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WindSwept Narrows: #6 Eve Hastings

Page 15

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “No dessert?” She whispered as they walked toward the main entrance.

  “A crush?” Zach countered with a crooked grin.

  “Zach, Mallory has a crush on you.”

  “She’s thirty-four years old, Eve.”

  “Do you believe attractions stop at a certain age? Yes, she has a crush on you and when you took yourself off the market…”

  “Eve, I was not up for sale on the market,” Zach said flatly.

  Eve closed her eyes for a long minute, blinking rapidly and forcing a smile to her face. “I’m sorry.” She felt herself stiffen when he lifted her into the SUV, buckling herself in and staring out the front window.

  “Eve, I didn’t mean…damn it,” Zach growled and started the car.

  “It’s alright, Zach. I never believed you were up for sale. It’s just a phrase,” Eve explained quietly. “I think part of the reason I had the property deeded over to you now is because I wanted it out of the picture. I was wrong to have put it there in the first place.”

  “I’m not sorry you did,” Zach told her firmly.

  Eve stared quietly out the window for a very long time. It had all seemed so easy in the beginning, she thought. “I made a mistake, Zach. And I don’t know how to fix it now,” she said as he pulled the SUV into the garage. Eve slid to the floor and was inside the house before he could respond.

  She went into the bedroom and quickly changed her clothes, the slamming of the front door making her wince. Eve went into the bathroom and closed the door, sliding down against it with her eyes closed. She never needed a place to hide so much in a long time. She pulled her knees up, hugged them with her arms and dropped her head with a tired sigh.

  Zach changed his clothes and dressed for bed, pacing the bedroom floor and staring at the closed bathroom door. After half an hour he couldn’t take it any longer and pounded on the door.

  “Eve! We need to talk…and I don’t want to do it through a damn door!” Zach shouted, stepped back hastily when the door was opened and she frowned up at him.

  “What are you shouting about?”

  “You never spend thirty minutes in the bathroom. You were hiding in there,” he accused angrily.


  “So? You admit it?”

  “That I was hiding in there? Yes, I was…” Eve stood her ground, meeting the glare on his face with one of her own.

  “Why? You told me you’re not afraid of me.”

  Eve turned and walked into the living area, opened her desk drawer and pulled the paper that had started it all from the top drawer.

  “Know what this is?”

  “Yes,” Zach had followed behind her, still glaring. His eyes widened when she took it to the shredder she had and fed it into the slot. He stared for a long minute, a silly grin forming on his face when she walked up to him and poked him in the chest.

  “It’s gone.”

  “Alright,” Zach caught her hand and tugged, surrounding her with a tight band of his arms. “It’s gone. You’re still stuck with me.”

  “I am not stuck with you, Zach Covington. I am where I want to be, you got that?”

  “What would you call it? We’re married, Mrs. Covington. For better or worse,” he lifted her off the ground, ignoring the protesting growl. “And you are stuck with me. I refuse to divorce you, Eve. I love you. I went and did the unforgivable and fell in love with my wife,” he dropped her to the center of the bed and followed her down, pinning her in place.

  “Divorce you? I don’t want to divorce you but it was wrong of me to…to use…you love me?” Eve stopped and blinked, her eyes filling with moisture. “You want to be with me?”

  “God, woman, how else can I show you that? If I wasn’t in the middle of this project, I’d sweep you off for…”

  “I love you,” Eve whispered, squeezing her hands between them and around his neck. “I love you, I love you, I love you…”

  “And yes, alright…you bought me…but not with the property…with this,” he said softly, covering her mouth with his and watching the stress of the afternoon melt away. “Tomorrow is Friday. I’m leaving at noon and so are you. We’re shutting off the phones and not answering the door.”

  “Sounds very decisive,” Eve breathed, her heart pounding.

  “I’m a decisive kind of guy.”

  “Someone promised me tingles…”

  “And I always keep my promises,” Zach whispered against her mouth. He rolled to his back and pulled her over him, his hands working to remove the clothing between them in record time.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Zach stared. His mouth opened a few times. But he couldn’t begin to find the words he wanted. He closed his eyes and opened one very slowly. Nothing had changed.

  Her hips seemed a little rounder. Her breasts a little fuller. And there was too damn much of each of them showing in that costume.

  “You are not going to the benefit in that outfit.”

  Eve looked up into the mirror in their bedroom, one brow arched silently.

  “Yeah…” Zach began slowly, one palm up and rubbing his neck. “That wasn’t supposed to come out like that…”

  “We have had this talk, Zach,” Eve twirled, her smile infectious. “I am part of the performing troupe. We have been practicing this for weeks,” she walked up to him, her palm up and patting his cheek lightly. “You make an incredibly sexy Prince of Persia,” she told him with a kiss.

  “No, oh no, lady…don’t use that tone of voice on me,” Zach growled when she went down the hall.

  “What voice is that?” Eve was still smiling as she made sure her slippers were in her bag.

  “That one that tells me I don’t have a snow balls chance in hell of changing your mind,” he growled, pacing in long strides across their living area.

