The Childe (The Childe Series, #1)

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The Childe (The Childe Series, #1) Page 27

by C. A. Kunz

  “Oh Jewels! You’re the only one I want to see right now!” Cat choked out as she lay down on the bed with her.

  Downstairs, Aldon turned to Rachel and Sam, “Well, that was bracing. Not exactly according to plan, but at least she knows now.”

  “So what do we do?” Sam asked.

  “She hates us,” Rachel interjected, sobbing.

  “Mom, no she doesn’t,” Taylor said while putting his arm around her.

  “Yes, she does. And you watch, she’ll hate us more once she finds out the rest,” she wailed, crying into Taylor’s shoulder.

  “Everyone, please calm down. We shall cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, I think it would be best if we leave her be. She needs time to let this sink in,” Aldon explained with a warm smile upon his face. “I also have a sneaking suspicion that as we speak, she is finding comfort with an old friend. So please don’t worry. Our Cat is a strong girl. She will be okay, just give her time.”

  “Eventually, she’ll have to be told not only who she is, but what she is,” Dr. Bane said as he leaned forward and took ahold of Rachel’s hand. “And Rachel, she’ll need your strength more than ever at that time. We know she’s not a typical teenager, but we’ve got to understand that in some respect she is. And how she reacted just now is perfectly normal. I know that once she calms down, she’ll come to realize that we’re all just trying to protect her,” he explained, trying to calm the situation.

  Stroking his beard in deep thought Aldon said, “I agree with Harold, and in regard to telling her the rest, well, I would not advise anyone divulge that to her at this time. I know she is not in the right frame of mind to handle all of this at once. Finding out she is a Childe, would be detrimental right now. But, when the time is right you will have to tell her.”

  “I don’t think my heart could handle telling her that. After seeing her reaction to this, I just don’t think I could do it,” Rachel replied.

  “Rachel, we all must do things in this life that are difficult. You knew that one day you would have to break this news to Cat. And it must either be you or Sam who tells her,” Aldon stated. Sam squeezed Rachel’s hand as she tensed up.

  “Aldon, please do this one favor for us. We need your help,” Rachel pleaded. Sam silently agreed, looking at Aldon with worried eyes. Aldon went into deep thought, staring sternly at Sam and Rachel.

  “Okay, I will do this for you, even though it is against my better judgment. I will tell her when the time is right,” he replied.

  “Thank you, Aldon,” Sam said, patting Rachel’s hand while looking at the relief on his wife’s face.

  “I think it’s time you saw something,” Rachel said, standing and leaving the room. She returned with an old book clutched in her arms and placed it in Aldon’s lap. I found this some time ago in Cat’s room. I don’t know how much of it she has read and I have no idea where she got it from. It’s a journal of a young girl, a Childe, during the Cleansing.”

  “Why have you waited so long to show me this?” Aldon asked.

  “Because I thought we’d have more time. I guess I wasn’t ready to change things yet,” Sam replied.

  Aldon adjusted his glasses and sat quietly, scanning the journal. “Where could she have acquired this?” he asked, the worry lines on his forehead deepening. “Wait, what’s this?” Everyone leaned forward trying to see what had caught his eye. He thumbed over the first page, which was stuck to the inside front cover of the book. Gently peeling it back he revealed a purple colored stamp. “It’s as if someone was trying to hide this,” he said pointing to it.


  Gretchen Halloway

  (555) 332-0001

  “The Purple Door. That’s where Cat went with her teacher,” Rachel stated.

  “I know of this place, it is in Wedgewick Village,” Aldon replied as he stroked his beard. “Well, I will have to research this further. This is definitely a breakthrough. Maybe this Gretchen will have some answers for us,” he said as he stood up and hugged Rachel. “We will meet after my trip to this establishment.”

  “Thank you, Aldon, for everything,” Rachel said, hugging him back.

  “We are all in this together. Druanna and I will take our leave now. If you need us, all you need to do is pick up the phone. Just know that you two have done a wonderful job raising her. And with our help, she will be able to face anything that shall arise.” Sam nodded and readily accepted Druanna’s attempt at her version of a bear hug and kissed her on the cheek. He walked them all outside and watched from the porch as they drove away. Sam closed the front door, leaned against it, and then raised his eyes toward the kitchen. Sighing, he slowly made his way over to Rachel, hoping that Aldon was right. He has to be right. He just has to be, he thought.

  Isaac stormed through the front door and was brought up short by the sight of his father dressed, shaven, his hair combed, and appearing sober.

  “Hello son, what is the matter?”

  “Nothing, none of your business,” he replied, and then stomped up the stairs.

  “Hannah, what is wrong with your brother?” Lucien watched as Hannah stood with her mouth open at the sight of him.

  “Oh Dad, you’re awake,” she said, smiling happily.

  “Yes, my sweet, and I plan to stay that way. I have been neglecting my duties for far too long. Now, about Isaac.”

  “Well, he and Ryan kind of had a blowout today after school. You see, Ryan’s dating this girl, Cat Colvin, and it’s caused some problems to say the least.”

