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Anything For Love (The Hunter Brothers Book 1)

Page 24

by Lola StVil

  “No, she needs me. I can’t leave her alone,” I insist. Decker steps up to help Jana get me back to the chair. “Wyatt, you have to stay here and let the doctors do their job,” he says. I walk away from the double doors but begin to pace up and down the waiting room.

  “I did this. I did this to her.” I gasp.

  “No, this isn’t your fault. You aren’t the one who shot her; the shooter is dead. You took care of him,” Decker says.

  “Bullshit! My job was to keep her safe. I promised that I would keep her safe! And then I put her in the middle of this bullshit!”

  “No, Wyatt, she wanted to be a part of the plan,” Jana says.

  “I should have said no! I should have fucking said no!” I yell as I grab a fistful of hair and pull at it, hoping the physical pain will take away from the emotional devastation.

  “I should call Bree and her parents. Can you watch Wyatt?” Jana says as she tries to contain her tears.

  “I got it. Go call them and I’ll take care of this,” Decker says. He makes me sit down although I don’t want to.

  “Wyatt, look at me. Look at me,” he demands. I lock eyes with him. He’s calm and he’s speaking in a soothing voice but I know my partner. I know he knows this is bad. This is the kind of night when families are notified that they have to make funeral arrangements. We’ve been here plenty of times.

  “Look, man, you have to try and calm down. Winter needs you now.”

  “No! What Winter needed was a man who would protect her. Not someone who stood by and let her get shot! She was bleeding and her eyes…her pretty eyes…they wouldn’t open…her eyes wouldn’t open.” Suddenly a series of flashes appear in my head involving the last moments of my sister’s life. I’m standing over her, shaking her, begging her to open her eyes.

  “Okay now, Wyatt, this is not like it was with Rose. Don’t go there, man, don’t do that,” he begs. But it’s too late. I’m already knee-deep in that nightmare.

  “No! I am not gonna fucking lose her!” I rage as I burst through the double doors. They follow me, as does security. I don’t give a shit. I burst into the operating room, but security grabs me and pulls me away as I call out her name.

  Once they drag me back out into the waiting room, Decker shouts as he pulls them away from me. “Get off him!”

  Security reluctantly backs off and warns, “Keep him under control.”

  “Get the fuck outta here!” Decker counters as Jana helps me get up off the floor.

  “I’m fine!” I snap at her. She looks at me, and is yet again on the verge of tears. I know right away, I’m an asshole. She’s terrified of losing Winter too. “Come here,” I whisper as I lean in and embrace her. She sobs on my shoulders.

  “Wyatt, look,” Decker says, signaling towards the entrance. My mother enters looking pale with worry; I sprint over to meet her. She embraces me and tells me that my dad is on his way.

  “Mom, she wouldn’t open her eyes.” I sob as we break away from the hug. She reaches out and wipes my tears away. Her voice is firm and controlled.

  “Now, you stop that. You picked a strong woman. A woman who doesn’t give up just because things are hard. She fought to let you in her heart and she will fight to stay in this world and be loved by you. You keep it together and be the man she needs. The man I know you are.”

  “Mom, if she dies…I don’t know…”

  “That’s just it, son, you don’t know. You keep your faith. Whatever it is that brought you two together will help keep you together.” Her words hit me like a Mack truck. I know what I have to do and where I need to be. I run out of the hospital at top speed.

  “Where are you going?” Jana shouts.

  “I’m going to see a badass about a girl and a toad.”

  The sight of me running up to the guard booth in my bloody clothes is the last thing the security guard expects to see. I place my badge up against the booth and he lets me enter. He asks if everything is okay and if I need help. I do, but not from him. I assure him that everything is fine and that I just came to visit someone. He looks at me with an odd expression but I don’t have time to explain myself. I enter the cemetery and run over to the mausoleum where Rose is buried.

  “Hi, Rosy,” I whisper as I place my hand on her plaque.

