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The Lady Seals Her Fate (The Langley Sisters #5)

Page 19

by Wendy Vella

  “He is but one man, Hannah, and I have many at my back. Strong men, who would be there should I need them, and there for you also. You should not have shouldered this alone. It could have been you he murdered.”

  “No, he would have had no use for me dead.”

  Alex closed his eyes at the thought of her dead. The pain took his breath away.

  “Alex,” she whispered. “I had to run, surely you see that?”

  He felt his anger begin to ease as he looked at her. “I will never see that, but it is done with now, we are all safe and I have you.” Her tears started to fall as he cupped her cheeks. “Hannah, I was scared for you, do you understand that?”

  “Y-yes, as I-I was for you.”

  Standing he reached for her, and seconds later she was pressed to his chest. She wept, hot tears for the violence she had witnessed, for the pain of leaving those she loved. He cupped her head, placed a hand around her shoulders and held her close until her tears finally eased to sniffles. Only then did he release her.

  “Come, you need to wash and get into your nightdress, then we shall eat.”

  “I-I can’t do that with you in the room.” Her eyes were red and she looked pathetic, but to his eyes she was beautiful, which told him just how much he cared for her.

  “I’ve seen your breasts and touched other parts of you, I think it’s a bit late for modesty, sweetheart.”

  She looked at the bath then back to him, and he saw the longing.

  “Turn your back.”



  “I will just look through my fingers, so for pity’s sake, woman, just get in the water.”

  He watched her wince as she began to take down her hair with one hand. With the last pin removed, it tumbled in a black, silken cloud to her waist. It was thick and soft and he wanted to sift it through his fingers. Her hands moved to the buttons of her coat and he heard her indrawn breath.

  “You did hurt yourself,” Alex said, pushing her hands aside and finishing the buttons before easing her coat from her shoulders. “Let me see.”

  She held out her arm and he saw the swelling around the wrist.

  “Is it very sore?” He probed the tenderness.

  “No, mainly when I move it.”

  “Then don’t move it,” Alex said, turning her gently. He lifted the dress over her head, then threw it on the bed. Next he removed her chemise.

  “This is not right,” she whispered as he looked at her lovely body. He had only seen her in the moonlight before, but the lamp showed him her beauty. The soft, creamy skin, long limbs, luscious breasts.

  “It’s very right,” Alex rasped, placing a hand around her neck and easing her forward for a long passionate kiss. When he pulled back, his body was aroused. “You are beautiful, Hannah; I know of no woman your equal.” Dropping to his knees, he removed her boots and rolled her stockings down her legs, before easing her legs apart and licking the plump folds of her thighs.


  “I believe I’ve already told you I’m not a gentleman.” Alex looked up her body. “Now let me pleasure you, Hannah, let me make you forget for a while.”

  Her long lashes briefly lowered. “I fear I will never forget.”

  Alex knew she was seeing Lionel Jacobs’s murder once more, but he said nothing. Instead, leaning forward, he placed his mouth on her. She sighed and moaned, her hand fisted in his hair, and when he pushed two fingers deep inside her she shuddered and came apart.

  “Oh, Alex.”

  “We have only begun to explore what is between us, my sweet.” Alex regained his feet. He then kissed her slowly as he walked her backward until her thighs touched the bed. “Will you let me love you again, Hannah?”

  “Oh, Alex, I have never felt anything so wonderful as that night.”

  “Nor I,” he breathed against her lips. He pushed her back, and she lay on the bed while he tore off his clothes. Braced on her elbows, she watched him, her eyes running over his body.

  “You are a beautiful man.” She sat upright, reaching for him, running one hand up his chest. Alex had been touched by women before, but Hannah’s touch was like a brand on his skin. Her fingers left a trail of heat wherever they roamed, and when they gripped the hard length between his thighs, he could do nothing to stop the moan.

  “It feels soft, yet hard all at once.”

