where she'd parked her car for the wedding, and insisted on following her home. Once inside her house, he asked, "Are you sure you're okay staying alone tonight? I have plenty of extra rooms at my house and you're more than welcome to stay there."

  "Thank you, but no. If I stay tonight, it'll be easier to stay again tomorrow night. I've got to do this. He's in jail, and I can't let him chase me out of my own house."

  "If you're sure. But promise me that if anything scares you tonight or you have a nightmare, call me, okay? I don't care what time it is, call me." Once she promised, he leaned down and gave her a gentle kiss. When she melted into his arms, the kiss deepened as his arms pulled her tighter against him.

  When he left, they were both taking some deep breaths to calm down.

  * * * * *

  Emily's phone rang the next morning as she was getting dressed. She knew who it was before she checked her phone, and smiled. "Good morning, Nick."

  "Good morning, pretty lady. How are you this morning; did you sleep well?"

  "I'm fine."

  "How did you sleep?" She hesitated a moment, and he cleared his throat. "Remembering what I think of total honesty, let me ask again. How did you sleep?"

  He heard a small chuckle before she answered. "With that in mind, I slept okay, but it wasn't the best night of sleep I've had."

  His response surprised her. "Thank you for your honesty. I think that deserves a reward. Can I take you out for breakfast?"

  "You don't have to do that."

  "I'm well aware of that. However, I would very much like to, if you would do me the honor."

  "Um, wow."


  "Yeah, a bit. No one's ever asked me out quite like that."

  "I do a lot of things differently than most men. Now, about breakfast?"

  Again he heard a little laughter. That was good to hear, after yesterday. "I'd love to have breakfast with you," she answered.

  "Good. How soon can you be ready?"

  "I just got out of the shower. Give me half an hour to get dressed and dry my hair."

  "I'll see you in half an hour then."

  They enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, neither having any plans for the day. They both wanted to spend the day together, so they went back to her house afterward. They went into her living room and sat down on her sofa. He glanced around at her house, impressed. The house wasn't large, but it was nice, comfortable, and well maintained.

  "My nephew's playing in a little league game this afternoon," he started.

  Before he could finish his sentence, Emily jumped in. "Any chance we could go watch it?"

  "Are you sure you want to?"

  "I love watching any kind of sports, and I love kids and watching them play. I've never seen a little league game, but I'd love to."

  Nick had to chuckle at her enthusiasm which was quite clearly sincere. "You better take an umbrella with you. They're calling for a chance of showers. We can swing by my place and get a couple lawn chairs. They have bleachers, but they're usually full, and not too comfortable."

  "I have lawn chairs we can take. An umbrella may be a different thing."

  He look appalled. "You don't have an umbrella?"

  "I don't like to use them because when you get inside you have this big, awkward wet thing that makes a mess. And I swear I get just as wet putting the umbrella up and down as if I'd just run inside. I usually either don't go out if it's raining, or run from the house to the car."

  "I can't believe you don't have an umbrella."

  "No, wait, I do have one. I bought one a couple of years ago when I went to an outdoor
concert. I think it's in the closet in the hall. I'll go look." She jumped up and went to the closet, where she paused and looked over her shoulder at him.

  "Anything wrong?" he asked.

  "No." She fidgeted a bit. "It's just that—well, this closet's a mess."

  "I think we all have a closet like that. Would you like some help looking?"

  "No! I mean, no, that's okay." She turned her back and opened the closet carefully. It soon became obvious why, as things started literally falling out and into the hall.

  Nick tried to hide a smile until he heard her mumbling under her breath. He was about to ask again if she wanted help, when a box fell from the shelf and hit her head. "Shit!" She picked the box up and threw it to the back of the closet. "Damn you."

  He'd heard enough. He calmly walked over, took her upper arm and marched her back over to the couch, where he sat back down and pulled her down beside him. In his stern voice he asked, "First off, are you okay?"

