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Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 6

by Lee Morgan

  He looked at everyone watching the siblings with a curious smile.

  A minute later Connor looked back at Jack. “Have you decided?”

  Jack looked at the entire group as each one of them were staring him down; even Jillian. He sighed “Alright… We’ll tag along with the unknown pair.” He smiled genuinely. “Mark,” His gaze shifted to the oldest among them. “please accept my apology for my rude behavior. I’m sorry.”

  Mark walked up to Jack and he rested his hand on his shoulders. “I accept.” Mark turned back to everyone. “I think we better get going soon or else we’ll get stuck in the nosebleed sections.” Connor didn’t understand what he meant, but he wanted to get a move on as well. Showing up late isn’t in his nature.

  Jack grabbed Haunt and both bags as Jillian wrestled with her belt and finally succeeded in sliding the dagger into position at her hip.

  Connor opened the bed of his truck and snow slid down the backside like a miniature avalanche. Jack put both bags and his weapon in. Mark also grabbed both of their bags and tossed it inside as well. Sarah took her bag off and placed it in, as did Connor.

  Just before closing the bed cover, the truck’s weight slightly shifted down on the passenger side of the truck. Connor shut it and laughed inwardly as it was Kara getting into the back seat with Mark. A Changer’s weight sure is something.

  With everyone loaded in the truck Connor started the silent engine and backed out. Just before they left everyone saw Jenny waving goodbye and everyone returned the gesture.

  About thirty minutes into the awkwardly silent truck ride Sarah felt someone pulling themselves forward by grabbing her seat. She looked to the left and found her mother looking directly at her with a playful grin and mischievous gleam in her eyes. “How’s my grandchild doing?”

  Nothing on the radio had been worth listening to and Sarah could hear the truck’s tires running over the snow covered road. Her father and Mark were still tense about the arrangements so no one had initiated a pleasant conversation until her mother did. The inside of the cabin finally grew warm and she could finally open the cloak that already proved to be a warm lifesaver.

  Sarah said “Not much has changed since you saw her three days ago, Mother. We all know how long things will take for the development.”

  Her grin widened. “I’m just so glad that I can finally be a grandmother.”

  “Speak for yourself.” Jack said playfully and then finally chuckled.

  “Say, have you thought of a name yet? It has to be something extremely pretty. She has to be.” There was no helping Jillian when she gets like this.

  “Honestly Mother, I haven’t a clue.”

  “Come on… How about Rose, Jeanne… or Alexandra…or…or…”

  Connor bluntly announced “Pearl.”

  Sarah’s mother became as statuesque as her father. They both suddenly forgot how to breathe, blink or even look in a different direction. Sarah entered both of their minds and found that their thoughts were stunned speechless. Even with the truck going down the road they didn’t budge or bounce.

  Kara asked “Why Pearl?”

  “Because that was Sarah’s oldest sister’s name.” He glanced at his sister in the mirror, looking over Jillian’s back, and then to Sarah before looking back at the road. His voice turned compassionate. “Pearl was killed in an avalanche one hundred years before Sarah was born. I thought that it was not only a beautiful name, but would be an honor to her memory. Is that alright with you Jillian? She was your daughter after all.”

  A moment later both of her parents began breathing. Sarah’s mother’s eyes finally went into focus as she turned her head. Her voice quivered along with her bottom lip as she asked “You would name your child after mine?” Connor nodded slowly. “That will be the greatest honor you can give to my dau…” Jillian’s voice failed her as she hugged Connor’s neck. Sarah could actually see a tear stream from her mother’s cheek.

  Connor let his emotional mother-in-law hug him. Sarah felt him entering her mind. “I never asked you, but do you like my idea?”

  “Of course.” She thought to herself, Pearl…Pearl…Pearl…Pearl… Sarah looked at Connor as he allowed her get used to saying the name. “It is a perfect name for her. You are my Knight. I am your Princess.” She looked down as she touched her belly. “And you will be our little treasure.”