  “Be gentle,” he rasped as she stroked him. “Christ, that feels good.”

  She frowned in concentration as her hand tormented him. Twining his fingers in her hair, he tugged, and her lips met his. His mouth ravaged hers but it was not enough, he needed more of her, needed to be inside her now.

  “Lie down, Hannah.”

  She did as he asked and then he was above her, looking down at the beautiful stubborn woman who drove him a little mad, and whom he would have no other way. He cared for her. Mother of God, he loved her, Alex realized.

  Settling between her open thighs with a full heart, he pushed inside her, the damp, silken muscles clenching around him as he drove high and deep. Her breath caught, his came out in a rush, and then he was pulling out to drive in again and again. She wound an arm around his neck and gripped his hair, the small sting of pain urging him on until they were both panting, both moaning, both scaling the summit together.

  “Alex!” Her cry tipped him over the edge and he followed her into oblivion.

  Collapsing beside her, he closed his eyes and tried to haul in a breath. Dear Christ, when had a woman made him feel like this? Never, because he had given his heart to none before her.

  “Hannah, are you well?” He rolled to his side to look at her.

  “Yes.” She was staring at the ceiling. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she, like he, attempted to draw breath into her lungs.

  “Did I hurt you… your wrist?”

  “I am well, Alex.” Her words sounded emotionless, and after what they had just shared, he was having none of that.

  “Look at me.” She tried to sit up, but he held her still. Rising on an elbow, he pinned her in place with a hand. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”

  “I-I trapped you into this from the beginning with my foolish charade, and that put you in danger, then forced you to chase me, and now, after what we shared, you feel duty bound to wed me. I do not wish for you to feel obliged, Alex. What I did was wrong, and you need not feel it your duty to right that wrong. I will not return to London, and the gossip will fade in time and you will be able to continue with your life. So we shall do that and forget…” She bit into her bottom lip before continuing. “Forget about this, what happened between us.”

  “How kind,” Alex said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He felt raw and exposed with his newfound love, and in no way ready to tell her how he felt. “You will sacrifice yourself to save me, and live in the country, alone, with your cows, while I will continue to be the toast of the ton. Do I get a say in the matter?”

  “I am doing what I believe is right.” She sounded prim, which was laughable considering she lay before him like a delicious feast of creamy curves and lush flesh.

  “What we just did had nothing to do with duty, Hannah, and you will marry me.”

  Her eyes finally met his. “No, Alex, you do not wish it and nor do I.”

  “You can read my mind now, can you? The decision in your head has been made, therefore I shall meekly follow along. I think I told you I was not a gentleman, Hannah, and I will not be dictated to by you.”

  “I am trying to make things right!” She struggled into a sitting position, dragging a blanket with her, and rested against the headboard. “Why can you not see that? You have no wish to marry me.”

  He tried to read her thoughts. Did she care for him? Surely she would not have made love to him if she did not?

  “We will marry, and that is the end of the discussion.”

  “No, Alex—”

  He kissed her. Pulling her into his arms, he kept it slow and gentle until sh
e slumped against him.

  “We will marry, and while we may argue and debate continually, there will be one aspect of our lives in which we are compatible.” He brushed a kiss on her nose. “Now we shall wash, eat, and sleep, and then tomorrow we shall find Ben and return to London.”

  “This discussion has not finished, Alex.”

  “Yes, it has.” He pulled the blanket from her body and lifted her into his arms, then walked to the bath and lowered her into it. “Now wash yourself, wench.”

  She did while Alex sat at the small table and ate to ease the gnawing in his stomach, and then he sat back and drank some ale, watching her. Hannah cleaned herself as efficiently as she did most things, and it was the most erotic thing he’d ever witnessed. Her hair was over one shoulder, the ends trailing in the water, and Alex itched to kiss her exposed shoulder and taste the soft skin.

  “I am done now.”

