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Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 3

by Lee Morgan

  Sarah retracted her mind fully because she couldn’t stand anymore. She gasped for air and noticed that she had been holding her breath through that entire ordeal without realizing. After taking several much needed breaths, she opened her eyes again. Piercing hazel eyes remained gazing down at his love. In the softest voice possible he asked “Princess, are you alright? You look sick?” He touched her cheek gently and brushed some of her hair to the side.

  The touch was so gentle compared to the brutality she just witnessed within his mind. Sarah finally spoke after finding how to articulate again. “I’m sorry about that. You were looking in pain and I wanted to know what it was about.” His smile became tender. “Do you remember that dream?”

  His hand cupped her cheek. She felt the comfortable warmth when he said “I wasn’t dreaming and you know it.” Before she could say anything he elaborated. “I have been awake for an hour, but I didn’t want to wake you. I’m sorry that you saw what you did.”

  She sat up and spoke softly. “Connor, you weren’t asleep? What were you doing then?”

  He remained laying on his back to answer. “It’s an old strategy that warriors all over the world use and it’s called Shadow Fighting. Quite a few fighters do it to keep their minds focused and their abilities honed. Training the body is only half the aspect of being a warrior. I’ve needed to do it more and more lately because neither Jack nor Mark are strong enough to win against me. I don’t want to get rusty or lazy in my training… so I usually do this when I can’t go back to sleep. I know my strengths and weaknesses better than anyone. So I have to fight myself, in my mind… I do it for you.” He smiled.

  She crossed her arms under her bare breasts. “How do you do it for me?”

  He sat up and crossed his legs. He sat his eyes on her pointedly and explained “I’m your mate. It’s my job to protect you and one I’ll always treasure. It isn’t a burden if you are thinking that.” He gently placed his big and warm hand over her belly. “and also keep our children from harm. It’s my job and I take it seriously. Especially since this gathering is coming up so soon. I don’t have the slightest idea what will happen, but I’m preparing for it as best as I can.”

  Sarah grabbed his hand from her abdomen and held it between both of hers. She spoke with quiet compassion and a feeling of stress melted away. “I know how you feel. Just promise me one thing… Don’t push yourself too hard or you won’t be able to accomplish your task.”

  He laughed quietly. “Sure thing, Princess. And you need to promise me one thing as well… If I do over extend myself, go find a spoon.”

  At that she started to laugh with him. She pulled on his arm and as he came forward she gently gave him a quick kiss. Even though she felt calmer, she couldn’t shake the feeling that Connor has the right idea.

  When the first rays of the sun brightened the sky they slowly got out of the warm bed. Connor and Sarah made breakfast together and ate quickly. Connor walked into his workshop room that is situated opposite the power room. Sarah felt him using his power for some new project that he said would be amazing as she entered the power room to do some last minute laundry.

  Throughout the past few months Connor would bring things home and put it in his private workshop, a place she respected as his personal space. Although bound as one, they were separate entities. He would bring in bought wood or scraps that he could reuse. She would also sometimes smile when he would bring home chunks of scrap metal. Last week he brought home a solid sheet of stainless steel and when she asked what it was for, he just smiled. He is a recycler and a good one at that. He never brings home anything that doesn’t serve a usable purpose. He doesn’t collect junk luckily.

  Sarah took a quick shower and put on lacy black undergarments along with thick white pants and a long sleeved black shirt. She walked into the living room and strapped up her boots because tennis shoes would be ridiculous to travel through the snow. Connor finally came out of the workroom and had a pleased smile etched into his features just before he took a quick shower. He soon came out of their room wearing a black long sleeved shirt and black pants.

  When he finished putting his boots on they left the cottage to go meet up with Kara and Mark over at Jenny’s place. The sky continued brightening in the early morning sky. Sarah looked down and saw that they didn’t have any fresh snowfall during the night, but the snow still lay heavily everywhere.

