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Love Reconnected (Hollywood Series Book 1)

Page 17

by Michaels, Avery

  “Why don’t we go out for a real meal?” Jake suggested.

  “Ty isn’t really good with restaurants.”

  “Yes!” Julie interrupted. “Lord help! If I have to eat Hamburger Helper again tonight, I think I’ll puke!”

  “Hamburger Helper?” I asked.

  “Yes, they’ve been serving a different flavor every night. Yuck!”

  “Ok…well, where do you want to go?”

  “There’s an Olive Garden just down the road here.” I gave her a look that said she was pushing it because Ty acted out in restaurants, and she knew it. “What? We’ve got an extra set of hands, right, Jake?”

  “Sure, let’s do it.” He held out his hand to Ty, and he gave him five again. I rolled my eyes. I had been outvoted. Jake took out his phone. “If you’ll excuse me for a moment?” He stepped into the hall.

  “Well, what do you think?” I asked Julie.

  “He seems like a nice guy.”

  “He really is.”

  “But you two shouldn’t get too attached.” She motioned between Ty and me. “He lives on the other side of the country. May as well be Mars, honey. He leads a completely different life than you do.”

  “I know. We’re just friends anyway,”

  “Good thing. I don’t want to see you get hurt again, and I certainly don’t want Ty asking about him after he leaves.”

  “He won’t,” I said, running my fingers through Ty’s fine blonde hair. He was tired. It had been a busy day for him.

  Jake walked in. “Ladies, Little Man, when you’re ready.”

  “Whose car is this?” Julie asked when we got to the parking lot.

  “Katie’s,” Jake said, and I braced myself for “the look,” just as Julie shot it my way.

  When we got to Olive Garden, we were seated in a back corner booth. People took our picture with their camera phones. They didn’t need my permission because they weren’t technically photographers or journalists. The whole thing made me uneasy. Jake told me to relax and try to enjoy my dinner.

  When we pulled back up to the hotel, Jake said, “Julie, you are officially off duty for the night.” He handed her a key card. “Go rent a movie and get some sleep.” She looked at me, and I shrugged.

  “Ah, thanks, but Ty and I are already settled in.”

  “Well, that’s why you’re moving to the top floor. Katie and I will stay with Ty.”

  “No, thank you,” she said politely. “I appreciate the gesture, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be shacking up in the bed with Katie in the same room as Ty.”

  “Aunt Julie!”

  “Call me old-fashioned, but it’s just not right.”

  “No, that’s fair. I can respect that,” Jake said with a nod, taking the room key from Julie. “Can I at least walk you up?”

  “Sure,” I said before Julie had a chance to protest.

  Ty dragged his feet coming off the elevator. He was over tired and needed to go to bed.

  After he dropped to the floor a few times, I scooped him up and carried him, kicking and screaming, to the room. Julie walked ahead opening the door. I kept my voice even, trying to calm him. Julie even sang but he was too worked up. He was in red-faced, meltdown mode.

  Julie and I had resorted to just turning our backs to ignore his behavior until he calmed down, because the more we gave attention to him, the harder Ty fought back. He was crying so hard it sounded like a growl. He was going to make himself sick if he kept it up. I was hoping that Julie hadn’t had to do this every night this week.

  I tried again to lie beside him, but he pushed me away with his feet. This was one of the hardest parts about having a communication gap. He wanted something, even if it was just to go to bed, but he couldn’t explain it vocally so he acted out his frustrations physically.

  I sat there wishing Jake would leave. He stood in the corner watching with his arms crossed and his brows drawn together. He didn’t know what to do. It would be best if he just left.

  “Jake, just go. We’ll talk in the morning.”

  “Wait,” Julie said, “Ray sings to him sometimes when he’s like this. Jake, would you?”

  “It won’t do any good,” I told her.

  “I think he finds a man’s voice soothing. It can’t hurt,” she reasoned.

  “You don’t have to.”

  “She’s every man’s dream come true,

  “Her love is a love that stays with you.”

