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Billionaire's Princess: A Standalone Novel (A Royal Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (Billionaires Book 2)

Page 6

by Claire Adams

  “Have a seat,” one of the men said. He gestured to a seating area where the other two big guys in suits sat. One was reading the paper and the other looked like he was taking a nap. It must have been break time. James and I went over and sat. The guy reading the paper didn’t even glance in our direction. I deduced that he must be a member of the union. This was his break time and he wasn’t going to let us disturb it.

  James and I sat there in silence until the man returned and said, “Follow me.”

  We followed him through one door that looked like a big foyer. It was basically empty, save a small wooden table with a cheap vase and fake flowers. The chandelier overhead looked like it was made of recycled automobile glass. Tacky.

  He opened another door and we were in a suite. There was a large fireplace along one wall and in front of it sat a couch and two recliners. “Sit,” the big ape told us. James looked at me and I nodded. We took a seat and again waited.

  It was probably close to ten minutes before a man about my age with dark skin, eyes, and jet black hair came out of the bedroom in his bathrobe. He smiled. Against his dark skin, his teeth were so white that it was almost painful to look at him.

  “Mr. Vansant! So nice to meet you.” His English was perfect, but strongly accented. He put his hand out and I looked at it, but didn’t take it. I was going to reserve my hand shaking until I found out what it was this guy wanted from me.

  “Who are you?”

  I was blinded once again by those teeth when he laughed loudly. “I’m Juan Miguel Esparza. My father is Jaime Esparza. He is the senior advisor to the king of an island off the coast of Spain. I am his assistant.”

  “I’m aware of who he is and who you are. What I’d like to know is who you are and why you are following me around Las Vegas?”

  He laughed again. “Following you? I’d heard you Americans were paranoid. Why on earth would I follow you?”

  “Good question; why don’t you answer it?”

  “I’m not following you, Mr. Vansant. As a matter of fact, since you were the one that showed up on my doorstep first thing in the morning with your…” he let his eyes run over James, “associate, you might just be the one following me. Why are you following me, Mr. Vansant?”

  I took a step toward him and his own bodyguards were suddenly on point. I took a deep breath and asked him, “What are you doing in Vegas?”

  “I’m on holiday.”

  I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. “And, how do you know my name?”

  “That’s a very humble question, Mr. Vansant. Anyone who even dabbles in finances knows who Nicholas Vansant is. I must say, I’m honored to be in your presence.”

  I could see that I was going to get nowhere fast with this guy. I knew two things: I didn’t like him and he was lying about following me. “So, you’re stalking me?”

  He shook his head and walked over to a table filled with fresh fruit and other breakfast items, as well as a silver carafe of coffee. He poured a cup and then turned to me and James. “Coffee, gentlemen?”

  “This isn’t a social call.”

  He turned toward us and took a sip of coffee out of a delicate china cup before saying, “That’s disappointing. I’d love to go back home and tell my family and friends that I had coffee with the great Nicholas Vansant.”

  “Look, from now on, I will be watching for you and so will my staff. If I even get a whiff of you following me around again, the next visit I make here will be even less social.”

  He raised an eyebrow, “Are you issuing threats Mr. Vansant?”

  “You can take it however you like, as long as you understand that I do not want you following me around. If there is something you want from me, you can approach me like a man…or better yet, make an appointment to see me like everyone else.” I turned around and James and I went toward the door. One of his men opened it and I was about to step through as Esparza said,

  “I’m not following you, but our paths did cross tonight. Since I have a lot of respect for you as a fellow businessman, I feel duty bound to say this. Be careful who you’re letting your guard down with.” I spun back around and asked,

  “What does that mean? Why are we playing these stupid games?”

  “No games – it is a simple piece of advice from one friend to the other.”

  “You’re not my friend.”

  He didn’t say anything else; once again he only smiled. I was surprised at how angry the sight of it made me. Who the hell is this guy, and why was he suddenly under my skin? I was done with him, for now. But I was sure he had an agenda and I was determined to find out whatever it was.



  “Is it covering?” Friday night had arrived and I was still in town. I lived in fear of the moment that Miguel showed back up on my doorstep, but somehow, I had found the strength to promise myself that I wasn’t going to be bullied into giving up my life.

  I suspected that most of that strength came from the fact that I wasn’t ready to leave Nicholas. My plan to sleep with him hadn’t exactly worked, but now I was glad. He had had a perfect opportunity to take advantage of me and he didn’t. How could I fault him for that?

  And, he expected to see me at the gala tonight. He’d even sent me a sweet text last night telling me that he couldn’t wait to see me. He’d promised a night of passion if I still wanted it…and I did, so badly that I was risking everything for it.

  I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that this was all going to come to a head soon, but I just hadn’t been able to bring myself to leave. I loved my life in Las Vegas. I loved Lynn and my job and my loft. And now, there was Nicholas.

  Lynn already knew the truth – most of it – and she accepted me completely. Maybe Nicholas would be willing to do the same.

  For now, I was going to attend the gala and I was going to enjoy every second I got to spend with Nicholas. I might come home to Miguel on my doorstep, but tonight, I would be ready.