  Speechless again, she nodded. He reached back to feel her head in the general area the box had hit. "You're sure?" Again she nodded. He frowned, but let her nodding go for now. "Emily, we need to talk about the ugly language I just heard coming from you."

  "Sorry. I didn't think I said it loud enough for you to hear."

  Ignoring her comment, he continued. "You are much too nice, too pretty a little lady to be using that kind of language. I haven't heard you use it before, so I'm assuming it's not a habit?"

  Still stunned at his sudden sternness, she shook her head.

  He sighed. "I guess now is a good time to address nodding or shaking your head. When I ask you a question, I would appreciate an answer, especially if I'm scolding you at the time."


  "Yes, scolding. A lady doesn't use language like that, so I don't want to hear things like that coming out of your mouth again. Now, let's take a minute to talk about your temper."

  Once Emily lost her temper she didn't regain it quickly, and this was no exception. "Wait a minute. Back the damn train up. You're scolding me? What am I, five?"

  Nick tsked and calmly, effortlessly and without a word pulled Emily over his knees. He held her tight once he got her there, which was good, since just as he'd expected, when she realized what he was doing, she fought like a wildcat to get free. He didn't try to do anything else yet. He simply let her wear herself down a bit. When she'd slowed somewhat, he reached around to unfasten her jeans, and she renewed her struggles. He held her firmly with his left hand while using his right to give her six solid smacks on her bottom. They did exactly as he'd hoped, and she stopped struggling, shocked.

  "Now that I have your attention, let me explain something, Miss Emily. You can struggle all you want, but once you've earned a spanking, the only thing all your struggling will do is earn you extra swats."

  "Extra swats? But I don't want any swats, you son—"

  "There are a couple other rules I see we need to go over as well. I just got done warning you about your swearing, which is why you're over my lap right now. But let me warn you again. I do not like to hear pretty ladies swear anytime, but swearing during a spanking will earn you extra spanks. As will biting, clawing, or pinching. And listen carefully to this next part since it already involves you. Any of the things I just mentioned will earn you extra swats, with the exception of your swearing this time, only because I hadn't warned you about that yet. But be careful, because if I have to talk to you about any of these things twice in the same spanking, it will not only earn you extra swats, but the swats will be with a paddle instead of my hand. Trust me, you don't want me to have to switch to a paddle after your bottom has already been roasted. But it's your choice."

  "A paddle? What, you carry a paddle around with you?"

  "No, but I'm sure I can find something here that will work nicely."

  "I don't have any paddles."

  "I said something that will work nicely. Many hair brushes make excellent paddles, as do wooden spoons. In a pinch, you can use a spatula or bread board, or all kinds of other household items. I'm sure I'll be able to find something. But I would advise you watch your mouth and avoid that, at least for your first spanking."

  "Let me up."

  "And in case you hadn't figured it out yet, your first spanking is coming right up. You'll do much better if you acknowledge the fact that you earned it, and accept your spanking. Fighting it the whole time will just tell me you haven't learned a thing from it yet, and I'll be forced to keep going."

  She opened her mouth to argue, but he gave her four more solid swats before quickly reaching underneath her and unzipping her jeans. He pulled them down quickly, and he reached for her panties. When her arm flew back to grab them and try to keep them in place, he gave her four smacks to the back of her thighs.

  "Ow! Nick, don't you dare do that again! That hurt something awful!"

  He promptly reached back and repeated his efforts. "Let go of your panties unless you want me to give you your entire spanking on your thighs." He watched as she slowly, tentatively released her panties and allowed him to pull them down with her jeans.

  He started her spanking then, switching from cheek to cheek, and using enough force to get her attention, but not enough to cause her any prolonged pain. With this first spanking, he intended to let her know he would do what he said he would do, and hopefully teach her a lesson without having to get too harsh.

  In his experience, some women responded with a fairly mild spanking, while others required much more to get their attention or to have any effect. He would start out mild, since this was her first spanking. If he found himself repeating it sometime soon, he would put a little more force into it. He wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and basically let her dictate how much force he would need to use with her.

