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After the Weekend

Page 2

by Silvia Violet

  Leo swirled his drink around, seeming to consider his words. “So it’s like that with you? Daddy and boy?”

  I nodded. “And it’s so good, better than I ever thought it could be. I can’t imagine finding someone more compatible sexually.”

  “Damn, no wonder you look good.”

  I grinned. “Yeah, I’m very… satisfied.”

  He rolled his eyes as he took a sip of scotch. “And you really think this could be more than just sex?”

  “I know it could. I don’t want to push too hard, but waiting two weeks to see him again has felt like a lifetime.”

  “Damn, that’s… I can’t even imagine.” He looked away for a moment as he rubbed his thumb along the side of his glass. “There was a time when I thought maybe… But no. Things haven’t worked out.”

  “Oh, God. Do you mean us? Did you think we could be more for each other?”

  He shook his head. “I wished we could, but I knew better.”

  I took his hand and squeezed it. “I wished it too. You mean a lot to me, as much as anyone in my life.”

  Leo smiled. “I know we’re meant to be friends, to be…”


  He drank the last of his second scotch. “Yes. Definitely not lovers, not in any serious way.”

  “I can’t be what you need.”

  “A man who longs to take the pain I want to give?”

  I nodded.

  Leo sighed. “I know. And I didn’t mean you just now, though that is a regret. I just meant that I used to believe I would find a man I was compatible with, but I’m so tired of doing scenes where I don’t feel anything. It’s all become so mechanical for me, and lately it’s just too hard to go through all that negotiation with someone who only wants to get off. It’s been ages since I’ve so much as spanked someone unless I was doing training or a demo.”

  I could hear the pain in his words, and I hated it. “You’ll find someone. Don’t give up.”

  “I shouldn’t be complaining. I have what most men dream of. If I wanted, I could have a line of twinks down the hall, waiting their turn with me.”

  “Leo, you deserve to be loved and cared for. It’s okay to want that.”

  He shrugged. “What I have is pretty damn good: a business of my own, friends I can count on, men to be with whenever I want them.”

  If he didn’t want them, though, that hardly mattered. I could feel how uncomfortable he was, letting himself be this vulnerable, so I decided not to push.

  Leo toyed with his empty glass for a few moments, then said, “I guess now that you’ve found a boy, you don’t want to go look for someone we can play with out there.” He gestured in the direction of the public part of the club.

  I frowned. “I thought you said you didn’t—”

  “I know. I just thought maybe if we looked together…”


  He shook his head. “I’m in a weird mood, that’s all. Maybe it’s because Carter is married now. The idea that your son has found his happily-ever-after, and we’re… Well, I’m without any prospects for that.”

  “I’m probably crazy to think Avery wants this to be a long-term thing.”

  “Why wouldn’t he want you?” Leo asked. “You’re incredible.”

  “Tell that to my ex.”

  Leo wrinkled his nose like he’d smelled something offensive. “How bad was it, seeing her again at the wedding?”

  “As ugly as I expected, but Avery knew how to make me forget all about it.”

  Leo smiled. “He sounds perfect. When do I get to meet him?”

  “You want to?”

  “If you think he’s The One for you, then it’s my duty to vet him before things go much further.”

  I laughed. “Not this weekend. It’s only our second time together, but maybe in a week or two.”

  “Good. I need to go to Asheville anyway.”

  “Yeah? How come?”

  “You know how you keep harping on me to expand my empire?”

  I nodded. I’d told Leo several times that Succumb was doing so well he should look into starting another club.

  “There’s a club in Asheville that the owners want to sell. I thought I’d take a look.”

  I tried not to be offended that he hadn’t mentioned this before now. “When were you planning to tell me?”

  “I was debating if I really wanted to consider it. I didn’t want to say anything until I was sure.”

  “You do.”

  He frowned. “But running Succumb takes so much time.”

  “Because you don’t delegate.”

  He snorted. “You’re one to talk.”

  He was more right than I wanted to admit. “Fine. Let’s make a pact to turn as many tasks as we can over to someone else.”

  “You’ll have to if you want more time with your boy.”

  “Yeah. I have a feeling I’ll be spending a lot of time in Asheville, and it would be great to have you there too. I’ve got a condo without a tenant and one where the lease is coming up for renewal in two months. I can give you one of those if you end up buying the club and needing to be in Asheville for a while.”

  “By ‘give’ I hope you mean rent, because I’m going to pay you.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not charging you rent.”

  Leo gave me his best Dom stare.

  “You know that doesn’t work on me.”

  He grinned. “A few times it has.”

  “Only because I was in the mood for it.”

  “And tonight you’re all Daddy?”

  I laughed. “Yeah, I am.”

  “We’ll work out the housing if I decide I want the club.”

  “And I’ll ask Avery what he knows about the place.”

  Leo poured us each more scotch and lifted his glass. “To future endeavors.”

  I clinked my glass to his and smiled, thankful to have a friend like him.


  Later that night, I lay on my side, watching Avery on my laptop. He was seated on the edge of his bed, legs spread, jerking off. And he was close, almost there. I wanted to see his teeth sink into his lower lip, his head fall back, cum shoot from his cock, but what I wanted more was to make him wait, to see him flush as he stuck out his lip when I said, “Stop!”

