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Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 16

by Lee Morgan

  Connor suddenly noticed that Mark had already fully transformed into his Fwen form as well. His black glossy feathers glistened from the ceiling lights and his black fur remained loose, but flowed continually from muzzle to tail. He walked a few steps forward on all fours and grinned. In his husky and animalistic voice he said “Sweetheart, I have nine hundred years more experience at this than you do.”

  They kept talking as Connor looked at the Balancers who were gathered in this room. Most Balancers almost always walked beside their mates. They moved together and rarely strayed. All the women looked to be around the same age. They ranged from late teens to early to mid twenties. Some were taller than Sarah, but not many. Quite a few of the women were either her height or shorter. Their complexions were all flawless and their hair ranged from short to even longer than Sarah’s and their hair colors were also an assorted mix. Their skin tones ranged from pale white to the darkest of brown. Their male counterparts ranged from late teens to middle aged men. Connor smiled because he became a Balancer in his late teens while Jack became one in his early forties. Most of the men carried weapons with them. Connor became astounded to see weapons from different cultures, eras and locations. Many of the weapons were all from the time they were made and maintained throughout the ages. Most men carried swords like the katana, gladius, kukri, broad swords, one man had a two handed claymore and many had knives and daggers. Almost all Balancers were clothed in modern clothing, but some attired ancient clothes that have only been seen in history books or depicted in movies. He bet most of the beings in here could rewrite history and set theories straight with their past and vast knowledge.

  The room remained constantly bustling with excitement and Keepers were no exception. Some stood towering as they walked amongst the crowd while others were content and walked on all fours to get around. Many moved out of the way as they moved and all people avoided their tails. Not even the first Elder could be spotted in the crowd and he then remembered Mark saying that they will only meet just the two, until the meeting starts.

  Kara gained Connor’s attention when she turned her head and her ears were swerved to his direction. “Brother, do you have an idea of what to do first?”

  Sarah then grabbed his hand and smiled. He looked at his sister and best friend as he turned and walked beside her, still on all fours. Then his in-laws moved around so they could see him as well. “I want to see how they play Baseball first. Hopefully we might get a chance to play.”

  “I doubt it.” He looked at Jillian. “I’m sorry to say it Connor, but there is a list that you will need to sign up for. I asked while I washed my clothes.” She turned to the crowds. “This meeting sure looks to be a big one this year.”

  “If that’s true, we better enroll before more show up.” Sarah said excitedly. “Come on, Connor. Let’s go over there and find the registration area.” She pulled his hand in the direction of the Baseball field. Kara and Jillian both snickered behind them at Sarah’s change of mood.

  He could instantly feel that someone began watching them suddenly.

  Connor stopped cold and jerked Sarah to a halt. Her eyes went wide as he looked through the crowd. Who’s looking at me? He then saw a pair of eyes looking right at him and he sighed with relief. “Hey Veronica!” He yelled within the crowd. Sarah turned in the direction he waved.

  Their newest friend made her way through the crowd and up to all of them. The crowd moved to give her space and they avoided her long tail. The crowd didn’t get upset or anything, they must have had to do it so much that it no longer bothered them to make plenty of room for the giants. She finally made it up to their group and Connor noticed that Clarein was tagging along. He felt the strong and familiar mind trying to gain access into his. Connor allowed her, but also put up a few mental barriers to certain parts of his mind that he does not want her to know about. He pictured Sarah’s green eyes as the mental barriers that were erected. Veronica’s guarded eyes softened as she looked down at all of them. “Glad to see that you have all finally made it up here. I was afraid I had lost you in the crowd when you all arrived. It took us awhile to make it through everyone… Kara? Is that you?”

  Kara smiled showing all her teeth. “It’s me alright. How do I look, Girlfriend?”