  Jake just starts singing a tune I had never heard. Ty whined but stopped wailing immediately to listen. Jake walked over and sat next to him on the bed.

  “I’ve never seen such beauty and grace,

  “And baby, I’ve been all over the place.

  “She’s my beautiful girl.

  “She’s my one and only girl.”

  Ty was quiet, and I stared at Jake in awe.

  “I was thinking more of a lullaby,” Julie whispered, and I elbowed her. He hadn’t tried to put on a performance. He just sang the unknown song softly. It was perfectly beautiful.

  “Do you have a smile in there?” Jake asked, but Ty just stared at him, so Jake raised his hands into claws above Ty.

  “Tickle mon-ter,” Ty said with a giggle. Jake jerked his head toward me. That was Jake’s thing. I had shared it with Ty over the years. “Tickle!” Ty prompted.

  “Tickle!” Jake repeated, tickling him. Ty’s tantrum was forgotten as he wiggled and laughed his way off the bed onto the floor.

  “Okay, you two,” I said, “crisis averted. Potty, then bed.”

  “Can I talk to you outside for a minute?” Jake said.

  “Um, tomorrow, okay?” He nodded and told us goodnight.

  I got Ty ready for bed, but Julie insisted on sleeping with him, so I crawled in the second bed closest to the window.

  After Ty was asleep Julie turned to me. “It’s not him.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The way Ty calmed down doesn’t have anything to do with Jake. It’s the sound of a man’s voice that has the calming effect. Ty’s not used to having a man around, so it’s something different to him, you know? I just don’t want you to think that Jake has magic powers or something.”

  “It sure seemed like magic.”

  “It wasn’t,” she said, trying to squash that flame that had been ignited. It didn’t matter though. It wouldn’t have mattered who had been able to calm Ty like that. It would’ve affected me. It felt like a connection had been made. “It was sweet of him to do that though.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, honey,” she said, snuggling up to Ty.

  I couldn’t help the overwhelming need I felt to thank Jake. I pulled out the phone he had given me, switched it to vibrate, and sent him a simple thank-you text then dropped it back in my purse. After seeing him interact with my son, it took everything I had not to sneak out of the room and go to him. Whatever feelings I had thought I had for him before were amplified times a million.

  I love him. I loved Jake. I knew it with every fiber of my being. I am in love with him. I kept repeating it in my mind, and instead of the notion hitting me like a freight train, I felt a weight being lifted each time I repeated it. It was as if I should’ve admitted it to myself already.

  I didn’t know how he would react, but I was telling him as soon as I saw him. No more dancing around it. He deserved to know how much he meant to me. I knew that there was no going back for us. I was in love with Jake, whether or not he felt the same way.

  Chapter 12

  I tossed and turned in bed with excitement and nervousness. What if he didn’t feel the same way? That was a chance I was willing to take. I hadn’t felt this way since I had met George, and if I were being honest with myself, not even then. I didn’t think I had ever felt this way about anyone. Jake was the one, and he had been right under my nose the whole time. The whole time! The whole time, so if he had loved me, wouldn’t he have told me by now?

  I brush
ed away the doubt. I didn’t care. I was telling him. I reached for the phone, which had two new messages. One was a simple, My pleasure from Jake in reply to the thank-you I had sent earlier. I sent him another that said, I have to talk to you first thing in the morning. I have something I need to tell you. Despite the fact that it was midnight, he replied immediately, Come, tell me now.

  I was tempted.

  Oh, why not?

  I slid out of bed, slipped on my shoes and pulled a cardigan over my tank top, then headed for the door. I looked down at myself, gray pajama bottoms, pink tank, gray cardigan, tennis shoes, and I knew my hair was a rat’s nest. What a way to declare my love.

  Just go! I told myself.

  I slowly backed out of the door to keep it from slamming. When I turned around, I had to cover my mouth to hold in a scream, “Joan, what the f— I mean, what are you doing here? It’s after midnight.”

