Book Read Free

After the Weekend

Page 9

by Silvia Violet

  We stepped into the loudest of the play areas. This area was for scenes that didn’t require a lot of concentration, and most people playing here enjoyed being watched. Many were deliberately putting on a show. This was where I usually played. I glanced around at the people who were watching and listened to the sounds of crops and paddles hitting flesh, the grunts and cries they elicited. I saw a man who had three men taking turns fucking him while his Dom petted him, stroking his hair, and encouraging him to lay his head in the Dom’s lap.

  “This is where we’ll be later,” Graham murmured, flicking his tongue along the outer edge of my ear. “I want a lot of people to see my boy.”

  I turned and looked up at him. “I want that too, Daddy.”

  Leo motioned to us to indicate he was going into the next area, a quieter space for more serious play. Graham took my hand, and we followed him.

  We watched a woman tying her sub into a suspension harness and then Graham turned me so I could see a man in a sex swing who was being fisted.

  “If you’re a good boy, we can do that soon.”

  “Daddy, I…” My mouth opened and closed, but I couldn’t say anything else.

  “My boy can take it,” Graham whispered.

  I wanted to. God, just the thought of Graham’s whole hand inside me made my cock jump, but the man I was watching looked like he was in agony. His ass seemed impossibly stretched like something a real body couldn’t do. I’d seen men fisted before, but now that I was actually thinking about letting someone do it to me, it seemed terrifying. I’d fantasized about it for years, but I never thought I’d trust a partner enough to allow it.

  Could my ass actually open like that?

  “I know it looks scary,” Graham said. “But we’ll go so slow. I’ll make sure you love it as much as you want to.”

  “Daddy.” That was all I could manage to say.

  The Dom had part of his arm in his sub, and he was slowly moving in and out. His sub whimpered and cried out, but he was hard now, and he looked like he was starting to enjoy it, even shifting his hips to take more. Maybe I could do it. Maybe it would be as good as my fantasies.

  We walked away from the men we’d been watching, and I almost ran into Sean when he stumbled. Leo caught his arm to keep him from falling.

  “Are you all right?” Leo asked.

  I could tell he had the same natural caregiving sense Graham did, and I wished he had a boy of his own. What was wrong with me? I’d been with Graham a few weeks, and I was already turning into a matchmaker.

  Sean didn’t answer Leo. Instead, he just looked toward the doorway that led into the next room.

  A gorgeous, dark-haired man stood there. He was wearing leather pants, a tight black t-shirt, and a dungeon monitor armband. He stepped forward and held out a hand to Leo. From the way he towered over all of us, he had to be at least six four.

  “I’m Blake. Allen told me you’d be here tonight. He hired me to handle security a few months ago, so he thought you might want to talk to me. I’m monitoring this room tonight, but I’m about to take a break, so we can go some place quieter if you’d like.”

  Leo nodded. “That sounds great.”

  Blake turned to Sean. “How’ve you been?”

  Sean didn’t answer. He’d gone pale, and he started to move away slowly.

  “Sean?” I called.

  “I… I need to go. I have to…”

  “I’ll be back,” I told Graham as I took Sean’s arm and led him from the room. “Is that him? The man you were going out with.”

  Sean’s Adam’s apple moved up and down as he swallowed. “I… um… Yes.”

  “Are you sure he didn’t hurt you?” Sean looked terrified. I’d never seen him like this before.

  “No. It was the other way around.”

  “You hurt him?”

  Sean nodded. “I need to go. I shouldn’t have come. I should’ve known he’d be here. I…”

  Graham was walking our way, looking concerned.

  “Did you drive here?” I asked.

  “No, I took an Uber.”

  “Come on,” Graham said. “We’ll walk you out and get you a ride home.”

  “You don’t have to—”

  “We’re walking you out,” Graham said again, and Sean didn’t protest anymore. But when we stepped into the bar area, Leo and Blake were right there in a booth.

  Blake stood up. “Sean?”

  Sean gripped my hand so hard, I thought he might break something.

  “Do you have a minute to talk?” Blake’s voice was neutral, but I could tell he was on edge.

  “I… I don’t…”

  “Talk to him,” Leo said.

  I glanced at him, and he mouthed, “Trust me.”

  “You might feel better if you do,” I whispered. “I’ve never seen you sadder than the day you ended things with him.”

  Blake held out his hand. I could see Sean’s hand shaking as he took it and let Blake pull him close. There was no sign of the bratty, sassy Sean who usually came out to play at Thrust as Sean let himself be led across the room.

  I looked back at Leo. “You really think this will be okay?”

  He nodded. “I know Blake by reputation, and while he didn’t give me any details about what happened with Sean, he said he wants to see if they can work things out.”

  I let out a long breath. “When Blake broke things off, it messed Sean up. He was a wreck for days after they ended things. I’ve never seen him like that.”

  “And you don’t know what happened?” Graham asked.

  I shook my head. “I’ll need to check on him later.”

  He nodded. “Of course.”

  Leo glanced toward where Blake and Sean had disappeared. “He needs to take Sean in hand and teach him some discipline.”

