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Barefoot Bay: Just the Two of Us (Kindle Worlds)

Page 11

by Carolyn Rae

  “Hey, if Justin earned those trophies, why shouldn’t he display them?”

  Stevie leaned forward. “Maybe I can get some kind of award for the store making the most profit in Harrold’s Jewelry chain. My store in north Dallas has done much better than his. We’re both waiting until Dad decides who’s going to manage the new store in University Park. Surely, he’ll choose me.”

  Again, she wondered why Justin hadn’t told her his store was being permanently closed, perhaps leaving him unemployed? She’d told him about being betrayed by her fiancé, but Justin hadn’t breathed a word about this. Maybe he hadn’t lied exactly, but he hadn’t shared his real situation with her. “So where will that leave Justin?”

  “Footloose and fancy free as the saying goes, except he won’t have a job, so he can’t afford to show you a good time for long. Besides, Justin never stays with a girl for more than a few months. He just doesn’t get serious.” He grasped her hand and held it tightly. “He may be my stepbrother, but all’s fair in love and war.”

  Knowing Justin, it would be war. Except she wasn’t giving Stevie a chance. Better to squelch any thought of that. She pulled her hand loose and looked him over. “You’re not exactly my type.”

  “I could make you change your mind. There must be lots of fun things to do here.” He grinned and ran his fingers over her arm. His hands, though smooth, felt clammy. She pulled back immediately. “Don’t.”

  Justin headed back toward the table. “Don’t what?”

  Luckily, Chenille approached their table. Thank goodness for that. Lisa could relax for a moment.

  “Don’t what?” Justin repeated.

  “Oh, nothing,” Lisa said. “We were just discussing what there was to do on the island. By the way, Stevie, don’t mention anything personal when you shop at the Super Min.” Lisa glanced at Justin. “You know how they talk about everyone. I swear they can pick up on the smallest fragments of conversation and make a whole story to tell.” She was babbling on as if she couldn’t help herself, but she had to say something to throw Justin off the track. Hopefully, Stevie wouldn’t make any more moves on her tonight.

  When the entrées arrived, Lisa picked at her food. The Seafood Creviche was probably tasty, but she couldn’t do it justice. Chenille was doing her best to play up to Stevie, but he kept looking at Lisa as if he were still interested in getting her alone. She’d have to watch him. This night couldn’t be over fast enough to suit her.

  * * * *

  The next day, Stevie called Lisa. “I’d like to take you out to dinner at a restaurant I heard about in Naples.”

  “Will Justin be coming?”

  “I’d like to have you all to myself, but I realize he found you first. Of course, he’ll be coming. Besides, he’s the one with the car.”

  “Why don’t you ask Chenille to join us? I think she likes you.”

  “Good idea. We’ll pick you up at five and drive to Naples.”

  Lisa looked through her closet. Finally, she picked a new gold silk cocktail dress Gussie had ordered for her. It would look well with her long red hair. It had a zipper down the front that she could adjust to show off more or less cleavage. Good thing she had a low-cut bra to wear.

  Justin drove them to the restaurant Stevie directed them to.

  A hostess seated them, and a waiter took their order. After they all had crab cake appetizers, Chenille asked for the Grilled Lamb Porterhouse, and Lisa ordered the Admiral TSO’s Chicken. The men both had Miso Grilled Rib Eye Steaks.

  When their orders arrived, the men dug into their steaks with gusto. Lisa enjoyed the marinated chicken breast with its sweet and sour sauce. The stir-fried vegetables had retained their crispness. It was all delicious. She caught Stevie’s glance at her several times and wondered if he’d try to ask her out again. Stevie put his hand on her arm as he asked her to pass the rolls, but let go when she moved her arm away. Justin glared at him, but didn’t say anything.

  Chenille asked, “Do you two have any other siblings?”

  Justin had his mouth full, but Stevie answered. “We have a sister, well she’s a half-sister, but we both claim her as our sister. Sometimes she plays pranks on us.” He laughed. “Like the time I caught her trying to play my trumpet, and she dropped her gum into it. Getting it out before I had to play in the band for homecoming game sure was a hassle.”