  “I sent you a message to meet me here. Why do you seem so surprised?”

  “I-I didn’t get it. I was just going up to see Jake.”

  “About that… We need to talk.”

  “Okay,” I said cautiously. “But first, Joan, I owe you an apology for the way I spoke to you in the hotel the other day. I’m usually not so abrasive. I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you, but that’s not what this is about.”

  “What is it? Is Jake okay?”

  “Well, that’s subjective I’m afraid.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Jackson may have mentioned that he has a very loyal and supportive fan base.” I nodded. “Well, that’s part of the reason he achieved success so quickly. The man is talented, don’t get me wrong, but his fans are hungry. They adore him. They made him famous.”

  “Yeah, he said that.”

  “And you know he’s been nominated for an Oscar, which frankly is the highest honor for an actor.”

  “Does this conversation have a point? I don’t mean to be rude, but he’s expecting me.”

  “Sure, sure. No nonsense, I like that about you, Kate. So here’s what I need to know: Are you in love with him?”

  I stood there for a moment trying to get my bearings. Adoring fans…awards…love. I felt like I was missing something. Therefore, I was playing catch up. “Ah, well, I think that’s between Jake and me.”

  “Kate, you understand that I have Jackson’s best interest at heart, right?”

  “Are you in love with Jake?” I asked because I was confused.

  She laughed. “No, nothing like that. I’m simply protective of him, you see. He’s built quite a career for himself, and I’m proud to be a part of that. I’m very proud of the accomplished professional he has become.”

  “Me too.”

  “You wouldn’t want to see that career destroyed, would you? Everything he has worked so hard for flushed down the drain, just like that?”

  “Of course not, no! If this is about Ty, I can assure you, Jake isn’t his dad.”

  “I know he isn’t, which brings me to the issue at hand. Your legal name is Katie Levy, is it not?” I felt as if I’d been sucker-punched in the gut. “I’ll take your silence to mean I’m correct.”

  “Jake told you that?”

  “No, Jackson has told me many things about you, Kate, but nothing of real importance. I thought you harmless enough: Classic story of the girl next door finding her way in the world until she got knocked up, forcing her to wait tables to make ends meet; pity really.” I gritted my teeth, trying not to claw her eyes out. “At least, that’s what it looked like. That is until your little reaction yesterday to my question about your son’s biological father. That piqued my interest. I did a little digging. It didn’t take much really. I’m rather shocked that the media hasn’t put two and two together already. You’re not Katie Masters, innocent girl next door. You’re Kate Levy, wife of George Levy, financial advisor and money launderer to the mob.”

  “Ex-wife,” was all I could manage. I was too shocked to say anything else.

  “The status doesn’t matter. Your closest friends even questioned your involvement. In fact, the police still believe you know where he is, isn’t that right?”

  “Joan, Jake knows all of this. I’ve told him everything, so if you’re trying to pull a one-two punch to make him hate me, it won’t work.”

  “Hate you? As if that would even be possible. That man has never hated anyone. He doesn’t have it in him.”

  “If you’re not trying to turn him against me, then what’s the point of this conversation?”

  “I think you love him.”

  “So what if I do?”

  “Then you’ll stay away from him. Mick Lennox, that forceful reporter, is gunning for you, Kate. He knows something is up, and he’s using every resource he has to get to the truth. If word gets out that Jackson is involved with someone, who may or may not be aiding and abetting a fugitive of the law, his career will be over. Done. All those adoring, loyal fans will be waiting with torches. Is that what you want for him?”

  “No,” I whispered.

  “Then let him go.”

  “I…I can’t.”

  “You have to.”

  “Even if I wanted to, he won’t go without a fight. Even if he doesn’t love me the way I love him, he made me promise not to cut him out again. He made me promise we would stay friends no matter what. He won’t just let go.”

  “I think he will.”

  “You don’t understand our relationship.”

  “I don’t need to. I’ve seen what you’re capable of when it comes to Jackson. You’ve broken his heart before; it’s only natural that he would expect you to do it again. In fact, it’s his deepest fear.”

