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The Constantine Codex

Page 13

by Paul L Maier

  “And speaking of Jesus, whom we call Isa, we agree that he performed miracles and wonders, but he did so as God’s prophet-no more, no less-a holy man who was so favored by God that he never would have permitted him to suffer such a horrible death as crucifixion, as Christians claim. Never! Allah could not have done that to his faithful prophet. And this very point proves the greater reliability of the Holy Qur’an over the Bible. Your New Testament-all four Gospels-claim that Jesus died at Jerusalem, and he most certainly did not. Sad to say, errors intruded into the Gospels when the manuscripts were recopied across the decades and centuries since, which is why God had to correct the record by revealing to his holy Prophet what truly happened-may Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him.”

  Shannon looked carefully at her husband. She noticed a slight tightening of his jaw muscles, although his face registered total neutrality. She knew that hers did not, since she was angry at what she thought a mistaken attack on her faith, and the murmuring behind her from the Christian audience showed that she was not alone in that respect. Osman, sitting to Shannon’s right, merely seemed fascinated by Abbas, while Richard Ferris, on her left, wore an eloquent frown.

  Abbas swallowed a sip of water and continued. “And of course, there are many other teachings in Christianity that we cannot accept, such as the supposed resurrection of Jesus. That prophet died a normal, natural death, as did the blessed Muhammad-may Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him!-so no resurrection was needed for either of them. The story that Isa-Jesus-rose from the dead was merely what psychologists call ‘wish fulfillment’ by his partisans, perhaps grieving that he had somehow forsaken them. Furthermore, his supposed suffering and death had no redemptive quality, as the Christians claim, nor are they saved by faith in what never happened. What they call their ‘sacraments’ are fine- if they find comfort in them-but intrinsically they are useless. The water of their ‘baptism’ is just plain water, and if they feel cleaner afterwards, fine. The bread and wine in what they call their ‘Eucharist’ cannot have been ordained by God or Isa, since all strong drink is forbidden in the Holy Qur’an-just another example of how their Scriptures have been corrupted.

  “And finally, while many of Jesus’ teachings are noble and we Muslims can support many of them, they do not seem to have had the power of those taught by Muhammad-may Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him-because look at how, generation after generation, century after century, Christians have failed to follow the high moral teachings of their master. If Jesus taught peace, then why did they go to war? If he taught giving to the poor, why did they steal and seek after riches? If he taught the commandments, why did they break them? If he taught purity, why did they indulge in impurity? If he taught humility, why did they prefer pride and adorn their highest officers with embellishments that would have embarrassed their founder?

  “It is for these reasons that the teachings of Muhammad-may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him-clearly have had greater divine sanction than those of Jesus, which is why we regard him not only as greater than Jesus, but as Allah-God’s final revelation for all mankind. Thank you, Professor Weber and everyone here, for your kind attention.”

  Thunderous applause erupted from the eastern half of Hagia Sophia, punctuated by cries of “Allahu Akbar!” “God is great!” While Christians sat on their hands, the ovation across the aisle was not only loud but apparently interminable. The clapping and shouting cascaded everywhere, reverberating up to the golden dome, then down across the galleries and reechoing over the entire audience.

  Shannon looked pointedly at the moderators. Wasn’t this the sort of emotional display they were supposed to contain? Patriarch Bartholomew finally lifted his gavel and started pounding. His Muslim counterpart seemed hesitant but eventually did the same. The double pounding, augmented electronically, had its effect, and the vast sanctuary stilled to a hush.

  She was relieved when Jon stood up to his lectern. Thank goodness they’d hear the truth now. He began, “Thank you, honored Sheikh, for your candor, which is clearly the product of honest conviction. You’ve presented the principal objections Islam finds in Christianity with eloquence, and I’m sure there are more.”

  Following the ripple of laughter, he continued. “At this point in our debate, I am to respond to those objections, and the first is certainly of paramount importance, namely what you claim as ‘the mathematical impossibility of the Trinity.’ In fact, in many of the historic encounters between Muslims and Christians across the ages, this doctrine has prompted the most debate.