  “It really is you. Your form looks magnificent. What do you call it?” Kara told her the name. “A Fwen, that has a good sound to it.” Her gold eyes became suddenly playful. “Would you mind if I could feel what your wing is like?” In answer his sister extended her left wing all the way up to Veronicas face. With her right clawed hand she reached out and caressed the feathers with the palm of her hand. “It is very soft. Thank you.”

  Connor thought; Ah the golden retriever has gotten some attention.

  Sarah spoke loud enough to speak over the crowd and up to Veronica. “We were going over to the Baseball field to sign up for us to play. You’re welcome to tag along while we go over there.” Connor looked up to see her big and bulky head nod once. Suddenly Sarah pulled his arm again and made their way through the crowds.

  About two minutes later of avoiding others and moving out of other Keepers paths they made their way over to the field and stadium. The closer they got, the taller the bleachers became. The bleachers lined the entire length of the sides and back of the field. Connor saw several long tails hanging down from certain levels of bleachers. The sound of whistling wind and the crack of metal hitting metal announced a play and then came the thunderous cheering from the crowd. He couldn’t see a thing from where he was at because the tall bleachers blocked his line of sight.

  They all made their way to a somewhat long line that led all the way to a small shack. Two people sat inside the structure and they were frantically writing on paper and filing them.

  The eight of them stood in the back of the line and waited for their turn. He didn’t pay any attention to who stood in front of him. While they waited, Connor turned around and looked up. “Clarein!?” She turned to look down at him with purple eyes and a furrowed brow. Her head looked down and he saw the light reflect on the glossy scales on the top of her skull. “Do you know what Firon had to do today?”

  “I do not, but I know he was summoned down to level four. I heard someone say there was a quick meeting of the Immortal Guards.” She softened her features. “I have a question to ask.” From the expression of the others he could tell that Veronica and Sarah were the only others in on this conversation. “How did you learn about seeing another’s aura?”

  “Veronica accidently showed it to me when she used the ability herself. I learn rather quickly.” He smiled at Veronica and she returned the expression. “I will keep our bargain, so don’t worry. It is not my secret to share anyway.”

  “But you have told your mate.” Clarein said pointing out the obvious.

  It wasn’t difficult to find an appropriate answer.

  “Can you keep anything away from Firon if he ever asked?” She eyed him suspiciously. “Unless it is a surprise for her, I will give her whatever she wants. The two of you have been together for so long. I can see it in your eyes that you understand exactly what I am saying.”

  Clarein let out a rumbling sigh. “I see your point alright. Do you have a question for me?”

  “Yes.” He thought while smiling. “Down on the scratched out level five, why is it closed?”

  “Because it is so dangerous. But there were some glorious battles.” Her eyes went out of focus as she remembered the past. “Anyone could compete for the prize. The winner could request one thing from the elders, if it was within their power that is. A thousand years ago the elders decided to shut down that hall because so many wound up hurt or worse.”

  Connor wrapped his hands behind his head, making his elbows point out. “It sounds like it would be quite a bit of fun.”

  About an hour later they eventually made it to the registration desk. Behind the desk sat a pair of mated Balancers putting some papers in a manila envelope. The woman wore a plaid shirt
as did her mate. She had light red hair and pale green eyes. The male sitting next to her sat at most an inch taller and looked to be in his mid to late twenties. After they put the files away they both looked up to see him standing there like some oversized shadow. The woman cleared her throat. “Hello, how can we help you?”

  Connor stood straighter. “I would like to register and start a new team.”

  She smiled politely, but he knew she was forcing it out of sheer boredom. “What kind of sport would you like? Do you also have enough players?”

  “Baseball will do for now. And yes I have plenty of players.” He smiled the same way back at her, gauging her reactions or what comes next. She pulled out a new sheet of paper and started writing after sighing. He answered her first question. “The names are; Connor, Sarah, Jack, Jillian who are Balancer. Then there is Kara and Mark who are Changers.” Her pen stopped scribbling after she registered in her mind what he just said. She looked up with shocked eyes. Then a large shadow moved overhead and he knew who it belonged to.

