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The Seraphim: Setheus

Page 6

by Rene Lyons

  Given his aversion to the light, his elusiveness, and the sinister look of his home, it would be easy to assume he was some sort of dark and dangerous creature. How ironic, considering what he actually was.

  Like everyone else, Sabrina imagined angels were delicate, white-winged cherubs. Looking at Seth, she realized just how wrong that assumption was.

  Chapter Seven

  Sabrina’s heart skipped a beat as she watched Seth close and lock the door. The breath left her lungs as his intense stare traveled over her. The dare in his eyes flooded her body with liquid heat. Oddly, she saw no reflection in them, only a darkness that somehow seemed to mirror his existence.

  “I feel so strange around you. Is it because I’m half…?”

  God, she couldn’t even say the word. No matter how hard she’d tried since she found out what she was, she couldn’t say the word aloud. To say it aloud sounded insane. Unbelievable. Laughable. She swallowed the word and looked away shyly.

  “Angel?” Seth supplied, forcing her to look back at him by cupping her chin. Sabrina nodded, though she wanted to run as far away from Seth as she could. Here she was about to confront the reality of her life and it terrified her. “No, Sabrina. It’s desire. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. It’s what happens when a male and female are attracted to each other.”

  His sarcasm made her laugh. “It’s more than that. I’ve felt desire before, Seth, just never like this.”

  “Like what?” His gaze bore through her, as if he already knew the answer. “Tell me how I make you feel.”

  Sabrina stepped toward him and pressed her hands to his chest. His heartbeat was strong and steady beneath her palms. “You make me burn as if my soul is on fire.”

  Her blood ran hot at the way he watched her mouth as she spoke. “Do you like that I make your body burn?”


  “Good.” His hands moved to her hips, settling just below the waistband of her jeans. “I want to kiss you.”

  Sabrina tilted her face up to his, loving the devilish gleam in his eyes. “Good.” She caressed the nape of his neck and brought his lips to hers. “I want you to kiss me.”

  Before the words had even left her, Seth’s mouth came down on hers. His kiss was hard, leaving no doubt in her mind he wasn’t merely kissing her—he was laying claim to her.

  An animalistic sound emanated from Seth. The rumbling growl sent a wicked desire rushing though her. The sound still reverberated within her as he wrapped his arms around her and crushed her against him. He pulled his mouth from hers only long enough to confirm her assumption about his claiming of her.

  “You’re mine, Sabrina. You always have been and you always will be.”

  That was fine by her. As long as he kept kissing her and making her feel so alive, she’d gladly be his.

  Sabrina’s body screamed with want. She molded herself against him, loving the sensation of Seth’s erection pressing into her. The thought of him sliding into her had her groaning into his mouth. He recaptured her mouth and grabbed her leg, lifting it so that he was cradled against her.

  The thin thread of Seth’s control nearly broke when Sabrina threw her head back and whispered his name on a breathy sigh. The scent of her arousal intoxicated him. The feel of her body against his was driving him insane. Having her last night only whetted his appetite for more of her—for all of her. His need for her had him so hard it hurt. If he didn’t have her soon he’d not be able to hold on to his control much longer.

  Walking her backwards to the bed, Seth used his body to push Sabrina down onto it. He eased her back until he had her laid out just as he’d imagined her a thousand times. Her raw sensuality came at him like a punch to the chest, causing his heart to pound painfully against his ribcage. Covering her with his body, he marveled at how small she was beneath him. And yet they fit. Every part of her molded perfectly into every part of him—two separate bodies yet one and the same. Even their breathing and heartbeats were in sync.

  Holding his weight off her with one arm, he ran his other hand down Sabrina’s body. Each soft moan, every breathless sigh, pushed Seth closer to the edge of losing control. The more of her he had, the more he needed from her.

  “My God, Sabrina, you taste so good.” He nipped at her neck and she scored his back with her nails. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  “Please, Seth…”

  Seth buried his hands in her hair and brought his mouth to hers. “I know, sweetheart. I feel it, too,” he said against her lips.