  It all seemed right.

  Connor glanced at her for a moment and smiled. “It’s settled. Pearl May it is then.”

  Sarah stole a glance at her father and almost wished she hadn’t. His eyes were squeezed tight and a few tear drops escaped down his cheek. His lips were pressed together and quivering. She has never in her whole life seen her father show that unique expression. It is one she will never forget either.

  About forty five minutes later they finally reached the next destination. They pulled into Jack’s garage. The parking lot lay currently empty since it is everyone’s day off. Jack stepped out of the truck and entered the security code to the gate to allow them to enter. Connor pulled in and parked the tuck. Jack said that this will be the safest place to keep the truck since the front gate is shut and locked every night. The walls and parking lot are all under surveillance and is constantly monitored by private security.

  Sarah hesitantly opened her door because she knew that she is going to be cold for a long trip while they make their way north towards the meeting. The door opened and she was correct about the cold.

  Relentless cold assaulted everyone equally.

  Both Kara and Mark landed on the ground easily despite their enormous weight advantage. Sarah locked and shut her door as did Mark. She followed the two Changers to the back of the truck and waited for a moment. Connor held the lid open as everyone grabbed their individual packs. Her father grabbed theirs and they both put them on underneath their new cloaks. Mark and Kara each grabbed their packs and sniffed it. They realized they had the others and traded them back with private smiles. Jack grabbed Haunt just as Connor reached in and grabbed Sarah’s bag for her. She quickly slid it on her back and clasped the clip between her breasts. She then closed the front of her cloak with both hands to at least keep and trap some warmth her body made from escaping.

  Connor grabbed his pack from the truck and closed the lid to lock it. He wiped the remaining snow residue off the top and sat his pack on the ground. He pulled out his compass and laminated map from his bag. He laid out the map on the flat surface and the compass over the map key. He moved his body and twisted the map until he was satisfied. Connor then called all of them over to the truck. “We all agree that the temporary bond is in that direction. His arm pointed due north and Sarah felt the bond pulling her in that very direction. “Now if we take the road route we will run into nine small cities and three towns before we even hit the Canadian border. But if we take a direct route we will only pass through two of the cities and one town.” Connor turned to look at all of them. “The direct route takes us through the mountains and it might get a little tricky since it snowed during the night. Do you want to stick close to the road system or simply go through the mountains?”

  Kara raised her hand. “I say mountains because the bears are hibernating and because it will be secluded for us.”

  Connor lifted an eyebrow. “Kara you also need to know that you cannot change into a wolf or fly as a Fwen.”


  Mark answered. “Because it’s hunting season and if human hunters saw us in our transformed states… What would you think would happen? Plus this is a long journey and we need to use the least of our abilities as possible. Lastly, some of us cannot fly and it wouldn’t be right to be rude and leave them behind.”

  “Oh…” She went quiet as she started using her vivid imagination.

  Jack spoke “Your sister has the right idea, Son. The sooner we arrive, the less we will have to worry about. Less human interaction is the key.”

  Connor shifted his gaze upon Sarah. She said “The quicker we get
there, the quicker we can get out of the cold weather.”

  He smiled. “It’s settled then.” Connor said as he put the map and compass back into his pack. He slung it on easily and clasped the clip over his sternum. “Let’s get started!” He said with a playful smile and closing his cloak.

  Below and Above

  The very first thing they did as they finally stared the journey was to leave the parking lot. Sarah’s father shut and locked the gate behind them. When he walked back over to the group he closed the front of his cloak. Sarah saw that he had a strap over his left shoulder, indicating his ancient iron club lay against his side.

  They all started walking together and with their mate’s. While walking along the sidewalk Connor said “If we take a left at the corner it will get us under the cover of the forest quicker than if we keep walking in this direction.” No one argued his assessment as they followed him around the street corner.

