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Harcourte Vampyre Society 02 Dangerous Choices

Page 27

by Unknown

  That made her laugh. “Want to wash my back, Flynn?” Jolie offered, handing him the big sponge.

  “Again, I’m easy. You don’t need to ask. You had me at ‘want’,” he teased, grinning.

  Her heart skipped at the boyish smile. As he soaped her body up, she leaned against him. “I believe that we’re even now.”

  Brogan laughed hoarsely before closing his eyes. “If that was payback, then you’re seriously off on what constitutes revenge. That was really hot, and I’m addicted.”

  Jolie laughed. “Good, because I wasn’t kidding. I may start to shower more often with you. It’s pretty sexy to shave my mate’s face.”

  The easy use of ‘mate’ made his day, as did her easily slipping him into their life.

  Just then, Jacques entered the room, sensing the act of torture was complete. “I see that she’s gotten you too, Flynn,” he said, grinning.

  “Oh yeah, she got me.”

  “Revenge,” she muttered, as her detective washed her hair. His fingers were very distracting. When he leaned down to leave a kiss on her shoulder, Jolie melted at the tender act.

  “I can live with revenge,” Brogan offered.

  Jolie heard the tone in his voice and turned to stare into his eyes. Delicately, she offered him a kiss and reached for his mind.

  “It was more than revenge, Flynn. Please don’t forget that.”

  “Was it, Jolie?” he asked, his heart thumping in his chest.

  “Yes, it was. You own half my heart. I’m endlessly in love with you.”

  That was all he had to hear.

  His heart was officially gone.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Saturday Evening

  Jacques and Brogan sat in the kitchen waiting for Jolie to finish getting dressed. They had both gotten ready in half the time that they knew it would normally take Jolie. Then again, they had it easy. Pulling on leather pants and a shirt wasn’t exactly a task to behold. As usual, Jacques went with something a little too girly for Flynn, and in black.

  The vamp had some serious issues with color.

  “Are you starving today, Flynn?” Jacques asked, as he watched Brogan inhale a giant sandwich, stuffed with three different dead animals. Deep down, he was pleased the man had remembered that he still needed to consume food.

  It had to have been a couple days since he last ate.

  “Yeah, revenge does that to a person,” he muttered, around a mouthful of bloody rare roast beef.

  Then, he realized that he probably shouldn’t be talking about his earlier conquest with the vampyre.

  It was kind of like cheating. Wasn’t it?

  “No, it’s not even close,” Jacques whispered through his mind. “Jolie loves us both, and I’m willing to share her with you.”

  “I just don’t get why,” he answered, honestly perplexed. “If she were mine first, I’d be struggling with this.”

  It wasn’t a smooth road for Jacques, but he was trying to navigate it.

  Trying was definitely the operative word there.

  Then again, Detective Flynn Brogan was obviously a good man, or he wouldn’t be feeling guilty.

  “Because she loves you, and you love her. We’re all connected, and I know that if she’s not with me, Jolie will be safe with you.”

  “It’s still unnerving, but I swear on my life, I won’t ever hurt or let anyone near her.”

  “Don’t worry, mon ami. I don’t feel the need to rip your throat out when we share her body.”

  Brogan chewed his food and swallowed, not sure what to say next. He was saved from the effort when Jolie walked into the room, finally ready. She was dressed in seamless leather from neck to toe and had her hair pulled back in a librarian bun.

  Holy hell, he now had a new fantasy.

  Hello sexy vampyre librarian.

  “I’m ready,” she said, handing Jacques a necklace to place around her throat. “Can you help me, my love?” she asked.

  Either man would have crawled to her at that point to assist. They were easy.

  “Absolutely, mon amour. Come here,” he said, dropping it around her throat as he fastened it in the back.

  Brogan stared at the very large red stone around her neck. It peeked out from between her cleavage. It was the only part of her skin showing on her body, and now it was the focal point, thanks to the stone.