  Although he meant what he said and would give extras anytime they were earned, he would much prefer to help the lady through the spanking without the need for extras. Especially for this first one, as he was pretty sure this was her first spanking ever. With that in mind, he started talking to her in a smooth, calm voice.

  "Emily, you're a beautiful young lady and I've already come to care a great deal for you. I think, and I'm hoping, there's something between us and we have a wonderful relationship. But my girlfriend will not swear like that. I have a lot of respect for you, and that kind of language causes me to lose respect for people. I don't want that to happen with us. I want us, our relationship to thrive, and I want you to thrive. Language like you used will not be helpful to you anywhere. In the workplace, it can cause you harm. Clients certainly don't want to hear it, and bosses don't promote people who use language like that."

  He was surprised to see her settle down once he started talking. He wasn't sure if it was the words he was saying, or the calm tone he was using, or the heat being applied to her bottom, but something had calmed her down. She was still trying to get off his lap, but her struggles weren't as fierce. She was still yelling out her pain with each swat, but she was no longer threatening him, and wasn't cursing. Maybe she was going to learn her lessons fairly easily, with fairly mild spankings. That was fine with him. If that's all she needed, that's all she'd get. Since she seemed to be responding, he was willing to bring this first one to an end and see if it was effective. Time would tell.

  "We're almost done now. Let me just mention, while I finish up this spanking for your language, that we may have to work on your temper a little, as well. If you need help getting it under control, I can do that, but temper tantrums are not acceptable to me." With four swats to her tender sit spots, he was done.

  He pulled her up and sat her gently on his lap, whispering next to her ear. "It's over now. Lean your head against my shoulder now and lay back and let me take care of you." His arms were wrapped around her, and he was rubbing one of her arms. Her crying was slowing, and he continued talking softly. "You are such a special lady, Emily, I just can't stand by while you use ugly language like that. I'm looking forward to
getting to know you, and I know there are all kinds of things we'll find we enjoy doing together. I'm looking forward to finding all of them."

  Her crying had pretty much ended, but she looked up at him as he said his last words, and her tears started anew. He kissed the side of her head and held her tight. He waited for the tears to slow again. "Are you okay?"

  She nodded. He cleared his throat. "Emily?"

  "What?" Seeing his stern expression, she thought back, and quickly said, "Yes, I'm okay."

  "That's my girl. Thank you," he said with another kiss to her forehead. He kept her in his arms as she recovered, and they talked softly.

  When she had recovered he asked, "Now, I've seen your closet, so instead of trying to hide it from me, may I help you look for your umbrella?"

  Emily blushed and hid her face. "That might be safer. Thank you."

  He chuckled as he placed her on her feet and stood beside her. When they got to the closet, he had to make a conscious effort not to look shocked. It was worse than he'd imagined. As they looked through the closet, he thought back to her house. It wasn't a large house, but he recalled seeing other closets, and wondered about it. "Do you have a storage problem; a shortage of storage space in your house?

  She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "No, it's not really a lack of storage. It's more a lack of organization."

  That was the second time she'd mentioned organization, and he thought about that while he helped her find her umbrella. "Are you sure that's all it is? I'm not sure anyone could organize that closet to give everything in there a good home. It looks to me more like a lack of space to store everything."

  "No, it really is a lack of organization. If I were more organized, things wouldn't pile up on me like they do. Then when someone's coming over, I can't let them see the house the way it normally looks, so I shove everything into the other closets. That leaves this one to put everything I really do mean to store somewhere."

  Nick was concerned with what he was hearing and his mind was going off in several directions at once. He didn't want to upset her right now, though, this soon after her first spanking. She seemed okay now, but he'd feel better tomorrow if she was still okay with it. For now, he tried to make light of it. "You may be right then. It may be more an organizational problem. Maybe coupled with a touch of procrastination?"


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