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After the Weekend

Page 14

by Silvia Violet

  I reached between us and slid my hand over his cock and then between his legs, pressing my fingers against him. “That’s not all I’m going to push.”

  “Oh, Daddy. I want your whole hand in me.”

  “I know you do. But I have dinner plans, so that’s not happening tonight.”

  He groaned. “I know I can’t ask you to cancel on your kids.”

  “That’s right, because you’re a good boy. And if it were anyone else I’d stay here with you instead.”

  “It’s important for your family to have time together.”

  “It is. And I love that you understand that.” I rubbed my thumb over his plump lower lip. “Does my good boy have what he needs to stay here for a few nights?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Go back to your apartment, pack, and then come back here. When I get home you will be in bed, wearing sleep pants. You won’t touch yourself. You’ll just go to sleep. If you’re good, then tomorrow you’ll get what you need.”

  “I need my ass filled, Daddy.”

  “I know, boy, and I’m going to love hearing the sounds you make as I open you up.”

  He bit his lip and whimpered.

  “Just like that, only way more intense.”

  “Oh, fuck.”

  “Are you going to be good?

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “All right.” I glanced at my watch and sighed. “I’d better get going.”


  I let go of him and stepped back, heart pounding. Had I gone too far? “Yes?”

  “I just wanted to say that this feels so right. I haven’t felt this good, this settled, like everything is as it should be, since I left you in Charlotte. I love playing like this with you.”

  “I love this too. And I feel the same way.”

  He rose up on tiptoe and kissed me gently. “I’m so glad I found you.”

  “Me too, more than I can say.”

  “All right. You better go. I’ll do everything you said. I promise.”

  “I know you will.” And I’d do my best not to spend the dinner thinking only of how I wanted to be back here wrapped around him.


  I could hear Avery moving around in the kitchen. Was he making breakfast? I should get up, make sure he ate something good for him and that he had everything he needed for work. But he’d said I didn’t have to be Daddy every minute of the day, and the bed felt so good. Would he mind if I just stayed here where it was warm and it smelled like him? I rolled over on my stomach and pressed my face into Avery’s pillow.

  As I breathed in his scent, I worked my hips against the bed, though I wasn’t really serious about getting myself off. If Avery were there, I’d order him to suck my cock, the feel of his tight lips would—No, he didn’t have time to play before work, and I had plans for tonight. Plans we were going to wait for.

  I groaned as I forced myself to roll over on my back. Despite my resolve, my hand slipped under the covers, and I gripped my cock. I moved my fist up and down, slowly, unable to stop.

  “Graham?” Avery called. “Are you—” He stopped when he reached the doorway. He had to know what I was up to. “I brought you breakfast, but it looks like you need something else.”

  I let go of my cock and pushed myself up so I could lean against the headboard. “We don’t have time for that now.”

  “Are you sure?” he purred.

  “Bring me my breakfast, boy.”

  “Yes, Daddy.” His tone was mocking, but I let it go. We were teasing, not seriously trying to role play.

  “Avery, is this okay, this casual way we fall partly into our roles sometimes and—?”

  Avery leaned down and kissed me softly, his tongue flicking out to lick my lips as he set a breakfast tray over my lap. “It’s fine. It’s perfect. I’ll tell you if anything makes me uncomfortable.”

  “Thank you.”

  He moved back and sat on the edge of the bed. I looked down at the tray. There was a plate with eggs and two pieces of buttered toast, little bowls with two different types of jam, a cup of coffee, and a flower from the vase on the counter.

  Avery’s face was scrunched up in a way that said he was nervous about my reaction.

  “I don’t think anyone has ever done this for me.”

  “Made you breakfast?”

  “Brought it to me all special like this.”

  “I wanted you to feel special, because you are. I’m not sure if the eggs are very good. I think I cooked them too long.”

  “Hush, boy. You got up early and cooked for me; that’s enough.” I glanced at the time. “You don’t have long before work. Did you eat breakfast?”