  Yesterday I’d gone to a pawn shop and tried to buy a gun. I found out it was a lot more complicated than having the cash. The man that worked behind the counter seemed to understand I was frightened for my safety because before I left, he showed me a little, pocket stun gun and a small can of something called OC spray that he said could take a grown man down in an instant. Both of those things sat in my purse now next to my cosmetics as Lynn dabbed light make-up on the bruises still showing where the openings in my gown were.

  “It’s working. They were all mostly yellow so I covered them with the green tint and then the light, nude foundation. Now,” she said stepping back, “tell me what really happened.”

  I tried to look innocent. “I told you. I fell down the stairs.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You are the most graceful person I’ve ever met. You were raised to practically walk on air.”

  I took her hands into mine and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “I appreciate you saying that, but even princesses trip on their own feet sometimes.”

  She shook her pretty, blonde head, but let it drop for now. Taking another step back, she looked at me and said, “You look incredibly beautiful tonight, princess. Nicholas isn’t going to be able to resist you.”

  I’d told Lynn about dinner and the flowers. I left out the part about him giving me an orgasm and refusing to take my virginity. It’s not that I ever felt like Lynn was judging me. I simply couldn’t work up to feeling comfortable talking about things like that. I smiled and with butterflies in my belly, I said,

  “I actually hope that’s the case.”

  Lynn laughed. “I’m so glad! I was beginning to worry I’d never be able to find a man who interested you.”

  I laughed, too. “I’ve only been here for six months.”

  “Six months without a man is like six months without food or water.”

  Still laughing, I asked, “So who is the lucky man that will be on your arm tonight?” Lynn was lovely as usual in a cream-colored, satin gown. She had her blonde
hair twisted up into a French knot and was wearing a stunning diamond necklace and earrings. Her make-up was flawless, and instead of over forty, she looked about twenty-five. I’d told her how beautiful she looked when she first got here.

  With a mischievous smile that I knew too well, she said, “I met a new man. I was having a drink with my friend Barbara by the pool at the MGM last night and he couldn’t take his eyes off me. After Barbara left, he came over to talk to me. Oh, princess, this guy is something else. He’s like sex on a stick and I can’t wait to take the wrapper off.”

  Giggling, I said, “You just met him last night and you invited him to the gala already? You’re good.”

  She winked. “I’m the best, and don’t you forget it.” She rose on her toes and kissed my cheek. I was wearing four-inch heels to her six-inchers; I was still a head taller than her. “I have to run now. You look amazing. Will Nicholas be here soon to get you?”

  “We’re going separately. I hired a car service.”

  She clucked her tongue at me. “And, why is that?”

  “I’ll see you there,” I told her with a grin. The truth was I’d only decided at the last minute to go. I’d already had two bags packed and was online searching for my best route of escape before it hit me that if I ran now, I’d be running the rest of my life. Nicholas had offered to pick me up. At that time, I’d told him I had to arrive early so I’d meet him there.

  “Fine,” she said, rolling her eyes. “I have to go and make sure everything is ready. I’ll see you soon.”

  “I’m looking forward to meeting your guy.”

  She beamed. “I’m as excited as a teenager about seeing him again. He is meeting me there about nine.” She kissed me again and said, “I’ll see you soon,” before leaving.

  Once she was gone, I put the finishing touches on my make-up. The whole time, I listened for noises on the stairs or outside the door. I wasn’t sure why Miguel hadn’t shown up yet, but I was sure he wasn’t going to simply walk away.

  I nearly jumped out of my skin when the driver from the car service knocked on my door. The older man gave me an appreciative look when I opened it. He introduced himself and led me down the stairs, and as I slipped into the back of the limousine, another flurry of excitement tickled my belly. This gala was an important event for my career, but all I could think about was how I couldn’t wait to see Nicholas.


  The guests had already started arriving when I got to the gala. The driver had escorted me as far as the hallway that led to the ballroom before he’d tipped his hat and bid me goodnight. I made my way to the glass doors, and when I got there, they were pulled open for me by the security officer posted there. A few heads turned as I made my way inside. I liked the appreciative glances, and it was nice to know they were given without any pressure to defer to the princess.

  My gown fit like a glove. It was made of shimmering Lycra and the wine color went well with my dark skin and lighter hair. The front was simple and classy with no plunging neckline or dramatic openings. The back was where the drama was. It plunged all the way to where the dimples were at the small of my back and then fit as tightly across my backside as it did in front. I’d chosen a simple, gold necklace with a long, gold and diamond chain that lay coolly against the skin on my back between my shoulders. I’d left my wavy hair down, where cascaded across my shoulders. I felt beautiful and I hoped Nicholas would feel the same when he saw me.

  It was strange for me to be so excited over a man. This was all so new to me, but so exciting that it continued to overshadow the uncertainty of my future here. I was happy to go along that route, at least for tonight.

  I moved further into the room and looked around at the photographs that adorned the walls on either side of me. Some were mine and I was proud they were displayed there amongst the likes of Lynn’s and several of her colleagues that had been shooting photos for decades.