  “You don’t,” she told him simply, blinking in surprise. “Zach…everything I own is covered,” Eve moved up to him, taking his hands and putting them on her hips. “You saw me get dressed. Everything is safely concealed. It’s all about the illusion.”

  “I love you…” His head fell forward with a long sigh to rest against her forehead. “You are one damn sexy looking woman, Eve. And yes, I’m aware you’re totally covered, but that illusion…”

  “Thank you…a girl does like being appreciated by her guy,” she kissed him and handed him his keys. “I have your wallet and phone in my bag since you don't have pockets. Ready? I’m so excited!” She whispered with a laugh.

  Diana chuckled as she peeked through the curtain in the huge open ballroom at the Lodge. The guys had pulled together several tables, creating their own conference area.

  “They’re all growling,” Diana said when she turned back to the women putting the finishing touches on their costumes. “I think Gideon is the only one not grumbling at the moment.”

  “Gabe isn’t quite grumbling,” Isabel admitted and shrugged. “When they are willing to give up one of their favorite activities because of others perceptions, I’ll consider his protests. I’m not even showing and I love dancing.”

  Nods went around.

  Emily frowned at the costume she was doing a last minute fit to, looking up at Eve. “I had this fitting just right…”

  “I’m sorry….parts of me seem to have…plumped out…a bit…I don’t know,” Eve shook her head and frowned. “Zach is always harping at me to eat…” she saw the looks go around her friends. “What?”

  “Eve…” Anya arched a dark brow at her. “We spoke of this. You have not had a period in a few years…you could well be pregnant.”

  “I know,” she whispered, a slight quiver in her voice.

  “You haven’t told Zach?” Kate perched on a stool in front of the mirror, finishing her make-up.


  “It’s funny…Dylan and I deliberately stopped using protection a few months ago,” Kate said with a little smile. “I was…it’s frightening…part of me was afraid I couldn’t conceive…”

“But it makes you smile if you just relax and think about it,” Diana said with a soft look from one to the other. “You’ll see…give yourself time. And it’s even better once they know. They’re so cute when they think you’re fragile!” She laughed with the others.

  “We haven’t been…we didn’t stop using protection,” Chloe stared into the mirror. “We talked about it…what if kind of thing…”

  “So have we,” Sam said with a little sigh. “My mother is thrilled to death…I just haven’t worked up to telling Logan yet.”

  “I will have a very busy spring,” Anya said with a smile, her palm on her own stomach. “A very busy spring.”

  “I don’t know how Nick will handle it,” Alice adjusted her skirt and the slinky veil that hooked over her ear. “He’s a wonderful father. It just seems so soon…”

  “We know our guys,” Emily looked around the crowded room. “I don’t think any of them would protest if we choose not to have children. And I think a little glow begins in them when it finally dawns that they made a baby!” She said in a hushed whisper that brought a burst of laughter from around her.

  “All because of those wild muscular contractions,” Eve said with a grin.

  Mac tipped the ale bottle up and gazed around the table. Some had costumes, some didn’t. All of them held an ale bottle or glass with ice and something alcoholic in it.

  “So who gets the blame for this one?” Logan looked around the table, his palm up and stroking over the goatee. Deep laugher ripples around.

  “With the women we have, I think it’s pretty much a group effort,” Dylan suggested casually.

  “Yeah, but I don’t have to like it,” Gabe mumbled testily with a glance at Gideon. “Stop looking so relaxed. It’s disgusting.”

  “Hey…Diana is involved…and I know she’ll be dancing after she has the baby…imagining her in those outfits…boggles the mind.”

  “But she’s not up on the damn stage exposed,” Jack growled. “And mine is one of the creators of the damn things they’re dancing in…”

  “I liked my preview,” Nate remarked with a masculine sigh of appreciation.

  “Yeah…there was that…” Cade recalled with a satisfied nod.

  “So we get the benefits and they go home with us,” Mac commented.

  “Stop being so damned logical,” Logan threw back, his head shaking and grin crooked. “Yeah…those are our girls…”

  “And the more you try and rein them in…” Simon shook his head. “It damn well wears you out.”

  “So what’s the dismal expressions all about?” Donovan Banner pulled a chair over and joined the group.

  “Huh…new guy…” Jack nodded.

  “Nice to see you again, too,” Donovan laughed with the others.

  “Discussing the females in our lives,” Sam told him.

  “Ahh…haven’t met them all yet,” Donovan looked toward the stage. “Who belongs to the Croatian beauty?”

  “That would be me…she’s the head of the dance troupe,” Ian commented, a small frown on his face. “How did you know she was Croatian?”

  “Her accent…she mumbles to herself while she’s pacing,” Donovan kept staring toward the stage.

  “You can read lips?” Logan asked, staring at him as were all the others around the table. “I knew you’re a linguist…”

  “My father was deaf for a while,” Donovan told them. “You looking for information? She’s…not pissed…but disturbed…she has to redo an entire years’ roster because of…” he frowned, searching for a word. “Births…no, babies. Because of babies,” he cast a quick look around the table and saw males suddenly turning pale.

  “Alright…this could get interesting,” Gabe decided with a chuckle. “Continue, Donovan…”

  He pulled a small notepad from his pocket and began writing quickly, watching Anya pace and mumble. Five minutes of tension and she went behind the curtain, the music beginning.

