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Princess of Death (Three Provinces Book 1)

Page 18

by Renee Travis

  Nam and I went downstairs where I was instantly drawn into the warmth and love of my Aunt Nanna and Uncle Zaltu.

  “I am so glad to see you both!” I gushed.

  “Oh, Niece as are we! You have accomplished so much in such a short amount of time! And the turn-out is wonderful; I think everyone you invited must have come!” Nanna told me.

  “Well, a few from the smaller Demon clans did not come, but yes, everyone else sent back an RSVP,” I replied

  “Yes. I saw all the other nine mayors as well and several prominent business owners. The leaders of the Mormos, Nymphs, Dragon Demons and Cat Demons are here.” Zaltu sounded so proud it almost brought tears to my eyes. I wished my father and mother could have been as proud of me.

  “Yes, I saw them, though I didn’t have time to speak with them all. I did talk to Ibbi. She brought most of her troupe with her. Free food, I think.” Laughing we began to walk towards the Necessity Door, the meeting was supposed to start soon.

  “The Alus are not here though.” Nanna frowned at me, pausing just before the Door, “is everything ok?”

  “I think it is. Nergal and I had a…agreement of sort before I left, but they had much to deal with.” My words sounded proper but my heart was breaking a little. I hadn’t even heard from Nergal and I was thinking that maybe he had changed his mind; that he didn’t really love me.

  “I did have much to deal with Best Beloved One, but I am here now.”

  Looking up, I saw Nergal and I am ashamed to say I practically screamed and jumped him. He gathered me up in his arms kissing my face, lips, hair and neck, breathing me in as if he could not get enough of my presence and I felt the same way.

  “I missed you!” I told him, pulling back and smacking his arm.

  “I missed you too, but you do not have to worry about that again. I am not going anywhere.” He set me down and I hugged him around the waist. I felt like a girl my age should feel, young.

  “Everyone is ready, Your Highness,” Sarlu said, appearing out of nowhere.

  We all congregated inside the room, myself, alone, on stage, looking out at about thirty faces, all whom expected, what? Greatness? A compelling and awesome speech? I hadn’t even really prepared anything.

  It grew quiet and I began to talk. “My brother has petitioned my parents for the right to rule Nannaru separately from Biri, like the countries of the Old World. My parents have not handled this news well and I am afraid that some sort of revolution or war is about to start. My brother has asked me whose side I am on; whose side Adura will take.”

  There were low murmurs as I let them talk amongst themselves for a few moments, soaking in the information. I glanced at Nergal and caught his eye, he gave me an encouraging look and I continued.

  “I have been told that Adurans would favor me as the Queen of Adura, that the people of our province would willingly follow my rule. If this is the consensus then I will agree to it and take over as such. It must be, however, with the knowledge that some may die to bring about our freedom from the rule of my parents. I will not ask you to fight if you have a different alternative,” trying to make eye contact with as many people as possible.

  Ibbi smiled at me from the top of the stands and Nam winked at me, sitting next to Sarlu, who I had insisted join us. Both of my favorite maids were also in attendance; Beletseri and Tiamat.

  “Your Highness, how else would this affect us?” the Mormos leader asked me.

  “There will be issues with trade and importing. Things we are used to getting from Biri will be unavailable until an agreement can be reached. Items we depend on and enjoy from Nannaru will take longer to get here since they will now have to come by boat. We will need to increase the member of the Guard and those who work on ships, which may take people from other areas.” I explained. I, again, allowed some time for them to talk about things. I didn’t want them to feel as rushed as I did.

  “And how do we know you will be a good Queen? I am all for no longer having rulers from Biri. But why you? Just because you are royal born?” the mayor of Ursu questioned in a hard tone.

  I had worn a beautiful black jeweled corseted dress for the occasion, one with a halter neckline, so that all of my Goddess Gifts could be seen. I had thrown on a long sleeved black shawl to hide my gifts until they were needed. With a nod from Nam, I threw off the shawl

  The golden ivy on my arm glowed against my pale skin, holding up my hand, I let my ring catch the light in only the way a Syb stone could and as I heard gasps around the room I turned, showing them the moth branded into my shoulder.