  “You look fierce, mon amour,” Jacques offered, sharing his love and affection with the woman.

  Flynn added, “Yeah, you’d terrify me if I didn’t know what a softie you were.” He touched the gem which peeked through her clothing. “Nice, but what is it?”

  “This is a blood diamond.” She touched it, and it appeared to glow. “It’s very rare.”

  “Yeah, and a diamond no less. I bet it’s worth more than the gross national product of many countries,” he teased and was rewarded with a laugh from Jolie.

  “No doubt, but rest assured that I earned it,” she said, heading out the kitchen door. “Shall we go?”

  The men followed her to the garage. When she walked past the vehicles, it was clear she intended on taking the Interceptors to the meeting. She was obviously worried and needed a distraction.

  On cue, Jacques headed to the back of the garage to prepare for their surprise.

  “Like anyone can say no to you,” replied Brogan, reaching for his and Jacques’s helmets and jackets.

  “Some have tried, believe it or not.”

  Brogan scratched his chin, trying to figure out where Jacques was heading. Their two bikes were right there. Maybe he lost something, like his mind.

  Distractedly, he spoke, “What happened to them when they said no?” Brogan inquired, and as Jolie glided to him, he had a flashback of earlier in the shower.

  “They became victims of my revenge, Flynn.”

  He swallowed as the memories flooded his mind. At some point, he let out the breath that he was still holding. “Okay, mental note. I need to tell the mistress no on a regular basis.”

  Both Jolie and Jacques laughed as she pulled him to where Jacques was standing.

  “We have a surprise for you,” she said, taking her place by her one mate.

  “Really?” He looked at the tarp and raised an eyebrow.

  “Oui, we felt you needed this,” he said, ripping away the tarp.

  Brogan stared. There sat another bike, but this one was cherry red with chrome accents.

  “Now, we can all get road rash together,” Jacques said with a grin. “The family that speeds together, bleeds together.”

  “Wow.” Brogan walked around the shiny body, running his large hands over the paint. “And it’s red.”

  “Do you like the color? We didn’t know if you would want a silver one or black one like ours. Then, I saw the red and thought about your old Mustang,” Jolie added.

  “God, it’s absolutely beautiful!” Brogan was ridiculously touched as he saw his initials in silver decaled on the side of the bike. All he could think of was how he couldn’t live without them. Walking to Jolie, he swung her in a circle and kissed her hard and deep. “Thank you,” he said when he finally broke the kiss.

  “You're very welcome, my love,” she added, releasing him, so he could cross to Jacques.

  “You’re not going to kiss me, are you, Flynn?” Jacques teased.

  “Oh come on! A motorcycle deserves a kiss at least,” he joked back. When he stopped in front of the man, he held out his hand. “How about thank you, my friend?”

  “Oui, that would be perfect.”

  Jolie grinned at what was forming between them. Already, she could see the fondness. Flynn had done the impossible by growing on the man.

  “We should go,” Jacques said. “We’re already late, and now I know Jolie will be speeding, just to prove a point.”

  She ran to her motorcycle and pulled on her helmet. “Last one there is… human,” she shouted, just before starting her bike.

  “Hey!” yelled Brogan, getting on his and roaring out of th
e garage behind her. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was trying to prove. Flynn just knew he had to do it.


  He hoped they were right about him being immortal.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  All three bikes screamed into the abandoned plantation which Mambo had suggested. Jolie, of course, had driven like a maniac through the streets with absolutely no fear of road rash, or getting hurt. Unfortunately for the men in her life, they had very little choice when keeping up.

  Each one called to her repeatedly to slow down, but they were only met with her laughter in their minds.

  Jolie Harcourte was an enigma. Doctor by day, leather bound wild woman by night.

  Brogan loved every second of it, and so did Jacques.

  Who were they kidding?

  Yet, they both felt the need to be protective, almost to the point of being over the edge.

  As she waited, helmet off, the men pulled up and stared at her.

