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Keeper's Knowledge (Balancer's Soul cycle)

Page 40

by Lee Morgan

  Sarah asked “Before we go, can we get something to eat first.”

  Sorono nodded and said “That won’t be difficult, but Kara said for all of us to wait here. She and Mark just ran into the history room. She said that her painting she made for me is finally complete.”

  Connor and Sarah tossed their bags against the outside sanctuary wall. They held hands in silence until Kara and Mark showed up a few minutes later.

  They carried a large covered painting that stood nearly ten feet tall. Everyone moved away as they sat the painting against the wall for support. Kara wiped her forehead and sighed. She whispered “Good, the move didn’t warp the framing.” She turned around swiftly and looked up saying “Sorono, this was part of your agreement when you gave me the painting equipment. I call this painting Harmonized Brothers!” She grabbed the large black sheet and pulled it off in one fluid stroke.

  This large picture centered on Connor and Sorono when they showed their mark’s to everyone in the painted room. The detail alone was staggering. Sorono’s back showed off his branded marking and his reptilian head turned to the right and down. Sarah could even see the piercing hazel eyes of the giant. Connor’s chest was facing the front of the painting and she could see every perfect detail and contour of his muscles. Connor was looking straight up at his brother and their faces were both blank, stoic. Behind them she remembered the painting from the room and they were copied perfectly. Even the black cross on the floor beneath their feet had been rendered flawlessly. Kara’s painted picture was even more stunning than if she had taken a picture with her digital camera. Her painting revealed not only her soul, but that of the confident men in the painting.

  Connor and Sorono stepped forward as they openly gawked at her artistry. Sorono knelt on a knee as he studied the entire painting. She giggled and chirped “I’ll take your expression as a compliment. I’m glad that you like it.”

  Sorono turned to look at her. “There aren’t words that could express how this makes me feel, not even in the Keeper language. I am honored to know such a talented artist. I will have this painting sealed properly so that it will remain perfect forever. I shall even put this in my home so that I will always appreciate it.” Sorono put his head to the ground on a prostrating bow. “I will treasure it always.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. Now I’m hungry and I want to get started on going home.”

  Sorono called for two Guards and told them to place the painting in his room for the time being. He gave them a stern warning to not harm any part of the painting or there will be severe consequences.

  Before they left, Kara brought out a pack full of four foot paintings. Mark carried both of their bags. They had all of their things ready and left level four.

  On level three, Elder Adela quickly made all of them a quick and large meal. They weren’t the only ones who needed to eat before leaving so Sarah didn’t feel so bad. After they all finished their meal they left both level three and two behind. Now they were walking down the entrance hall of level one. Sarah could feel Connor’s excitement building the closer they approached the outside world. The tunnel was filled with many people leaving to return home, but there was plenty of personal walking space. A minute later Sarah saw sunlight at the end of the tunnel.

  Secret and Tell

  Before he could even see the exit of the tunnel Connor could hear the sounds of wind in the trees. The air had become crisp and fresher and the sounds of chirping birds had never sounded so beautiful. He then realized that winter was long over if birds had returned this far north. He realized soon after that Sarah was looking at him and when he turned to look directly at her she was already smiling. She said happily “Go on. I know you want to get out as quickly as possible.” She swatted his bottom.

  Connor looked up at Sorono and he grinned down at his younger sibling. Connor felt him entering his mind and said “I’m coming with you. I miss the outside just as much as you do.” Sorono increased his stride, but Connor flat out ran. He tried catching up, but Connor had already made it out of the tunnel.

  The first thing to be felt came from the warmth of the direct sun kissing their faces. The winter had turned into spring and nearly all the white snow had melted and became green and healthy once again. The air was comfortably cool and the fragrant smell of evergreens and the other plants were magnificent. The pillars that made up the runway weren’t lit, but the stones were pure white so they were a perfect contrast to the ground. The ground’s level stone was dark brown and Connor noticed only a few tiny cracks from the water damage the harsh winter caused. He then spotted many northern wildflowers and they added their own smells to the mix. Small animals were scurrying away as more and more immortals left the mouth of the mountain like ants in an anthill. He walked forward so everyone wasn’t bothered and could walk around. Connor stopped and closed his eyes, just enjoying the freedom of being outside once again.

  “Are you boys finished yet?” Connor turned around to Veronica along with everyone else standing beside her and he realized that Sorono was standing right beside him, also enjoying the outside freedom.

  “We are now, Veronica.” Sorono looked down and smiled. “Ready to go, Connor?”

  “Yep.” He tightened the straps on his pack and turned in the direction they came from until Sorono put his claws in his path. Connor turned back around and asked “What’s wrong?”

  “We are not traveling on foot. It will take too long. We are going to fly.”

  Jack walked up to them and said “Sir, my mate and I cannot fly and Mark and Kara cannot possibly carry their things and us.”

