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Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 31

by Lee Morgan

  Kara immediately stopped laughing and looked at him, the whites of her eyes clearly visible and terrified. “Brother, you didn’t.” Veronica was already making her way to his sister. Kara wheeled around and took off running as fast as she could and Veronica gave chase. Kara unfurled her wings and took to the air. “I’m glad Keepers can’t fly!” She yelled down to all of them as she circled the now empty room.

  Connor yelled up at her “Yes they all can, Kara!” Veronica stopped and looked at him before shaking her head and grin.

  Veronica walked close and said “Please hold this for me, my new mate.”

  Sorono blinked at what she just called him. He took his newest charge onto his open hands. “Have fun, Veronica!” He said with a wry grin.

  Veronica turned and Connor felt her summoning up her power. She lifted off the ground and flew straight at his sister. Kara became wide eyed again as she just realized that Keepers could actually fly. Since Kara was smaller she was more acrobatic in the air, but it was a confined space, with not many options and a matter of time. Veronica finally got a hold of his sister and planted a solid kiss on her muzzle. And with her new sense of smell he bet she could tell what Veronica ate for dinner last week.

  Everyone remaining in the room was now laughing.

  Connor felt a power growing behind him being raised quickly and he turned around to be hit in the face by a frigid water ball. When he wiped his eyes he came to realize that Sarah was the one who threw it. His shirt was now soaked. She grinned and said “I don’t like other women kissing you. I had to give you a quick wash because of that fact.”

  For settling the score he turned around, took a deep breath and yelled “Hey! Veroni.b..b…a.” Sarah jumped on his back and put both of her hands over his mouth and clamped down.

  She whispered in his ear “Don’t even think of ordering her to kiss me as payback.” She leaned closer and kissed his cheek and then laughed.

  “Head Elder…Sorono?” They all turned to High Elder Raphael and his Elder companions. “Why didn’t you tell us about you actually being the Head Elder? You approached me on the island saying you were an Immortal ambassador, when the Keepers discovered us all those thousands of years ago and yet I never knew. Did you know of this as well Poseidon?”

  “I did not. Nor did anyone else know except for the Elder Keepers apparently.”

  Veronica landed and she sat Kara down. Connor’s sister gave him a cold look, but her grin was visible. Veronica took her egg out of Sorono’s hands and he looked at all of the other Elders still looking down from their stations. “I will say this one last time. I will explain everything once all of the Immortal Guards arrive. I will only tell this once because it is a difficult story to explain, but it involves what Connor and I really am.” The Elders were silent and patiently waited.

  It took just over twenty minutes for all the Immortal Guard’s to gather.

  While they waited, Connor walked over and slid Tool back into his right belt. All of the Elders had jumped down and it gave him an idea. He walked over to where the metal ball, he created out of swords, laid on the ground and picked it up with his left hand. Connor felt a little comical at the moment and brought his power forth and engraved a symbol into the metal ball. He made a pentagram as well and added the symbols of the five elements. It looked like an etched duplicate of the silver armlet on his left arm. He walked up to the twin Changers and held the ball out to the one on the left. She was the one with longer hair. Her face paled once she saw his approach, but held her ground. “This is for you.” He placed the metal ball in her quivering hands. “Next time someone says they can control all of the elements, listen to them. If their statement turns out to be false, then you can call them a liar in your difficult language. Until then, don’t underestimate and say something disrespectful. It’s always best to overestimate someone and be let down than underestimate them and wind up in a difficult situation. Otherwise you’ll be the one holding nothing but regret, for your actions.” He turned around and walked back to everyone. Sarah watched him the entire time and didn’t disagree.

  Sorono and Veronica were having an intimate conversation so their group left them to do their discussions over by the corner of the room.

  When Firon was the last to arrive, Connor counted twenty Immortal Guard Keepers, Changers and Balancers. Sixty ancient warriors and protectors stood together. Each one had an identical pendant swinging around their necks of two crossed swords over a golden shield. The room was now chattering and charged with excitement.

  The hall began to quiet as Sorono walked to the center of the room with Veronica by his side. “Good. Now that everyone is gathered you will all follow me. I ask that all questions remain held until I am finished with the story.”

  Sorono turned around to look at Connor. Connor nodded knowing he wanted him to be the first to follow. Sorono bent down and jumped up to the Elder’s platform as easily as taking as step up. Connor bent down and launched himself twenty feet into the air, landing right behind with similar ease. The eldest immortal pushed open the double doors and started walking down the long and straight corridor. The corridor was lit every thirty feet with a ceiling light. The hallway was made of solid granite and perfectly smooth. Connor followed close behind after walking between the marble seats. He turned around to see that Veronica and Sarah walked side by side after landing. Behind them he saw everyone else jumping up and following.

  The hallway was surprisingly wide as Veronica and Sarah followed Connor. They had finally found someone who knew why Connor and she were so different. Sorono walked confidently, with both of his hands behind his back as he slowly made his way down the long and well lit corridor. Behind her the rest of the family followed them together and walked silently in the square hall. The sounds of so many foot falls blended together into an annoying, grating hum; ninety seven immortals will do that.