  He almost laughed as the writers seemed to have had an aneurism.

  “Don’t forget to put my name down either, little one. My name is Veronica.” He wasn’t surprised, but everyone within hearing range was. There was silence as everyone turned to look at them. When he asked Firon about the rules at breakfast, Veronica looked at him and winked. Connor knew then that she wanted in.

  The girl remained frozen in shock as were everyone else around them. It was almost like it was during breakfast, but this time every creature’s eyes were popped outside their eye sockets. He broke the silence when the shadow moved away. “You heard the lady. Is there a problem with our application?”

  She stuttered. “Oh… of course not… what are you going to call your team… when we call out the next players?”

  He turned around and first looked at Sarah as she gazed in shock up at Veronica. Her parents were too. Connor looked up to Veronica and she was showing a toothy grin. He then turned his sights on Kara and Mark. They were both sitting on their haunches, being silent, but they were both wearing their own version of a toothy grin. Then an idea for a name popped in his mind. He quickly turned back around. “You can call our team, Equal!”

  She quickly wrote the name down and started writing some more on the paper. A minute later she looked up, eyeing all of them. “Everything is ready for…all…of you to play. I would guess that you’ll be able to play in three day’s time.”

  “Thank you.” As the eight of them started walking away Connor heard the two behind the counter whispering to each other. “Are they for real? This hasn’t happened before! What do they owe that big one? Will they actually make it?” On and on they went. Both Mark and Kara heard just as well as he did. He was proud they didn’t do or say anything. Veronica continued grinning from ear hole to ear hole. Sarah re-grabbed his hand and walked along with him.

  She felt really tense at the moment.

  The four of Balancers, two Changers and two Keepers all walked through the silent crowd of watchful eyes. Just about everyone was still in shock from their initial entrance. Connor then saw three silver sets of eyes licking their lips at their party. He instantly memorized their faces because they could be potential trouble. They made their way down the bleachers and Connor found an empty spot for all of them. They chose the bleachers on the right field and sat about mid way up. They sat just a few yards away from first base.

  Connor studied the field after Veronica and Clarein managed to slide their tails between the metal bleachers and let them hang. The diamond bases were wider spread because he knew an immortal can run faster and farther than any human could understand. The outfield net was made of a metal mesh. It would protect anyone who would get hit from any runaway balls. The outfield was proportionally as big. The green grass is all artificial and padded underneath, and it sunk down an inch under someone’s heavy weight.

  He knew it was so because a team of Changers were playing. It seemed like the team all shared the same attributes. Each player was male and all were shirtless. They all wore white leggings and were all barefoot. Each one had made their arms somewhat longer and larger. Their legs were all thick and well formed, but Connor’s legs were still far more developed. Their fingers were longer so that they could catch the ball barehanded. Then there was the baseball itself, it was made from solid steel and polished to a mirror finish. The bat was also polished steel, but from what he saw it looked like a regular bat, but the shaft was thicker and longer. Seven members of one team stood on the field. There were two outfielders, three basemen, a catcher and a pitcher.

  The Changers were playing against a group of Balancers. A frail and young looking woman walked up to the batter’s box wearing a pair of blue jeans and a brown t-shirt with tennis shoes. She picked up the bat with ease and gentle grace. She had fire engine red hair, but Connor didn’t get a good look at her eyes. She didn’t have a helmet, matter of fact he didn’t see a helmet in either of the dugouts.

  The catcher crouched down and opened up his right hand and extended his overly long fingers. Then the long armed pitcher tested the ball a few times before he took his stance. He threw the ball at a speed a human couldn’t imagine or keep up with. Then a sense of energy being gathered alerted Connor and it came from the batter herself. Then the ball suddenly started decelerating in the air because sand rose from the ground and slowed the progress of the metal. Connor knew she was using Terra to slow it down. When the ball was within range she swung her bat with the speed and strength of an immortal. The sound of metal crashing together made the crowd cheer. The batter dropped her bat as the ball shot into left field. She made it to first, but the outfielder caught it after leaping at least fifteen feet in the air. That was the third out and the teams exchanged places on the field.