  Avery’s hand fell to his side, his chest rising and falling, pain evident on his face before he gave me the pout I’d been waiting for. His lips looked so puffy. He’d painted them blue for me tonight, and he was hot as hell like that. His eyes were wide as he stared at me, silently begging. Part of me wanted to give him what he wanted, but I also wanted him desperate when I got there in three days. I wanted to test his obedience. He’d told me he thrived on challenges, so I was going to give him one.

  “You’re not going to come again until I see you on Friday.”


  “You are not allowed to touch yourself. I’m going to trust you. Just like you can hold yourself without restraints, I trust you to keep your hands off your cock without me there to monitor you. Only absolutely necessary touches are allowed, nothing else, and no rubbing against the mattress either. Is that clear?”

  “Daddy,” he whimpered. “Please at least let me come now. I know you like to watch.”

  “Boy, I gave you an order. Your choices are ‘yes, sir’ or your safeword.”

  Avery glanced down.

  “Look at me, boy.”

  He did. I saw concern in his expression. “You can do this. I’m challenging you because I care, because I want you to be proud of yourself.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I smiled then. “Much better.”

  “It’s just… I never go more than a day without jerking off.”

  “Then you need to learn some discipline. Daddy wants you desperate for it when he gets there.”

  He groaned. “Fuck. That’s so hot.”

  “Then do this for me.”

  “Yes, Daddy. I will.”

  “Good boy. We’ll tal
k and text, but no more Skyping before my visit.”

  He looked relieved. “Thank you, Daddy. It would be so much harder to hold back if I saw you again.”

  “I know, boy. Now go get some sleep.”

  Avery looked down at his swollen cock. “That’s not going to be easy.”

  “You’ll have to figure it out, because I need you rested on Friday night.”

  He groaned. “Daddy, you’re killing me.”

  “Go and be good.”

  “Goodnight, Daddy.”

  “Goodnight, boy.”



  He’s going to know. He’s going to know. The words ran through my mind over and over as I packed my bag to go meet Graham. Ever since he’d told me I wasn’t allowed to come, that was all I could think about. Last night I’d given in and jerked off. Twice. I was not a good boy, and now I was sure Graham would know what I’d done.

  “You leaving soon to see your sugar daddy?” Sean asked.

  “Dammit, Sean. It’s not like that.”

  He gave me a pointed look. “He owns so many condos he just happened to have one free where y’all can shack up.”

  I exhaled, trying to suppress the urge to strangle Sean. “I don’t want him for his money. This is… it’s a hell of a lot more than that.”

  I could tell Sean realized he’d gone too far. “I’m sorry. I know it’s more to you. I was just teasing, but I do expect you to tell me how swanky his condo is.”

  “He owns a development company, so of course he has a lot of rental properties. I don’t know that this one is particularly fancy.”

  Sean huffed. “It’s a condo downtown. I think they only come in Rich People Approved. You’ll be able to walk to dinner with your man, lush it up, then stumble home and fuck all night, probably with a view of the city.”

  I grinned, because he was right. This was going to be an amazing weekend.

  “You know I’m totally jealous.”

  I stared at him. “I thought you didn’t want a man of your own.”

  “A weekend of the fine life with a hot hookup would be perfect, though.”

  “Go find yourself a sugar daddy. With that ass it shouldn’t be too hard.”

  Sean slapped his butt cheek. “Damn right. I work hard for this. But you know that’s not really what I like.”

  “Older men?”


  “And being told what to do?”

  “In bed that can be fine, but in the rest of my life, hell no. I’m a free man.”

  Sometimes I wondered if Sean protested just a bit too much. I’d seen him with men at our favorite club, men who’d brought him to his knees. He’d liked it a lot until he’d remembered he didn’t want to.

  It would take me all night and probably more to analyze Sean, and I had a date. I quickly double-checked that I had everything. “All right, I’m out of here. I’ll be back on Monday night.”

  “Unless you convince him to stay longer.”

  I rolled my eyes. “That’s not going to happen.”

  “Are you so sure about that?”

  “He’s got work to do, a business in Charlotte, a life in Charlotte.” Something I tried not to think about too hard.

  “But now he also has you.”

  I groaned. I wanted him to have me right that minute.

  Sean grimaced. “Go before you make any more of those sex sounds.”

  I flipped him off and slipped out the door, practically running for my car. But once I got in the driver’s seat, I remembered how certain I was Graham would figure out that I’d disobeyed. I was sure he’d punish me for it, harder than last time.

  I sighed. The spanking he’d given me had been so hot, but it had hurt like hell too, and I was scared there’d be more than a spanking this time. I shivered, unsure if I wanted him to find out or not.


  Graham pulled the door open, and my breath left me. I’d seen him over Skype several times, but there was something about his presence that couldn’t be seen on screen, something that made him even more gorgeous in person.

  “Hi,” he said.


  He stepped back, and I entered the condo. I had no idea what to say. He seemed nervous too, which I hadn’t expected.