  Sorono grinned at Connor’s father-in-law. “That will not be a problem because you and your mate will be riding upon me.” Sorono turned around to show his wide back. “As you can see I could carry six of you easily on my back. You and Jillian will hold on to my collar until things stabilize. Connor will carry Mark and Kara’s packs so they may fly and Veronica will hold Kara’s painting pack and her egg.” He turned back around with a wry grin on his leathery lips. “Do any of you have a problem with my plan?”

  Connor about doubled over in laughter when Jack realized he was going to get a ride from Sorono. Jack smiled and bowed hesitantly. “It will be a pleasure to ride with you.” Both he and Jillian hated flying with a passion.

  For the next few minutes Mark and Kara walked up to Connor. Mark had to take off his shirt and he stuffed it in his bag. Kara also took off her hiking shirt and stuffed it into her bag. While Kara walked over to Veronica, Mark’s eyes began glowing as he went into his Fwen form. Veronica carefully held the straps of the pack full of paintings gently in her claws. As Kara began turning into a Fwen, Veronica adjusted her egg more securely in her arm. Once they were finished transforming Sorono walked up.

  The Head Elder grinned as he dropped down to all fours. He looked at the frightened in-laws of his brother and said “All aboard!” Jillian cautiously walked close and jumped up with one bound onto Sorono’s shoulders. Jack followed with both of their packs slung over each of his shoulders and Haunt hung under his left armpit. Sorono twisted his head so he could peer at them with his one large hazel eye. “Hold onto my collar because we’re taking off.” Sorono waited until their hands were firmly grasping the collar of his robe.

  He dropped his front down a little bit and Connor sensed his power rising. Sorono’s head tiled up to look over the tree lines while his limbs with huge muscles began bunching up. Jillian’s eyes squeezed shut because she knew what was to happen next. Sorono pushed up with his front legs and jumped skyward when his leg muscles released. The moment his feet left the ground his power over Pressure released out of the soles of his feet and the loose sand blew away like a shockwave. They easily cleared the trees in the next instant and once Sorono leveled out his flight, he slowed and circled above everyone. His legs were together as he sustained his flight and Sorono’s arms were crossed over his chest. The robe he wore was fluttering from the movement of the air and his crossed arms ke
pt his robe from billowing apart. He was using his long tail like a rudder to make minor adjustments in his flight.

  Veronica slowly flew up and hovered in the sky as she waited for everyone else. Mark and Kara unfurled their impressive wings. Mark began running on all fours and Kara sprinted right behind him. With two beats of his wings he was above the trees and so was Connor’s sister. They also circled the area with Sorono because they couldn’t hover in one spot easily.

  Sarah smiled and said “At least we’ll get home quicker this way.” She summoned her power and took to the sky.

  Connor grinned and slung the other packs over his shoulders and joined them in the air. Once he made it up to everyone Sorono said “I’ll follow you to your home.” Sorono glanced at the sun and said “We’ll have about three to four hours before it gets dark.”

  “Alright then we had better get moving.” Connor increased the energy to his feet and began flying south. He knew higher altitudes would make it easier for Kara and Mark to fly so Connor slowly began rising. Soon it was like everything on the ground had become tiny dots once they flew just above the scattered clouds.

  They flew in a V formation. Connor took the lead with Sarah on his right as his wingman. On the left drifted Mark and to his left flew Sorono and his passengers. To Sarah’s right flew his sister and Veronica. He smiled because he’d bet that no one has ever flown with a group like this.

  The wind was stinging everyone’s eyes so Connor projected a wedged pressure shield and it diverted the wind, but allowed enough passing air to keep those with wings afloat in the sky. It made the flight easier and more comfortable.

  About an hour and two small Canadian cities later Connor had thought about something he’d almost forgotten. He turned his head and yelled so she could hear his words. “Sarah, take the lead! I need to speak with Sorono for a minute!” She nodded and flew into his position once he started breaking off to the left. Her long hair was tucked in her shirt because it was getting tangled from early on in the flight. He kept banking to the left and slowing down until Sorono caught up.

  Sorono turned his had to focus on his new wingman with a raised brow. Connor saw Jillian and Jack laying on their backs and their heads turned over to look at him as well. He entered Connor’s mind and asked “Is there a problem?”

  Yelling was difficult so Connor decided to rely on telepathy and entered everyone’s mind so they could listen in. “Not really, but I do need to explain a few things before we get there.” Sorono nodded for him to elaborate. “When we left we told my parents we went on a trip to South America. Things would be too conspicuous if we just showed up out of nowhere. My family and I will need to get my truck and drive it home. First off you’ll meet my family in the morning because it is too late for them right now, trust me you’ll want them with clear minds. First thing in the morning is usually the best time for everyone. We’ll stop by my home first so you and Veronica can rest until we get back. I’m still planning on how to do everything properly, but I wanted to fill you in.”

  He looked at Veronica and the others and then back to Connor. “I understand your concerns and I’ll wait at your home.”

  Mark asked during the linking of minds “How are you going to explain all of this to your family anyways? We’re not exactly going to be an easy pill to swallow.”

  Connor told everyone of his plan in as much detail as he was currently sure of and what he needed for them to do until he thought through every eventuality.

  Sarah allowed him to retake the lead position again as they continued flying home.