  “I did. I ate while I was making yours.”

  “Good. Go finish getting ready, and then come talk to me before you go.”

  “Yes, Daddy. I hope the eggs are—”

  “Boy, they are perfect, because you made them for me.” His cheeks were pink, and I glanced down to see his cock pressing against his jeans. I loved that praise made him hard. “Actually, come here first.”

  Avery moved closer. I cupped his cheek and kissed him. When I pulled back, he stared at me, wide-eyed and breathless. “I’m going to do it tonight, boy.” I spread my hand wide and slid it down his chest, pressing into him with each of my fingers. “I’m going to have all this inside you.”

  Avery made a strangled sound and cleared his throat. “Daddy, just hearing you say that makes me dizzy.”

  I chuckled. “Go finish getting ready.”

  The eggs were fine, not as good as the ones I made, but I’d had far worse in restaurants. I spread strawberry jam on my toast and ate it as I went through my email. A few moments later, Avery came back to the bedroom.

  “I’m all ready.”

  “Do you have plans for lunch? You’re going to need your energy tonight.”

  “I’ll get a sandwich at the shop next to the salon.”

  “I’m going to check and make sure you do.”

  He gave me a soft smile. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Come here.”

  He did, and I pressed my hand against the fly of his jeans. “I can just imagine my slutty boy sneaking into the bathroom at work to get off, but don’t you dare touch yourself today. I want you primed and ready to go off when my fist is buried in you.”

  He groaned. “Now I’m going to be hard all day.”

  I smirked at him. “Go. I’ll see you tonight.”

  Taunting him like that had repercussions. I was half hard most of the morning as I tried to force myself to catch up on work. Then I ran some errands, picking up steaks to grill for dinner and the ingredients to make blueberry cobbler. I’d noticed how quickly Avery devoured any blueberries I bought, so I thought it would be a good treat for him. And making it would keep me busy for part of the long afternoon.

  I considered jerking off, because I was going to need to go really slowly with him, but I wanted to wait. If I was too revved up to take my time, I’d have Avery suck me off when he got home.

  Somehow I managed to focus enough to make pie crust. When it was chilled, I put the pie together and stuck it in the oven. Then I put a dry rub on the steaks and chopped zucchini, peppers, and onions.

  I uncorked a bottle of wine and set it on the counter to breathe. I’d serve him a glass while I told him more about what we would do. Hopefully, it would relax him while also making him want me just a little bit more.

  I heard his key in the door soon after I’d finished stripping down and sliding into my bathrobe. When he stepped into the main room of the condo, I was waiting on the couch for him. “Did you have a good day, boy?”

  He set his bag down, but his eyes never left me. “It felt twice as long as it should have, but all my appointments went smoothly.”

  “That’s good to hear. I have something for you.”

  “You do?” He looked apprehensive, but his breathlessness told me he was as turned on as he was worried. A little bit of uncertainty would only make him

  I untied my robe and let it fall open. “Come over here and suck my cock, Avery.”

  “Um… Yes, Daddy.”

  “Good boy.”

  He knelt in front of me, and I opened my legs wider and scooted lower so my head could rest on the back of the couch.

  “Put your hands behind your back and use only your mouth. No teasing, no playing around. I want you to make me come, and I want you to swallow everything I give you.”

  “Yes, Daddy.” I could tell he wanted to ask questions. This wasn’t what he’d expected, but I liked the catch in his breath and the look of wariness more than I probably should.

  He leaned forward and took my cock in. I groaned as he swallowed me down. His mouth was so warm, his throat tight.

  I petted his head. “Such a good boy. You can take all of Daddy’s cock.”

  He whimpered, and the vibrations felt so good.

  “That’s it. Take me all the way down.” I gave his head a gentle push, and he took the last of me in, pressing his face against my pubic bone.

  “Stay there,” I ordered, holding his head, but making sure he could push back and free himself if he needed to.

