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Harcourte Vampyre Society 02 Dangerous Choices

Page 11

by Unknown

  “Wait.” Flynn couldn’t believe what the man was alluding to. “Are you talking about owning us?”

  “Oui,” he said, a glimmer of anxiousness passing through his eyes. He didn’t like the idea of being taken away as a prize in a fight, and he let the other man see what he wouldn’t share with Jolie.

  Jacques was scared.

  Flynn lowered his voice as he followed him from the closet. “They can actually take us from her?” he looked confused. “We aren’t property, Jacques. We’re people. I mean, I am at least.”

  Jolie exited the bathroom fully dressed and makeup done. It appeared that she was getting ready as if she was going to war. The two piece black leather cat suit, which covered her from ankle to throat, made her look sleek and dangerous. It was exactly the look she was going for this evening.

  As she sat in the chair, zipping into her calf length boots, she could feel eyes on her. When the silver knives were sheathed and in place, it was finally Brogan who spoke.

  “Shit! She’s going to fight to the death, isn’t she?” he asked, looking horrified at the situation unfolding before them.

  “Oui, and if she loses, we’re the property of another. They’ll want her society, and all who belong to it.” He paused, knowing there was a worse scenario. “Or they can choose to execute us right then and there, if you prefer that scenario better.”

  “Shit! Are we really considered your property?” he asked Jolie, afraid to hear the words from her.

  “Flynn, I don’t believe that I own you, but some of the older societies that we will see tonight don’t think as progressively as I do. To them, the men in my life are disposable.”

  Hearing her say the words was making him sick. Where he could live with the part about them being disposable, he couldn’t fathom her being killed.

  “You could die tonight,” he said softly. Immediately, he regretted so much wasted time between them.

  Jolie didn't even deny it. “Oui, and you can’t interfere. I may not even be challenged, but if you and Jacques appeal to anyone there, I’ll have to fight to keep you as mine.”

  “I don’t like this at all,” he stated, glancing over at Jacques, hoping he had a better plan. “We shouldn’t go.”

  “Mon ami, this is why we avoided this. We have no choice in the matter,” added Jacques. “Now, we have to face the music.”

  His heart pounded in his chest. “I really don’t like the idea of some woman challenging you to win us.”

  “Or man,” added Jacques. It wasn’t that he wanted to stress the detective out, but he needed to be aware of what could possibly happen.

  “What?” Flynn looked outraged. “No freaking way! We aren’t doing this. We can pack and find a new home. I don’t need to be a cop. I’ll give it all up to keep you safe, Jolie! I’m not going to be some master’s property!”

  “Does the idea of another man touching you upset you, Flynn?” Jolie asked curiously.

  Brogan knew where she was going with that, and he decided to address it. “This isn't about us three in a bed together, Jolie. It’s not about when I wake up and Jacques is against me. It’s about having to watch a male vampyre try to kill you, so he can own us!”

  Crossing to her, he kneeled in front of where she sat. “Please, don’t do this.” Brogan touched her leg with his cheek, already treating her with the respect of a mistress. “Please don’t lose your life. I just found you both.”

  Jacques was moved by his honesty.

  “I have no choice. We can’t keep running.” Jolie touched his cheek before standing. “I’ll need two favors, Flynn. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.”

  “Jolie, I’ll do anything for you, just tell me what you need.”

  “I’ll need one of your guns. During the confrontation, I’ll be able to use any means to protect myself, but I must carry all the weapons on my person when we arrive at the council.” She watched him pull his gun from his holster and hand it to her without a second thought. “Thank you.” She took it and laid it on the table.

  Opening a drawer, Jacques pulled out a box of silver bullets and proceeded to reload the detective’s gun.

  “What’s the second one?”

  “I need blood. I’ll have to feed from both of you. It’ll add to my strength and put my mark on you. It may make any vampyres think twice about vying for your ownership.”

  “You can have all of my blood. I’d die for you, Jolie.”

  She was touched by his words, and even more so that she knew he absolutely would keep his promise.

  “Thank you, Flynn.” Crossing to her dresser, Jolie slid on a bracelet that looked like a dragon. Dropping her arm forcefully to her side, out slid a dagger.

  He watched her and was filled with fear.

  Jacques handed her the gun and magazine.

  “I can’t believe you’re doing this tonight,” said Brogan. “What if you die?”

  “Flynn,” said Jacques, stepping forward.

  “No, Jacques, if she dies tonight what happens to us? I don’t give a shit about being owned by someone else. I give a shit about her leaving us. You’ve had her for six hundred years. I’ve only had her for three months. I need more time. How do we go on without her?”

  “I don’t know,” answered Jacques. “I won’t go to another mistress calmly or willingly. If anything happens to her tonight, I will fight to the death.” Both men made a silent pact between friends.

  Neither man was returning home without her.

  “Jacques, Flynn, I won’t lose. I’ve lived for over eight centuries. I think that I can manage a simple challenge and be fine.”

  Jolie put out her hand. When they took it, she pulled them against her. Jacques flanked her front, and Flynn took her back. The two men pressed together, sealing her body protectively between them.