  “I’m reminded of the celebrated discussion between Caliph Muhammad ibn Mansur al-Mahdi of the great Abbasid dynasty and Timothy I, patriarch of the Assyrian Church. This took place in 781, when the caliph opened the debate by asking, ‘If God is one, he is not three; and if he is three, he is not one. What is this contradiction?’ The Christian patriarch replied that the sun also has three dimensions-spherical shape, light, and heat-and yet it remains one sun. Similarly three golden denarii are three in number but one in essence: gold. The one does not contradict the other. But I would add to the patriarch’s explanation the fact that we cannot hope to know and understand the ultimate essence of God, who is so dimensionally different from his creation that the mystery of the Holy Trinity stands at the ultimate threshold of our attempt to understand God with this message: ‘Unless three equals one, thus far, and no further.’ For this very reason Augustine could say, ‘Credo ut absurdum est!’ -‘I believe because it is absurd,’ in the sense that human logic alone could not have ‘invented God,’ as it were.”

  Shannon tried to gauge the general reaction. Abbas was merely looking down at the table in front of him, apparently lost in thought. The reaction of the audience was similar. Time to move on, honey.

  Jon continued. “As to whether God engaged in any marital act with the Virgin Mary, Christians absolutely agree with you that this would be demeaning to our Lord and certainly did not happen in human fashion. No, not at all. This was clearly spiritual, not physical, as you yourself would agree, since Islam believes that Jesus was born of a virgin. If the begetting of Jesus were physical, carnal, Mary would not have been a virgin.

  “As to Jesus’ crucifixion and death in Jerusalem, probably no fact in all of history is better attested to than this one. Not only are the Gospels, the entire New Testament, and all the earliest Christian writers in unanimous agreement on this point, but so is the witness of non-Christian writers, such as the Roman Tacitus, the Jewish historian Josephus, the rabbinical traditions of Judaism, and such pagan philosophers who opposed Christianity as the Neoplatonist Celsus. The plain fact is that no one in the world denied that Jesus was crucified until a Gnostic heretic in Egypt named Basilides did. Whether or not the Prophet Muhammad knew of him is not the point here, but this is: Muhammad’s claim arrived six centuries after Jesus’ crucifixion. Accordingly, the burden of proof on this point must shift to Islam.”

  Shannon glanced at the eastern half of the nave and heard a murmuring grumble.

  “To the claim that errors intruded into the Christian Scriptures through recopying across the centuries,” Jon continued, “tiny variations in spelling and syntax did indeed occur in the surviving Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. Yet none of these dealt with any doctrines of Christianity or facts regarding the person and statements of Jesus, and not one of these denied that Jesus died on the cross- not one of the 5,700 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament that have come down to us in whole or in part.

  “Furthermore, any claim that the biblical documents were subject to error compounding error in recopying was disproven by the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947, in which two surviving Isaiah scrolls from circa 200 BC were compared with the oldest known manuscript of Isaiah at that time, from AD 1006. The text is 99 percent the same, showing that there was remarkable care and accuracy in recopying biblical manuscripts.

  “My worthy opponent also concludes that the resurrection of Jesus never happened, nor
was his work redemptive for believers. If, in fact, Jesus never died at Golgotha but lived on, as claimed by Islam, then indeed there was no necessity of any resurrection. But, again, Jesus’ death on the cross is as solid a fact of history as is, say, the hijirah, the flight of the Prophet from Mecca to Medina.”

  Angry whispering erupted in the Muslim audience, which seemed to get louder, as if by contagion. Shannon shot a worried glance at her husband. He might have been wiser not to have used the sacred hijirah as a parallel. Speech was not as free in the Muslim world. Looking over to Abbas, she saw Jon’s scholarly opponent apparently unaffected by his statement, merely jotting down notes. When the moderators’ gavels brought silence, Jon resumed.