  Before long most of them recognized the terrain and it was the park where he teaches survival lessons. He turned over on his back and flew backwards so he could see them all. Connor pointed downwards and they all understood what it meant.

  Connor began descending to just above the tree tops and everyone joined him. They were flying just over the trees so that no one could easily spot them from the sky and fast enough so that if they were seen from the ground the people wouldn’t know what they saw. He recognized the terrain and found a small clearing. He yelled “WE’RE HOME!”

  They made it with about an hour of sunlight remaining. Connor saw the roof of his cottage and was glad it remained intact. He flipped himself in the air so his feet were aiming at the grassy clearing. The stream by the house had thawed and was already flowing freely once again. The grass around the property was almost to his knees and he knew it needed to be cut soon. Before he landed nostalgia washed over him and he was so happy to finally see the house.

  Connor landed first and crunched the grass under his feet. Their home looked relatively unscathed from the winter which helped ease one of his worries. Sarah landed right beside her husband and he could feel her happiness rising as she looked at their home once again. Mark and Kara reared up as they landed so they could land without putting holes in the ground. Veronica landed nearby and everyone gave Sorono plenty of room so he could land. Once he did Jillian and Jack jumped off so he could stand up.

  Connor said “Alright.” Everyone turned to look at him. “Everyone knows what to do. Time to start the plan,”

  Jack handed Connor his two packs and Veronica handed Sarah his sister’s paintings. Kara and Mark dropped to all four’s again. Jillian hopped onto Kara’s back and situated herself behind her wings. Jack did the same to Mark. When Mark and Kara took off into the sky again Connor said to his guests “The stream is pure so if you’re thirsty help yourselves.”

  Sarah and Connor took off and quickly caught up to the others.

  They made it to the city and once they landed in a nearby forest the Changers became human looking again. Sarah pulled her hair out of her shirt and began brushing out the knots. The light was fading and the streetlights were lighting up all over the city. Connor handed Jack and Mark their packs back as they began walking to Jack’s garage. He punched in the numbers to open the security gate. As it opened Connor saw only his large green truck waiting within the darkening parking lot. It needed to be washed simply from all the yellow pollen, but other than that, it remained in good condition. Mark helped him take the snow chains off the wheels. Connor tossed Jack the keys from his pocket and he used them to open the trunk. They all threw their packs into the back and he then shut and locked it. Connor became pleasantly surprised that it fired right up after turning the key. The batteries in the truck must be very well made. Reading the gauges explained that the tank needed some water soon or else the fuel would be gone.

  They pulled out of the parking lot and Jack closed the gate behind them.

  The first stop that had to be made was to restock the food supplies. They went to six stores and filled the bed of the truck completely with all kinds of foods.

  The next stop was for Mark and Kara. Connor dropped them off at their apartment and they helped them carry in some of their groceries as they carried in their belongings. They left Mark and Kara at the apartment because it was all part of the setup.

  Connor had the high beams on as he drove down the familiar dirt road. He could see Jillian’s dark house first and then it was his Mom’s that he saw next. He pulled into Jack’s driveway and parked the truck. They all exited the cabin and opened up the bed and tailgate. Jenny’s car was in her driveway and the living room’s light was on. Connor also saw random flashes through the curtains and knew she was watching TV.

  They hurried with putting everything away in his in-laws house. The house had stale air so Jillian opened up all the windows to help air it out. Then Jillian and Jack helped them carry the rest of their things through the dark forest and to the cottage. Sorono and Veronica wanted to help, but they couldn’t on the fact of their large size. Connor did have something that they could help with. They picked up the waterwheel and attached it to the axle so it could begin charging up the batteries.

  Sarah opened the windows after she opened the front door. It was dark inside, but she moved through the room with ease even though she couldn’t see. When Connor entered,
everything looked exactly the same except for the accumulated dust on the surfaces. He went into the power room and reattached all the cables to the batteries. As they began charging he saw the kitchen light get turned on. When he returned the in-laws took the rest of the groceries out of their bags and put them away in the pantry and the now running refrigerator. Connor sat Tool on the desk by the front door and beside’s Sarah’s Fangs.

  When everything settled down he said “I’ll go see my mom and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  Sarah looked around the room and said “Go ahead, I have some cleaning to do here before we can even settle down for the night.” She wiped her finger across the dusty table and wrinkled her nose at her dirty finger. She said in a chirpy voice “Connor, we’re finally back home. I missed this place so much.”

  He smiled at her and left through the front door along with Jillian and Jack. He nodded to Sorono and he returned with a nod of his own. He walked over and sat beside a tree. Veronica joined him. The three of them entered the woods and soon entered Jack’s property. They waved and Jillian said “We’ll meet you at your house before sunrise.” And they disappeared into their red log house.

  Connor crossed the street and walked up the driveway. The grass was cut yesterday which meant Jenny somehow kept up with the chores. As he walked he made himself look like an exhausted human. After so long with fellow immortals it was difficult to do. He made it up the steps and knocked on the front door. The TV was put on mute and he heard his mother’s voice chime “Who is it?”


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