  “I know, I know, I haven’t come to see you in years and then all of a sudden I come twice in the same week. But I really needed to talk to you. You remember the time Mr. Awesome went missing? You wanted to gather a search party. You were so upset. You thought Logan did it. Things got crazy and Mom ended up grounding all of us. Then a few days later Mr. Awesome showed up in a nondescript brown paper bag on your bed. You were so glad, you didn’t even care who had taken it. You hugged that damn thing like it was your best friend.

  Rose, I took the toad as a joke. I didn’t know you’d be so upset about losing it. And when I realized that it really hurt you, I gave it back. But I didn’t want to get in trouble, so I put it back in secret. I’m sorry. And if Mr. Awesome were here, I’d beg his forgiveness too. I didn’t know how much it mattered to you until I saw what you were like without it.” A sharp pain travels across my chest as I try to manage the grief that’s threatening to pull me under. I take a deep breath and force myself to keep going.

  “Rose, the reason I’m telling you this is because you sent me someone, someone very special, and I didn’t take good care of her. And now, she might be gone forever. And just like when I took the toad, I didn’t know the effect it would have. Well I didn’t know the effect Winter really had on my life until she was wounded and dying in my arms. I need you to help me. I don’t know how you’re supposed to do it but I know if anyone can, it’s you.

  When you went away from my life, it broke me. I missed you so much. I was empty for so long, Rosy. And I was angry because you left. I hated the world because you weren’t in it. And I never thought you would really come through and send me someone, but you did. You sent me Winter. I didn’t start really living again until I laid eyes on her. That’s when I knew you were really up there, looking out for me, even if I didn’t deserve it.

  “You did a fantastic job. She’s strong, she’s so kind, and she stands up for people she loves. She has horrible taste in candy but she’s the love of my life. And you gave her to me. And now I am standing here, begging you please, please don’t take her from me.

  “I lost you; I can’t lose her. I won’t survive.” I rest my head on the plaque. “I’m serious, Rosy. I’m your older brother, you have to do as I say, don’t take her, please don’t take her…”


  I call Decker and he tells me there is no news yet and he asks when I’m coming back to the hospital. I let him know that I will be there as soon as I shower. I don’t really care about being clean right now but I think my mother is right. I have to keep going as if she will wake up because she has to. There’s just no way I can process any other future but the one I will have with her. She will wake up, simply because I need her to. And because I am nowhere near done with loving her. So, it’s decided. She will wake up.

  And when she wakes up, I don’t want her to see me covered in blood. I also don’t want her parents to see me this way when I enter the hospital. Decker tells me they just arrived. I go home and get in the shower. It’s scalding hot but I like it. I want the heat to erase all the ugliness I just saw. I put on jeans and the grey sweater that she loves. I remember telling her that it now has her scent and how much I loved that. She joked about it being her way to mark her territory.

  I hurry out of the house and head back to the hospital. I greet Bree and her daughter. She introduces me to her parents. Mr. Bennett is a short, nervous man in his mid-sixties with small eyes and a kind face.

  “She’s a fighter, our girl. I know that,” he says as tears escape down his face.

  “I don’t understand. How did she get involved in this whole thing? Guns and gangs? What has her life become?” Mrs. Bennett says. She’s about the same age as her ex-hus
band. She has sliver hair, and wears a colorful sweater that says “I knit because it’s cheaper than therapy.” I smile to myself as I remember Winter telling me her mom takes up a new hobby like every other week. I guess it’s knitting this week. I explain to her what happened and how it was my fault to begin with.

  “No, it wasn’t. Our daughter would have found a way to help. That’s just who she is,” her mother assures me.

  “Mom’s right. I know how much you love her. According to Decker, if it hadn’t been for you getting her out of the way, it could have been much worse,” Bree says as she hugs me. My family introduces themselves to Winter’s family and together we brace ourselves and pray for the best. We sit in the waiting room for what seriously feels like years. In fact, it’s a total of five and a half hours. Finally the head surgeon comes out and speaks to us.

  “I’m sorry about the long wait but I’m happy to report that the bullet missed all major organs and didn’t nick any arteries. It’s really quite miraculous,” he says.