  Across the room and beyond the tables, the dance floor, and the small stage was an area where the photos for sale were set up. I’d chosen four of mine for sale and I could make out two of them from here. Lynn had them marked with a price that was much more than I would have asked for them. Her confidence in me was much greater than my own and it’s just one more reason I loved her.

  “Champagne, miss?” The waiter was holding a silver tray of champagne flutes. I took one and thanked him before I turned to look at the photos on the wall nearest me.

  I had to smile when I got to the ones of Nicholas that I had taken myself. His weren’t for sale, but with his consent, Lynn insisted on displaying them. He was directly in the center of all the others and the intensity of his blue eyes in the photos were like magnets not only to me, but to the group of people that had gathered there to look at them.

  “Emma!” I turned at the sound of the voice and saw Vivian, a good friend of Lynn’s, approaching me. She gave me an air kiss and then looked me over and said, “You look amazing.”

  I smiled. “Thank you, Vivian, so do you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I look like a soccer mom, which is what I am. I’ll never understand how I let Lynn talk me into these things.”

  Vivian wasn’t exactly a soccer mom. She was married to a city councilman. They had three children who were all teenagers now, Lynn told me. Vivian was very involved in their lives and Lynn said Vivian and her husband often argued over the fact that she preferred not to attend these society events. Every so often, Lynn talked her into one. “Is Mark here with you?”

  “Yes. He’s upset with me. He says if this was one of the events he’d asked me to go to, I would have said no. He thinks the only reason I came is because Lynn asked me.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  She laughed. “Don’t be, he’s right.” She turned toward the photos on the wall and stared at the picture of Nicholas for a long time before saying, “Is it bad that photo of Nick makes my panties damp?”

  I busted out laughing. “I don’t think so. But you better not tell Mark.”

  She waved a palm at me. “Mark has known for years that the sight of Nick turns me into a shivering pile of flesh and bodily fluids.”

  I laughed so hard I snorted before asking her, “How do you know Nicholas?”

  “He and Mark are old friends. Mark knew him when he was just a dealer in one of the casinos here.” It was hard for me to imagine that. Nicholas seemed like the type that came from old money. He was so cultured and such a gentleman. “Do you know him?” Vivian asked. I willed myself not to blush as once again the image of myself grinding against him as I sat on his lap, filled my mind.

  “I’ve met him,” I said.

  “You’ve only met me?” I feel the breath from his lips on my neck as I hear the words. Vivian’s mouth was hanging open and she was staring up at him as if he were a celebrity. I turned my head slightly and smiled. “Hello, Nicholas.”

  “Emma.” He turned to Vivian and said, “Vivian, it’s so good to see you here. You look beautiful.” She giggled like a schoolgirl.

  “Thank you, Nick.” She drank what was left in the flute in her hand and said, “I should find my husband.” He watched her run away with a smile on his face. I had a feeling he knew exactly what he did to her. He turned to me then and in a voice barely above a whisper he said,

  “You look beyond beautiful. You look ravishing. You look so good that I want to take you right here against this wall in front of these people.”

  I felt my face go red. “Thank you, but I think we should hold off on that.”

  He grinned and said, “As long as I know it will happen soon…maybe tonight?”

  Still feeling flushed, I told him, “Maybe tonight. You look so handsome.”

  Handsome wasn’t a strong enough word, but I didn’t know how to phrase it. He was wearing a black suit with a blue tie that matched his eyes perfectly. His dark hair was styled in a way that begged a woman to run her fingers through it and his freshly shaved face made my fingers itch to touch it.

nbsp; “Thank you.” The look he gave me sent chills down my spine. It was like there was fire in his eyes and I could feel the heat. He turned toward the wall then and studied his portrait for a moment. “You did a really good job on the photos of me. I can’t wait to get a look at the others you have here.”

  “I had an excellent subject,” I told him. “It was a delight taking them.”

  He grinned at me and leaning in close again, he said, “Maybe someday I can take some of you…strictly for my own collection.”

  “Your own collection?”

  “Mm hmm,” he said in a voice that made the thong I was wearing go damp. I sipped my champagne just to keep from moaning and was happy for the distraction when one of the artists approached us and he and Nicholas spoke briefly. When the other man walked away, Nicholas took my arm and said, “Walk with me.”

  We walked along the wall and looked at the photographs. Nicholas seemed to examine each one, and I could usually tell by the look in his expressive eyes what he thought of it. I could barely focus on the art. With him simply touching the skin on my arm, my entire body hummed with sexual energy. I had no idea that a virgin could feel so wanton, but the idea of him taking me right now up against the wall was so appealing to me that it made my mouth water.

  “This one is yours,” he said as he stopped in front of a photograph of the backside of Hoover Dam. My name was underneath the photograph, but he went on to say, “It has the same style as the ones I saw in the gallery. I’d love to have some of these for my offices.”

  “Thank you, but I’m sure you’re just being nice.”

  He looked at me and I saw the sincerity in his eyes as he said, “One thing you need to know about me, Emma, is that I never lie…not even to save someone’s feelings. If I didn’t like them, I would politely give them a look and keep walking. If I didn’t think they were good enough to hang in my offices and even my hotels, I’d never suggest it.


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