  He sputtered, gagging a bit, and I let go. “So good. Such a beautiful boy.” I caressed his face as he sucked in air.

  “More,” I demanded a moment later. “Make it good, show Daddy how much you like his cock.”

  I held the sides of his head, and he didn’t struggle at all. He just took my whole length, bobbing his head, sucking and licking me. I was close already.

  “That’s it, boy. I’m going to come down your throat, and you’re going to take every drop.”

  He nodded vigorously and relaxed even more, letting me thrust up into him with no resistance.

  “So good. So fucking good,” I cried out as I emptied myself into him.

  He looked up at me as he swallowed, and I could tell how eager he was to please me. Before I pulled out, I scooped up the cum that had leaked from the corner of his mouth and pushed it back in. He swallowed around me, making my cock jerk a final time.

  When I let my cock slide from his lips, he sagged against me, head resting on my inner thigh.

  “That was amazing, Daddy. I almost came in my pants.”

  “But you’re a good boy, so you didn’t.”

  “No, I held back because you asked me to.”

  I stroked his cheeks with fingers that were still sticky with cum. “That’s right, boy. You’re going to wait until your ass is stretched wide, until you’re sure you can’t take any more inside you.”

  “Daddy,” he whimpered, sounding so needy.

  “If you feel ready to stand up, I want you to go take a shower and get ready.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “I’ll have some wine and a few snacks for you when you come out. Then I’m going to lay you out on the bed and work you over.”

  “I want this so much.”

  “I know you do, boy. You’ve wanted it since our first night together, and now you’ve earned it.”

  “Thank you, Daddy.”

  I ran my hand over his hair. “It’s going to hurt, but I’ll ease you into it, so it will be good for you.”

  “I trust you, Daddy. I don’t mind hurting for you.”

  My cock responded to those words, even though it should’ve been thoroughly sated. “This is going to make me as happy as it will you.”

  “I want to give you everything, Daddy.” He rose then, taking a moment to steady himself.

  “Be sure you’re ready, boy. I don’t want you getting wobbly in the shower.”

  “I’m all right, Daddy. But that was really intense, the way you talked to me.”

  I turned him to face the hallway. Then I kissed the back of his neck and along the top of his shoulder. “The thought of fisting you is making me crazy. Was anything I said too much?”

  Avery shook his head. “No, I loved it.”

  “Good. I put some makeup out for you to wear after your shower, and I left you a robe. Don’t put on anything else.”

  “I’ll be back soon, Daddy.”

  I used the guest bathroom to clean myself up. Then I tried to read the thriller I’d picked up when I was grocery shopping, knowing it would take Avery a while to prep himself for tonight. But I couldn’t sit still. So instead I arranged and rearranged a platter of snacks. Had I ever been this nervous before a scene? I didn’t think so, not even when I’d first learned how to Dom safely.

  Finally I heard the bedroom door open, and Avery stepped out. He had the robe loosely tied. His skin looked very tan next to the white fabric, and his lips were fuck-me red. He puckered up and blew me an air kiss. “How do I look, Daddy?”

  “Fucking hot, as you well know.”

  I handed him a glass of wine and told him to sip it slowly. Then I rubbed his feet while he drank and nibbled a few crackers and pieces of fruit. His dick tented his robe the whole time.

  I could tell he was getting more and more restless as I talked quietly to him about my day and what we’d have for dinner later as if it were just any other evening.

  Eventually, he broke. “Daddy, when are we—”

  I raised my brows. “When I say so.”

  He sighed. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Is my boy anxious?”

  “I can wait if that’s what you want.”

  “Come here.” I patted my knee.

  Avery stood.

  “Take your robe off first.”

  He let it drop from his shoulders, then placed it on the chair. He was completely naked under it like I’d asked him to be. I let my gaze skim over his body. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  He sat in my lap like I’d asked, and I rubbed his back. “I know you’re eager. You’ve fantasized about this for a long time, and we’ve been teasing about it, building up to it, but you don’t have to do this. I’ll only be upset with my boy if he lets me hurt him when he should say no.”