  Jacques pulled off his gear and gave her a very motherly look. “Jolie, you have no regard for your safety.”

  “Yeah, you need to slow down,” added Brogan, the cop coming out in him.

  “Come on you two old codgers,” she teased, as she fixed her hair.

  When they stopped at her side, each offering an arm, Jolie accepted willingly. There was nothing better than being sandwiched between them. That made her think about sex, and both men stared down at her.

  “Really?” Brogan asked, seeing the flashes in his mind.

  Jacques slapped her leather clad ass. “Behave.”

  Brogan stared openmouthed. “Are we allowed to spank the mistress? I wasn’t aware that was an option. If it is…”

  She snickered right before elbowing him.

  What was coming was dangerous, and they needed to focus. She sent the warning into their heads as they approached the land beside the abandoned plantation.

  Both men moved closer as they escorted her in front of Delina’s family. This was a tricky situation, and all three were aware of it. Some of the vampyres and mates would come willingly, some would challenge and others would voluntarily leave and try to start their own society.

  Whatever was chosen, they needed to stay in control of the situation, or it could get ugly, and fast.

  They had to admit, Chloe had done a damn good job. She had placed white candles out and had wisely separated the families.

  “Everything’s ready, Mistress,” Chloe said, as Jolie walked past her. The donor bowed her head while Jolie took her spot at the head of the circle.

  The three took in both sides of the family. There was the old one part that held a betrayer, the one which had turned against her, and the new half which she wasn’t sure wouldn’t turn on her and stake her while she slept.

  It was a pretty shitty predicament any way you looked at it.

  “Oui,” whispered Jacques’s voice into her mind.

  “It could be worse,” replied Brogan, but he couldn’t come up with a scenario. “I’ll get back to you later on the details of that.”

  Jolie stepped forward to greet Delina’s family. She took the time to gaze into all their faces. In them, she saw fear, anger, and trepidation.

  “I welcome you to our society. I’m offering you the opportunity of blood redemption. From this moment on, you’re being handed a lifeline out of your present situation. My mates and I are willing to invite you into our family. With that, you’ll be given what you need to survive and our protection.” Jolie held out her hands. Jacques and Brogan stepped forward to accept her offered gift.

  Jacques looked into their faces. “I offer you redemption or release.”

  Brogan stepped forward and scanned the small crowd as that edgy cop warning went off in his head.

  Something was off.

  “I offer you security and sanctuary.”

  Jolie continued, “It’s for you to choose. We won’t force you to embrace our family, but please know this. If you chose to walk away, you will not be permitted to return. This is a one shot deal, and I won’t be as magnanimous in the future.”

  There were murmurs and whispers.

  They moved to the first vampyre standing in front of them. “Redemption or release, mon cherie?”

  “Mistress and Masters, I ask for redemption,” said the young vampyre. She bowed her head and Jolie touched her cheek. “My name is Clariel, and I promise to serve your family.”

  “It’s our family and yours now too.”

  At Jolie’s touch, the red haired vampyre flinched.

  “Clariel, my mates and I wish to welcome you to our circle.” She bent so Clariel could kiss both of her cheeks.

  Jolie took her hand and could feel it shaking. Gently, she placed it in Jacques’s hand for him to lead her over to their family.

  So far, so good.

  Jolie stopped in front of a male. “Redemption or release?”

  “Mistress and Masters, I choose redemption,” he said, bowing his head. “My name is Orlock, and I’m the eldest of Delina’s family.”

  Jolie scanned him and he was still less than half her age. She wasn’t concerned. “Welcome, Orlock, to our circle.” Leaning forward, he also offered her two chaste kisses on the cheek.

  Jolie took his hand and handed him off to Brogan. He led him to the family.

  Jolie turned toward another male, and recognition immediately dawned when she saw him. It had everything to do with the eyes, since she’d faced them down before. Yet, Jolie still asked, already sure of what he’d say. “Do you wish redemption or release?”

