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Machine Gods (Star Crusades Nexus, Book 2)

Page 26

by Michael G. Thomas

  “Very well, General. I will bring everything I have to bear on that ship, even our point defense turrets. We’ll saturate her with so much fire they won’t even detect your approach.

  “Admiral, if we turn all our firepower on her, we’ll leave ourselves defenseless against their missiles,” Lieutenant Powalk argued.

  Anderson looked to him.

  “I’m well aware of that,” he then turned back to the General.

  “Gun will have a narrow window. He’d better be ready.”

  * * *

  Two metallic rounds struck Teresa in the chest, and she fell back a meter, hitting the wall. The secondary passageway was now slick with the blood of marines and Biomechs alike, as both sides fought a savage close ranged action just twenty meters from the entrance to the objective.

  Sergeant Nova helped her up and both raised their coilguns to shoot. Every piece of cover from fallen warriors to shattered bulkheads was now used on both sides to shield them from the withering fire that glanced back and forth.

  This is useless. We have to do something.

  Teresa looked over her shoulder and could just make out the recently arrived 3rd Platoon from 1st Company. They’d been forced to regroup with those marines here after being pushed back by Biomechs. A blood spattered Captain made his way toward her while keeping as close to the passageway wall as possible.

  “Major, we’re pinned down by two machines. 2nd Platoon got hit on the way though, their wasted!”

  Teresa could see the fear through the young man’s visor. It was a feeling she could remember back from her early days in the Corps. But he had retained a degree of calmness and continued to direct his men. Teresa looked to the front of her unit and watched as the crimson tiger stripes of her personal guard moved to her position. Corporal Smith, the oldest of the unit beckoned to the paneling on the passageway.

  “Sir, there a vent system on the right. I think we can use it as a crawlspace to bypass their defenses. It isn’t big, but a few of us should be able to get through.”

  Teresa didn’t even hesitate, “Do it, we’ll cover you from here.”

  The Corporal and three other marines rushed across the killing ground and to the spot he’d indicated. One pulled out an oxyacetylene torch and started cutting into the thick metal frame.

  “Marines, covering fire!” called out Captain Sheehan, the command of 2nd Platoon.

  He moved out from cover and took the full blast of the enemy fire. He staggered back and to the floor in a bloody mess. Incredibly, his armor absorbed almost all the impact, and he was still moving. A private pulled him to safety, and the rest fired for all their worth. Teresa took aim, fired a burst, and watched the three marines vanish into the crawlspace to the right.

  Good luck, marines.

  A quick look on her retina control unit connected her with Gun.

  “Gun, what the hell is going on?”

  The gruff sound from Gun was both surprising and reassuring at once.

  “Teresa, hold your position. I’m coming, and we’ve brought friends!”

  * * *

  Gun watched in disbelief from inside the heavily armored landing craft at the sight of the new arrivals. Through the maelstrom of gunfire, shrapnel, and missiles came the form of three Helion frigates. Each was beautifully shaped into a fusion of machine and sleek reptilian animal. The bows were intricately modeled to look like a water-going ship, and the four massive engines straddled its hull on both sides like stumpy legs. As they came closer, it was clear the shape was one purely of aesthetics, as the vents, engines, and communications arrays marked them out as ships of war. Gun watched with surprise as they moved closer and closer.

  “Uh, I thought T’Kron said they were on an intercept course?” he asked himself.

  Around the armored Jötnar stood dozens of marines. These were not the normal marines with their PDS armor. Gun had utilized every single set of Vanguard armor onboard his ship, and this landing craft now contained twenty-six of the heavily armored marines. The armor was thick and enhanced with powerful motors and electronics. Fitted into their arms were pairs of L48 rifles, each linked together to give a massive amount of firepower with little or no recoil. Gun looked at them and visions flashed back of the battles nearly two decades earlier. Battles where he and Spartan had stood side by side, surrounded by the blood of their enemies.

  Good days, he thought with a smile.