  As Sarah followed her awe inspiring mate she felt Veronica wanting access to her thoughts so they could communicate. “Can we talk, female to female?”

  Sarah closed her many thoughts to everyone except her. “Sure, what is on your mind?”

  “Do you think that I’ve made the correct decision in choosing Head Eld… I mean, Sorono as my mate? It was all just so sudden it feels as if I’m stuck in a dream. I am not sure if I made the right decision. What if I did something wrong?”

  “Veronica, stop second guessing yourself. Do you want Connor to kick more pride back into you?”

  They continued walking, but she looked down at her with a sideways smile. “I would rather not. My bottom is still throbbing from his last reminder.”

  “Now that that is clear, allow me give you some advice from what I know and have personally experienced. Connor just learned a name for what he is. Apparently both Connor and Sorono are both somehow connected as Harmonizers. I haven’t a clue as to what that means, but if Sorono is even half like Connor is; you will be in good hands forever. Also when I read Connor’s mind, I learned just how old Sorono really is. Women are usually attracted to older men because of their experience, power and compatibility. But from what I’ve personally seen, the two of you are perfect for each other and Connor agrees.” Sarah kept walking like they weren’t even conversing.

  “I have just one more question. How far along are you? I heard Elder Adela screaming with joy as she learned that you are with child.” Veronica had a twinkle in her large golden eyes.

  “I am about two month into my pregnancy. I still have about fifteen more months until my child is born into this world. I have a question for you now. Do you want to let our children have play dates?”

  “Do you mean allowing our children to play together?” Sarah smiled and nodded. “I cannot say. It has never been done before. Two parents must raise a child. The only time our children get to associate with others is when we come to these meetings. I would say yes to the…play dates, but I will need to discuss it with my new mate.” She looked at Sorono’s back and smiled.

; After about one hundred and ninety more paces they exited the tunnel. The next room was just as large as the meeting room, but this room had a much higher ceiling and felt full of life. Like in the meeting hall with the Elders, there were three large gates made of white stone that stood about thirty feet in height. The gate to the left held the pentagram chiseled into the center of the stone. To the right was a circle with a slit going down the middle. In the center stone gate held an etched hourglass. There wasn’t any normal way to see what laid beyond the gates. The opening of the room was shaped like a diamond. The ceiling was actually a gigantic dome, painted with blue and white and it mimicked the sky with such detail that it looked real. It was a beautiful sight and Sarah counted only four pillars holding the room up and they too were painted like the open sky, but they were exceedingly larger than any in the mountain. In the center of the dome was one huge light that lit the entire room and it too mimicked the sun at noon. Off to the left and right were two hallways leading back to the meeting hall. Three picnic tables, similar to the ones on level three, sat in the open area.

  Suddenly her husband’s emotions changed to something strange.

  Sorono didn’t slow his pace, but Connor stopped cold as he only focused on the ceiling. Sarah ran up beside him because there was an emotion flow through him that she’s never felt before. She placed a hand on his cheek, but didn’t get a reaction. “Connor, what’s wrong? Say something…”

  A shadow covered Connor and Sarah. She looked up to see large hazel eyes staring down at them. “Connor, snap out of it. I know what you are feeling, but we must continue for now. When we are finished speaking with the others I will have exactly what you need… CONNOR!”

  Connor finally blinked and looked down at Sarah. “I’m sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me. Please continue.” He apologized while shaking his head from side to side.

  “I know exactly what is wrong, but that will have to wait until later.” Sorono lifted his head and looked behind them. “For now we have a job at hand that takes priority.” She turned around to see the room filling with all who’ve followed. Sorono turned around and continued walking.

  Connor grabbed her hand and whispered. “Please, don’t allow me to look up again. Keep my mind occupied.”

  She knew the perfect way to keep his mind entirely occupied, but not in the company of others. She settled for holding his hand with both of her own and began rubbing them gently. They started following Sorono together and just when his eyes started rising she would brush her hip against his thigh. It seemed to work.

  Sorono walked up to the white stone gate and pushed it back. The gate swung inward to reveal four large circular buildings made of marble and each one is perfectly smooth and didn’t have any outside markings. The three buildings in the back were domed, but the largest building in the center of the room had an open roof. The four buildings were all at least four stories high. She knew then that Sorono had a liking for marble if he was the one to supply these meetings. Once everyone followed them inside the Elder’s private quarters did Sorono eventually close and bar the gate with a petrified oak tree as a lock.

  Sorono walked around the waiting group. He walked around until he stood before Connor and Sarah. He took a deep breath and said “Besides the Elder Keepers, you are all the first to enter the sacred temple in over ten million years. Remember what I have said. Hold all questions until my story is over.” He suddenly looked down at Connor. “Except for you. As it is right now, your authority is higher than everyone present, except for mine that is.” Sarah heard several gasps behind them. She turned around to see shocked faces all around except from the former Head Elder Damian and his Elder companions. Every Elder from both the Changers and the Balancers were all completely shaken from this unexpected news. “Now everyone please follow me.” Sorono turned around and walked to the central building in the very back of the room.