  Justin set down his fork. “She set one of my karate trophies on her chest of drawers and draped a handkerchief around it like a scarf. She must have thought I wouldn’t notice it missing.”

  When the waiter removed their plates, Lisa wondered if she had any room for dessert. Stevie followed the man and spoke to him for a few minutes.

  Stevie returned to the table. “I have a surprise for y’all. Instead of dessert, I’m treating y’all to Brandy Alexanders. That will be a sweet finish.”

  “Hey,” Justin said, “I’m paying for dinner. You don’t need to do that.”

  “But I want to.”

  “Thanks,” Chenille said. “That’s nice of you.”

  A few minutes later, Stevie rose from the table and headed for the bar. He returned with a tray of four glasses filled with a creamy liquid and placed a glass in front of each of them.

  Lisa sipped hers. “Now this is my idea of a sweet drink. Thanks, Stevie.”

  Justin only drank half of his. “Man, that’s almost too sweet. Stevie, I thought you were a beer man. How did you come up with a taste for something like this?”

  Stevie grinned. “I found one of these keeps me in a good mood so I can be charming instead of scowling when things don’t go my way. Drink up, brother. It looks like things won’t be going your way in the jewelry business.”

  Lisa patted Justin’s arm. “He’s charming and sweet enough for me.” She finished her drink. “I could get used to these.”

  * * * *

  After Justin finished his drink, Stevie offered to drive, but Justin refused. “I signed the rental agreement with myself as the driver.”

  “But you had a full glass of wine and drank all of your Brandy Alexander.”

  “I’m fine. Now open the car door for Chenille.”

  When Justin dropped Chenille off at her place, Stevie stared at Justin. “You sure you don’t want me to drive?”

  “No.” He wasn’t about to let Stevie take Lisa home. Justin drove to his cottage. “Get out. I’ll see you later. I’m taking Lisa home.” Stevie headed for the cottage. Without waiting to see if his extra key worked, Justin zoomed down the street, his stomach knotting. His damn stepbrother may not have realized Justin had seen him making overtures to Lisa. They’d always been competitive, but had Stevie no honor? You didn’t make up to your brother’s date while you were double-dating. Justin would be sure to give Stevie a piece of his mind and tell him to lay off after he took Lisa home.

  Something occurred to him. What if Lisa had encouraged Stevie? She wouldn’t, would she? His brother could be very charming when it suited his purposes. For all Justin knew, Stevie might only be making a play for Lisa to annoy Justin. Or perhaps, he wanted Lisa because she was Justin’s girl. Or was she? After tonight, Justin couldn’t be so sure. She’d seemed quiet and hadn’t said much since they dropped Chenille and Stevie off.

  Justin had to find out. “What were you and Stevie talking about?”

  “Nothing much. Why?”

  “I saw him looking at you more than once.”


  “Did he ask you out?”

  “Well, he called earlier to ask about taking us to a restaurant in Naples.” She met his gaze, perhaps realizing Justin had noticed more than she’d thought. Justin had seen Stevie’s hand on her arm, even though it hadn’t been long until she’d pulled away. But Justin hadn’t seen her face at the time. For all he knew, she might have been flirting with his brother.

  As he parked the car in front of her place, a knot grew in his throat. “Are you interested in Stevie?” He hated to say it. He shouldn’t want her to feel as if
he had priority rights, but he did. He watched her face, waiting.

  She shook her head. “I like you. If I go out with anyone here, I’d rather be seeing you.”

  Justin let out his breath, surprised at how good that made him feel. He hurried around the car to open the door for her.

  She stepped out and frowned. “Why weren’t you honest with me? You said you were taking a short vacation from managing your jewelry store, not that it was being closed for good.”

  “Well, I thought I might be allowed to take over the new store, but— “

  “But what?”

  “My father offered me the position of assistant to the new manager of Stevie’s store, the man who is now Stevie’s assistant.”

  “Are you going to take it?”

  He shrugged. “It doesn’t look like there’s a management place for me in Father’s business.”

  “So why didn’t you tell me that? Why parade yourself as a manager when you’re not one anymore?”

  He felt vulnerable, somehow less of a man in her eyes. “Would you have considered me a drifter with no future?”


