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Page 26

by Anna Alexander

  “You were thinking of her, weren’t you? Natalia.”

  “I robbed her.” He sucked in a stuttered breath. “I was a selfish bastard and robbed her of her happiness.”

  “You were young and insecure and did the best with the knowledge you had. You didn’t know what was going to happen.”

  “I should have known. I should have been stronger.”

  She laid her hands on either side of his face. “Bale. Through all my short years of living, the biggest lesson I’ve learned is that hindsight is a malicious bitch. Should’ve, would’ve, could’ves will put you in the grave, and I’ve had my fair share of them to know. I’ve heard you say over and over again how you weren’t strong enough. Well you know what? She wasn’t strong enough either. If she wanted more of you, she should have demanded more, and you can bet your sweet ass that I’m going to demand everything from you.”

  He pressed his palm against the ache below his throat and shook his head. “It’s not fair to you. This guilt won’t leave me be.” He dropped onto the bed and dug his fingers into his hair. “My bonding day should be the happiest day of my life and I’m allowing my guilt to ruin it. We’re bonded, but I’m still fucked in the head.”

  Ari sat beside him. “Did you honestly think that becoming bonded would erase a lifetime of neuroses?”

  He nodded.

  “Has bonding been known to do that?”

  He began to nod again then paused. “Actually, I do not know.”

  “Oh my God,” she sighed and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “Emotional damage is permanent. I don’t care if you are from another planet. Once you’ve been dented, you are never the same, no matter how you much work goes into the repair.”

  Her optimism drew a smile, a weak smile, but still a smile. He pulled her across his lap and kissed her lips. “You are a treasure, Ariel.”

  “I know. And I love you. Even though you’re fucked in the head, I still love you. I made a promise to stand by you, Bale. And I will. Never doubt that.”

  “Never. You are the best part of me.”

  She wiggled her backside against his cock and grinned. “Not exactly. But I don’t mind being second best.”

  “Woman, you’ve drained me dry once. You cannot be ready to do it again.”

  “Yes, I can.” She straddled his lap, grinding her slick pussy along his rapidly hardening length and touched the center of his chest. “I want to be as close to you physically as we are here. Our forever starts now, and I don’t want to waste a second of it.”

  As refreshing as a summer rain, her love washed away the dust of his guilt. “If you wish.”

  “I wish,” she whispered then claimed his mouth in a slow, deep, toe-curling kiss.

  As he flipped her onto her back, he caught sight of the clock sitting on the night stand. Twelve hours, thirty-six minutes until DeWinter came for his answer. Twelve hours, thirty-six minutes he had control over how he spent. His mate was right. Forever started now.

  He lowered his head and pressed kisses to the faint finger-shaped bruises around her breast left by his claiming. He would have felt bad about that too except he sensed her pride at bearing his possession, just as he bore the scratch of her nails on his arms. Before his time was up, he wanted to be adorned with more of her markings. When he walked into that jail, he would wear her marks like badges of honor. If his luck held out, he’d be back in her arms before they healed.

  Luck. The Gods were probably tired of bestowing favors upon him. But he did have hope and Ari’s love. That was enough.

  It had to be.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Bale sat on the couch and watched Ari whirl around the kitchen. The yellow-and-orange floral print of her skirt created a kaleidoscope as she twirled from cabinet to cabinet, arranging trays of snacks. He didn’t need to be nervous about the upcoming meeting with DeWinter for she was anxious enough for both of them. Try as he might to project a calm front, she wasn’t having any of it.

  She lifted a silver bag and a red box up into the air. “Do you think he’ll like some tea? Or does he prefer coffee?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “But what do you think?”

  “I haven’t a clue. In our brief meetings we’ve never discussed his preference of beverages.”

  She tossed the bag of coffee at his head, which he caught without a flinch. “Don’t be an ass. I’m hoping that if we are nice to him, he’ll be nice in return and not take you to jail. Help a girl out.”

  Her logic made him smile. “He’s a very driven man. I don’t think the best coffee in the world will sway him.”