  “As for questioning the resurrection, it is clear that Jesus either did or did not rise from the dead. If he did not, why was his body not found in Jerusalem still occupying the tomb in which he was buried? The authorities there who crucified him would certainly have pointed to his dead body in order to refute claims of his resurrection, if it were available. All the traditional claims of a ‘stolen body’ are worthless in terms both of motive and execution. That Jesus’ tomb was indeed empty is now a sober fact of history.

  “My worthy opponent also questioned the efficacy of the church’s sacraments. Christians themselves have differing opinions on whether they are merely symbolic or very powerful means by which God penetrates the lives of believers, the clear majority of Christians favoring the latter interpretation. But I wonder why the grand sheikh claims that God in Christ could not have authorized the Holy Eucharist because wine was involved. The Qur’an claims that in paradise, there will be ‘rivers of wine’-Sura 47:15-and yet sharia law prescribes eighty lashes for one imbibing wine.

  “Finally, the argument that Christians do not fully follow the high moral standards of their Founder is very true indeed, and I certainly agree! Unfortunately, however, every religious faith on earth has followers that fail to uphold the high teachings of their respective prophets or founders, and Islam is no exception. I find it strange that my worthy opponent should have accused Christians of making war when, in the present climate, it is the extremist followers of Islam who seem to be the world’s terrorists, inflicting death and destruction in New York City, Washington, D.C., London, Paris, Madrid, Somalia, Afghanistan, India, Indonesia, and elsewhere.

  “Add to that the obvious cruelties Muslim jihadists have inflicted on their own kind, such as the Taliban in Afghanistan throwing acid onto the faces of schoolgirls trying to get an education, or mangling a young boy’s arm in Indonesia for stealing a loaf of bread, or the so-called honor killings in which families put to death their own innocent daughters who have been raped. And what about the Iranian who wanted to divorce his innocent wife, so he framed her for adultery and she was stoned to death?

  “I hasten to add, however, that Dr. al-Rashid is as bitterly opposed to radical Islam as is the rest of the world, for which I am extremely grateful and will always call him my friend. But I note from the moderators that my time has expired. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for your kind attention.”

  Jon sat down to waves of powerful applause from the Christian side, along with cries of “Hear! Hear!” Shannon breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed the first volleys had been exchanged with minimal bloodshed. Mercifully, it was also time for the first morning break. Black Turkish coffee only exacerbated the limitations of the human bladder.

  Inevitably, the break lasted longer than the appointed twenty minutes, but by 11 a.m., all had returned to their seats. It was now time for Jon to air what Christians found amiss in Islam, an area in which he knew he would have to thread his way very carefully across a field strewn with traps and mines. It wasn’t fair, of course. In the free West, anyone could say outrageous things about Christianity and not only be tolerated, but even be applauded for it, while in the Middle East-as Jon had learned from personal experience-one wrong phrase regarding Islam could set off riots, destruction, and even death. Still, the truth must come out, Jon decided, as he began.

  “Some of the problems that Christians see in Islam have already been cited in my response to those that Islam finds in Christianity, so they need not be repeated here. Basically, we must question the revelations that Muhammad claims to have received from the angel Gabriel.” As he’d anticipated, this statement met with murmuring from the eastern contingent. “But in this we are only following the Prophet himself, who also questioned his early revelations until firmed up in his beliefs by his wife Khadijah.

  “We also find difficulties in the life of Muhammad that we do not find in the life of Jesus. One of them involves wives, that is, those after the death of Khadijah, to whom Muhammad was always faithful. Jesus had no wives, but the Prophet had twelve. My distinguished opponent will point out that the patriarchs in the Old Testament also practiced polygamy, but the real point here is one of consistency. While the Prophet limited the number of wives a man might have to four, he himself chose twelve. Someone has well said, ‘No true prophet must ever exempt himself from his own mandates.’”

  Again, murmuring-this time a bit louder than before.