  For the next seven miles Connor and Sarah walked in front. Mark and Kara took the center and both of Sarah’s parents took the rear. The sun eventually picked itself up off the ground and brightening the sky. The snow constantly crunched loudly under their feet with each step. The businesses and homes had become sparser for each mile they walked at a normal human pace. Soon the concrete sidewalks came to an end and utilizing the road became the only option. Cars didn’t bother them and went around, slowing for a simple act of courtesy so as to not splash them with snow and slush.

  About a mile away the six of them sighed in relief when they finally saw the thick tree line.

  Sarah tightened the front of her cloak as they crossed the street and entered the trees. She originally feared Fangs would get in her way as she walked, but they didn’t even come close to hindering her natural gait. Then they all disappeared into the forest, still walking, until they were clear of all traces of humanity and technology. Connor stopped as did she and the rest of the group. His expression remained calm as is his covered body. He said evenly “I think we should run, but at a pace that won’t wear us out too quickly.”

  His proposal lingered for a minute until Mark said “I’ll second that. Do you think we should run in any particular order?”

  “Yes, I do actually.”

  “We’re listening, Brother.” Kara said, opening the front of her cloak to flip the hood over her head. Sarah saw that her ears were pink and her own probably looked the same. It was really cool this morning and the wind wasn’t helping.

  Connor stood closer and looked her in the eye for just a moment and then he looked at everyone else who had suddenly become closer. They all stood in a loose circle. Connor stood close to Sarah’s right and to Kara to her left. Mark, her mother and father were all shoulder to shoulder and standing before her. Connor started with “Mark and Jack will take lead. The girls will take middle and I will take the rear. Does that sound reasonable?”

  Before anyone could speak up Sarah asked her relatively calm mate “Why can’t I run with you? Why should I take middle?”

  He smiled softly and spoke to his love in his deep, soothing voice. “Because I’m going to take the hardest job. The person in the back has to make sure everyone is covered and fall back to take care of trouble, should need arise. I need Mark to keep his hearing as sharp as he can make it without altering the structure of his ears and his sense of smell is highly adept and your father will use his sonar every now and then to see what Mark cannot detect. The front men are the scouts. I need my sister and your mother to stay in the middle with you.”

  “Is it because I’m with child?” Sarah released the front of her cloak to cross her arms defiantly.

  “Partly.” He smile became a grin. “Have you forgotten what my mother requested of me?” Sarah remembered clearly Jenny telling him to bring everyone home safely. “Whatever happens with all of us is my responsibility. I decided that this course of action would be the least hazardous to everyone.”

  “Connor,” her attention was pulled to her father as he asked. “why do you think this formation will work for the best?”

  Connor took a deep breath before explaining. “If either you or Mark detect something different, you can warn us. If there is danger we cannot avoid, we will decide what to do if it comes up. Our number one problem will be from someone spotting us while running through the wild. It will be impossible to hide the fact we aren’t entirely human. That’s your job, to keep everyone hidden while we move. We need to work together and your centuries of experience will keep us safe. The girls have the most flexibility to do whatever they need to do. I will take up the rear, the defensive position, and remove any obstacles we will come across.” Connor looked at each of them in turn, feeling good to have articulated it as clearly as possible. His voice suddenly changed from pleasant into that of a leader or commander. “If anyone says Stop!, we all will. If someone becomes tired, we will all rest until they are ready to continue.” Everyone understood Connor’s worry without him stating anything else.

  Kara asked in a weak voice “Brother, why can’t I take the lead with Mark and Mr. Branderson?”

  His voice changed back to calm and reassuring once again. “Kara, who cannot fly in our group?” Her silver eyes shifted over to Sarah’s suddenly flustered parents. “That’s right. If we don’t have a choice and need a quick escape plan, you will need to carry Jillian.” Connor shifted his solid, penetrating gaze to Mark that gave no quarter. “And you do the same for Jack.”

  “You got it.” Mark said evenly. He nudged Kara with his elbow and then she conceded a moment later.