  Then he heard Sarah quietly say “Oh no…” and her emotions scattered into fright. Connor quickly turned to her and she realized she had spoken aloud. “Sorry, I just realized who that was.” He looked at the player and saw striking emerald green eyes beneath red bangs. “Connor, that was my grandmother, Laura. And that is my grandfather, Ryan.” She pointed out.

  “Really?” He followed her finger to a five and a half foot tall man with broad shoulders. He had dark brown hair that came down to his shoulders. He walked up to the pitcher’s mound. His eyes were butterscotch and his clean shaved facial features revealed just how handsome he is. He was wearing a brown sleeveless shirt and matching shorts. He wore no shoes and Connor guessed that Ryan became a Balancer in his late twenties to early thirties. He remembered hearing that Ryan is a Pressure Balancer.

  There were six members on the field. Three men and three women were on the field. Laura squatted down into a catchers pose as she sat on her heels and the balls of her feet supported her weight. Between the three bases stood a man and a woman and the others took the outfield.

  A female Keeper referee, wearing a light blue robe yelled with her mental voice “BATTER UP!” and up came the first Changer as he twirled the bat like a baton in his left hand. He stepped into the left’s batter’s box and took his stance. Connor felt Ryan calling his energy and the ball floated away from his hand. From the look Ryan’s eyes, he was concentrating. Then the metal ball began flying from the mound like a bullet. The bat grazed the ball and thudded onto something soft. “STRIK ONE!” Connor saw then that Laura had her hand covered with the sand so it would absorb the impact. Ryan struck out two players. The third up connected with the ball and sent it into left field. It was too high for the fielder to jump and he knew it too. A large ball of water appeared in the path of the ball; growing by the second. The water slowed the ball down just enough for the outfielder to catch it for the third out.

  Those watching all sat and enjoyed the rest of the game in rapt attention until it ended. Connor felt another Keeper reaching for his mind and he announced for everyone “Team Victory and team Maul. Your turn at the Baseball field is now ready!”

  Jillian jumped up first a
nd disappeared into the crowd. She didn’t look happy, but not sad either, more like preparing herself to be let down again. Connor looked over to his right. “Jack, where is she going?”

  Jack revealed a haunted, hollow smile. His eyes looked almost regrettable and defeated. “Jillian has gone to go and find her parents. She is going to bring them here to meet all of us.”

  Connor soon found out why he seemed so miserable.

  Jillian held both of her parent’s hands as she led them over to their group. She walked between the fence line and the bleachers until arriving where they all remained. Jillian pointed out the group and said evenly “We are sitting over there.” Her parents walked with malicious pride, shoved up where the sun doesn’t shine. Connor predicted this was going to be a stressful encounter.

  Sarah asked him what her mother just said and Connor told her. Through their bond he could tell she was anxious and a little afraid. He entered her mind. “Princess? What is wrong with you and your parents?”

  She sighed and looked at him with unfocused eyes. “My grandparents can be a little…harsh and a little demeaning to us. Apparently since Mother wasn’t the first born we are all secondhand outcasts in their eyes. They are extremely old fashioned and biased. I doubt they’ve changed in the past two and a half decades.” Connor felt his guard instantly going up, but silently nodded in understanding.

  The three of them walked up the bleachers with Jillian leading. Connor finally received a closer look at his new grandparents, through his mate. Laura had a fair complexion with freckles on her cheekbones, giving her a younger appearance. And he finally found out where Sarah got her eyes from. Ryan had almost black hair and eyebrows yet were still classified as brown. His eyes were a brighter butterscotch compared to Jillian’s golden. Just looking into their eyes he figured them both to be at least nine hundred years old. The two of them looked at all of them as they sat close together. Jack sat on his right and Sarah, Mark, Kara, Veronica followed by Clarein, to Connor’s left.


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