  “As for claims that the Holy Qur’an is God’s final and greatest revelation, Christians find that problematical because the book contains inconsistencies that seem incompatible with the perfection of God. In Sura 7:54, for example, we are told that the world was created in six days. Fine. Yet in Sura 41:9-12, we are told that it took God two days. Again, in Sura 2:256 we have the noble statement: ‘There is no compulsion in religion.’ Excellent! Yet Sura 9:29 advises, ‘Fight those who do not believe in Allah.’ And of course, when one of the most documented facts of history-the crucifixion and death of Jesus-is denied, then one must naturally question the source of such denial.”

  At this point, the murmuring took on a distinctly angry tone.

  “Your great Shahada -‘There is no God but God, and Muhammad is his Prophet’-is excellent in terms of leading people to one God, but it has also led to the belief that Muhammad is God’s only prophet or at least his greatest prophet. But please contrast Jesus and Muhammad. Christians believe that Jesus performed miracles and rose from the dead. Muhammad did neither. His immediate successor, Abu Bakr, said at the Prophet’s funeral in Mecca: ‘If you are worshipers of Muhammad, know that he is dead. If you are worshipers of God, know that God is alive and does not die.’

  “Finally, Christians find the sharia law set forth in the Qur’an to be demeaning to women-placing them helplessly under male control with only half the rights of men. Punishments mandated in sharia also seem excessively brutal: cutting off a hand for stealing, stoning a woman to death for adultery, ‘honor killings’ to which I referred earlier, and, worst of all, the penalty for conversion from Islam is death.”

  “AND YOU ALSO DESERVE TO DIE!” a voice shouted in plain English from nearby, Die… die… die echoing and reverberating across the marble walls of Hagia Sophia.

  Now a young Muslim stood up in a row very near the dais. He clenched a fist held high and shouted, “You are a satanic infidel whom Allah will surely strike down, Weber, and then condemn you to hell where you belong! Your days are numbered, Web-”

  The voice was instantly silenced when Turkish police rushed in, grabbed the man, and gagged him, then hustled him out of the basilica. But a great commotion had arisen as a result, which ended with the banging of two gavels.

  “You may continue, Professor Weber,” Patriarch Bartholomew said.

  “No, I’ve finished my response, honored moderators.” Jon sat down and looked to Shannon, but her lovely face was warped with concern. Osman and Richard on either side of her, however, were smiling and flashing Jon thumbs-up signals.

  Abbas al-Rashid stood with an enormous frown and opened, “As for the terrible interruption just now, ladies and gentlemen, you have just heard Islam at its worst! And yet this was not Islam at all, which is a religion of submission to Allah and respect for humanity, but a misguided fanatic who thought he was a Musli
m. I apologize to you, Professor Weber!”

  A humble bow accompanied his words, but Jon shook his head, held up his hands, and said, “It is nothing!”

  Abbas’s features relaxed into a warm smile as he took up the defense of Islam against points that Jon had raised. “My worthy opponent questions the revelations given to the Prophet-may his name be blessed-because Muhammad himself questioned them at first. But of course he did, which is exactly what one would expect of a very rational person not given to delusions. The very questioning proves his rationality, and I am grateful for it. Clearly, Allah provided his wife Khadijah to reassure the Prophet-may his name be blessed-perhaps much as he sent Aaron along with Moses to confront the pharaoh of Egypt.

  “Now, regarding wives, the Hebrew Bible-which Christians call the Old Testament-does indeed provide us precedents. With David having ten wives and Solomon supposedly a thousand, one need not quarrel over just twelve for the final prophet in their line.”

  Jon squirmed as the audience laughed, regretting that he had ever raised the wives issue against his earlier intentions. Never mind that Abbas had deftly dodged his main argument-the issue of Muhammad’s inconsistency-he had evoked laughter, which would endear the audience and win points while making Jon look foolish. Abbas was shrewd, no doubt about it!

  He continued. “My worthy colleague questions the Holy Qur’an because of ‘inconsistencies’ he claims to find in its pages. Well, so be it. There are contradictions also in the Bible, as in every literary work, whether written by man or God. But this is no problem whatever, since Islam alone provides the solution.”


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