  If he’d just ordered me to my knees or pressed his hand against my cock, that would have been better. When we were Daddy and boy, not just Graham and Avery, everything was easier.

  “So, um, did you have a good drive?” I asked, because apparently I’d become my mother.

  “It was fine. There was a lot of traffic, but it’s a June weekend, so…”

  I nodded. “Yeah, tourists.”

  Having no idea what to say then, I glanced around the condo. It was modern but still inviting. The walls were pale salmon, and the furniture and accents were a mix of gray and cream. The sofa looked solid, like it would hold up if he bent me over it. In front of it lay a plush rug with swirls of cream, gray, and black. The rest of the great room had hardwood floors, but I could see myself kneeling on that rug by the glass coffee table, waiting to see what Daddy would ask of me next.

  The kitchen had high-end appliances, which made me wonder if Graham could cook. The thought of him in the kitchen, reading glasses on as he looked over a recipe, apron tied around his waist, was way too hot.

  The silence had gone on too long so I said, “This is place is nice.”

  “Thank you. These condos rent better, even to long-term residents, if they’re furnished. So I had a decorator fix it up for me.”

  “Oh, you didn’t pick this out yourself? Because it fits you.”

  He smiled, like me noticing made him happy. “I gave input, and I do like it. I might go a little warmer if it were for me, though.”

  “The wall color saves it from feeling cold.”

  He smiled again. “That’s one of the things I chose. Come on. You can put your bag in the bedroom.”

  I followed him, watching his ass and wanting to find a way to ask him if we could be Daddy and boy for a little while, just until we were used to each other again. But I didn’t, because I thought maybe that was the wrong thing to say. I just wished he wouldn’t be so polite, so different from the first time we’d talked when I’d met him and he’d simply said, “Do you like what you see?”

  We hadn’t worried about what we said then, or at least I hadn’t. I’d been expecting a hot night, not whatever this was. A future? Something that threatened to break my heart?

  The bedroom was a beautiful Caribbean blue. The bed was nowhere near as massive as the one at the Misty Mountain Lodge. It looked like a queen, and we could make do with that.

  Who was I kidding? I’d let Graham have me on a cot or the hardwood floor if that’s what he wanted.

  He cleared his throat. When I turned to look at him, I realized I’d been staring at the bed for a long time.

  “I… Um…”

  “Put your bag down, boy.”

  I smiled and hoped he saw the relief on my face. “Yes, Daddy.”

  I set it by the large upholstered chair that stood in front of the single window. I wanted Graham to fuck me in the chair too.

  When I turned back to him, Graham grabbed my shirt and yanked me against him, pressing his lips to mine. I was desperate for him, and he seemed ready to eat me alive. By the time he pulled back, I was panting like I’d run downtown instead of driving.

  “I missed you,” I said.

  “I missed you too, boy. Have you been good?” He looked me up and down. Then he palmed my cock, squeezing it hard enough to make me jerk.

  “Daddy,” I whined.

  “I asked you a question, boy.”

  I couldn’t lie to him, and I was sure he knew that. “I touched myself, Daddy. I made myself come.”

  “How many times?”

  Say once. He won’t know. “Two times. Both last night. I’m so sorry, Daddy.”

  “Strip and lay over the end of the bed.” His voice was st
ern, and I shivered.

  “Daddy, I—”

  “Boy, you’ve misbehaved and now you need to be punished. Trust me to deal with you as I see fit.”

  “I… I do, Daddy.”

  “Then do as you’re told, or I’ll add to your punishment.”

  I scrambled to obey.

  When I was naked and displayed for him, he squeezed my ass, pulling my cheeks apart. “When I’m done I’m going to fuck you so hard and deep. It’s going to be amazing.”


  He laughed, the sound harsh. “You’ve got a long time to wait, boy. I brought rope. May I tie your wrists?”

  “Yes, Daddy.” The words were out before I even thought about them. I wondered if there was anything I wouldn’t let him do.

  He tapped my ankle with his foot. “Open wider.”

  I widened my legs, and he teased a finger over my hole. “So hot. I’d love to see you with a spreader bar holding you open.”

  “Oh my God, please.”

  “You’re so eager to serve.” He chuckled, and the sound seemed to vibrate over me. “I don’t have one with me, but I’ll remember how much that turns you on.”

  “You remember everything, Daddy. I want to make you happy.”

  “You do, boy. I’m so glad I found you.”

  “Daddy,” I whimpered.

  He ran a hand down my spine. “Shhh. I know what you need.”

  I didn’t know how, but he did. I needed him to punish me. Maybe last night when I’d jerked off frantically, enjoying being defiant, I’d known I’d need this. But I also knew that if he asked me not to touch myself again, I would obey. I would hold off no matter how long he kept me from coming or how badly my cock ached.

  He stepped away and returned with a length of bright blue rope, the same color as the lipstick he’d asked me to wear the last time we’d Skyped. “Bring your wrists together and cross them.”

  When I did, he wrapped the rope around them, securing them together. I hadn’t realized colored rope would be so erotic, but I loved the way it stood out against my skin.

  Graham smiled at me. “You like that, don’t you, boy?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”


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