  “Commander, they’re not stopping!” said the pilot.

  Gun looked to the front of the craft where the large wall mounted screen showed what was happening outside. Behind his landing craft followed another five, each packed with heavily armed marines, as well as two squads of autonomous mules. These four-legged robotic machines were fitted with plating and a slaved gun on a rotating turret mount in the center of their bodies.

  What the hell are they doing?

  The three craft moved closer together, yet their engines were still burning hot and sending them toward the Guardian ship. Defensive fire from the many turrets on the ship turned away from the Alliance ships and even the landing craft. Instead, the firepower turned on the three Helion ships. Gun didn’t understand what was happening, but he did know it was just what he needed.

  A distraction!

  Gun selected the formation’s open channel.

  “Move in and secure the target!”

  With a flash of engines, the group of six landing craft accelerated the short distance between the protection of ANS Victory’s guns and out toward the enemy vessel. Twice as many Lightning and Hammerhead fighters formed up around them to provide escort all the way to the target. As soon as they started to move, a number of flank batteries turned back to them. Two fighters vanished in a terrible orange explosion, sending chunks of debris flying from their shattered hulls.

  “Commander Gun!” said General Daniels. His voice appeared by surprise inside Gun’s helmet, “Your status?”

  “We’re going in.”

  “Change of plan, follow the Helions in.”


  Gun didn’t understand and looked back at the mainscreen. The three ships were now taking over half of the defensive fire, and their bows were shattered from the hundreds of impacts. Gun’s landing craft shuddered as a burst of gunfire tore chunks of plating from their starboard armor. That was when Gun realized what they were doing. A grim smile formed on his face.

  The crazy fools, they are going to ram the ship right in its face!

  “Understood, changing course for the bow. We’ll land directly into the inferno.”

  “Good hunting, Commander.”

  Gun nodded and connected to the pilot.

  “Bring us around and into the bow of the ship.”

  * * *

  Life pods ejected from the Helion ships like volleys of missiles. The attack must have been carefully orchestrated, as the last of the pods left with just a kilometer left on the attack vector. The cloud of small craft rushed away and toward the heavily damaged station protecting the T’Karan Rift.

  “There they go,” Anderson whispered quietly.

  Admiral Anderson and General Daniels watched with a mixture of horror and awe as the three Helion ships rammed into the bow of the Guardian ship. There was no sound, no vibration, nothing of note other than the smashing of metal and a hundred multicolored flashes as the four ships became one. Half of the lights across the exterior of the enemy ship were instantly extinguished, and a large number of its guns fell silent.

  From the right of the terrible conflagration came the cloud of landing craft. They were tiny compared to the size of the ship around them, yet they flickered in the mixed lighting of the battle. Around them moved many more Alliance fighters, doing their best to screen them from missiles and gunfire. All of them made it until they reached the front of the ship. Even now, with the mass of wreckage, a number of turrets still functioned. One Hammerhead was hit in the engine and exploded, sending shards of metal into the last landing craft in the party. Its ori
entation thrusters must have been damaged, and it spun away and into space. The remaining landing craft approached the inferno, vanishing inside one of the larger tears in the bow of the ship.

  Anderson tapped each of the Alliance warships and connected to the communications officers onboard each of them.

  “This is Admiral Anderson, all ships are to withdraw to protect the Helion lifepods. Defensive fire only, we have friendlies moving in to finish the job.”

  He looked at the tactical display and the face of General Daniels. A face he’d seen before on many other Marine Corps commanders.

  “Is he in?”

  Daniels nodded.

  “They’re landing right now.”

  * * *

  The landing inside the Guardian ship was more of a crash than a landing. Gun’s craft crashed through the twisted metal and was forced to use its automatic turrets to clear a path into what remained of the forward landing area. They slammed into position and finally stopped when caught up in the wreckage of two fighters.

  “Now!” Gun roared.