  “I’ll be fine,” she reassured. “Have a little faith in me.”

  Opening her mind, Jolie shared what was there for both of them. There was the love for a man who fought valiantly for centuries, and then love for one who was just beginning his journey.

  Jolie’s heart overflowed with affection for them.

  Without a doubt, she would fight to the death to keep them both with her. This was about more than just being their mistress. This would be about her fighting to keep love in her life.

  That gave Jolie the edge, making her dangerous.

  Trying to steal love from her would get someone killed.

  “Je t’aime,” said Jacques

  “I love you,” said Brogan, unwilling to let the moment pass without her hearing it from him. It was the first time he had admitted it to her.

  Hopefully, it wouldn’t be the last.

  Jolie was blessed. This was something she always wanted in her life. These men were loyal, loving, and hers.

  “I love you both too.”

  “Fight well, mon amour. We need you,” added Jacques, wishing her luck.

  “If anything happens to you, Jacques is not kissing me to feed me,” added Brogan, trying to lighten the mood.

  It was what they all needed.

  Jolie’s laughter filled the room, right before she slapped him on the arm. “Better him than Balzac.”

  At his name, both Brogan and Jacques made uncomplimentary sounds. It made her giggle even more.

  “Come on, Jolie. Let’s feed you,” said Jacques, leading her to the couch.

  When the two men sat side by side, Jolie first straddled Flynn. “Are you ready, my loves?”

  “Yes,” they answered, leaning back with their eyes closed. Jolie leaned against the detective, eyeing the pulse in his throat. Before diving in, she whispered into his ear. “Feed me, Flynn.”

  He immediately tipped his head and touched her hand on his chest. This was one of his favorite things in life, and he would savor it even more in case it was the last time.

  Jolie kissed his throat just above his pulse before biting down into his neck. At first he flinched, but then slowly slid into the warmth an
d euphoria.


  It felt so damn good.

  His hands caressed her back, sliding up her leather clad body. He wanted to hold her to him forever.

  Jolie slowly sipped from him, sharing the most pleasure she could. If this were to be her last moment with him, she needed it to matter for both of them. When he moaned, hardening against her body, Jolie wished there was time. Curiosity was killing her. Jolie wanted to know what he would feel like. Flynn would be the first human she would have ever had sex with.

  She was dying to know.

  Okay, maybe those were a bad choice of words.

  Brogan was beyond relaxed. He knew Jolie was making the sensations as close to sex as she could get them. If this was any indication, he couldn’t wait.

  Yeah, if she didn't die tonight.

  “Oh, Jolie,” he murmured into her mind. “I don’t have words for this.”

  Her laughter filled him.

  “Yes, it is amazing,” said Jacques, whispering into his friend’s mind, as he sat there holding Jolie’s free hand.

  It didn't even bother Flynn that all three of them were sharing that moment.

  It felt right.

  Jolie slid her fangs from Brogan’s neck. Unable to help herself, she licked along his throat before nibbling her way to his lips. The kiss that followed was just as orgasmic. For now, she would live for that moment.

  His body shook as he drank in the flavor of his blood from her mouth. While he didn't crave it, somehow, it still called to him. Maybe because of the way it was presented.

  Sex and blood may go hand in hand.

  When she broke away, sliding back between the men, Brogan opened his eyes. They were clouded over with love and lust. Instinctually, he glanced over at Jacques to gauge his response.

  What he found relaxed him. Jacques was calm and grinning. While he looked peaceful on the outside, Flynn was in his mind. The vampyre was worried about her.

  This was all a front for Jolie.

  “Are you ready, Jacques?” she asked, as she straddled his body. In that moment, she wanted them all to stay connected. “Take my hand, Flynn.”

  He did so without questioning her, relishing their connection.

  Jolie leaned down to Jacques’s throat before whispering to him. “Feed me, Jacques.”

  He tipped his neck to give her access. With his hands, Jacques held onto her hips, pulling her snuggly against his body. They’d done this repeatedly over the centuries and each time, he was filled with anticipation.

  Jolie lapped at his neck, tasting the essence of her mate. It was intoxicating and called to her. Instinctually, it forced her fangs to break into her mouth to begin. Piercing his flesh, Jacques shook beneath her.

  Wave after wave of pleasure filled them, flowing into the human beside them.

  Leaning back, Flynn closed his eyes. He knew that this was just a touch of what Jacques was feeling, and it was ten times as intense as what he experienced. He breathed in and out, trying to keep calm, even though the violence cascaded over him. It was so strong that it threatened to pull him under.

  Jolie sucked roughly at Jacques’s neck as she ground her body down onto his. When she felt the feather light touch of his mind, she opened for him.

  “Mon Dieu, Jolie, you’re killing me.”

  “I love you, mate, and I know that you can handle it.”

  Jolie could feel him close to the edge, so she removed her fangs from his flesh. When a little drop of blood escaped, she licked him from throat to ear.

  He shook.

  Jolie knew it was an erogenous zone, so she continued to torment him. When she blew warm air over his lobe just to make him shiver, it gave her pure joy.