  Sabrina wrapped her arms around his neck and met the thrust of his tongue. He felt the exact moment she surrendered herself to him. His body aching for her, Seth tore their clothes away with a savage passion that was almost beyond his control. Only after he had her back underneath him and his cock was pressed against the warm opening of her body, did he manage a small level of restraint.

  He drove into her until he couldn’t go any farther. The sensation of her body hugging him was almost too intense to bear. Seth dropped his head to hers and hissed out a sharp breath. Her body convulsed around him, squeezing him. A low groan came from deep within him. He shifted, needing the change of position to keep him from going mad from the pleasure of her warmth surrounding him.

  With each thrust of his body, Seth lost himself a little more to the emotions Sabrina awoke in him. They were feelings he’d believed he’d never experience again. He’d known perfect love and serenity since the dawning of time, but it had left him the night he fell. He knew it now. He felt it wash through him in a warm and wonderful wave. Sabrina was his heart. She was the other half of him, as if God had created her solely for him.

  As Sabrina reached her climax, raw emotion ripped through him. She cried out his name, her legs a vise around his waist. He followed her a moment later, her body still pulsating around him. The pleasure he experienced with Sabrina brought him closer to Heaven than he ever dared hope to get again.

  Chapter Eight


  Standing in front of Sabrina’s house, Bryce didn’t bother ringing the bell a second time. After the first ring went unanswered, he knew Sabrina was gone and he had a damn good idea where she went. No doubt she ran right to Setheus, which put her out of his reach—at least for now.

  Muttering a curse, he knew he’d scared the hell out of her last night. He’d also come as close to death as a human could at the hands of an angel. Bryce knew all that had saved him was the law preventing a Seraphim from attacking a human. Once he made a move for the stones, Setheus would no longer be bound by God’s law. Given the rage he’d seen reflected in Setheus’ eyes last night, Bryce would be as good as dead if he rushed in and tried to take the stones.

  Reluctant to make the call to his brother, Bryce contemplated not involving Colin at all. His brother was young, with a ferocious temper. It made for a combustible combination.

  Also, the truth of it was, Colin scared the shit out of him. Even as kids, Bryce had been intimidated by his brother. His brother was cold, ruthless. He used to beat up other kids just to make them bleed. Colin had treated him no different, often tormenting him to the point where Bryce would move his dresser in front of his door to block his brother from coming into his room.

  As an adult, Colin’s ruthlessness had only intensified. His obsession with the stones ran as deep as their father’s had been. It was another factor that kept Bryce from calling Colin about this unfortunate turn of events.

  Given how secure Halifax was, that put Sabrina out of his reach. The only thing keeping him from blind fury was that he now knew Sabrina was a weakness to Seth. That nugget of knowledge would benefit him down the road, so for now he’d just have to accept that she was gone.

  In the years since he’d begun researching the stones, Bryce had discovered Setheus was here in New York—right under his nose. He’d gone to Sabrina’s mother, who’d babbled endlessly about fallen angels. He’d forced her to reveal her secrets before insanity robbed what was left of her mind. The woman died a
year later. Shortly after that, Sabrina had come to the museum seeking employment.

  How serendipitous that had been. Fate had done all the work for him. All Bryce had to do was sit back and let things play out, which would bring him closer to the stones. In fact, Sabrina got him closer than he would have on his own.

  With Sabrina at Halifax, his plan had gone to shit and it pissed him off. He hadn’t expected her to run to Setheus. She’d always seemed afraid of what he—and she—was. If Bryce had learned anything about her, it was that Sabrina wasn’t the type to tuck tail and run. Yet that’s exactly what she had done. And she’d gone to the one place that would be near impossible for Bryce to get to her.

  After he walked back to his car, Bryce cast one last frustrated glance up at Sabrina’s empty house. He banged his fist on the roof of his car and shook his head before climbing in. He grabbed his cell off the passenger seat and called the only person he’d dare trust with the knowledge of the stones.

  “Why didn’t you call me last night?”

