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The Nameless (The Huntress #3)

Page 5

by Dawn Robertson

  I look across the way and see so many friendly faces. Seven and her husband Levi are sitting at a table with their three children. Their two little girls are the spitting image of their mother, but that little boy…he is something else entirely. Journey’s sisters even made an appearance; their relationship is on the mend just in time to welcome the baby. It’s good to see Star, Paisley, and Journey together, without a doubt.

  And Suzanne—I’m so happy she is finally finding happiness with Carter Blake, the famous New York Otters Hockey player. He’s just her type, tall and tattooed. He looks at her like the sun rises and sets around her. That is everything she deserves. Remington was so cold and calloused. He treated her as a possession, but Carter…he treats her like a prize. She’s the best godmother I could ask for when it comes to Finley. She’s become the closest thing I’ve ever had to a sister, and I’m really grateful for our relationship.

  On another note, I could kill Theo and Journey. Let me explain. The only real exciting part of pregnancy is finding out the gender of your baby, right? I know you’re with me on that one. Anything else sounds like a real drag. These two thought it would be a smart idea to take the fun out of it for everyone else and wait until the baby is born to find out the gender. Neither of them know. None of us are allowed to know either. We’ve been forced into a sea of white and yellow. Who likes shopping for generic baby clothes? No one, that’s who. Little do they know I’m not going to abide to their bullshit baby shower rules. I got two gifts; one just so happens to be for a girl, and the other a boy. Linc told me I was being an asshole, but I think I’m being pretty damn smart about this, if you ask me!

  I’ve never been one to be in touch with my feelings. I thought myself to be a black hole of emotion until recently. I guess sometimes it takes almost losing your life to feel again. My mother broke me, and then over time, Theo, Finley, and Linc put me back together. I wasn’t complete again until I let Linc in. They say hindsight is twenty-twenty, and I can see clearly that I was a fool. I can see it looking back on the years we wasted, but there is nothing any of us can do now but live our lives to the fullest and love each other extra hard.

  Theo walks across the room in my direction while I stand alone, just taking everyone in.

  “Too many people, huh?” Theo says with a grin on his face.

  “Not at all. I think it’s amazing how we’ve blended into such a big family. It was just the two of us for the longest time.” I shrug my shoulders. It’s true; there were a couple people that would come and go, but never anything we could consider family.

  “They’re all crazy, Ellie. Every blonde one over there…and they have claws too!” I can’t help but holler out laughing. His words describe Star, Paisley, and Journey perfectly. I know them all too well.

  “You’ll be fine,” I reassure him as he takes a sip on the glass of whiskey in his hand.

  “Are you going to be fine?” he asks with a serious expression on his face. Gone is the playfulness, and for the first time in a long time, his parent hat is on. “You know, we’ve been through a hell of a lot together. Our relationship is far from traditional, but I would never trade a minute of it,” he admits to me. “I just wish I could go back in time and handle everything differently so we could have had a life together.”

  It’s like a knife to the heart, but at the end of the day, we both know if circumstances had been different, we probably would be together.

  “In another universe,” I say and give him a hug. “You’ll always be my number one,” I whisper into his ear as I catch Linc walking in our direction.

  “I better get my hands off of you before he breaks my finger or something,” Theo says loud enough for Linc to hear him.

  “You know you’re the only one who can get away with touching her like that, old man,” Linc says to Theo while giving him the finger. His lips press against my face, kissing my cheek. I miss his beard, but I might be able to get used to his smooth face—it is glorious to not be pricked by whiskers when he goes down on me!

  “And you’re the only one that can get away with calling me old man. I’m not that damn old!” Sure, we’ll let him keep thinking that. I mean, he’s no spring chicken at all. I may have made a joke the other night that he would be at his child’s high school graduation in a wheelchair, or at the very least, hobbling around with a walker. He may or may not have also disowned me that night. I giggle to myself and inwardly thank some kind of higher power for all the past year of my life has given me. Never in a million years could I have imagined I would be here with a daughter and a husband, or that my very own dad would be having a child of his own…a real biological child. Lord knows he made it far enough in life without knocking anyone up.

  Finley gave me a reason to really live. Looking back on my life, I wasn’t truly living before she came along. I was existing with no true purpose. The only thing I miss from my days as Ellie the single hitwoman is the sex life I left behind. With Linc it is something new and different. He is the dom in the relationship and that really did take some getting used to, but I guess I whored around enough for a lifetime—possibly even two. Maybe I’ll keep harassing Linc until he breaks down and lets me at least bring another chick into our bedroom. A girl can hope, right?

  Theo walks away, finding a beaming Journey amongst the crowd of people. Once together, he sticks his fingers into his mouth and sounds a high-pitched whistle through the room, grabbing everyone’s attention.