  “So she’s going to be okay?” I plead.

  “Yes—she won’t be able to run a marathon or anything for a while but she will make a full recovery.” Jana weeps with relief as do the rest of us.

  Thank you, Rosy. Thank you. Thank you…

  It takes everything I have not to be the first through the doors to see her. I know her parents are losing their minds, so I let them go in first. But they are so merciful, they insist that I go in and they will remain outside until I’m done.

  I enter her room and see her lying there: pale, weak, and small. Yet somehow, she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. There’s a dull ache radiating throughout my body as I stand over her. I kiss her forehead and pull up a chair beside her bed. I place my hand inside hers and put my head near her.

  “I’m so sorry, babe. This was all my fault,” I whisper, unable to keep my voice steady. I feel her hand move towards me. She lightly runs her fingers though my hair. I sit up and look into her sparkling eyes.

  She smiles weakly and mumbles, “So next year, I think I’m gonna skip bring your girlfriend to work day if that’s okay with you,” she jokes. I laugh and kiss the palm of her hand.

  “Hi,” she says.


  “Are you okay?” she asks.

  “I think that’s my line,” I reply.

  “I’m better now that I can see your face.”

  “Are you in pain?” I ask.

  “Not a lot, and the doctor said the pain meds are kicking in, so soon I won’t feel anything.”

  “I’m so sorry, babe. I should have—”

  “Wyatt, stop. You shielded me with your body, what else can a girl ask for?”

  “I thought you were gone, I thought…”

  “Hey, you sound like a man in need of a joke. Guess what class Mom is starting next week?”

  “Whatever it is, I don’t think it will make me laugh right now, babe,” I admit.

  “She’s taking a class called ‘Long Time Cuming: Tantric Sex for Seniors.’”

  I was wrong; I laugh so hard my eyes water. And together the two of us make so much noise the staff has to come in and scold us. When our laughter dies down, we look in each other’s eyes and it’s clear this didn’t break us. It only made us stronger…


  Bree and my parents have just left after spending the morning with me in the hospital. I’m so glad this is my last day here. They took great care of me but I can’t wait to go back home. Carlos enters my hospital room along with his brother, Luis, not long after my family leaves.

  My room looks like the greeting card aisle at Rite Aid Pharmacy. Jana helped organize all the kids from the center and they made me these awesome cards. I have over a hundred of them. But my favorite gift is the hand drawn bird in midflight done in charcoal that Carlos has just handed to me.

  “You did such a stellar job, Carlos, I love this! But I should pay you for it,” I offer.

  “Yeah, she’s right,” Wyatt says as he takes out his wallet.

  Carlos holds up his hand. “No, it’s a gift. I did it to tell you…I’m sorry about wanting to join the Street Kings. It was stupid,” he says, looking at the floor.

  “You made the right decision in the end. That’s what matters. You could have said no to going away and stayed with the Street Kings but you didn’t,” Wyatt says.

  “I’m glad I didn’t. Ms. Bennett, thanks for…you know,” he says, suddenly shy.

  “You are very welcome. And I love my gift,” I reply.

  “Carlos has something to tell you, Ms. Bennett,” Luis says.

  “He does? Okay, out with it. Is everything okay?” I ask.

  “Luis’s family is going to adopt me,” he says with a big grin. I squeal like a kid.

  “I thought they had money issues and couldn’t afford to take in another kid,” I reply.

  “They got some kind of stipend from this foundation,” Luis says. I look up at Wyatt and narrow my eyes. He shrugs his shoulder as if to say he has no idea what the kids are talking about.

  I bring him close to my face. When he leans down, I whisper, “Did you do this?”

  “If I did would you fight me on it?” he asks.

  “Not one bit,” I reply. Our eyes lock and it’s like I’m falling in love with him all over again.

  “Hey, don’t look at her like that, she’s my woman!” Luis says. I suppress a smile.

  “Oh, you and Ms. Bennett?” Wyatt asks.

  “Yes, she’s mine. We’re getting married and everything—later, after I’ve had my fun,” Luis says in a matter-of-fact voice.