  Lucien’s mind began to wander. Visions came to him. Fragments of them from the past. Red hair. Female. A Childe. He rubbed his head. Catherine, the name rang in his ears.

  “Dad, are you okay?” Hannah’s worried voice penetrated his thoughts.

  “Yes, my sweet, just a little headache is all. Back to the girl Isaac and Ryan are squabbling about. This Cat, is her full name Catherine?” Hannah nodded. “Does she, by any chance, have bright red hair?” he asked hesitantly.

  “She has the most beautiful red hair I have ever seen, and it’s long and curly, too.”

  “Right, right. I must go to the Beckfords’ home. Tell your mom when she returns that I will be back shortly.” He bent down and kissed her forehead and walked out the front door.

  Hannah stood there confused. What was all that about? She thought.

  Ryan pulled into his driveway and turned off the engine. He sat there feeling his chest where the ring had laid. Smirking, he opened the door and made his way to the front porch. The front door was unlocked and slightly ajar. After pushing it open, he was surprised to hear his mom’s voice coming from the living room, followed by a familiar man’s voice that was not his father’s. He turned the corner and was shocked to see Lucien sitting on the yellow couch and his mom sitting in the chair beside him.

  “Ryan, thank goodness you’re home. Come in, Lucien wishes to speak with you.”

  “Hello, son. Good to see you. You must have grown a foot since I saw you last,” Lucien said, standing up and moving forward to shake Ryan’s hand.

  “Hi, Mr. Bancroft, it’s good to see you too sir, and looking so-”

  “Ryan,” Christine exclaimed nervously.

  “It is quite all right Christine, Ryan’s right. I look sober. I admit that I have been a very poor leader for many years now, and for this I truly apologize,” he said as he sat back down. “Please, take a seat.” Lucien motioned to them. “We need to talk. When my offspring arrived home today, Isaac, of course, was in his normal foul mood. But Hannah divulged some very interesting news that proves quite important to you and I, Ryan. She told me that you are dating a young lady by the name of Catherine. Is this correct?” He watched as Ryan nodded.

  “Just a little romance, nothing serious, right, Ryan?” Christine piped up, her eyes were nervously watching for Lucien’s reaction.

  “It is fine, really,” Lucien said, reaching out and patting Christine’s leg, trying to reassure her. “But there is somet
hing you need to know, Ryan. Something that cannot leave this room. If the Parliament were to find out that Catherine is the one that they are actively seeking…Well, let us just say there will be dire consequences.”

  “Why? What would the Parliament want with Cat?” Ryan asked with confusion written all over his face.

  “I believe Catherine to be a…Childe. Part human and part vampire.”

  “How can she be a Childe? Weren’t they all wiped out in the Cleansing? And no one would be foolish enough to break a law of the Parliament now,” Christine interjected with her eyes wide with shock. Lucien sighed heavily.

  “We assumed no one would. But once Lisbeth began having visions of a Childe, Andrei was dispatched to inquire if I too had any such vision. During my self-inflicted illness, I indeed had fragmented visions, of which I purposely failed to divulge to Andrei. I realize now, that they were of Catherine. And after my conversation with Hannah, I believe that what I am telling you is true.” He paused and waited. “And because of this fact, Catherine could be in grave danger,” he said, looking seriously at Ryan. “What I am asking of you will not be easy, but I sense that you are very close to her. She does not know what she is, and I have a feeling soon she will be confronted with the truth. She will need you. Someone she trusts. Someone she loves. I know I am asking a lot of you, but you have the chance to right a wrong we were not able to.”

  Ryan stood up and began to pace. “It all makes sense now. I’ve felt a connection to her since the first day I met her. I couldn’t read her, but I knew that she was special…and…I gave her my ring.”

  “Your ring? You gave her your-”

  Ryan stopped his mom as she began to protest, “Yes, Mom, my ring. I told you, Cat is special to me.”

  “Special enough that you would protect her with your life?” Lucien asked.


  “But what about our secret, your secret?” Christine asked. Fear and anger were visible in her eyes. “If the Parliament finds out that you, or any of the other children exist, they will hunt us all down.”

  “The Parliament will not find out Christine. We shall tread softly and be more vigilant than ever to make sure they do not. We have no choice in this matter, things have already begun that we have no control over, and we must brace ourselves for what is to come,” Lucien stated firmly.

  “I promise you, both of you, I will be careful. And as long as we protect her secret, we’ll all be safe,” Ryan voiced strongly even though a shiver of fear ran through him.

  “Christine, you have raised a fine young man here. Yes, truly fine. You should be very proud,” Lucien said, and then a strained smile came across Christine’s face.


  What Can’t Be Undone

  They heard the trapdoor open and watched as a figure came down the tunnel. The three girls emerged from the shadows, their clothes torn and stained with blood.