  “No, I won’t do that! Besides, like I said, he won’t just accept it this time.”

  “He will, Kate. I’ve seen it. You’ve hurt him before, and even though his personal relationships suffered, his career soared.”

  “I won’t do it.”

  “Very well, then. I hope he doesn’t resent you for tanking his career when he washes up at his mom’s house in that tiny little town you call home.” She turned on her heel and walked down the hallway.

  I considered everything she’d said in a split second. If I told him I loved him, it could change everything. If he loved me, he would stand by me, even if it ruined his career, because that was the kind of person he was. He’d already shown that he cared enough about me to shun the media, and that was just what our friendship did to him. If we were to become involved, he would go to whatever lengths necessary to protect me from being trashed by the press.

  If they found out, when they found out, that I had been married to George, they would publicly blast me. I couldn’t let Jake go down for that.

  “Wait,” I called out. Joan turned around with a wicked grin. “What do you need me to do?”

  “You’re a smart girl. You’ll figure something out.”

  Chapter 13

  I had never liked driving in the dark. Especially out on the highway. The highway was so lonely at night. I counted the seconds between streetlights to keep my mind occupied. Joan had been wrong about one thing. Jake would hate me after this.

  I had kissed Ty and left a note for Julie telling her I had to get back home. She would think I was with Jake, until he came looking for me.

  After going through four, I had found a working credit card and managed to rent a car from the hotel. That had been the easy part. The note I’d sat in the lobby and written to Jake, not so much.

  It had been one of those things I could’ve drafted and written a dozen times, surrounding myself with balls of wadded paper, but I knew if I’d done that, I wouldn’t have been able to complete the task, and it had to be done. Unfortunately, what I came up with left a lot to be desired.

  Dear Jake,

  I can’t do this. I’m sorry.


  I had thought of writing a dozen different explanations, but nothing seemed good enough. I knew he would call me. I knew he would ex
pect more. Maybe by then I would have something better. As for now, I was too caught up in my own hurt.

  When I got back to Birmingham, I sat in the parking lot of the rental car place for two hours before they opened. I turned in the car, and they gave me a ride home.

  I slumped in my seat as we pulled in my driveway. Why did I have to do this? I had been doing just fine before I let Jake back into my life. What had I been thinking? Why did he have to come for me after all this time? Why…?

  I made sure I had all the hide-a-keys as I made my way to the house. I didn’t really have to deal with him. I could just hide. It had worked before. I pulled on a T-shirt Jake had left behind and crawled in my bed, bringing the collar to my nose to take in his scent. I would go back to work on Monday. I was just too tired to even attempt it today. Besides, it wasn’t as though the media had simply up and left just because I decided not to be with Jake. They wouldn’t have had any way of knowing…unless I killed two birds with one stone.

  I got dressed and headed toward the diner in my beat-up Honda. Oh, the pleasures of being poor! When I pulled up, just as I suspected, there were a few vans out front. I checked my reflection in the rearview. Not too bad for having missed a night’s sleep.

  When I got out, they were on me, expecting me to run, but I didn’t. I faced them. “Hi,” I said with a smile. “I have a statement.”

  They were Johnny on the spot and camera ready. Here goes nothing…or everything.

  “Hi, I’m Kate Masters. Jackson Jacobs and I have spent the week together trying to rekindle a friendship that, unfortunately, we now both realize no longer exists.” They tossed various inappropriate and demeaning questions at me, forcing me to continue. After all, I didn’t want to be pursued. That was the point of this charade. “Let me just say…” I started, trying to just spit the lies as fast as possible to sate them all. “Jackson is not my son’s father. We have never had an intimate relationship. We aren’t in love. I think we both just felt like something was lacking in our lives, and we thought a reconnection could help with that somehow, but again, it was a bust. We’re just too different.” I shrugged for good measure. “At this juncture, I have no interest in pursuing a friendship or any other relationship with Jackson Jacobs. Thank you.”


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