The Childe (The Childe Series, #1)

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The Childe (The Childe Series, #1) Page 26

by C. A. Kunz

  “Aldon, we have to find out who’s doing this. Now, before any other children are taken! I know the police said the first girl’s body looked like an animal had done this, but I feel that it’s beyond their expertise. We need to research this more ourselves.”

  “Roland, I know you are worried, we all are. I had a meeting with Ivan Beckford and he assured me that he is just as concerned as we are about the situation. I had the feeling he was not quite truthful about who might be doing this, but I know it is no one from his group. This I feel is true. The prom is secure and nothing or nobody will get through.”

  “How long do you think that will last? How can we protect the children twenty-four hours a day?” Roland asked, anger filling his voice.

  “As long as it takes until this monster can be stopped,” Aldon replied, looking around the room at the others gathered. “Now, I want everyone to go to the prom and help get the children home. We do not need to alarm them. I just talked to Abigail and she is going to make an announcement to the students in about an hour, letting them know what has happened. Hopefully, she will be able to convince the students to let you all escort them home. We cannot reach all of the parents. Some might not know what has transpired this evening. That is why it is up to us to ensure the safety of everyone. Any questions? Good, let us make haste.” Aldon watched as the group left the room. Sam gave Rachel a quick kiss and told her to stand watch until he returned. She stood on the porch and watched as the last car left the driveway heading toward the school.

  Abigail Landers addressed her faculty assembled in the hallway outside the gym. “I know this is going to be hard, but we have to make it work. Our responsibility is to ensure all these students arrive home safely tonight. I’ll make an announcement shortly. I’ve been informed that a group of parents are on their way to act as escorts. No one, I repeat, no one, is allowed to leave on their own. If you have any problems I’ll back you up. And thank you for your help.” Turning, Abigail walked back into the gym. We have to find out who is doing this! I know Aldon said he talked to Ivan, but I feel it’s time for a combined meeting with both sides sitting at the table, she thought, surveying her students. Looking at her watch, she figured she’d give them a little while longer to enjoy themselves before breaking the somber news.

  An hour later, Abigail whispered to the DJ and the music stopped. The students all turned to look at the stage. “Everyone, can I have your attention? I have just been informed that another young lady has disappeared. She was a freshman from Madison Prep. I need your help in making sure that all of you get home safely. I know some of you feel that you’re too old to listen to me, and that nothing could possibly happen to you. But I know you’ll appreciate that this is a very serious matter that should not be treated lightly. Parents and teachers are standing by to escort you home. Those of you who came in groups of four or more in a vehicle, I’d like for you to exit the gym through the main doors now. You’ll receive instructions on how to arrive home safely. Those of you, who came in pairs, please move to the right side of the gym and the rest please move to the left.”

  It took an hour for the gym to clear. Abigail turned out the lights, locked the doors and walked to her car. It came as no surprise to see Aldon standing by waiting for her. “Abigail you did a great job tonight. Now we have to make sure they stay safe. I am going to meet with the mayor and the sheriff tomorrow and see what they have found.”

  Her tired eyes smiled at him. “I know you’ll find out who’s doing this and stop them, I just know you will,” Abigail said, patting his arm.

  The last two weeks of school seemed to last forever. Security at the school and around town was tight. The streets were empty by seven each evening, even though it was still light out. Nobody walked by themselves. In fact, it was odd to see just two people walking together. Even young mothers with babies could be seen walking their children only if escorted by a male or several other females. No sign of Linda or the other two girls had been found.

  Cat and her friends had become closer than they ever thought possible. Even Matt had stopped with his practical jokes and acted like the group’s personal bodyguard. Since Linda’s disappearance, Cat had noticed that Ryan had practically been attached to her hip.

  Standing in front of her locker, a small hand came into view. Cat turned and Hannah gave her a big smile. “How you holding up?” Hannah asked as Cat tried to smile, but instead tears filled her eyes as she faced her locker again. “You know I’m always here if you ever need to talk.”

  “Thanks. I’ve got to run before I’m late for Mr. Crawley’s class,” she replied quickly. She squeezed Hannah’s arm and then ran down the hallway with tears streaming down her face. Ryan came around the corner and saw her distress, but couldn’t reach her before she disappeared into the classroom.