  He grabbed the bath sheet and held it open for her. She did not look at his eyes as she stepped into it and he wrapped it and his arms around her.

  “One thing you will never doubt, my sweet, is that I want you.”

  “I fear that will not be enough.” Her breath brushed his lips.

  “There is more between us, Hannah, you know that as I do.” Alex lifted the hair off her neck and kissed her damp skin before stepping away. “Eat something now, and then we shall sleep.”

  Alex washed then dried himself. Hannah was yawning by the time he urged her into bed. Extinguishing the lamp, he slid in beside her. She had positioned herself on the edge, away from him, but he simply pulled her into his arms, her back to his front.

  “What are you doing?”

  “It’s called cuddling, Hannah. Now go to sleep.”

  She held herself rigid for several minutes, and then her shoulders eased and finally Alex heard her breathing slip into a steady rhythm and he knew she slept. He didn’t know what awaited them in this marriage that was forced upon them, but he knew he was surprised at how pleasing the prospect of sharing his life with this woman was. He loved her, and for now that was enough. Tomorrow he would tell her the rest of the story, but not tonight; she was not strong enough now. Alex hoped his friends had caught the bastard and he was even now rotting in a cell in Newgate.

  “All will be well, my sweet,” he whispered into her curls. She mumbled something but did not wake. Alex was asleep seconds later.


  There was so much blood that Hannah could not escape it. It was on her hands, under her nails, and covering her body. She looked to the floor and saw him, Lionel Jacobs, looking up at her, begging her to help him, and then she saw the knife, plunging down into his flesh.

  “Hannah, wake up now, love.”

  She did as the voice told her, and found herself in Alex’s arms.

  “You were dreaming. Can you tell me what it was about?” He was touching her, brushing the hair from her face, looking down at her, his eyes worried.

  “The blood, it was everywhere, and he was looking at me, asking me to help him with those sightless eyes, and I could do nothing.”

  “Who, Lionel Jacobs?”

  “Yes, and then that man stabbed him again.” Hannah shuddered at the memory and wondered if it would haunt her forever.

  “I can tell you many times that you are safe now, love, but I fear the dreams will plague you for some time to come.”

  She could still feel the fear from her dreams. Lifting her arms, she wound them around his neck and pulled Alex down on top of her, needing to feel his strength, needing him to warm her. He rolled to his side, taking her with him, and held her close. His hand rubbed her back in soft, soothing motions.

  “I could do nothing for him, Alex. He died lying there in his own blood as I watched. It was horrible.”

  “And knowing he was a bad man offers little solace, because no one should have to die that way.”

  “Yes, that’s exactly how I felt. I remember thinking how quick death could be, and at that moment I realized that he could kill someone I love in the same way and I could do nothing to stop him.”

  “We have him now. He will harm no one else, Hannah. Go back to sleep, and know that I am here beside you should you wake again. I will let no one hurt you.”

  “No one can make that promise, Alex. I could not keep you safe.”

  “I know you see that what happened to me was your fault, Hannah, but I do not.” His words were muffled in her hair as he pulled her closer and Hannah felt the warmth of his breath on her scalp. It was wonderful.

  “If I had not woven that foolish tale around you to my father, it would never have happened.”

  “It would have happened to someone, Hannah. That man was making a point when he hit me. It was intended to frighten you, which it did, enough to make you run.”

  “Yes, and he told me he had intended to kill you, Alex.”

  “Yet he failed, and now I need to sleep, as do you, so sleep now, love, and we will talk more tomorrow.”

  Hannah liked him calling her love, she realized, as her eyes grew heavy again. She loved being held in his arms and the heat of his chest against her cheek. In fact, she loved him.

  “Thank you for following me, Alex.”

  “I could not lose the best business partner I have ever had, now could I.”

  She snuffled against his chest and felt his lips lift into a smile. For now, right at that moment, Hannah felt that perhaps their future would be all right.

  “There is a carriage at the next village, so we will need to get there on horseback.”