  They made it to the steps and walked up. Before them were two solid gold doors. Each door was at least twenty feet tall and ten feet wide. The door on the left looked like clouds in the sky and the door on the right had an image of an oak tree in the ground. Sorono placed a hand to each door and pushed the heavy and thick doors open with the greatest of ease. He walked in first and Connor and Sarah followed while still holding hands.

  The floor was completely flat and didn’t hold a single chair. Not that she was expecting one. This building had intricate paintings built right into the walls, but it looked like the paint and the walls were one. The markings looked like the ones they saw when they first entered the mountain. She couldn’t find a single blemish or paint chip, but knew the paintings were ancient. The circular walls and even the roof was painted. The thing was they weren’t individual paintings, but one long continuing and spiraled painting. It started in the bottom of the room and looked like dirt and something dark swirled inside it, but she couldn’t tell what exactly she was looking at. Then the painting spiraled to the right and became grass, then moved on to become trees, water, fish, animals, dinosaurs, cities, an explosion of colors, man, more cities and finished spiraling to the roof to become a bright blue sky. Sarah then looked down to see the white marble floor had an entire black X painted across its surface. The space in this room easily could sit four times the amount of people than were here. So there was plenty of space to move around and see everything that this room held.

  Sarah noticed the expressions of her family, all the Guards and even the other Elders as they had their first look at this immense and sacred room. They were just as impressed as the next person. Every jaw remained open as they took in the exquisite building and all the images it had to offer. She could see Kara studying the room differently than everyone else and she remembered that her sister-in-law is also a skilled painter. She wasn’t just admiring the paintings, but actually studying them. The sound of everyone shuffling in this building echoed in many intervals. A few were so impressed they let out a few long whistles, some of them were silently chatting to each other and their mates and most others remained quiet and took in the beauty of this temple.

  Sorono shut the doors and closed everyone in. The sound of the closing doors silenced all noises and movement. Sorono stood by the beginning of the painting of the dirt and the mysterious object within. He cleared his deep reptilian throat and all eyes turned to him. “Connor, will you please join me. This story concerns you the most.” Connor’s hazel eyes were piercing and calm at the same time as he looked down at Sarah. She gave his hand one last squeeze and smiled. He squeezed back and their connection disengaged as he walked forward. When he finally stood beside Sorono, the giant looked down with his hazel eyes. “Very good. What you need to know about this room is that this one continuing painting that circles the entire room is actually a very quick timeline since this planet was brought to life.”

  “I gathered that from the way things started from the dirt and grew into the age of the dinosaurs. I’m guessing that central painting with the large explosion was where the meteor hit sixty five million years ago and humans now rule where at one time your race did.”

  “Very good. I see the Hallowed Mother made her child well.” Connor’s brow furrowed. “Do not worry about that name. I will get to her shortly.”

  Sorono turned and looked at the start of the picture. He pointed and began speaking a lecture to all who were gathered. “When our planet was nothing more than a giant mass of molten rock, dirt and ice, a unique event occurred. Somehow our planet was jumpstarted with a very rare form of energy. This energy gave our planet a will and a life of its own. Some of your people call her Mother Nature or Gaia or some other name to represent the giver of life. We call her the Hallowed Mother. Names are nothing but a way to identify her. They all mean the same thing to her because she is the true mother of life.

  “When her consciousness first fully awakened, she gave her energy to her surface to create the first basic life forms. She was lonely as you can imagine and wanted company or to have some f
orm of entertainment. We’ve yet to understand what her reasoning was for starting life, even now. Well things changed over the millennia’s and so did her creations. She watched with intrigue on how some of her original children created new abilities and others adapted to defend against those qualities. Like how prey makes their bodies camouflaged to confuse their stalking predators.” Sorono started walking around the room. Connor slowly followed. The rest of them were entranced in the story and no one uttered a single word. “While the species kept evolving and making new and unique tricks to survive, the very first species that began to dominate all others were the first mortal Keepers. Like humans, our brains had begun to grow and more options opened to us. We started as small primal tribes and then developed cities and sciences, just how your race has.” Sorono stopped to point at the growing city. “We began growing and getting more knowledge in sciences. We were actually close the same point technologically of where you humans are right now. We learned how different elements behaved differently and what happens when you combine them. We had become the very first sentient species since the planet started. And as to the slight humanoid qualities that you evolved primates and we evolved reptiles share is because of convergent evolution.

  “Later on I’ll explain why that is.”

  Sorono then pointed to a blue and brown swirl. It was circular and about as tall as Sarah is. “The Hallowed Mother watched with curious eyes as she witnessed her children becoming smarter. Then she had become saddened at how destructive and cruel we had become to each other and our surroundings. She then created powerful guardians. These guardians were granted direct life from her very womb. Then her first child broke free to the surface world. Once he did he became the very first immortal.” Connor raised an eyebrow. “No I am not the first immortal nor have I ever met him. Please let me go on.” And so he did. “This first immortal’s name was Afleen. When he arrived to the surface he was but a newborn babe. He grew up and learned about the world, thanks to a female who had lost a child and took him under her protection and love.


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