  Once he is sure everyone’s eyes are on him, he begins his speech. “I want to thank everyone for coming today. It means a lot to myself and Journey for you to share this special day with us. We just wanted to share a little piece of news with everyone since we have you all here now.” Journey turns to look at Theo like a deer caught in damn headlights.

  “Oh this should be good!” I whisper behind my hand to Linc, who has his arms wrapped around my waist. I am glad to see he is finally getting steadier on his prosthetic leg—the physical therapy is really starting to pay off.

  Theo clears his throat before continuing. “I’d like to introduce you to the new Mrs. McGuire,” he says, beaming from ear to ear and holding their hands together over their heads. “Also…I’d like to take this moment to make one more special announcement.”

  The room falls silent. A pin could drop and it would be heard. I grin, knowing exactly what he is about to say.

  “I’m excited to announce my bid for president of the United States of America. Journey is going to make one hell of a first lady, isn’t she folks?” He laughs, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her on the lips. It’s been a dream of his for as long as I can remember. Given the heavy political involvement Theo has had over the years, this comes as no surprise, and I can guarantee you he’ll win it if he plays his cards right.

  “Get ready for a wild ride.”

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  All books by Dawn Robertson

  The Hers Series:


  Finding Willow

  Kink the Halls

  This Girl Stripped

  Seven's Diary


  The Job Series:

  The Job (Vol. 1)

  The Job (Vol. 2)





  The Hers Series

  All books by Kristen Hope Mazzola

  The Crashing Series:

  Crashing: The Wedding: Cali’s Story (Crashing #0.5)

  Crashing Back Down (Crashing #1)

  Falling Back Together (Crashing #2)

  The Unacceptab
les MC Standalone Series:



  The Hysterics Standalone Series:

  The Hysterics

  Colt & Serena: A Hysterics Short Story


  Stupid Hearts

  Rough & Tumble

  Hat Trick


  The Crashing Series

  Lust & Love

  The 69 Series:

  (multi-author collaborations for charity)

  Hook & Ladder 69

  Bleed Blue 69

  About the Author

  Dawn Robertson

  Three times best selling author Dawn Robertson was born and raised in Connecticut before relocating to Florida in 2013. The same year first novel, Hers debuted as an Amazon Best Seller. Replicating that success with two additional novels in the following years.

  The Indie publishing world has grown to love her raw writing style depicting strong women in real life situations, topping the charts in erotica, romance, and romance-suspense. Robertson has even insinuated that the female characters in her book mirror her real life. But, that I'll leave to speculation.

  When Dawn Robertson is not writing she is a full-time Real Estate professional in Florida, and mother of three amazing children.

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  About the Author

  Kristen Hope Mazzola

  Hi! I am just an average twenty-something following my dreams. I have a full time "day job" and by night I am an author. I guess you could say that writing is like my super power (I always wanted one of those). I am a lover of wine, sushi, football, and the ocean—that is, when I am not wrapped up in the literary world.

  Please feel free to contact me to chat about my writing, books you think I'd like, or just to shoot the, well you know.

  A portion of all my royalties are donated to The Marcie Mazzola Foundation.

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  Note From Kristen Hope Mazzola

  Thank you for buying The Huntress. In doing so, you have helped fulfill a very important goal of mine. From every purchase of any of my books, I donate to the Marcie Mazzola Foundation. The mission of the foundation is to "help better the lives of abused and at-risk children; and to build community awareness regarding the needs of children."

  The Marcie Mazzola Foundation was established in 2003 by my family. On July 6, 2002, Marcie died tragically in an automobile accident. Although she was only 21 at the time of her death, Marcie had experienced many things and touched many lives. She was a beautiful young woman whose inner beauty surpassed even her physical beauty because of her compassionate nature and treatment of others.

  At the time of her death, Marcie was involved in a civil lawsuit against a school bus driver who had sexually abused her when she was 11 years old. Prior to her death, it had been expected that the case would be won, but since Marcie could no longer testify, it was going to be next to impossible to win. Marcie’s attorney met with her family to determine if the suit should be continued. He advised the family that Marcie had confided in him her intention to donate her entire award to help sexually and physically abused children if she won the case. Once this was known, the family had no doubt that the suit had to continue.

  The attorney’s strong commitment to Marcie prompted him to proceed with the case, and against all odds, it was won. Marcie’s estate was awarded a monetary settlement. With her attorney’s guidance and continued support, the family established a foundation as a tribute to Marcie’s life, which would continue her legacy to help children.

  To learn more about The Marcie Mazzola Foundation, please visit:

  Marcie Mazzola Foundation 158 Burr Road, Commack, NY 11725 phone: 631-858-1855 • fax: 631-462-8544 email:




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