  His eyes were huge as he looked at me, and I could feel his pulse racing where I caressed his neck. “I’m going to go slow, so slow you’ll probably want to beg me for more. But for you to take what I want to give you, it’s best if you’re desperate and needy, willing to do anything. That will help you open up and accept it all.”

  “You’ve stretched me a lot, and I had you and the dildo in me.”

  “I know, baby. That’s why I think you’re ready. You can do this.”

  “Please, Daddy. I want to do it now.”

  I brushed a kiss against his temple. “Go position yourself on your hands and knees on the bed.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  He left, and I took a deep breath. I could do this. I wanted to do this, but I didn’t want to hurt him or push too far and risk fucking up the trust between us. Because I was completely sure that I was head over heels in love with my boy.



  I positioned myself and waited for Graham with my heart racing and sweat trickling down my face. I was scared, more than I wanted to admit, but I kept telling myself if I could take a dildo and Graham’s cock, then I could do this. But was that true? I knew Graham wouldn’t be angry if we stopped, but I’d wanted this for so long. I wanted to know how it would feel for him to stretch me that much, and I wanted to please him. He took such good care of me. He was all I’d been longing for, and I loved him. I might not be ready to say it out loud, but it was true.

  Graham stepped into the room. He was naked now too, and despite my nerves, my cock rose at the sight of his gorgeous body. His broad chest, dusted with dark hair and glints of silver. His thick cock, which jutted out, showing me he was just as into this as I was. His muscular thighs that could easily pin me in place. I wanted to worship him, but I stayed where I was.

  He leaned over to kiss the back of my neck, then licked a line down my back. I hoped he would continue along my crack, but he didn’t. He just squeezed my ass cheeks, pulling them apart. “
I like how easily you offer your ass to me, boy.”

  I arched my back more deeply. “It’s all yours, Daddy.”

  “Good boy. Now spread your legs.”

  I did as he said, opening wide. “It’s time to get you good and wet.” He bent down and swiped his tongue over my crack.


  “Mmm. I love when you beg.”

  “Daddy, please, put your tongue in me.”

  “Not yet.” He teased me, circling my hole, flicking his tongue over it. I was squirming under him when he finally pushed inside me, tongue-fucking me until I was sure I was going to come.

  “Daddy. I can’t. Please. It’s too much.” A few seconds later, he sat back, and though I’d begged him to stop, I nearly cried at the loss of sensation.

  He squeezed the base of my cock tightly. “You are not to come until I say so.”

  “I’ll be good, Daddy.”

  “I know you will. Now that I’ve loosened you up some, I’m going to start stretching you.”

  “Yes, please, Daddy.”

  He greased up his fingers and pushed two into me. “Mmm, you’re very tight, boy. We’ve got to do something about that.” He worked his fingers in and out, far too slowly.

  I glanced over my shoulder. “More, please!”

  He slapped my ass, making me jump. “I told you we were going slow.”

  I shook my head, not wanting slow. “I can take a lot more.”

  “You remember the first night we were together? I had you just like this, and I made you wait.”

  “And I loved it.” Sometimes I was sure he was a sorcerer to pull confessions like that from me.

  “You did. So just like then, you’ll take what I give you when I give it to you.”

  I laid my head back down on my arms. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “Now relax and open up for me.” At least he fucked me faster now, curling his fingers against my prostate. I pushed back trying to take more, and finally, he added a third finger. The stretch felt so good, and I was more convinced than ever that I could do this.

  “You’re doing great, boy. Are you ready for more?”

  “Yes, Daddy, please. I want this.”

  “I know you do.” He reached under me and pinched one of my nipples. I yelped in surprise. Then he pinched it again harder, making it sting. I bit my lip, holding in a shout.


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