  At least she didn’t consider him a loser. “Well, I don’t plan to stay unemployed if that’s what it comes to. I guess I could accept working for Stevie’s assistant manager until I decide what to do for the future.”

  Hot and sweaty by the time he walked her to her door, he took her in his arms and watched her face. He wanted to kiss her, but wasn’t sure how she’d respond. The air was still, although katydids and crickets played a faint overture.

  She smiled. “I enjoyed being with you tonight.”

  Buoyed up by her response, he took her in his arms and kissed her, hoping she still liked him, but her response to his kiss wasn’t as strong as before.

  She was frowning now. “I must be tired. The insects are making such a loud noise, I feel as if they will descend on us and clamor around our feet.”

  She looked up at him. Her eyes seemed glazed. “Why are the palm tree leaves swishing so. It’s like they are trying to slap us.” She lifted her head to the sky. “Those stars seem to be pulsing. Like they are trying to come down and strike us.”

  “Lisa, what are you saying? You don’t sound like yourself tonight.”

  She sighed. “I don’t feel like myself at all.” She looked around. “The grass is growing so fast I can see it. We’d better go inside, or it will cover our feet.”

  She was acting crazy right before his eyes. Justin didn’t know what to do. “This isn’t like you. Have you taken anything?”

  “No. I don’t do drugs, never have.” But she was swaying as if she were getting dizzy. He grasped her shoulders to steady her.

  “You’re acting strange. Could you be allergic to anything you ate?”

  She shook her head, then clapped her hands over her ears. “Do you have to speak so loud? Your voice is booming in my ears.”

  “Lisa, something’s wrong with you. I’m taking you back to the mainland to the emergency room.” He grasped her arm and pulled.

  She jerked away. “No. No! I don’t want to go to the hospital. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. They might give me something to make it worse.”

  She wasn’t rational. He didn’t know what to do, but take her in his arms and hold her.

  She stilled. “You make me feel better. If you’ll just hold me, maybe this uneasiness will go away.”

  “Are you nauseous?”

  “Not really. I just don’t feel like myself. I’m hot.” She pulled the front zipper of the top of her dress down all the way to her waist, revealing her breasts, their shape plainly visible through her thin, lace bra.

  Justin admired the view, but felt sure she didn’t realize what she was doing. She hadn’t acted like that with him before.

  She fanned her face, but her arm was waving wildly.

  He tried walking her back to the car and opened the door.

  “No. I’m not getting in there. I don’t want to be closed in.”

  “I can take you to Doctor Bradbury’s house. Maybe he could give you something to calm you down.”

  She glared at him. “I’m not letting him tranquilize me.”

  “Will you let me take you inside your cottage? You’ll feel safe there.”

  She shivered. “Okay.”

  He fished in her purse and finally found the key. He led her inside, her shuffling steps alarming him. At least, with air conditioning, it was cooler inside. “Come lie down. Maybe you’ll feel better.” He urged her into the bedroom and pulled the covers down.

  She just stood beside the bed.

  He pushed gently on her shoulders, and she sat.

  He eased onto the bed and sat beside her. “Please, let me call Dr. Bradbury.”

  She shook her head, then rested her forehead in her hands. “No. I’m going to lie down and sleep. It must be the red wine. I’ve heard people say sometimes it gives you headaches. I have a doozy of one.” She lay down. “Surely, these bad effects will wear off by morning.”

  He hoped she wouldn’t tell him to leave, because he wasn’t about to. Whatever was causing this might become worse. He’d pick her up and carry her to his car and drive to the doctor’s house if he had to. Surely, this wasn’t life-threatening—or was it? He didn’t know what to do. Something must have been put in her drink, the wine or… the Brandy Alexander. Stevie wouldn’t fix Lisa’s drink. Hell, he’d been trying to make a move on her.

  Why would anyone else tamper with a customer’s drink…unless…maybe the drink had been meant for Justin. But he wasn’t conscious of making any enemies here, and why would Stevie have it in for Justin? Stevie was sure to get the new store in Plano. He’d even said so.

  But Lisa had something put in her drink, and now she was the one suffering. Justin wished he could take her place. But for now he’d suffer through it with her and then beat the tar out of Stevie, just for making his girl suffer. Justin held her hand as she lay on the bed, her head waving from side to side, her murmurs incoherent.