  “Well I have to try something.” She adjusted a plate of cookies to catch the light to her liking. “I’ll make both. And have the whisky ready. Maybe he likes a little Irish in his coffee. Oh, hey. Can you bring me back that bag?”

  He tossed the bag from hand to hand as he sauntered to her side. “You are cute when you worry.”

  “And I’m annoyed when you’re calm on the outside and boiling on the inside.” She stood on tiptoe to kiss his chin. “I can feel you, remember.”

  “That is why I am striving for indifference. We both cannot be on edge. It does neither of us any good.” He pulled her arms to encircle his neck and drew her in for a hug. “If these are to be my last moments of freedom, I’d rather spend them kissing you than having you run around making food for my soon-to-be jailer.”

  She sighed and ran her fingers through his hair, scraping her nails in light strokes against his scalp. “This sucks. I understand why you’re doing this, but I don’t want you to go away.”

  “I’ll be with you. Always. Just because you won’t be able to see me, does not mean I won’t be here. Feeling you. Experiencing your day with you.”

  “I’ll do my best to not have any fun,” she teased but her smile wavered.

  “I appreciate the sentiment, but please have fun. Live, Ari. Make us a home for me to come back to.”

  A tear slipped down her cheek. “Fuck, Bale. I love it when you say cheesy things like that.”

  She jumped and wrapped her legs around his waist and met his mouth in a desperate kiss. His fingers dug into her flanks as he set her on the counter and held her still to grind his growing erection against the soft pad of her belly while she drank from his mouth as if she were dying of thirst.

  Their last few couplings had been colored with the same sense of urgency, manifesting in clawing, reaching hands and deep, biting kisses. More than one bite mark marred his neck and chest, and if he timed it right, he might score one more.

  The carefully arranged tray of vegetables was about to be sent to the floor with a sweep of his arm when a sharp rap on the door stopped him mid-swing.

  “Break it up, you two and get dressed. You’ve been at it all day,” Amaryllis shouted from the other side.

  “Jesu,” he groaned and struggled to catch his breath.

  “How does she know what we’ve been doing?”

  “She’s Skandavian. She and Lucian can sense us.”

  “Oh my God!” She slapped at his arm. “Why didn’t you remind me? I would have made an effort to control my reactions.”

  “Precisely why I didn’t.” He winked and crossed to open the front door, revealing a beaming Lucian and Amaryllis. “Should I be put out that you are interrupting us or thankful that you granted us this much alone time?”

  “Yes,” Amaryllis answered before throwing her arms around his neck. The bottle of champagne in her hands thunked him in the back of the head. “I knew it. I knew you two were a match. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you, your highness.”

  “And Ari.” Amaryllis swept across the room to engulf Ari in a big hug. “Welcome to the family. My word, lebshone, your joining was powerful. Lucian and I haven’t fucked like that since our own bonding. He came so hard I would be shocked if he didn’t impregnate me.”

  Ari’s jaw dropped. “Wow. TMI, Amaryllis. T. M. I.”

  “Oh please. If we
are to reside under the same roof, you’ll have to get used to sensing what is going on behind closed doors. We know everything.”


  “Bale.” Lucian gestured at his head with a grin tugging at his lips. “I like your new look. It’s different.”

  “Good different?”

  “Yes, good different.” He held out his hand. “Congratulations.”

  After Bale clasped his forearm they bowed toward each other in a Llanos warrior’s greeting. Before he could let go, Lucian dragged him into an embrace and landed three solid slaps to his back.

  “Well deserved, my brother.” His eyes shimmered as he drew away. “Well deserved.”

  The lump in Bale’s throat prevented him from answering, not that he had the right words to say if he wanted to. He nodded his acceptance and tapped the center of his chest. Lucian’s watery smile told him the message was received as intended.

  “When is Captain DeWinter due to arrive?” Amaryllis asked.

  He raised a surprised brow then chuckled to himself. Of course the Kilsgaards knew everything that went on within their domain. “Any moment. Jax is to escort him here when he arrives.”