  “Ah, my little ones, have you missed me?” Andrei chuckled. Their pale faces looked wary as he moved forward to stand in front of them. “I have some news for you. I will be leaving for Romania tonight and will be gone for some time. Due to my actions as of late, conditions above ground have become somewhat troublesome. So, I have decided I want to lull the residents of Astoria into a false sense of security. By my leaving, hopefully the area will return to normal.” He paused and attempted a kind smile. “You must promise me you will lie low until my return.” The three girls nodded. “No one can know you are here, not even your fellow brethren. Am I clear?”

  “Crystal clear,” Amy replied.

  “Amy, you are in charge. Linda still needs your help with her transition, being just newly turned and all.” Scanning back and forth, he looked the three girls sternly in the eyes, “Oh, and if you wish to not end up like the first girl, then you will adhere to all I am telling you. You know the rules. You also know I see everything you do, and hear everything you say. Nothing gets past me. I am in your head, understood?” Oh, that was a good lie there Andrei, they will definitely obey you now, he thought. “And another thing, keep an eye out for this Catherine Colvin girl. There is something interesting about her. Now, let us feed,” Andrei announced before leading them further down into the tunnel system beneath Astoria. Nobody noticed Linda’s change in facial expression upon hearing Cat’s name.

  Julie sat at the kitchen table with her mother. Her head was in her hands. Her mom’s face reflected the worry she felt.

  “I think I made a mistake at school today. I slipped and revealed how I felt about Ryan. I noticed it in Cat’s eyes. She saw me glare at him. We still don’t know how he’ll play out in all of this. And soon Cat will know everything, and my focus will truly be tested. I only hope that I’m up to it. This will be no easy task. I can’t fail, I just can’t. Not like I failed Linda,” Julie bellowed, looking up, as tears filled her eyes.

  Claire pulled Julie close and hugged her tightly. “I know, Julie, I know,” she whispered.

  A knock at the parish door startled Michael who had been working on Sunday’s sermon. After opening the door, he saw the mailman standing there smiling broadly, and holding an overnight envelope. “Hi Father, need you to sign for this little baby.” His voice sounded loud after the quiet afternoon Michael had just enjoyed.

  “Thanks, Fred.”

  “You’re welcome, Father, see you on Sunday.” Michael nodded and closed the door. He unsealed the envelope and drew out a letter. After spying his glasses on the rectory table, Michael put them on, and proceeded to read the flowery script. His eyes grew as he scanned the page.

  Dear Michael,

  I will be coming to see you soon. It is imperative that I make sure I am not followed. Something dark is brewing. Things are being put into motion that cannot be undone. Catherine is no longer safe with the Colvins. They are not prepared for what is headed their way. I am coming to get her. I will explain everything when I see you. I know this letter will come as a surprise, but I know deep down inside that the peace we have come to know is quickly coming to an end. As I said, it is time.

  Sincerely yours,

  Ròs Aldridge Cowan.

  Shaking his head, Michael sat down heavily in his chair. As he looked out at the sunset, he thought back to the time, all those years ago, when his sister had brought his small niece Cat to him for safekeeping. Her instructions had stunned him. She said she would return in a few days. But that day never came. Word had reached him of her demise and he put in motion the wishes she had bestowed upon him. Now, years later, a name from the past, someone he had only heard about, had surfaced. They were going to have a visitor and life would never be the same again.

  ---------------- About the Authors ----------------

  Carol Kunz was born in New Ferry, England. Her interest in the supernatural was first sparked upon meeting a ghost at the age of eight. As a teenager, she was always fascinated by the mythology behind vampires, werewolves and witches. Being an avid reader, Carol finds it easy to spend several hours wrapped up in a great fantasy novel.

  Adam Kunz was born in Newport News, Virginia. Growing up, he was a huge fan of creature features and books about things that go bump in the night. When he is not busy writing, Adam enjoys his job at a certain theme park in Orlando, Florida as a décor consultant. This job brings him face to face with all sorts of nightmarish creatures, especially when he decorates the haunted houses for the park’s annual Halloween event.

  Carol and Adam currently reside forty-five minutes away from each other in the sunny state of Florida. The Childe is their debut novel.

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  - A group of independent Young Adult authors who are dedicated to their craft -

  Tiffany King, author of The Saving Angels Trilogy

  Abbi Glines, author of Breathe and Existence

  M. Leighton, author of the Blood L
ike Poison Series

  Michelle Muto, author of The Book of Lost Souls and Don’t Fear the Reaper

  Fisher Amelie, author of The Leaving Series

  Nichole Chase, author of The Dark Betrayal Trilogy

  Laura A. H. Elliott, author of 13 on Halloween

  Amy Maurer Jones, author of the Soul Quest Trilogy

  Shelly Crane, author of the Significance Series

  Courtney Cole, author of The Bloodstone Saga

  C.A. Kunz, mother and son author duo of The Childe Series

  The Paranormal Plumes Society Webpage


  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Prologue: A Vision in Black

  1 - Red Freak

  2 - First Day

  3 - Miss Amaya, BFFs, Etc.

  4 - The Carnival

  5 - The Big Game

  6 - The Purple Door

  7 - Homecoming Dance

  8 - The Tutor

  9 - Masquerade

  10 - All Hallows Eve


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