  As they escaped the confines of the trees and crossed through the back of her parents property, they crossed the street to see Jenny; Connor’s mother.

  In the driveway of her house were two vehicles; a brown Jeep which belonged to Mark and a silver Honda that belonged to Jenny. The house’s walls are a semi-glossy white and looked almost like the snow that covered the ground and the roof. It looked like an igloo, but with straight edges. The front yard didn’t have any trees, but it held its own kind of beauty.

  Sarah interlaced her fingers timidly with Connor’s and it was received with a gentle squeeze. They walked up the driveway and over to the front door. Sarah knocked before he had the chance to barge in unannounced. It’s an old habit from living here his whole life. “Coming!” That voice announced it to be none other than the hyperactive Kara. She opened the door as chipper as ever. “Come on in you two.”

  Kara instantly grabbed Sarah’s hand and dragged her inside the house. Connor and Sarah quickly took off their wet shoes before entering deeper into the house. Kara attired a pink blouse along with silver pants. She also had in her chocolate brown contact’s which she had to wear around her family because that was her original color before she became a Changer. Connor asked quietly “Have you told Mom anything yet?” She shook her head as she brought the Balancers into the living room.

  All of the walls in the living room were painted earthy colors and held pictures and paintings that Kara made herself. They are all exquisite and very detailed paintings. The floor is polished hardwood and rather warm compared to outside. Off on one wall sat a red brick fireplace that continuously warmed the room with its soft crackling glow. In the middle of the room lay a leather sofa that Connor made and two recliners he didn’t. The three seats were facing the TV that was plugged into the far wall, beneath the window facing the front yard.

  “Good morning, Buddy.” Mark was here and stood up from the sofa. He wore a thick silver t-shirt along with heavy brown pants.

  “Good morning.” They bumped fists like usual. Sarah then saw Connor’s eyes focusing and knew he was entering Mark’s mind. Feeling jealous, she openly listened in on their conversation. “Are you ready to lie your butt off?” Connor smiled wickedly.

  Mark returned his own version of a feral smile. “Can you pull it off…? Oh, who am I kidding. You can do just about anything.” Connor knew she was eavesdropping in on their conversation, but he didn’t reveal so on his face.

  That’s another remarkable thing they can do. It’s possible that they can enter the mind of a Changer. Sarah has known only Keepers who could do such things, but never another Balancer so maybe Connor is right about not being a Balancer.

  Suddenly Jenny walked into the room. Her golden hair bounced behind her as she came in from the kitchen. She has a lovely, fair complexion, even without any makeup. She has a fit figure and always walks with fierce determination. She stopped by the recliner and looked at the four of them. A light blue cotton sleeved shirt and denim jeans kept any chills at bay. Her chocolaty brown irises looked at the four with a critical eye. Her tone remained as pleasant as her features. “What does everyone want with me so early in the morning? Am I in trouble or what?”

  “You bet, Mom!” This came from the hyperactive Kara. “I’m just kidding… We might be the ones in trouble though!”

  Sarah shifted her eyes to her right. Kara stood relaxed and still smiling happily. She entered her mind quickly. “Kara, be careful about what you say! Do you want your mother to be exposed to the danger that you have become so comfortable with?” At that, Kara’s smile vanished as she st
ole a quick glance at her upset sister-in-law. “We have to be careful or else she will become a liability for us.” She barely nodded. Sarah shifted her gaze to Connor as she felt his mind with blending in with hers. He was doing what she just did between him and Mark. “Did I say something wrong?”

  “Not at all. I was going to tell her practically the same thing, but not as gently as you just put it.” He didn’t betray any facial emotion, but through their bond she knew he was upset with his sister’s carelessness. He turned his eyes back to his mother not a second later.

  Jenny now had a hand on her hip as she asked in mild humor “What have you four gotten yourselves into this time?”