  He bowed his head, and then whipped two knives out of his pockets, lunging for Jolie’s throat. He planned it just right, and both Jacques and Brogan were just out of her reach.

  Jacques hissed, bearing his fangs as Brogan pulled two sidearms from his double holster to point them at the vampyre.

  “I can make the shot,” he promised, sighting the man’s skull.

  Jolie didn’t even move. She simply spoke and the clearing went silent.

  Dead silent.


  Many in Delina’s society gasped at the events unfolding before them, unable to believe that the man holding the knife to Mistress Jolie’s throat was ruining many of their chances for safe passage.

  “I will gut you for killing my mother.”

  Her laughter trickled across everyone’s flesh. The looks on their faces amused her, as they realized she was incredibly powerful. “So you’re Delina’s child. You look like her. You would have been better off attacking from behind a bush. This attempt is pathetic.”

  Both her mates stood ready to make their move.

  “You killed my mother, and I’ll avenge her death, even if it costs me my life!”

  When he moved the knife, her laughter came out once more. “You will stop and release me.”

  He stood frozen, trying to fight the compulsion in her voice.

  “If you can’t hold me, I’ll kill your family.”

  The double click of a safety was the only answer needed. Jolie had no worries. If he made a move, Flynn would end his life.

  Jolie moved toward her mates, unfazed. She knew Jacques would be busy helping her hold the man, so she went to stand in front of Flynn’s body. He didn't lower his arms, but she found a spot against his chest.

  If anyone else thought this was going to be tolerated, they would need a quick little lesson on how Jolie Harcourte ran her society. It was time to scare some sense into anymore would be traitors.

  “What’s your name?” she asked quietly.

  “Why do you care?” he replied, spitting out the words in hate.

  She paused before speaking, “I like to know the names of the people I slaughter.”

  There were more gasps from Delina’s family. They knew she was mad, but this was destined to be a blood bath.

  “Go ahead. I won’t be the only one who wants you dead.”

  She grinned wickedly. “You’re not too smart, but thank you for that warning. I will che
ck to make sure you’re working alone.”

  There were nervous whispers.

  “If any of them move, Flynn, kill them.”

  “My pleasure, Mistress,” he answered. “I’m glad I brought the silver bullets tonight.”

  They all stepped back.

  Both he and Jacques grinned at Delina’s other family members, almost daring them to take the chance.

  Jolie lifted her hand and the vampyre levitated toward the ground. He fought valiantly, but against two ancients, he really didn't have a chance. He’d made his choice, and today was the day he would die.

  “No!” he screamed, as she approached him. When she leaned down to place her fingertips on his flesh, he howled.

  “This is really going to hurt,” she whispered, watching his eyes go wide in fear. As she gently stroked his face, his mind was pillaged brutally. With each layer she dug into, the pain became more and more intense, until tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

  Jolie had no mercy, nor did she care that he begged for redemption at that point.

  His fate was sealed.

  Once the answer was found, she stood to face the rest of Delina’s family. “Thank you, Wilhelm. That information was very useful to me,” she said, scanning the rest of the vampyres who watched in horror.

  If the broken man on the ground was any indication, they knew it was going to be ugly.

  As she stepped toward the family, they collectively took a step backward. “Oh, Angelica, come to me.”

  They turned and stared at the individual in the back of the crowd. As Jolie’s energy floated out among the masses, the beautiful vampyre had no will against it.

  Jolie and her mates prepared for what was to come.

  “Please, Mistress, no,” she begged, as she came to a stop in front of her new family. Her eyes flickered to the prone Wilhelm, lying on the ground.

  “No, Angelica. It’s too late,” she answered. Jolie waited as the woman also floated to the ground screaming. Standing between the two vampyres, she kneeled, placing her hands on their hearts. At contact, her eyes slowly changed, going black like a predator.

  The family gasped, watching in fear.

  Mistress Harcourte wasn’t kidding. She wasn’t to be messed with.


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