  Facing them again I closed my eyes and waited until the chatter died. “I have been blessed by the Great Three. I can rule you,” raising my hands above my head the lights flickered out, my power glowed with a soft and horrible radiance around me. I used the surge of power to hover inches from the ground, the magic spilled out, like black extensions from my hair, writhing.

  “I will also be reinstating the festivals and holidays of the Great Three. We have done them an injustice forgetting them and ending our worship of them.”

  I forced myself not to look at my people, my friends, my….family. I didn’t want to see anything I could not forget. As I began to hear clapping and cheers, I settled back down to the floor. A hand slid into mine and my eyes, I knew were pure black pools in my face, focused on Nergal and his calming, love filled smile.

  Sucking my magic back into me the lights went on and I saw the pleased and astounded faces of everyone in the room.

  “We must all also remember that she brought most of us here through an Underworld Portal, only someone powerful could do that,” Ibbi’s words were heard over the applause.

  The noise began to settle down and I saw agreement, excitement and contentment reflected on most everyone’s faces.

  “Well, I think that about settles it. Tell your brother we will be going against Biri as well,” Nanna said, standing up.

  “Yes. I believe that demonstration served its purpose. Can we agree on our new Queen now? I for one, am starving,” my uncle joked.

  “A vote then? All in favor?” Nanna asked the room. Every single hand rose. I laughed as Nam raised two.

  As we left the room, the little Star Nymph, Igigi, came running and skidded to a halt in front of me.

  “Igigi, please do not embarrass us,” her leader said, tossing her own star lit locks behind one ear and focusing on the girl.

  “She isn’t; it must be something important,” I scowled at the grown up, who took a step back.

  “Yes, Your Majesty-..”

  A mayor cut her off.

  “She is now to be addressed as My Queen.”

  “Oh please, let the girl talk,” I was exasperated. Placing a hand on Igigi’s shoulder, “What’s going on?”

  “There is a woman here to see you! A Biri woman!” The words burst from her mouth.

  “Where is she, did you make her comfortable? Oh, I knew I shouldn’t have attended the conference!” Sarlu’s voice was impatient.

  “She is. I offered her food and drink, and she would not take either. I asked her to wait in the library.” Igigi was wringing her hands.

  “You did just fine. Tiamat, Beletseri, why don’t you take her to get some tea and then I am sure Sarlu has many things for you to help with.” I nodded at them and they hurried the little Star Nymph away.

  “If you are hungry, there will be refreshments outside shortly,” Sarlu announced. Pretty much everyone went outside. Nam, Nergal and Ekur stayed with me, just like I knew they would.

  I was curious about who was visiting me from Biri; probably some messenger from my parents. When I walked in, though, I was pleasantly surprised to see Mylitta.

  “Mylitta!” I exclaimed, she jumped up and hugged me. It was nice to see my nurse again.

  “Oh, Eshie, you look so beautiful, I see time in Adura has had a positive effect on you, but now it’s time for you to come home.”

  “Excuse me?” I stepped back, dropping my a

  “You must be mistaken, Ereshkigal lives here now,” Nergal sounded dangerous and Mylitta gave him a fear filled glance.

  “I am not. Eshie, your parents have decided it was rash of them to allow you to leave them so soon. They want you to come home as soon as possible. The estate can hold a little while without you.” Mylitta picked at her clothes nervously.

  “I am afraid that will not be happening. This is my home now. I won’t go back to the castle.” I answered her.

  “If you don’t, well your parents have told me, have told me…” she looked nervous and not quite happy with whatever it was they had said to her.

  “It’s ok Mylitta, just spit it out.” Nam said over my shoulder, glancing at him I almost giggled as he rolled his eyes.

  “If you do not come home with me now you will be forbidden to attend Ishtar’s wedding and your parents will see it as you forming an alliance with Mash.” Her eyes filled with tears. I could understand that. Mylitta had helped raised us. Being forced to choose between us all for the sake of where she had been born must really suck.