  “Yeah, pretty much.” I loved that Leo had figured that out after knowing Sean less than an hour.

  “Will he be all right?” Graham asked, looking at me.

  “I think so.”

  Leo nodded. “Allen told me about Blake. He said he’s a good man, a former SEAL, and—”

  “Hot as fuck,” Graham added.

  Leo chuckled. “That too.”

  I scowled at Graham in mock annoyance.

  “Do you have something to say, boy?”

  I shook my head, unable to keep from laughing. “Just that you’re absolutely right.”

  Graham raised his brows. “I think it’s time for us to find our spot.”

  “Eager to redden my ass?”

  “Boy, you’re going to get yourself in trouble.”

  “Sorry, Daddy.”

  Graham looked at Leo but he waved us away.

  “Go on and play. Just text me if you decide to leave.”

  “We will.”

  Graham brought me to an area that was roped off. We’d passed it earlier, but it hadn’t registered that it might be ours.

  He took the rope down and moved the spanking bench around until it was parallel to the back portion of the play area. “I want people to be able to see your red ass and your beautiful pink lips.”

  “Daddy, I don’t know if I can look at people as they watch me.”

  He cupped my face, bracketing me so I only saw him. “You can close your eyes, boy. You don’t have to look, but I want them to see you, to see how you hold yourself, how well you take what I give.”

  I could see how much he cared for me, but I also saw the flare of lust in his eyes. He loved this, and I wanted to give it to him. “Yes, Daddy. I can do that because it’s what you want.”

  “That’s my boy. Now raise your arms.”

  I did, and he took the hem of my shirt and lifted it up and over my head. He laid it on top of a bag I hadn’t seen him bring in. I recognized it though.


  “Leo brought it for me earlier.”

  “I love that you planned all this.”

  Graham kissed me gently. “That’s what a Daddy does. He makes sure everythin
g will be all set for his boy.”

  I smiled at him, already starting to feel that sense of being somewhere out of time I got when I truly surrendered to him. I loved giving up control to him, especially now that it felt more… real?

  That word kept coming up, but it unnerved me. What did it mean that this was my reality, that as Graham’s boy I was more me than I’d been before? I hadn’t been unhappy or dissatisfied, not seriously. I just hadn’t been cared for like I’d longed to be. I’d enjoyed sex. Most of the partners I’d been with were a lot of fun, but with Graham I felt a level of soul-deep satisfaction that was like nothing I’d experienced.

  He unzipped my pants and pushed them over my hips. I heard someone whistle as he pushed my pants down. “Keep your eyes on me,” Graham said.

  I did, and his presence grounded me. When I’d done this before it had been about showing myself off. I was comfortable with my body. I knew I looked good. But tonight my focus was on pleasing Graham. He wanted the people there to see me, so I would let him display me. I wanted to show him how much I appreciated him taking care of me.

  Once he had me stripped down to the jockstrap he’d bought me, the one that went so well with my lipstick, he reached into his bag once more. “I have one more surprise for you.”

  He was holding a pair of pink stilettos. “Will you wear these while I spank you?”

  They’d look perfect with the jockstrap. I’d make such a good display for my daddy. “Yes.”

  He helped me slip them on and then held my hands, making sure I had my balance. “You look amazing in those, boy. I’m going to have to put you in heels more often.”

  “I’d like that, Daddy. I want to please you.”

  “I know you do, boy.” He rested his hands on my shoulders. “I’m going to spank you and then I’m going to use the crop. Not because you’ve been bad, but because I want everyone here to see how you can take what I give you, how you can stay on the bench and offer your ass to me, hurt for me.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “What’s your safeword?”


  “Will you use it no matter what?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Nothing matters more to me than you being safe and comfortable, not what I want, not what anyone gets to see. This scene is just a game. Maybe this Daddy dynamic between us isn’t anymore, but this, the spanking, me displaying you here, that is a game we can end any time.”

  I bit my lip. I knew in my head that he wouldn’t be angry if I couldn’t do this for him, but sometimes it was hard to accept anything other than perfection from myself.


  “Yes, Daddy. You want me taken care of more than anything else.”

  “That’s right.” He stroked down my arms. “Yes. I already know what a good boy you are. I already know you can take this, but some days we can’t do what we could on others. And sometimes what we think will be a great experience isn’t.”

  “I can do this, Daddy.”

  He nodded. “You can, but you don’t have to.”

  “I want to.”

  “Good.” He kissed me softly. “I’m going to put a ring on you now to help you. If we were at home, I would expect you to hold back on your own, but this is different.”

  “Thank you, Daddy.”

  “I don’t want you to come, because your release is mine. It’s not for anyone here. I want them to see your obedience, your beautiful reddened ass, but when you come, it’s for me.”

  His words made me dizzy with need for him. I swayed toward him, teetering on the heels, and he squeezed my biceps to hold me up.

  “So beautiful,” he whispered. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a cock ring. He slipped his hand into the pouch of the jock and quickly and efficiently fitted it on me.

  I stayed still, even though I desperately wanted to push into his hand.

  “Position yourself on the bench.”