  The doors on three sides slid open, but there was no need for ramps. With the ship so heavily damaged, there was little lighting and no artificial gravity. It didn’t stop Gun, and he lurched forward, locking down the heavy magnetic seals on his armor as he moved. All marine armor was designed to do this either inside or on the exterior of ships. As soon as he stepped into the wrecked landing bay, he could see how effective the Helion attack had been. Scores of Biomech bodies floated about, and streaks of steam gushed from a dozen ruptures.

  “Gun, where are you?” came the desperate sound of Teresa.

  He checked his display in his armored helmet, finding the position of Teresa and the other marines. It estimated eighty-six meters.

  “Follow me!” he growled.

  Gun moved off toward a large and heavily damaged doorway. Behind him followed the entire group of Vanguards, each moving forward like large metal bugs. They made use of both the floor and the walls to walk along, with the lack of gravity making all surfaces suitable for movement. Once through the doorway, they emerged into a wrecked passageway with gantries collapsed from two directions. A massive gash in the wall revealed the cavernous interior of the ship that appeared to be filled with movement. The first Vanguard to move closer to the gash was struck by gunfire. The marine staggered back and lost his footing. He tumbled around in the vacuum before striking the wall.

  “Bring them down!” called out the Sergeant.

  The firepower of the Vanguards was a sight to behold, and even Gun was impressed at the violence and ferocity of the unit. The L48 rifles were large caliber weapons with multi-role explosive ammunition, and easily capable of blowing a hole the size of a man’s head out of metal or masonry; four Biomech creatures were shattered by the powerful volley.

  “Keeping moving!” the Sergeant shouted.

  The man’s encouragement wasn’t required. On the upper level a gash had been torn open and, the small number of surviving Biomechs took cover and blasted the Vanguards, doing their best to hold back the armored tide.

  Let’s finish this!

  Gun ignored them and simply lifted his right arm. Fitted to his armor was the same multi-barreled gun he’d been forced to use back on Prometheus when he’d been a slave to these machines. The barrels spun, and a great gout of flame announced the launch of hundreds of projectiles. The other Vanguards moved past him and up toward the massive gash. He only stopped firing as the first of his comrades stepped inside.

  “Watch out!” cried a female marine. She had lost her footing and spun about wildly.

  Another was grabbed and tossed into a cavernous space by a clawed arm. The others pushed on, firing at anything moving. Gun lurched after them, closely followed by the last squad and into the open space. The first thing he saw was the form of a dozen massive Biomech warriors. They were much larger than any he had seen since the fight at Hyperion. The Vanguards were already firing when a final, much larger Biomech moved out from the blackness. This one was massive, at least five meters, perhaps taller and completely black. Its feet left indentations in the floor and walls as it moved to the Vanguards, their gunfire putting small holes in its thick armor. Its head was sunk down low behind a thickened collar of dull armor so that only the eyes of its helm peeked out over the ridge.

  “Gun here, we’re inside and have run into Biomechs, big ones!”

  He pushed hard with his legs muscles, lurching ahead and toward the machines. The small group of Vanguards burst out, some on the walls, two on the ceiling, and the rest along the floor. Meeting them were scores of Biomechs, each dwarfed by the great hulk of their blackened master.

  * * *

  Teresa noticed the change in the fight immediately. Instead of dozens of creatures holding them back, the bulk of them had vanished. Only a dozen or so remained, and she could only assume they had moved off to deal with the arrival of Gun. At least, that was what she hoped.

  We need to finish this quickly.

  Movement caught her eye, and she noticed a small group of the Biomechs turning their attention to the wall on the right. A flash ensnared the group as a chunk of metal blew out a large part of the wall, and from the wreckage emerged her three comrades, directly into the middle of the Biomechs. Four of the creatures were cut down, and the rest scattered into the interior of the ship.

  We’re clear, about time!

  “Marines, forward!” she cried.

  The crimson stripes of her depleted guards unit pushed out through the passageway, closely followed by the survivors of the other squads. One marine took a blast to the chest before the entire length was finally secured. Teresa checked the schematics in her visor while ducking back to avoid a burst from a hidden warrior. A shaft ran up from their current position. It appeared to reach the corner of the power source they were looking for.