  Hannah came up beside him, “Ryan, poor Cat is so upset. I don’t know how I’d feel if someone I loved were missing,” Ryan nodded his head. He would find her after school, he promised himself.

  With her locker cleared out, Cat slammed it closed and leaned against it. “I’m so glad today is over,” she told herself. She felt like she could sleep for days, but every time she closed her eyes she would see Linda’s face and sorrow would engulf her. Julie didn’t look any better. Ever since Linda’s disappearance, Julie seemed to act like it was her fault she was gone. No one could convince her otherwise. The end of school was supposed to be a celebration, but instead it was full of mourning and dread. After pushing herself away from the locker, Cat walked down the hallway to meet her friends in the parking lot. Looking down, she didn’t see the person in front of her until she bumped into them. She raised her head and saw Ryan standing before her. His eyes were filled with concern.

  “Hey Red Hot, what’s up?” he asked, smiling crookedly. Cat was just as surprised as he was when she giggled. Ryan chuckled and grabbed her around the waist, kissing her quickly on the cheek. “May I escort you to your carriage, madam?”

  “It would be a pleasure.” He took her hand and led her down the hallway.

  They didn’t see the eyes that watched them. Isaac glared at them as they walked away. “He’s such an idiot! I can’t believe he’s strutting around school holding hands and kissing on the pet of those mangy beasts. He’s making us all look bad,” Isaac whispered angrily to Amelia.

  Amelia sneered. “It’s his problem now, Isaac. We tried to warn him, but he’s too thick-headed to listen. He’ll find out soon enough that he should’ve listened to us.”

  “Or maybe he should find out now,” he muttered, following behind them with his group in tow.

  “Let me take you home,” Ryan said as they reached outside.

  “Uh, my friends are waiting, but I guess it would be alright.” Julie approached them. Cat blinked. Did Julie just glare at Ryan? She asked herself. Why would she do that? That’s not like her.

  “Hey, Cat, ready to go home?” Julie asked.

  “Um, well Ryan offered to take me home. So, I guess I’ll call you later. Tell everyone we’ll have a conference later, okay?” Julie nodded, and then glared quickly at Ryan once more. Without another word she turned and walked back toward the group, clearly bothered. Cat watched as everyone waved to her except for Julie who had already climbed into Matt’s car, looking straight ahead.

  “You okay, Cat?” Ryan’s eyes caught hers.

  “Yeah, of course. Let’s go.”

  “Beckford!” Isaac’s voice boomed close by. Ryan and Cat turned to find Isaac and his group in front of them. Amelia’s evil grin from over Isaac’s shoulder filled Cat with anger. The parking lot went silent. All eyes were on them.

  “What do you want now, Isaac?” Ryan’s voice carried across the silence.

  “I want you away from that girl!” Isaac hissed.

  “You do, do you? Well, I think we’ve been over this before, and my answer is still the same, no! In fact, I was going to wait until we were alone,” Ryan announced and then looked intently at Cat, “but I think now
is a more appropriate time.” The anger slipped away from his eyes as his smile widened and he moved closer to Cat. “You mean so much to me. Would you do me the honor and wear my ring. Please say yes,” he whispered.

  “Yes,” she said out loud. She watched as he removed the chain from around his neck that held a beautiful ivory and onyx ring, and clasped it around hers. He then gently kissed her on the mouth and warmth spread throughout Cat. As they parted she saw his eyes filling up with anger once more. He spun around and saw Isaac and his group looking on in disbelief.

  “Now, you all know how I feel about Cat. I want no more threats or taunts directed at her. Do you understand? We’re a couple now, and nothing you can say or do will change that. You mess with her, and you mess with me! Got it?”

  “How could you give her your ring, that’s for-” Isaac blurted out.

  “Isaac, not another word. We’ve been friends all our lives so don’t be stupid right now. It’s my ring, and I’ll do what I want with it. Nobody, and I mean nobody, will say differently. Cat and I are leaving, so I suggest you do the same. And Amelia shut your trap, you look like a trout.” Ryan grabbed Cat’s hand and opened the car door for her.