  “Okay man, I get it. Can I talk to you for a second?” Wyatt says, taking Luis aside. I don’t know what they talk about, but Luis turns to me and says, “Ms. Bennett, looks like I’m gonna have to move on. Sorry, but I’m not a guy that can be tied down.” I laugh as he leaves the room along with Carlos.

  “What did you say to him?” I ask Wyatt.

  “I told him that I saw some really nice and pretty girls looking at him when I went to talk at the center. And I asked him if he was sure he really wanted to be stuck with you, after all he’s a cute kid, lots of options,” Wyatt jokes.

  My jaw drops. I pretend to be hurt. “I just got dumped!” I tease.

  “It’s okay, babe, I’ll be your rebound guy,” he says as he leans over and kisses me.

  “I would say get a room but…” Decker says as he opens the door and enters my room. He kisses me on the forehead and hands me some flowers.

  “Aw, they are so pretty. Thank Jana for me.”

  “How do you know I didn’t pick them out? I have great taste,” Decker replies.

  “She knows the same way she knows that Jana beat you in Call of Duty,” Wyatt adds.

  “Hey, hey, she didn’t beat me. She just…has a temporary lead. I’m coming back strong,” he vows.

  “Yeah, right. Where is Jana?” I ask.

  “Oh she’s sorry she couldn’t come. She got this nasty cold from babysitting the toddler next door.”

  “Oh, okay. I’ll call her later to check on her,” I reply.

  “It’s okay, I’ll tell her you said hi,” Decker says.

  “You going there now?” I ask.

  “Yeah, right after I pick up some cold meds for her at the pharmacy. She said she had some but I figure I’ll get extra in case she runs out. Oh, and some chicken soup. They make really good soup at the market a few blocks from her place,” Decker says. I try to hide my smile but I can’t. The guys ask me what is making me smile but I don’t tell them. Soup guys are so clueless.


  This is my first week out of the hospital and Wyatt is finally treating me normally. In the beginning he fussed and would not let me do anything—including have sex. I accused him of having no idea how hard it was to have to abstain from sex. He narrowed his eyes and raised his eyebrows as if to say “Are you kidding?” I couldn’t help but laugh.

  I was in the hospital and I
missed his birthday. I also missed Thanksgiving, so tonight our families get together and make a big feast. When we are at the table I finally get to give him his gift—the cookbook with dishes from around the world, the one he used to cook with Rose. With the help of his mom, I was able to have notes from Rose superimposed though out the book. That way it felt like she was there, giving him a hand as he cooked. I hand him the gift, and everyone at the table turns to watch him unwrap it.

  I honestly don’t know what I expected him to say. I thought maybe he’d smile and say “thanks, babe” or something but he doesn’t. He looks at the book and the handwritten notes from Rose, and then he looks up at me.

  “Do you like it?” I ask, hoping I didn’t make a big mistake.

  “No, I don’t like it. I love it. I love it so much,” he says thickly. I grin and hug him.

  “But there’s something else I want for my birthday. Something only you can give me,” he says. He gets down on one knee and takes out a stunning ring. It has diamond-encrusted bird wings that meet in the middle, with a large diamond in the center.

  “I didn’t think all my problems could go away in a flash but that’s what happens when you smile at me. It doesn’t matter what happens on the job because when I come home to you, you make it all better. Your love fixed me. I want to spend the rest of my life making you as happy as you have made me. You think that I rescued you that night in alley but the truth is, you saved me. And you have been saving me every day since then. I love you more than anything in this world, will you marry me?”

  There’s a big lump in my throat and tears spring to my eyes. It’s hard to see him behind the tears, it’s actually blurry. ARGH! Stupid Winter! Stop crying and use your words. I wipe my eyes as the entire room waits for my answer.

  “Wyatt, this doesn’t make sense. We have only known each other for a few weeks. And yet I know in my soul that I don’t want to belong to anyone but you. When we first met you said that I would have to find a place to land sooner or later. And I did. I found you: my safe place to land. I love you so much. Yes, yes! I will marry you!”


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