  “Follow the shaft.”

  With a single hard push, she forced herself up with her boots while disconnecting the maglock. She drifted in the zero gravity as though she were freefalling in reverse. The other marines tried to emulate her swift movement but none, not even Sergeant Nova could match her speed and grace. Teresa had already reached the ceiling and was walking upside down and into the objective area before the others were even halfway up. She moved forward cautiously, her L52 Mark II carbine held up to her shoulder and ready for trouble. Sergeant Nova arrived next, followed by the other guards. Teresa indicated with her left hand for them to move carefully. As they entered the massive structure, they could see great blue coils pulsing with energy. They were five times the height of a marine and embedded into the ground and ceiling. Cables and pipes ran in great clumps along the walls. At the far end of the cavernous open space stood a great black machine, like a monstrous demon. It was upside down, and all around it were dozens of smaller Biomechs engaged in a terrible battle with another group. Teresa instantly knew who it was.


  “2nd Platoon, place the charges. Everybody else, destroy the beasts!”

  The pitifully small band of marines ran, jumped, and hopped through the section of the ship, firing as they moved to try and pick off the Biomechs. Few fell before their arrival was spotted. The massive machine turned from the battle and looked at Teresa. It extended one arm, and a massive burst of blue energy rushed out toward her.

  “Major!” Sergeant Nova screamed as she pushed Teresa aside.

  Teresa spun out of control, drifting off to the left-hand wall. She was safe, but there wasn’t time for Arina. The ball of energy struck the Sergeant full on in the chest, and she exploded in a flash of blood, armor, and fused metal. The remains of her body covered the marines as well as the floor and walls around them. Teresa regained her footing, and she stood on what was now the sidewall, with the energy coils directly in her path. The vast black Biomech had turned away. It was busy smashing away at Gun and the Vanguards as they continued to fight a lopsided battle. She saw two Vanguards crushed like flies by the machine’s ter
rible arms.

  “Get close and use your charges!” she snapped, continuing her rush to the machine. Dozens of marines fanned out and followed their Major into the battle. The Biomechs now split up, with some fighting the Vanguards, the rest moving off to attack Teresa. Even as she took aim, it was clear they were behaving in a particular way. She loosed off a powerful blast from all three barrels at the machine only for a Biomech to jump out, taking the strike to its leg. The impact tore off the limb, but it continued on and hit the other side. Ignoring the pain, the thing turned around and lurched at an approaching marine.

  They are protecting the machine.

  As quickly as Teresa had arrived, the Biomechs attacked her. At this close distance, she found herself slower than the Biomechs. A deft tap on her carbine and it altered to the lower powered rapid-fire mode that utilized one barrel at a time. Three quick bursts cleared a path and she was at the machine’s leg. Teresa reached down for one of the thermite charges on her leg as the machine saw her. It kicked out and struck her in the stomach. The impact was like being hit by a truck, and she was smashed to the floor. Lights flashed and sparks rippled through the visor as multiple systems failed.

  “Gun! We need this thing dead!” she snapped.

  Oxygen was venting from her system, yet she refused to stop. The rest of her marines were now around her and running about in a bloody battle with the Biomechs. Simultaneously, two squads had taken up position a short distance away behind one of the shattered coils and fired aimed shots at the Biomechs, bringing them down one at a time. Teresa saw Gun push up from the ground and then land on the machine’s chest. He stabbed at it with his blades and tore chunks out of its armor with his arm-mounted weapon. The machine swatted him aside with a single strike, yet Gun refused to let go and kept his left hand firmly attached to its torso. He reached up and brought his oddly curved blade down onto the machine’s helm. There was a blue flash, and the weapon seemed to explode into a hundred shards. A pair of Biomechs ripped him from its armor, dragging him away where they surrounded him, each striking with an array of weapons.


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