  “Then we arrived in the nick of time.” She flounced to an armchair and settled herself on the seat as if it were a throne.

  “Your highness, with all due respect, my appointment with DeWinter has nothing to do with you.”

  “Nonsense. Balellanos, you are family. If there is any threat to our family, we will face it together. Always. Do not make me have Ari take the strap to you again to remind you.”


  “Bale.” Lucian placed a hand on his shoulder. “We are not here to interfere but to lend our support. Both to you and Ari. Amaryllis will keep quiet. I promise.” He said the last to his wife with a silent warning in his smile.

  “I will do my best,” she said without an ounce of conviction.

  “May the Gods take me,” Bale muttered and wiped his hand down his face.

  He glanced over at Ari and the breath whooshed from his lungs, and suddenly he was thankful for the others’ presence for that meant Ari would not be on her own when DeWinter arrested him. His woman was brave, but even the strongest of souls benefited from the love of a friend.

  With only a glance, Ari raced to his side and hugged him around the waist. For several long seconds he basked in her warmth and the scent of her skin. When the heavy knock pounded on the door, the entire room tensed.

  He smoothed his hand down Ari’s back and crushed the silky strands of her hair in his palm one last time. “I’ll answer that.”

  Captain DeWinter stood at the entry, looking more rested then the last time they had met. His cheeks were freshly shaven and his black slacks bore a crisp pleat down the legs. Anticipation had replaced the exhaustion from the night before and the man looked ready to move mountains. The determination in his firmly set jaw was a good indication that the captain was going to press the Smithwick issue and not allow him to surrender.

  “Captain,” Bale greeted.

  DeWinter began to nod in response then his gaze flew to Bale’s hair. Deep lines carved his brow and his mouth opened and shut without sound until he shook his head and muttered what Bale thought sounded like, “Damn Swedes.”

  “Please, enter.” Bale stood to the side and swept his arm over the threshold.

  “Thanks.” DeWinter entered the apartment and drew up short when he saw the contingent stationed in the living room. He tossed Bale a surprised look over his shoulder. “Did I need to bring backup?”

  “My family feels as if they have a vested interest in our upcoming discussion. And I agree. Mostly.”

  “I see.” DeWinter smirked and greeted Lucian and Amaryllis before addressing Ari. “Ms. Rayner. Nice to see you again.”

  Ari crossed her arms over her chest and sent him a scowl fierce enough to gut a man.

  “I see the sentiment is one-sided. Understandably.” He turned back to Bale. “So. Is the Claymore going to help clean up the city, or do I take you in?”

  Bale held out his hands. The soft intake of Ari’s breath almost made him pull back and agree to anything to remain with her, but he stayed the course. “I will not commit any more crimes.”

  DeWinter bit back a snarl. “You can do more good on the street than behind bars.”

  “I made a promise to my mate. I will not break my vow.”

  “And while you’re tied up in bureaucratic bullshit, what happens to your girl? What about all the girls Smithwick hurts?”

  “Unfortunate casualties in a war I didn’t start and I alone cannot end. I’m sorry, Captain, but it will have to be up to the police to finish their job.”

  “Well isn’t that great that you’ve gained some moral ground now of all times. Fuck,” he spat then ran his hand through his hair, his arms shaking with restrained anger. He reached behind his back and withdrew a set of handcuffs from his pocket. “I’ve told you the case has been tabled. The police won’t put an end to this asshole. The city needs help.”

  Over the captain’s shoulder, Bale met Ari’s unwavering gaze. The silent message was clear. Whatever he decided, she would support him one hundred percent. DeWinter’s passion was admirable, inspiring even, but the more he put himself in harm’s way, the more he endangered Ari. Fiona Kilsgaard was the perfect cautionary tale as to what happened when caught in Smithwick’s crosshairs.

  “Captain,” Lucian interrupted. “I’d wish to propose a trade.”

  “A trade?” Bale and DeWinter asked at the same time.

  “The Claymore for the Chameleon.”