  As they were sitting in the car, Ryan reached across and grabbed Cat’s seatbelt just as she was about to. “Here, let me do that for you. It’s been stubborn lately and I want to make sure it locks in.” Cat nodded, speechless as he pulled the belt gently across her. She turned to look up at him. He bent his head and kissed her lightly on the lips. After locking in his seatbelt, he turned and pulled out of the parking lot. Numerous pairs of eyes watched their departure. Cat’s heart was beating fast. He quickly flashed a grin at her and then turned his attention to the road ahead. Cat felt his hand take hers and their fingers intertwined. Smiling, she sank into the seat, feeling truly happy for the first time in a while.

  “Sorry that was so public. I didn’t plan to put you on the spot like that. I was going to do it properly, like on a date or something. But Isaac has just pushed too many of my buttons lately, and I had to shut him up. I could do it over again, if you want me to,” he said, looking at her while waiting for the traffic light to change.

  She shook her head, “No, are you kidding me? That was perfect. Did you see Amelia’s face? Priceless.” Cat giggled.

  “Yeah, Amelia’s a piece of work.” Ryan squeezed her hand as the light changed.

  “What did Isaac mean about the ring?” Cat asked while lifting the necklace up and looking at the strange symbols that were engraved into it.

  “Do you want the long or short version?” he asked jokingly.

  “In between,” she replied.

  “Okay, well many years ago my group’s ancestors migrated from the same place in Europe. So, our families are very close. We males are given these rings when we turn sixteen. And we’re only supposed to give them to someone we’re truly connected to. It’s kind of a rite of passage. Isaac still wears his, and I think that’s why Amelia’s so frustrated. She thinks he must not feel strong enough about her to have her wear his.” He paused and looked deeply into her eyes. “Cat, my feelings for you sometimes overwhelm me. I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. I just think you should know. Ever since that first day of school, I have felt it, a connection. I tried to ignore it, but you’re impossible to ignore.” Cat leaned across the seat and kissed his cheek.

  “I must admit, it’s been hard to ignore you, too. I almost died when I saw you that day in the counselor’s office and realized you were going to be my tutor. I thought you hated me half the time, and just tolerated me the other half. You drove me nuts, Mr. Beckford. I really should be angry at you, but all I can feel is happiness when you’re around.”

  Ryan abruptly pulled the car off the road and put it in park. He turned and gently moved Cat’s head off his shoulder where it was resting and placed his lips to hers. Cat felt her emotions soaring. Her heart felt like it was going to jump out of her chest. Her hands clutched his shoulders as he pulled her closer. She smothered a giggle as he moaned when the gearshift got in the way. They broke apart, both flushed.

  Ryan grinned. “Wow, maybe you do like me a little.”

  “Yeah, maybe just a little,” Cat replied jokingly.

  “So Ms. Colvin, how about we go on a real date? Like dinner and a movie?” Ryan’s hand tenderly brushed back her hair.

  “I’ll have to check my calendar, but I might be able to pen you in. Oh wait, no I won’t. I’m grounded for the rest of my young life,” Cat said sarcastically and sighed.

  “Oh yeah, I guess I forgot about that little detail,” he replied. He put the car in drive and pulled away.

  As they approached her house, Cat was startled to see so many cars parked in her driveway, one of them being Dr. Bane’s. “Are they having a party and didn’t invite me? And my mom’s home early?” she asked out loud.

  “Maybe it’s a surprise last day of school party.”

  “I’ll call you tonight, okay? I’m gonna go find out what’s going on here,” Cat said as she leaned over and met Ryan half way. His lips met hers and everything around her disappeared. Her hand was on his chest and she could feel his heart racing. His hands moved through her hair pulling her closer. They broke apart, each trying to catch their breath as their foreheads touched.


  “I know,” she replied. “I feel it, too. I’d better go. I’ll call you, okay?”

  “Okay.” Ryan watched as she opened the door, closed it, and bent down to blow him a kiss through the open car window. As Cat walked to her front door, she turned around and waved before hurrying into the house.

  Ryan started his car and sat there wishing she would come back out. “Man, Beckford, you’re acting like a lovesick puppy.” Is it really acting? He thought as he pulled away.

  Cat walked down the hallway toward the voices coming from the kitchen, and stopped when she heard her name. She crept over to the door and stood there, listening to the conversation going on within.

  “I think Cat needs to be told,” Dr. Bane said, looking at the other occupants in the room. Rachel looked at Sam who shook his head no.