  That did it. He pulled out his wallet. Thank goodness. The card from Zoe Bradbury’s balloon ride business was still there.

  He was trying to pull it out when Lisa grabbed his hand. “Don’t leave me. I’m scared. I never felt this way before.”

  “I know, dear, just hold tight. I’m calling Dr. Bradbury.”

  She looked panicked. “I don’t want anyone to see me like this.” She glanced down at the open zipper. “How did that get so far down? My bra is showing.” She fumbled with it, trying to pull it up.

  He removed her fingers, and she gasped. He pulled it up. “There. Is that better?”

  She let out her breath. “Yes.” She grabbed his arm and held on tight. “Don’t leave me.”

  “I’m not. I’m just calling Dr. Bradbury.” Finally, he managed to pull out the card, but the numbers were so small he couldn’t read them in the dim light. He snapped on a lamp on the table beside her bed.

  She covered her face. “Turn off that light. It’s too bright.”

  “Just wait a minute. I have to read this card.” He punched the numbers into his phone, turned out the light, and waited. She grabbed his hand and wouldn’t let go.

  “Hello. Who the hell is calling at this hour? Now say your piece or hang up.”

  “Is this Dr. Bradbury’s house?”

  “Hell, no. Get your damn numbers right, you numbskull.” The line went dead.

  “Sorry, Lisa, I have to turn on the light again.”

  She moaned, but wouldn’t let go of his arm.

  He turned on the light and checked the numbers. Damn it. He’d gotten two digits transposed. He tried again.

  “Hello. Sorry, but I’m booked up for balloon rides for the next two days.”

  “Zoe, I need help. Would you please get Dr. Bradbury? Someone put something in Lisa’s drink and she’s acting strange.”

  “Sure. Oliver, can you come to the phone?”

  “What seems to be the problem?”
Dr. Bradbury’s deep voice was reassuring.

  Justin explained his suspicions and Lisa’s symptoms.

  “It sounds like she ingested some LSD or something similar. Just keep her calm and make her feel safe.”

  “I’m doing my best to stay by her side and comfort her.”

  “The effects should wear off in about six more hours. You may have seen the worst of them, but if she gets worse, don’t hesitate to call me.”

  Justin disconnected. “Lisa, baby, move over a bit. I’m going to lie right beside you until you feel better.”

  She scooted over a few inches. Her breaths came in quick shallow gulps. “You’re going to leave me…as soon as I fall asleep.”

  “No, I won’t.” He lay beside her and took her in his arms. “I’ll be right here, watching over you. Dr. Bradbury thinks you’ll be fine by morning.”

  She seemed so soft and fragile in his arms. He hoped the doctor was right. He couldn’t bear it if she didn’t get better. And what if she had flashbacks? All this was Justin’s fault for bringing his damn brother in contact with her.

  Just watching her toss and turn in her sleep caused a lump in his throat. It seemed to grow larger when she clung to him tighter. Why had he kept lording it over Stevie when they competed in school and Justin had won out? True, Stevie had done the same when he came out ahead in basketball, but Justin had done it more. He should have realized Stevie couldn’t blow it off like Justin did. His being so macho had caused Stevie pain, and now Lisa was the one who bore the price.

  “I’m so sorry,” he whispered, but she didn’t respond. Was she asleep or unconscious? Worry for her stabbed his heart. He patted her face. She didn’t flinch.

  “Lisa,” he called in a loud voice. She didn’t move. Now he was really scared. He dialed Dr. Bradbury again and explained how she was unresponsive to touch and noise.

  “I can come over if you like. Periods of unconsciousness are not unusual for someone who’s ingested LSD.”

  Justin hated to beg, but for her he would. “Yes. Please come.” He gave him directions. Ten minutes later, a knock sounded on the door. Justin eased away from Lisa and let the doctor in.

  Dr. Bradbury checked her blood pressure and took her temperature. “Her blood pressure is a bit lower than normal, but not dangerously so. She’s sweating a bit, but that’s not unusual. She may vomit before she is completely recovered, but she’s not in any danger of serious effects after this wears off, which will probably be in five to seven hours.”


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