  “Jolie,” he murmured, as her mouth came down over his.

  Jacques could taste himself and a slight trace of Flynn in her mouth.

  It was maddening.

  The hunger he felt for her erupted around him, forcing his fangs to descend into his mouth.

  This never ceased to amaze him.

  The feeling of complete love and adoration washed over him.

  For a moment, she leaned against Jacques, as if memorizing everything about him. When she turned her head, she noticed that Flynn was cautiously observing her.

  “Come to me, Flynn,” she purred, having him move closer. Jolie could hear the question in his mind. “Yes, you’ll feel the same thing after we consummate our mating,” she offered. “Sex will open so many more emotions in all of us.”

  God! He couldn’t wait.

  For a brief moment, she cuddled closer to the men in her life, binding them together in that moment. Her hope was that it would offer strength to get through the rough night ahead.

  Without hesitation, Flynn wrapped his arms around her, including Jacques in the embrace. “Please come back tonight,” he whispered.

  “We need you,” Jacques added.

  Jolie would die before letting any vampyre have or even covet what was hers. She’d fight to the death.

  No one was taking them from her.

  No one!

  “We need to do this,” she finally said.

  They knew she was right.

  Brogan moved off to her side, letting her get up. In his eyes, she could see the desperate pleading. Jolie suspected that while he wouldn’t admit his fear out loud, he would still carry it in his soul.

  “I’m ready,” said Jacques, as he stood from the couch. He offered one more bridge to the human in their life. Holding out his hand, he waited to see if the detective would take it.

  Without hesitation, he allowed Jacques to pull him from the couch. “Let’s do this and get home tonight.”

  “Flynn, you can’t interfere tonight,” added Jolie. “Promise me.”

  Brogan bent down to slide on his low-cut leather boots, all the while smiling a very charming grin. “I promise, but you better win tonight because Jacques and I are not going to someone else’s home.”

  Jolie caught the meaning of his words. There before her stood two amazing men. Jacques was her heart and Flynn was her soul.

  “Don’t do anything stupid, my loves,” she warned.

  They both laughed. They’d sacrifice themselves for love. There was nothing stupid about that.

  “I do not die easy,” she reassured, still wondering what they were thinking.

  “Good to know,” Flynn said, grabbing the box of silver bullets, just in case.

  Jolie watched him. “Flynn.”

  He said nothing, only tossed them to Jacques.

  Jolie glanced over at her mate, and his expression said the exact same thing.

  Somehow, she had a very bad feeling about this.

  Now was a really bad time for them to decide to be a team.

  Their lives were at stake.

  ∞ Chapter Six ∞

  Once on their way, the ride to the deserted plantation seemed to take forever. Maybe it was the nerves or the dread, but either way, the ten miles seemed to drag on endlessly.

  One of the reasons that Jolie liked taking the motorcycles to things like this was it allowed her time to think. Here, she was trapped with two edgy men, and that was affecting her mental state. She was more worried about them now, than herself.

  When they arrived in the garage, Jacques immediately headed toward his H2. Jolie was confused, since he’d been with her for so many other council challenges. Surely, he was aware of her preference. Before he could get in, she suggested the bikes, only to be informed that the vehicle would be better.

  In case they had wounded to transport.

  That scared her more.

  Jolie knew her abilities, but now, she was scared shitless for the men. If they tried to help her, or made a move on any council members, they’d all be going home in a body bag with two piles of ashes.

  Each time she tried to get them to be rational, neither man would speak to her. There was the distinct impression that they were drawing some invisible line, unworried about her opinion.

p; If push came to shove, they were planning on breaking the rules.

  “We’re here,” said Jacques. He scanned the area, already trying to outline a tactical escape route, just in case. If they needed to make a run for it, this was going to be difficult. While they could outrun a human, they weren’t facing them. The question was if they could outrun a pack of angry guardians.

  More so, could their human detective hold his own?

  “It looks like we’re about to be displayed like the first course in a very fine meal,” said Jolie, her temper rising. The council gave her a later time, so that they could be there in advance.

  They were trying to intimidate her.

  Well, she had news for them. It wasn’t going to work. This wasn’t her first time bartering for her family’s safety. Little did they know, she was a pro at this.

  “We have a show to put on,” she admitted, jumping down from the H2 to wait for the men. Jacques immediately took his place beside her on her right, and Brogan mimicked it on her left.

  “Remember, Flynn. Don’t speak and no direct eye contact. Don’t show them anything.”

  Flynn liked this less and less.

  “Got it,” he replied, and then paused before kissing her on the lips. “Kick some dead vampyre ass, baby.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Um, we fall into that category. I’m dead too.”

  “Yeah, but you look hot in that leather. Let me just have my sexy little fantasy. It’ll keep me sane.”

  Jolie would give him that. When he wasn’t paying attention, she playfully patted him on the ass. She knew he was trying to help her clear her head before going into this. Flynn didn't want her distracted.

  Heading toward the clearing, she reminded them to be respectful, no matter what. If she did die, the council might have mercy if they weren’t belligerent right off the bat. The dance was about to begin, and she suspected there was a fight ahead of her.


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