  “I’m sorry. What?” DeWinter shook his head as if to clear his mind while Bale stared at his general as if he’d gone daft. What was Lucian plotting?

  “The Claymore wants to make a fresh start and you want to capture a criminal. The Chameleon owes you a favor for the assistance you provided last year. Allow me to contact the Chameleon. I am certain he will agree to serve in Bale’s place in return for giving him the opportunity to have a new beginning.”

  Bale shook his head while the general spoke. “No. I cannot ask…the Chameleon to take my place. This situation is of my own making.”

  Lucian smiled. “Bale, the Chameleon owes you a boon as well, remember?”

  After Fiona had been rescued from Smithwick’s lair, news of her relationship with Dhavin, acting as the Chameleon, had spread across their small town like a plague. To keep her safe the masked hero ended their affair in a very public demonstration witnessed by many of Cedar’s citizens, including all of the Kilsgaard clan. But Bale posing as the superhero in order to fake break up with a girl in no way equaled the danger Dhavin or Lucian faced going after Smithwick. They had mates as well depending on them. It wasn’t fair to ask them to take the risk.

  “Lucian. No.”

  The general waved his protest away. “Do not fret. There will be some stipulations on his assistance.”

  “Really?” DeWinter propped his hands on his hips. “And you know what those will be already?”

  Lucian matched his stance. “Yes, because he is an honorable man. As am I, and I hope as are you. The Chameleon’s role will lie solely in surveillance. He will pinpoint the location of Smithwick’s whereabouts and create a list of associates if possible, but he will not confront Smithwick or any of his men directly. That is police business and will stay that way. If Bale decides the Claymore can participate without breaking his vow, then I am certain his assistance will be appreciated.”

  “Wow.” DeWinter issued a dry chuckle that grew as he pulled at his hair. “Wow. Sounds as if I should be taking orders from you too.”

  “The general has had much experience issuing orders,” Amaryllis chimed in, slipping her arm around her husband’s waist.

  Lucian patted her hand with a proud smile. “This is your operation, Captain. The Chameleon will only act as an informant. The decision to proceed is entirely upon you.”

  DeWinter looked to each per
son in the room, settling last on Bale. “My beef with you has never been personal. I only want to get this scum off the street, not make your life miserable. I will gladly take the Chameleon’s assistance. And yours.”

  “What about the Claymore? You can’t go after Smithwick until you’ve captured him.”

  “If I provide proof that the Claymore has disappeared, or perhaps is spotted in another state, I can request to close the case and be assigned a new one. Do you think that’s possible?”

  “Perhaps. I have an idea. Wait here one minute.”

  Bale raced to his apartment. The layout was exactly the same as Ari’s unit, and that was where the similarities ended. For a year he hadn’t done more than update the contents of the refrigerator. The décor had remained the same generic furnishings that existed before he had moved in. Not like Ari who had added her own touches with fluffy throw pillows in bright colors, scented candles and knickknacks that graced every available surface. As he entered the cold, impersonal unit, he knew it was going to be for the last time. Ari was home now, and wherever she laid her head, so did he.

  In mere seconds his essentials were packed in a bag and he was back with his family in less time than it took to exhale.

  “Why did I know that when you said one minute, you meant that literally?” DeWinter remarked.

  He dropped his bag near the front door and strode toward the captain with his sword and jacket in hand. “Will these suffice as enough evidence of the Claymore’s disappearance?”

  Amaryllis gasped out loud while Lucian’s silent surprise crackled down his spine. A warrior was never without his weapon, and for many long years all that Bale was had been defined by the actions of his sword. Even Ari, who held no knowledge of the Llanos ways understood the significance of the gesture and rushed to his side.

  “Bale?” she asked. “What are you doing?”

  “This sword belonged to an angry and confused man. I am not that man anymore. I am entrusting this sword in your keeping, Captain.”

  DeWinter grasped the hilt and faltered with its full weight when it Bale relinquished it, nearly dropping the heavy weapon. “Whoa. It’s a lot bigger than it looks in pictures. Thank you, Bale. I’ll keep it safe.”


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