  “But that is truth, Mylitta. I am Queen of Adura now. You will have to give my apologies to mother and father.” I enjoyed the look of shock and horror on her face.

  “Oh no, Ereshkigal, your parents will be so unhappy!” Her eyes were starting to dart to the window.

  “Empusa, tell us, did you come through Adura by yourself?” Ekur asked.

  “Well I… I… I couldn’t come by myself! Adura is dangerous; I would have been eaten alive.” She fretted, looking increasingly anxious.

  “Oh please, Mylitta, calm down, no one is going to eat you or anything so absurd. I don’t even HAVE man-eating staff on the grounds.” Again, I really liked the look of terror on her face. I could be so evil sometimes. Oh, who was I kidding, all the damn time.

  I looked at Ekur, “will you please go outside and take some people and round up whatever Guardsmen she brought with her?”

  “Oh no!” Mylitta buried her face in her hands. I felt a bit of magic rippled off of her.

  “If you shift I will be forced to use my own power on you. Don’t force my hand,” I warned. She stilled, her eyes searching my face. I do not think she liked what she saw.

  “What would you like me to do with anyone we find my Queen?” I could tell Ekur was trying to hide his grin, it wasn’t working.

  “Just round them up. We will put together an escort to take them back to Biri.” I took one of Mylitta’s hands and it hurt a bit when she flinched at my touch. “Please know that the only reason I am not holding them here as prisoners is because of my fondness for you. Go home, and if you know what is good for you stay out of politics. Go marry a nice man and move as far from the castle as you can.”

  “I can’t, I have to be there for when your sister decides to have babies,” she said softly.

  “Then just stop obeying and listening to mother and father.” Dropping her hand I moved away from her. Ekur escorted her outside with orders that she and the Guardsmen she brought with her be taken, safely, back to Biri. She didn’t struggle, but she looked back at me over her shoulder and I couldn’t tell what emotion was in her eyes but it was there and it was no longer friendly.

  “I am sure her Guardsmen are probably lurking out of sight, I think I will ask the Cat Demons to help look.” Ekur was only half teasing, but Mylitta let out a soft squeak of panic. Noticing how my company all seemed to be getting a kick out of freaking out my old nurse I silently thanked the Goddess I lived in Adura now.

  “Well, that’s just great,” I muttered when it was just Nam, Nergal and I.

  “Yeah, whatever. I never liked her. She played favorites,” Nam huffed, crossing his arms and plopping down in a chair. This made me chuckle, cause he was right.

  “Best Beloved One I think you should probably go speak to your brother. He should know the decision that has been made.” Nergal put an arm around my waist, tugging me to him. It felt nice, oh who the hell was I kidding, it felt awesome.

  “Yes, but before you do so,” Nanna had come into the room, “you should wear this.” She held in her hands the most beautiful crown I had ever seen. It was black, pointed in the middle like a devils peak and the top resembled flames arching up and away, opposite directions from the middle point. All over the crown were sparkling diamonds. It was perfect. I knelt, Nergal holding my hand, as she removed my coronet and placed the new crown on top of my head. It felt like it belonged there.

  “It is beautiful. Zaltu and I had it made for you as a coronation present. But I fear you will not have a proper crowning ceremony,” my aunt sniffed.

  “Thank you.” I kissed her cheek, squeezed Nergal’s hand and left the room. I took my time going to my bedroom; I didn’t want to look hurried in front of my brother.

  As I came up the stairs, I bumped into Beletseri who was holding some of my laundry.

  “Hey, quick question.” I had a brilliant idea, another one. I was getting pretty good at the idea thing.

  “Yes, my Queen?” She smiled, trying to juggle the laundry basket.

  “Would your father care to make more money? He is Nannaru born but is captain of a ship that comes to Adura, with a daughter who lives here. I think he would be perfect to help us.” My sentence was rewarded by a beautiful smile from my Lady’s Maid.

  “I think that would please him,” she answered.