  “Let’s get going!” Jack said in annoyed voice as he walked north.

  “You heard the man!” Connor added with enthusiasm and soon were on the way.

  Sarah remained running so slowly and she knew she could walk faster in her sleep, but at least they are traveling faster than any human on the planet. The leafless trees allowed the sun to hit the ground to light the path. Sarah held the front of her cloak closed as she ran in the exact center of the group. At least the movement kept the cold somewhat at bay. Her father and Mark were both running side by side about twenty yards ahead of the center with their cloaks bundled around them. Every now and then she felt her father release a blast of his sonar to scout nearly a mile ahead while Mark shifted his head from side to side as he smelled the air and listened to the sounds of the forest. Jillian ran off to her right and gave about three feet of room to run free. Kara did the same, but gave Sarah an extra spare inch. She stole a glance behind and saw Connor’s cloak wide open as he ran and his eyes were focused and intense, taking nothing for granted. He looked like some kind of superhero with a cape billowing behind him. His arms swung from side to side and his strides were always placed perfectly, but strangely he was the only one not making noise in the snow. Even the treads of his boots barely made an impression. It was strange for what looked like a two hundred and forty pound man to not leave a trail behind himself. With his cloak open she wondered how he could stand the cold, but he was always said he liked the cold. He smiled at her and she blushed. Sarah returned her focus back to the front.

  Within about two hours of running and going over two mountains, Jack called “Stop.” and it came out as an even tone.

  Instantly everyone immediately stopped running. Both Mark and Kara sunk down in the snow about three inches while Sarah and her parents barely dropped an inch. Even Connor sunk now that he didn’t move. They were running fast enough that none sunk in the snow, but since they stopped gravity took over.

  Jillian asked “What is it?”

  Jack turned to the rest of the group. Before he spoke Sarah glanced at everyone’s condition. Everyone was breathing normally like it was just a slow and leisurely trip. No one had even broken a sweat. By now a normal human would have collapsed from utter exhaustion or died outright. “The first city is about a half mile ahead.”

  From behind, Connor said “Keep going straight, just act human until we get out of sight again.” Jack nodded and resumed walking
in the same direction.

  They stuck to the outskirts of the city and once cleared resumed the set pace.

  The entire group did the same for the next town and last city.

  Eventually they finally made it to the Canadian border at about four in the afternoon. They exited the forest and before them sat a snow covered road that goes parallel with the border. Lucky for them there wasn’t a fence like the one down boarding Mexico. In the far distance Sarah clearly saw a small snow covered mountain and had one last look behind her. She saw her man smile and nod for them to continue.

  After crossing the border unnoticed Connor said to all of them “We need to find shelter before it gets dark.”

  They entered another forest as they continued running. About an hour later Jack used sonar and abruptly changed direction. Dumbfounded for but a moment, they chased off after him. Downhill they ran and Sarah had to carefully place her footing on the slick stones. About fifteen seconds later she saw her father staring at something. He said “I found us some shelter for the night.”

  Before them looked to be a large, wooden, run-down shed that was even smaller than her cottage. Its roof held up a generous helping of snow and revealed that it had a hole in the center of the roof. The ground was littered with snow and rocks. The shed had been made out in the middle of nowhere, but they didn’t care at the moment. It is unoccupied and has been that way for many years.

  Connor opened the door to check it all out and came back saying it will be sufficient for the night. Sarah entered the room to find it empty except for a single, cracked mason jar on a shelf and a small charred metal fireplace in the corner of the shack. The room was completely open and clear of all furniture and it could fit all of them if they played around with the sleeping arrangement. The roof was only about three inches taller than both her father’s and Connor’s head; they even had to duck to enter the room.

  Jillian collected all the snow off the wooden floor with her command over Liquid and threw it all outside without incident. Jack and Connor left to go find some tender for the fire. Mark and Kara decided to close the opening in the roof with some evergreen limbs. It was a temporary fix, but they would all be gone by first light anyway.


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