  “Why now?” Sam asked.

  “I agree with the good doctor. Cat needs to know.” Aldon looked at the Colvin’s, feeling Druanna taking his hand under the table. “She needs to know for her own safety and for ours. She can’t be left in the dark any longer,” he continued.

  “I don’t like this. It’s been fine for sixteen years and then all of a sudden we tell her. I don’t think it’s fair to us or Cat!” Rachel’s voice was shaking as she looked at the others in the room. Five sets of startled eyes looked up as Cat walked in.

  “What do I need to know?” Cat asked, sounding calm even though she was shaking with fear inside. “Well, is anyone going to tell me?” She looked at everyone individually, finally stopping on her great uncle’s face.

  “Honey, why are you home so early?” Sam asked, trying to act nonchalant.

  “Early release. Last day and all. Wait, don’t try to change the subject. What do I need to-”

  “Hey, what’s with all the cars? Where’s the party?” Taylor’s voice came from the hallway and the sound of the front door shutting followed, interrupting Cat. Six pairs of eyes watched as he came into the room with Trish at his side. “Sorry, are we interrupting something?” he asked, confused at the look on everyone’s face.

  “No, in fact I’m glad you’re here, Taylor. I was just waiting for someone, anyone, to tell me what’s been kept from me all these years. Apparently, there’s some secret I don’t know about. Do you know?” she asked, looking pointedly at him, watching as redness rushed into his face. He looked to his parents for help.

  “Cat, please sit down. Taylor and Trish, you too,” Aldon said, gesturing to the empty chairs in the kitchen.

  “Please, sweetie, have a seat,” Sam said, echoing Aldon’s request. Glancing at her mom, Cat noticed she was biting her lip with worry in her eyes.

at’s going on?” Cat demanded again while plopping down into the chair.

  Aldon stood, “Cat, it’s time you knew. Rachel, Samuel you have the floor.” Rachel put her face in her hands. Sam looked shell shocked.

  “How are they going to explain this?” Taylor mumbled, his hand tightly gripping Trish’s.

  “Well Mom…Dad…what is it? What do I need to know?” Cat’s voice trembled, looking at them both.

  Sam cleared his throat. “Cat…umm…I don’t know how to say this. But, we’re not, your biological parents,” he spoke quietly, looking straight into Cat’s eyes.

  “What do you mean you’re not my biological parents?” she asked, totally confused.

  “We adopted you when you were just a baby,” Rachel stated, interrupting Sam and raising her head to look at Cat.

  “Cat, we love you, you’re ours and that will never change,” Sam said, reaching for Cat’s shoulder.

  “Yeah, Red Freak! We wouldn’t have anyone else but you,” Taylor interjected, forcing a smile on his face, wanting desperately to make her smile.

  “Why did you guys wait so long to tell me? How could you keep this from me?” Cat asked with hurt and anger present in her voice.

  “Well, truthfully, we were hoping that you’d never have to find out. We just wanted to live like a normal family and not worry about the past,” Rachel explained.

  “Normal family? That’s what you call this?” she yelled as tears began filling her eyes.

  “We didn’t think. We did what we thought was best. Please forgive us,” Rachel pleaded, reaching out for her. Cat backed away. “We love you so much. You’re our daughter,” she continued with tears flowing down her cheeks. Without a word, Cat turned abruptly and ran from the room. Speechless, everyone stared at the swinging kitchen door.

  After slamming her bedroom door, Cat threw herself on her bed and stared at the ceiling, trying to absorb that her whole world had just been turned upside down. Her mind was cluttered with so many questions. Who are my real parents? Why didn’t they want me? What’s really wrong with me? Why are these weird things happening to me? Her head ached from the lack of answers and tears began to roll down her cheeks. She screamed, pounding her fists on the bed in frustration. She wanted to run away. She craved to be anywhere but where she was at that moment. “How could they lie to me? If they really loved me, why lie?” Cat asked herself, pounding her fists once more, leaving indents in her mattress. A scratching noise broke through the sound of her sobs. Wiping her tears, she looked at her bay window and saw Jewels pawing at it, wanting to come in. Cat had never been so happy to see her before and pushed open the window. Taking Jewels in her arms she burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably. Jewels rubbed her head against Cat’s cheek, purring softly as if trying to console her.


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