  “I also think when he makes these trips for me I shall send you along,” I could feel her happiness radiating off of her, “as well as Namtar.” Beletseri blushed, I had been right; she had liked his looks when they met earlier. Well, I guess I could try my hand at matchmaking AND ruling.

  “But will you not have need of me here?” Worry creased her brow.

  “When you are away I will have Tiamat help me. I was going to tell Sarlu to hire a few more maids anyway.” Which was true. Tiamat, Igigi, the Scullery and Kitchen Maids (whose names I simply could not remember) looked like there was too much work for them.

  “Alright. I will send him a message once I am done with my duties.” She gave me a slight curtsey, which I was okay with, since her head did not move, then continued down the stairs.

  Complimenting myself on everything I was achieving, I went to my room.

  Sitting cross legged I pulled out the carpet bag from under my bed and called up the Mirror Spirit.

  “Did it go well? Do you want me to put in a call to Shamash?” It yawned and I thought that was pretty funny, a tired Mirror Spirit.

  “Yes and yes, but not quite yet.” Drawing out a hand mirror from the bag I held it up. The mirror was 13 inches in height and 6 inches in width. Simple, but gorgeous, made of fine silver, the glass clear and shining. The handle was a little textured with lines but nothing too fancy.

  “I am going to put one of your siblings in this and give it to my sister Ishtar. I know she will use it and then she and I can talk when we’d like,” I shared.

  “Yes, it will work perfectly,” the Mirror Spirit agreed.

  “This one will go to my brother.” It was another hand mirror. The frame and handle golden and much more intricate. The gold around the mirror looked like the sun; the handle like the sun had dripped flames to create it. It was 12 inches in height and 5 inches in width.

  “That is beautiful, Your Highness, thank you. I shall be back presently with your brother.”

  Satisfied I settled in until Mash showed up in the mirror.

  “I see I was right about you, Eshie,” there was warmth and love in his voice and smile.

  “You were. I will be Queen of Adura and you King of Nannaru. One day our parents will step down and Ishtar will, hopefully, make a kind and beautiful Queen of Biri,” I grinned back at him.

  “Excellent. If you send me a list of the goods from Nannaru you usually import I will send a boat immediately,” Mash said.

  “I have a captain from Nannaru who may be willing to do runs for us. One familiar with Adura.” I said.

  “That will
make things much easier.” He scratched his chin for a moment and I wondered if he was putting on airs to look and sound more grown up. It was interesting, living and watching someone go from childhood to manhood. Mash had been a boisterous and happy little boy. Now he was a solemn and serious young man.

  “How is Aya?” I asked. His eyes brightened at the mention of her name.

  “She is going to make a great Queen, wife and one day a fine mother,” he admitted.

  “Perfect.” I began to smile, but then it darkened, “Mash, when will we see each other again?”

  “In the flesh? I don’t know Eshie. I hope sooner rather than later.” His eye twitched as I heard someone call him from somewhere. I wondered if he was having issues in Nannaru.

  As the mirror went black again, I sat for a few minutes in darkness and silence. Then the door creaked open and it was Nam.

  “Hey Eshie, come downstairs, we’ve got the beginning of a great party going on.”

  “I’ll be right down,” I told him. When the door closed I took off my crown and placed in on my vanity.

  What? You aren’t going to wear it? It’s pretty AND it sparkles. I couldn’t help but look at Puabi, her red eyes open and focused on me.

  “You wanna come downstairs and join in the festivities? Even Lahar will probably be pigging out.”

  Sure! But, why did you take off your crown? It is so cool you should make me a small one so everyone will know I am a royal bat!

  “Alright Puabi, I can do that. And I took it off because sometimes a Queen just wants to be a girl.”


  Six Months Later

  As I opened the portal to the underworld Lahar growled from my side.

  “Hush now, I know it doesn’t smell all that great at first, but going between worlds has to have some disadvantages and the rancid butt smell is one of them.”

  We stepped into the Underworld and everything around us shifted. I hadn’t wanted to take Lahar, he didn’t like it, this sort of travel bothered him, but Nergal had made me promise I would take someone, and someone who could help protect me. I had decided he was right, so the Syb Hound it was.


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