  “Well?” Damian spoke the word all of them wanted to say.

  “Guys…seriously…” Mac looked from one to the other. “Don’t you keep track of when they’re cycling? Hell, I watch that event like a descending dragon!”

  “True…Sophie and I’ve talked about it…but not for a couple years…” Nate commented with a nod.

  “Alright…she says she’s going to lose two redheads in the spring,” Donovan looked at the stunned expressions on Logan and Simon’s face. “I’m guessing that…”

  “Chloe?” Simon stared at the woman on the stage. “I can’t picture Chloe slowing down enough to…wow…”

  “Sam?” Logan followed the stare, watching his sexy redhead move limberly over the stage. A crooked grin slowly forming on his face.

  “Then she wrote down the names Kate…” he looked up at the bottle of ale that thumped in front of Dylan. “And Alice…and…me…”


  “Not me…but she wrote down…me…” he looked over at the choking from Ian. “I think it means she’s also having a baby.”

  “Some doctor you are,” Mac said with a laugh at the expression on Ian’s face.

  Zach looked at him but said nothing. Eve hadn’t mentioned it since before they were married. While he wasn’t worried about losing her, he knew how important it was to her.

  “Alice?” Nick looked at the stage, his eyes caught on the British blonde who had captivated him. “It’s an amazing thing…the first time they put that tiny baby in your hands…”

  “You feel like such a klutz,” Lucas continued, watching Mia moving to the music. “Your hands are huge and there’s this tiny…tiny…little thing squirming in your palms…that you helped make…”

  “It’s damn hard to explain,” Nick agreed with a nod. “But it’s an amazing feeling…even the second time around,” he said as if to himself.

  All eyes watched the elaborate dance being performed, all types of costumes milled around and took tables for the next several minutes. Anya stood to the side, beaming when the music drew to a close and she disappeared toward the back.

  Diana came out and took the seat Gideon held out to her. “It went perfectly,” she said with a smile that froze in place when the guys all got up and left. “Is it something I said?”


  Ian found himself watching Anya as if he were seeing her for the first time. She was beautiful. She changed clothes and came from behind the large half screen that had been put up for them to change behind. He took her bag, walking with her to a quiet corner in the lounge.

  “It was a flawless performance,” Anya said happily. “Time for food.”

  “You looked beautiful up there. I was thinking of the first place I saw you again…down in Olympia,” Ian slung her backpack on his shoulders. He filled a plate with food and followed her to the table. Anya had a wide selection of items on her plate and was busy biting into an egg roll when he spoke again. “I was told I’m a lousy doctor…”

  “Who would tell you such a thing?” Anya demanded with a frown. “I believe you are brilliant.”

  “Then why didn’t I know my girl was pregnant?” Ian watched her freeze in place.

  “Girls can be secretive,” she said softly, sighing when he brought a palm up and touched her face before he leaned in to kiss her. “It is not something we planned, Ian…”

  “Do you honestly think that makes a difference to me?” Ian let his forehead rest against hers.

  “I was so afraid, Ian…so very afraid for so very long to bring a child into this world…I never believed I would be a mother…” Anya sighed and relaxed in his arms. That safe place she had needed for so very long.

  “I promised you safety and love, Anya,” Ian told her confidently. “As many times as I’ve…the thought of being with you when we bring our child into the world just sends my brain off line…all the husbands I’ve watched…” He sighed when she laughed, framing his face and kissing him warmly.

  “You are finding it difficult to forget being a doctor and just be a h
usband,” she teased lovingly.


  Alice was humming after she changed her clothes and carried her small travel bag with her, peering around until she saw Nick watching her. She waved and wove her way through the people to get to him. He gallantly took her bag and hugged her close.

  “Are you less stressed now that the dance has finished?” Alice asked, a bright smile in her green eyes, twirling happily. “It was marvelous! I love dancing.”

  “I think I want a dance with you,” Nick took her to a quiet table. “Wait here…I’m going to put this in the car.”

  “I think more dancing would be marvelous,” Alice watched him nod and move off quickly. She went to the buffet and fixed a plate, carrying it to the table at the same time Nick returned. “Food first, please…dancing is very invigorating and makes you quite hungry.”

  “I think we should get married, Alice,” Nick lifted a slice of the garlic bread she had on her plate and took a healthy bite.

  “I…” Alice blinked and stared. “What in the world brought that up, Nick?”

  “I asked you to marry me the night we met, remember? I just think it’s time,” he told her. “We’ll get Matt and head to Idaho tomorrow. Just a nice little private ceremony for the four of us.”

  “The four…” Alice felt her eyes widen, swallowing the cheese covered potatoes she had taken a bite of. “Umm…Nick…”

  “We had a discussion about becoming a dad while you girls were dancing,” Nick said quietly. “I had some idiot notion I would handle the news better than the others…”

  “It’s a change to what we’ve spoken of…” She said softly.

  “Alice…my sweet…I’m just as responsible for this as you are…I’m not in shock…it’s a…an almost unreal feeling for a guy to think about.”


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