  Bryce cringed at the anger in Colin’s tone. It made him glad his brother was in Romania. With his charm and good looks, it was best Colin be the one to take out Bath-Kol. Thus far, Colin hadn’t gotten close to the enigmatic female angel.

  “I lost her.”

  “What do you mean you lost her?”

  “I lost my temper with her last night. I think she’s holed up at Halifax,” Bryce confessed.

  “With Setheus.” Colin hadn’t asked that. It was statement of fact.

  “Yes.” The frigidity in Colin’s tone chilled Bryce right down to the marrow of his bones.

  “Sabrina was the only leverage we had to use against the Seraphim.”

  “I know that, Colin.” Bryce resented Colin’s condescending tone. “Don’t worry, I’ll find a way to get to her.”

  Colin sighed long and loud, as if he were dealing with a child. “You’d better. We’ve gotten this far, Bryce. I’d hate to fail now because of your stupidity.”

  “I said I’ll find a way to get her away from Setheus.”

  “I’m giving you a week. Bryce.” Colin’s voice was calm—too calm. “Don’t make me come there.”

  Colin hung up on him. Tossing the cell back on the seat, Bryce banged his palm against the steering wheel. He didn’t want Colin here. He knew he could handle this without interference from his brother. What Colin seemed to have forgotten was, Bryce had been the one who had turned Colin’s obsession with the stones into action. He’d thought up the plan to attain the stones. He’d found the Seraphim. All Colin had done thus far was be the brawn who’d muscled information out of people Bryce couldn’t talk it out of. Without Bryce, Colin wouldn’t be privy to the power they believed they’d gain by setting free the three demons.

  As he drove down Route 71, he wracked his brain, trying to think of a way to get Sabrina away from Setheus. Nothing was impossible. It was just a matter of finding the right way.


  With Sabrina safely within the protective walls of Halifax, Seth could now afford to wait for Kael and Bath-Kol before bringing the fight to Bryce. Although his warrior’s nature demanded battle, he’d force himself to bide his time until the other Seraphim arrived. Though he knew he could take the human out alone, he’d learned eons ago never to underestimate an enemy.

  It was men like Bryce from whom the Seraphim guarded the stones. Foolish men who believed they could harness the power of Hell. What they failed to realize is that to bring forth Balian would be to unleash a force that could never be controlled and would ultimately overtake the world and create a second Hell on Earth. Humanity would be eradicated.

  Preventing such a catastrophe was what had compelled Seth to fall from grace. He’d given up Heaven to protect humanity, and in doing so, he’d discovered what it was to be human.

  Standing out on the balcony, Seth felt the weight of the night upon him. He’d almost forgotten what the sun felt like shining down on him. What he hadn’t forgotten, and what he still felt keenly, was the separation from the Father. Though he had chosen to fall, had gladly accepted the honor of becoming a Seraphim, there were times he wished—just for a single moment—to feel God’s grace once more.

  There were advantages to taking human form, which Seth indulged in often enough to keep the loneliness at bay. Women were attracted to him and it was more than just because of his looks. Given what he was, what they felt toward him was an almost animal attraction.

  With Sabrina, it ran deeper than that. Their souls were connected. Seth had felt her soul move through him at the moment of her birth. From that point on, he’d bided his time, patiently waiting for her to come to him.

  Going back into his room, Seth looked at Sabrina still asleep on the bed. He couldn’t blame her for her exhaustion. He’d kept her up half the night and most of the day loving her body—just as he’d imagined doing for years.

  Once back inside the bedroom, he left open the curtains that usually shut out the light and took a moment to admire the sight of her sleeping.

  Sprawled out on her stomach, Sabrina was barely covered by the black sheet. Seth stepped lightly toward her, loving the scent of her that filled him the closer he got. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Seth placed his hand on Sabrina’s back. She shifted but didn’t wake. He ran his palm over her smooth skin, the feel of her arousing him. He reached for her hair, pushing it aside to place a kiss at the nape of her neck.