  “All right.” Hannah did not relish the prospect of riding, however she would do what was required, seeing as she had put them in this mess.

  “Wait here while I go and ready the horses.”

  Hannah nodded, and seconds later Alex had disappeared through the door once more.

  They had woken in each other’s arms. He had kissed her awake, stroking and teasing her body, making love to her with such gentleness it had taken her breath away. The man she was to marry had so many sides that she had never seen before. He could be ruthless, and yet so gentle. Last night he had eased her fears and then held her while she slept.

  “Who are you, Alexander Hetherington,” Hannah whispered. Picking up her cup, she finished her tea, and then pulling on her bonnet, she prepared to leave.

  The stagecoach had thankfully left before she came down for her morning meal, as she had no wish to answer the questions her travelling companions from yesterday would surely ask.

  Hannah nodded to the proprietor as she left the Red Breast and made her way outside. The day was clear and bright, and as it progressed, it would warm considerably. She walked down the steps and made for the stables. Alex met her, leading two horses.

  “Are you ready to leave now, Hannah?”

  “I am, thank you, Alex.”

  How could she suddenly feel uncomfortable around this man, after everything they had shared?

  “Come, I shall help you mount.”

  He lifted her, throwing her on top of her horse. “Alex!” Hannah squealed as his hand then slid beneath her skirts to stroke her calf.

  “Forgive me, my hand slipped.”

  The wicked look in his eyes suggested he was lying, but she said nothing further. Instead she gathered the reins and prayed she would not tumble off this ridiculous sidesaddle.

  “Alex, you do know that I am not a very skilled rider, don’t you? So I will not be galloping anywhere.”

  “Phoebe told me she had never seen anyone sit a horse as badly as you,” Alex said, mounting with ease beside her.

  “Yes, well,” Hannah said, urging her mount toward the road. “We were not all born privileged with parents who taught us.”

  “Poor little rich girl,” Alex teased her.

  “I was merely stating a fact. My father did not ride a great deal, therefore neither did I.”

  “No, you were being petty,” Alex corrected her.

  He was right of course, she
was being petty, but she was off-balance around him today and not quite sure how to correct it. Poking out her tongue, she said nothing further as they walked along beside each other.

  “Ben will hopefully catch up with us somewhere on the journey back to London.”

  They had been riding for a while when the sound of horses approaching at speed had Hannah and Alex moving to one side of the road.

  “Move here, beside me, Hannah.” Alex urged her forward. Once she was beside him, he gripped her horse’s reins.

  “Why are you doing that?”

  “If your horse scares, it may bolt, and I have no wish to chase you about the countryside.”

  “I’m sure I can control my horse, Alex.”

  “And I’m sure you can’t.”

  “That’s a very high-handed thing to say,” she said, attempting to wrestle the reins from his hands and failing.

  “Not high-handed, sweetheart, truthful,” he said, turning to watch the riders approach. Hannah watched also, but could not distinguish their faces until they were nearly upon them, and then she heard Alex curse.

  “Ride, Hannah, ride hard!”

  “What?” But she could say nothing further, as Alex slapped her horse’s rump, and seconds later she was grabbing the mane to keep herself seated as she galloped down the road. Alex was beside her, but she could not look his way for fear she would fall. What was going on?

  “McDonald!” Alex roared. “Murder!” he added.

  “What?” She dared to shoot him a quick look.

  “McDonald is the blackmailer!”

  And Hannah added up the rest in her head and realized that it was likely Lord McDonald was chasing them, and he had been behind Lionel Jacobs’s murder. Was that true? It seemed almost too impossible to believe.

  They veered off the path and into a paddock, and Hannah bumped and bounced in her sidesaddle, but held tight. She heard the sound of a gun firing and crouched lower, but it scared her horse, and he flung his head, veering right and unseating her. She fell again, rolling several times until coming to a halt.

  “Get her!”


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