  As Connor removed his hand from his wife’s and stepped forward to pull the attention of the room upon himself, Mark stepped to the side giving Sarah’s mate extra space. Connor spoke with a calm and placating voice. “Mom, Kara’s just yanking your chain. We’re not in trouble. We’re just going away for about six months.” Jenny’s eyes widened in both fear and shock at hearing this turn of events. Her hand came off her hip as Connor continued with his well thought out plan. “Jack won some tickets for six people to go on a cruise down to South America the other day. He was the first to call into the radio station and won the grand prize. He invited Kara, Mark, Sarah and I to go with him and Jillian.”

  Sarah smiled inwardly as Jenny asked “Why are you going so suddenly?”

  Sarah remembered being in his mind as he thought through every possible scenario yesterday. This one was the best cover story because not too many people have connections in South America, living in Minnesota that is. Connor continued. “Because Jack said that we should all go and explore other parts of the world.”

  His mate stepped forward and added “I don’t know about you, but I’m just going because it is warmer down there. Also I want to bask out in the sun and try to get a tan. It would be a great reprieve from all this snow.”

  Jenny’s brown eyes looked at Sarah and softened. She sighed quietly then said “I can understand that reasoning well enough.” She looked back at Connor. “So when are you leaving?”

  Connor said evenly “Tomorrow morning.”

  Jenny sighed quietly a few times before saying “Will you be careful and take care of everyone.” She sounded defeated.

  He walked forward and gave his mother a gentle hug. He looked like he was going to engulf his mother with his massive form. As he pulled away he spoke calmly, “I will make sure everyone returns home safely.” He turned his head to the group. “There is still a lot we have to do before tomorrow get’s here.”

  Sarah was next to give Jenny a hug followed by both Kara and Mark. As they put on their shoes to leave, Sarah realized that Jenny is a well grounded woman. She knows that time always allows change and you have to go along with it. All said their goodbye’s and headed back outside. Mark and Kara decided to ride with them in Connor’s truck as they finished preparations to depart. The cabin of the enormous truck is ultimately warmer than Mark’s soft covered jeep.

  The first stop was to visit Deputy Burrow’s. He is a gentle black man who is almost always wearing a pleasant smile. He is in his late forty’s to early fifties. He is shorter than Sarah’s mate and has a slender build. He has a beautiful wife and three adult children along with a new grandchild. Sarah first met him when one of her colleagues held her in a chokehold during Connor’s graduation. His name was Mr. V. a science teacher who loathed her husband as much as Mathew did. Deputy Burrow put the teacher away for several more years. And when Maggie went missing, both Connor and the deputy put an end to Mathew existence.

  The deputy wasn’t too happy with the news of them leaving town for several months, but was glad that they had something good happen within their lives. He said “Have a safe trip and come home in one piece.”

  The next stop was for Mark. They stopped at his local diner he built when he first arrived here in Minnesota. He went inside alone to talk to his manager Gerry. Gerry has a strong southern accent and is a very husky gentleman. But anytime Mark would invite her and Connor over to eat, Gerry was always very polite, especially after finding out they had a hearty appetite as great as his own.

  While Mark made plans in his diner, Connor called all of his usual patrons and told them that he wasn’t going to be in town for awhile and he would call them back when he returned. Sarah then asked to use his phone. She called the principal at the school and told him about her leave of absence. He said that since she was so good at the job that he wouldn’t fire her from such a long leave.

  Little did he know, she’s lived longer that the history book she taught from.

  The next destination was to David and Rhoda’s ranch. They are the grandparents of Connor and Kara. When Sarah ever spoke to them directly, they only allow her to call them either Granddaddy or Grandma. It’s so humiliating being older than the both of them put together yet talk to them as her elders. As Connor pulled into their driveway and turned off the ignition they all walked up on the front porch. Sarah glanced over her shoulder and saw David’s red pickup truck. It was half the size of Connor’s green monstrosity.

  Off to the back stood two separate barns. One red barn is specifically for the cattle that they raise for the slaughter. The other barn has a tense history. It too is red, except for the black sooty residue left from the metal forge that is situated inside. It was that specific barn that gave Connor the mark that’s seared into his sternum. It was also where he made her anklet and his armlet.