  She sighed deeply and slowly rolled onto her back. “Hi.”

  Her smile wrapped around his heart. “Good evening.”

  Sabrina laughed as she wrapped the sheet around herself. Seth found her modesty—misplaced as it was—adorable. “If you hadn’t kept me awake all night and day I might have woken up sooner.”

  “Are you complaining?”

  She snorted. “Hardly.”

  Brushing the hair away from her face, Seth marveled at the flush of her cheeks and the swell of her lips. Her beauty astounded him. “Good, because I plan on having you beneath me all night and day again.”

  Her lips parted and her heartbeat quickened. The scent of her arousal came to him, heightening his own. “That’s too bad.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Her sly smile stopped his frown. “I don’t plan on staying beneath you this time.”

  Growling, Seth reached for her. He fully intended for her to prove her boast but she pushed him away. “Toothpaste and a shower first. Okay?”

  Seth moved back with a laugh. “Make it quick.”

  Sabrina bounded off the bed with amazing agility. The sheet trailed behind her as she stalked across the room. “I plan to.”

  While Sabrina took her shower, Seth went down to a locked room at the end of the long corridor off of the foyer. Inside the circular room, paintings stared down at him. They depicted the fall of Lucifer and the victory of Heaven. Daniel had commissioned Michelangelo to paint them, although you’d never read about these in any history book. They were brought to life in stunning color and vivid detail. So remarkable were they that Seth often found himself lost in the paintings.

  He’d been among the number to cast Lucifer and his minions out of Heaven. He’d battled the demons back down to Hell, shedding his blood for the glory of God. After Lucifer was thrown down into the pit, Setheus had taken a place at the right side of the Throne, honored for his loyalty.

  Set on a marble pedestal was a plain wooden box. He brought the box up to Sabrina’s room, where he found Sabrina finished with her shower. Perched on the edge of the bed wearing nothing but a towel, she was truly a sight to behold as she brushed out her damp hair. After setting the box on the bed, Seth sat beside her. She smiled after he took the brush from her and continued to run it through her hair. He doubted she got as much pleasure from the simple task as he did.

  “What’s in the box?”

  “You’ll see.”

  “Should I be worried at your cryptic tone?”

  “No. I promise this is something you’ll li

  Seth forced her to turn, putting her back to him. No one had ever pampered her before and found the rhythmic action soothing. Her contentment seeped into him, adding to his own. Only after he finished his task and set the brush down did Sabrina point to the box and ask him about its contents. He opened it and pulled out ten scrolls.

  After Seth handed the scrolls to her, Sabrina stared at them blankly for a moment.

  “What are these?”

  “Daniel was a record keeper. He penned these after his fall to Earth.” Sabrina’s jaw dropped in shock but she quickly recovered. “I can’t bring him back for you, but I can share his memories with you.”

  “Seth…my God.” She shook her head and clutched the scrolls to her chest. “Thank you.”

  He leaned in and kissed her. “You’re welcome.” Her smile was magical. “Take your time with them and come find me in the den when you’re finished.”

  “Wait.” He went to get off the bed but she grabbed his arm. “Will you stay with me?”

  Her shy question was a caress upon his soul. “Of course I’ll stay with you, Sabrina.”

  Sabrina didn’t bother hiding her relief at having Seth remain with her. She needed him for this. She needed his strength as the life of her father was slowly revealed to her. Together, over the next few hours, they pored through Daniel’s scrolls. Sabrina had a million questions, many of which Seth answered and some of which he admitted he simply couldn’t. There were certain aspects of his world that he couldn’t share with her. Not because he chose not to, but because there were some secrets of Heaven that simply weren’t meant for even a nephilim to know.

  Daniel’s struggle to deal with the absence of God brought her to tears. His profound love for her mother made her heart ache. And his joy at knowing he and Sylvia had created life together brought her closer to her father than she dreamed possible.

  Through the scrolls, Sabrina learned who her father had been in Heaven and the man he’d been on Earth. She finally knew who Daniel was and she was proud that he was her father.


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