  When he stepped away from me, I shivered. This did not feel like anything I’d done before. I knew there must be people watching, even if they were only seeing us in passing. But I really wasn’t aware of them. I was only aware of Graham and the thrum of my own body. I wanted him. I wanted all of this, but it was more than lust. It was a physical need to surrender to him, to please him, one stronger than I’d ever felt before. The world around us seemed muted like when you’re on stage for a play and the lights shine in your face. It’s so bright you can’t really see the audience so you just act as though the stage is the only place in the world. It was like that, except my cock was hard and needy, and I knew it would be a long time before Daddy let me come.

  I concentrated on each step, wanting Graham to be proud of how I walked in heels. When I reached the bench, I draped myself over it, gripping the handles at the base and fitting my legs along the padded sides. I saw the cuffs that could be used to hold my wrists and ankles. If I asked him to, Daddy would strap me in and force me to stay there. But that’s not what he wanted. And I didn’t need it. I only needed him wanting me here.

  “Are you comfortable?” Graham asked.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Isn’t he beautiful?” Graham asked. “Those pink straps? Those sexy shoes?”

  I knew he was speaking to those who were watching. I opened my eyes for a moment to see a crowd of people around us, more than I expected.

  “Close your eyes, boy.”

  Graham placed a blindfold over my eyes so I didn’t have a choice about looking. Of course I actually did. I could take the blindfold off, but I wouldn’t.

  “My boy is so good. He can hold still for his spanking without cuffs, right boy?”

  “Y-yes, Daddy.” My voice sounded scratchy.

  Graham ran his hands over me. “His ass looks so gorgeous when it’s all red.” He leaned down and I could feel his breath against my ear. “I’m going to start now, boy. I expect you to stay still. You can make as much noise as you want, but you may not come.”

  “Yes, Daddy.” I tried to project my voice so everyone who was watching could hear.

  I wasn’t sure how well I managed it, but it didn’t matter, because Graham slapped my ass and pain exploded over my skin. Breathe, I told myself. Just breathe and relax.

  But as the slaps kept coming I tensed, which made them hurt so much more.

  “Take a breath, boy,” Graham said.

  I did, a slow inhale and a long exhale.

  “I want to hear you, boy, I want to hear how much it hurts.”

  “Yes, Da—”


  His hand came down on me harder than before, and he didn’t slow down, spanking me over and over. I whined and whimpered at first, but then I couldn’t hold in shouts and cries. I begged him to stop. I wanted to writhe against the bench. I wanted to get up and walk away, but I wasn’t going to, because Daddy wanted me there. He wanted everyone to see me.

  He slowed down, and I managed to breathe again.

  “Beautiful boy, you’re so good. You’re taking all of this.”

  “Daddy!” I yelled when he spanked me hard on the sorest part of my ass.

  “So good.” He rubbed my back. “Just breathe and relax. Your ass is so lovely, all red and hot.”

  He ran his hands over it, and I shuddered.

  “Thank you, Daddy,” I said, or at least I thought the words came out. I wasn’t completely sure. Everything seemed far away, the pain, the people I knew were watching. Everything but the throb in my cock and the need for Graham to stay with me.

  As if he knew what I was thinking, he knelt and laid a hand on the back of my neck. As he spoke, he kept his voice low so no one else could hear. “I’m right here. I’m just giving you a break. I’m going to use a crop on you next.”

  “Oh, Daddy.”

  “Is that okay?”

  “Yes, please. I want that, Daddy.” I loved the sting of the crop, and somehow I knew it would anchor me, bring me back to earth and keep me there. And that would be good, because I was feel
ing a bit out of control.

  “You’re so good. Of course I’ll give you what you want.” He stood and positioned himself behind me. “Exhale.”

  I did, sinking into the bench.

  The crop came down then, slashing over my ass. I cried out. It hurt so bad, worse than I’d remembered.


  He hit me again.

  “You can move, boy, any way you need to as long as your knees stay on the pads and you grip the handholds. Can you do that?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  He cracked the crop against me, and I writhed and shook. The next blows came quick, one after another. I thought I screamed at some point, but I wasn’t sure. The pain was now a constant throbbing thing. I needed to get away from it, but I also needed to lean into it, to beg for more. I pushed my ass toward the blows, and my body hummed like it was electrified.

  “Daddy! Please!” I wasn’t even sure what I was begging for.

  “Take a slow breath.”

  I tried, but it took a while before I could. On the exhale he brought the crop down for a final flurry of blows.

  After the last one, I sobbed, in agony but also in pleasure, because I’d done everything he wanted.



  I let out a shuddering breath. I’d known Avery would be beautiful like this, but seeing him straining toward the crop with those pink straps around his ass, his full pink lips and those fuck-me shoes was glorious. He was glorious. And I was so lucky to have his trust.

  I slid my hand up and down his back. “You’re so good, boy. Everyone loved watching you submit. Thank you for giving me this.”

  “You’re welcome, Daddy.” His words were soft, and the way he smiled at me made my chest ache.

  “Are you ready for me to take the blindfold off?”

  “I… I need.”

  I knelt beside him and slid my fingers into his hair. “I’m right here. I’m not going to leave you.”


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