  The May’s house is two stories tall and the outside walls are painted a faded yellow. Rhoda always had a wide variety of flowers that she grew. Sarah knew that Rhoda put most of her flowers into the barn to give them some protection from the snow, but the ones that lined her home were all covered in the deep white fluff.

  Kara knocked and Rhoda opened the door wearing a wide grin. “Come inside where it’s warm, kids.” It was impossible not to criticize her unique style as they followed her inside. Her hair is grey and kept into a tight perm, but it’s what she wore that set her apart. A black and white checkered top and lime green spandex pants covered her body. Sarah could only smile inwardly at such choices.

  When they entered their blue room David was comfortably sitting on the couch, watching football. He turned his eyes in their direction and said “Good morning, kids.” He was wearing a red and black striped shirt and blue denim jeans. He is a well built and handsome man for his age, always clean shaven and his wavy grey hair was combed back and held down with gel. He stood up and asked “Are you here to inform us about your trip?”

  Both Connor and Kara looked at each other and simultaneously said in an obvious manner “Mom.”

  Rhoda walked over to stand with her husband. She said “You guessed it. She called a little over an hour ago and told us about the trip to South America.”

  Sarah said “Grandma, that was supposed to be a surprise.” She sighed and feigned disappointment. “Do you have anything else you want to know about our journey to the warmer side of the world?”

  Rhoda smiled softly and Sarah could see all of the laugh lines that she’s earned throughout her years hadn’t once hindered her mischievous eyes and quick wit. “No, but I would like a little trinket from your journey.”

  Mark smiled and asked “From each of us or just one person?”

  “We would like something small from each of you.” David chuckled loudly.

  The six of them sat down in the room and had a nice discussion for the next hour. Most of the time was spent on talking about what they’ve been up to since they last saw them. Rhoda is always a carefree, witty woman and David was wily for his age, a perfect match.

  After the four immortals left their company they had one final destination of the day; The Outdoorsman Supply Store.

  The first thing Sarah retrieved there was new waterproof hiking boots that allowed your feet to breathe while keeping snow at bay. Connor also threw in wool socks to keep their feet warm. She tried on ten pairs of hik
ing jeans that had six deep pockets; two on the thighs, two on the hips and also in the rear. She selected three pair of the black ones. Connor had her try on certain jackets that were a little roomy in the sleeves, but he put them in the push cart anyway. He also tried on some clothes and did as she did. He grabbed four space blankets and thirty packets of freeze dried and dehydrated food. The last thing Connor said they needed were full body cloaks to break the wind during their travels. Six were obtained. Connor grabbed two that could fit his height, three of the same make for the girls because their stature is all about the same and Mark bought one for his height. Connor was right about it getting cold during a long journey in the winter especially with how they planned to travel.

  After the items were paid for they we went straight home. Kara and Mark took their things out of the truck and went back to their apartment. Connor and Sarah both carried all of their new items back to the cottage to finish preparations. She noticed that her mother’s red car was gone and knew that her parents were setting up their obligations to see them done while absent for an extended time.

  Connor unlocked the front door to the Cottage and allowed her to enter first. Sarah dropped the bags on the dining room table and walked over to the fireplace and added some wood to the smoldering coals. She dropped to her knees and opened her fingers to the mouth of the fireplace. As she started trying to warm her hands up, Connor went back into his workshop without a word, but he was smiling oddly. Something was up.

  Clinging sounds of metal hitting metal began emanating from his private room. When the logs finally caught flame and took the tingling from her digits, Connor came into the living room with a large box with a green ribbon tying the box closed. The cardboard box wasn’t covered with wrapping paper, but it still had an air of beauty and intrigue to it. Trickery about the present thrilled her. Sarah stood up feeling finally warmed when he said “I’ve been thinking a lot about us and I made this.”


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