A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books
Page 79
Shakespeare, William, Devonshire quartos (cont.) Romeo and Juliet bad quarto, 190; Second Folio (1632), 260, 417, 521, 527–28; Sonnets (first edition), 190; The Tempest, 48–49, 92–93; Third Folio (1664), 260, 521, 527–28; Titus Andronicus, 199
Sharpe, John L. III, 509–11
Sharpe, Kevin, 91
Shaw, George Bernard, 317 John Bull’s Other Island, 325
Shelf of Old Books, A (Fields), 41–42
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 533
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 177, 211, 367, 413
Sherburn, George, 194–95
Sherman, William T., 427
Shinn, James, 484–87, 518
Shinn Lists, The (Moffett), 484–85
Shipton, Clifford K., 145
Shirley, Betsy B., 376–82
Shurtleff, Nathaniel B., 140
Silber, John, 342–46
Silex Scintillans (Vaughan), 142
Silver, Amy, 321–23
Silver, Louis H., 320–21
Silverado Museum, 454–57
Silver collection, 320–26
Silverstone, Marilyn, 255
Simms, William Gillmore, 282
Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 340, 383, 388
Sinnette, Elinor Des Verney, 394–96
Sipper, Ralph B., 279, 283–84, 435
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, 90
Sir Thomas More Medal for Book Collecting, 452–54
Six Days of the Condor (Grady), 366
Skinner, Mark, 166
Skolnik, Sorell and Nathan, 391–92
Skookum: An Oregon Primer of a Family’s History and Lore (Applegate), 476–78
“Sleep and Poetry” (Keats), 41
Sloan, Dorothy, 495
Smith, Adam, 533
Smith, Andrew, 460
Smith, George D., 175–76, 180–84, 186, 194–96, 205
Smith, Gertrude, 533
Smith, Harry B., 39, 350
Smith, Jessie Wilcox, 379
Smith, John, 4, 165, 511
Smith, Matthew, 365
Smith, Perry H., 166
Smith, Rita, 368, 370–372, 374–75
Smith, Samuel H., 149, 152
Smith College, 390
Societies of collectors, 154–55
“Some Racial Peculiarities of the Negro Brain” (Bean), 395
Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience (Blake), 44, 187, 251–52
Sonnets from the Portuguese (E. B. Browning), 219
Sorenson, Lee, 319
Sotheby’s, 5, 123, 185, 207, 210–11, 215, 226, 228, 234, 238, 524–25
Sound and the Fury, The (Faulkner), 293, 298–99
Southeast Missouri State University, 293, 298–99
Southey, Robert, 330
Space Child’s Mother Goose (Winsor), 379
Sparks, Jared, 160
Speculum humanae Salvationis, 128
Spencer Collection, 547n
Spencer, George, 115
Spenser, Edmund, 209, 216
Spingarn, Arthur, 396–97
Spy, The (Cooper), 378
Spy of the Rebellion (Pinkerton), 364
The Squatters (Stevenson), 454
Squier collection, 171
Stained Glass of William Morris, The (Sewter), 451
Staley, Thomas F., 314, 331, 335, 349, 353–54
Stamperia Valdonega, 254
Stanford University, 426
Starling, Kenyon, 424–26
Starr, Hubert, 294
Starrett, Vincent, 213
Steinbeck, John, 284, 414, 425–26
Stevens, Henry, 140–41, 153–54, 159, 161– 66, 171, 263–64
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 377, 454–56
A Child’s Garden of Verses, 455; An Inland Vogage 455; The Master of Ballantrae, 455; The Squatters, 454
Stilwell, Margaret, 273
Stockhausen collection, 336–37
Stockton, Frank, 404–5
Stoddard, Roger E., 157, 193, 316, 467
Stoker, Bram, 527
Stone, Phil and Emily, 296
Stoneman, William P., 265
Stonyhurst Gospel, 16
Story of Dr. Dolittle, The (Lofting), 378
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 427, 512
Strabo, 65
Strata, Filippo di, 80
Stravinsky, Igor, 437
Streetcar Named Desire, A (Williams), 434
Streeter, Thomas W., 221, 260, 306, 415–16, 491–92
Strouse, Norman H., 452–56
Subiaco, Lactantius, 183
Sucker’s Progress (Asbury), 406
Suetonius, 67
Sullivan, David, 426
Sullivan, Louis, 309
“Sun and the Moon, when nearing the Horizon, appearing larger, The” (Logan), 132
Surplusage, 142
Surveys, of library holdings, 155–56
Suzannet Dickens Collection, 424
Swann Galleries, 231, 285, 294, 439–40
Swanson, Gloria, 340, 347
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 166
Swift, Jonathan, 108
Scott’s biography of, 187
Sydney, Robert, 183
Symonds, John Addington, 81–82
Symons, A. J. A., 52–53
Symons, Julian, 53
Szathmary, Louis I. II, 357–62
Szathmary Culinary Arts Collection, 358–59, 361–62
Tabor, Stephen, 417
Tabulae Astronomicae (Halley), 132
Annals, 75–76; History, 75–76
Tale of Peter Rabbit, The (Potter), 532
Tale of Two Cities, A (Dickens), 421
Tales of Peter Parley About America (Goodrich), 379
Tamerlane and Other Poems (Poe), 5, 142, 195, 213, 336–37, 421–23, 522, 527
Tanselle, G. Thomas, 317
Taper, Louise, 426–32
Tarkington, Booth, 279, 379
Taylor, Edward, 306
Taylor, Isaac, 71
Taylor, Michael, 507–8, 517
Taylor, Peter, 284
Taylor, Robert H., 18–19, 142, 221
Teeuwe, Brian, 473, 479, 484, 494, 505
Tempest, The (Shakespeare), 48–49, 92–93
Temple Franklin, William, 136–37, 179
Tenniel, John, 4
Tennyson, Alfred, 42, 187
Terkel, Studs, 406
Ternaux-Compans, M., 160
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 176–77
Theocritus, 63
Theodoric, 70
Thomas, Benjamin Franklin, 3, 147
Thomas, Dylan, 317, 423
Thomas, Isaiah, 3, 144–48, 302, 379
Thomas à Kempis, 238
Thomas Aquinas, 270
Thomason, George, 96–99
Thomason Collection of Civil War Tracts, 96–99
Thompson, Jean, 381
Thompson, Lawrence S., 34–35
Thoughts and Adventures (Churchill), 42–43
Ticknor, George, 157, 159
Tick of The Clock, The (Asbury), 406
Timaeus, 58–59
Timon of Philius, 64
Tin Can Tree, The (Tyler), 433
Tinker, Chauncey Brewster, 193
Titus Andronicus (Shakespeare), 199
To an Illiterate Book Fancier (Lucian of Samosata), 60
Tom Jones (Fielding), 536n
Tom Swift and his Motor-Cycle (Applegate), 378
Toovey library, 183
Translation, 64
Treaty of Paris, 273
Trent 1475 (Hsia), 46
Trollope, Anthony, 426
Trübner, Nicholas, 158
Trumbaur, Horace, 189
Trumbull, J. Hammond, 166
Tucker, Jerry, 466–67, 510
Turner, Decherd, 348–49
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 13
Turner, John, 572n
Turner, Justin, 428–29
Twain, Mark. See Clemens, Samuel
Tweed, John, 455
/> Tyler, Anne, 280, 433
Tyndale, William, 563n–64n
Typee (Melville), 417
Ulysses (Joyce), 40
Uncle Remus, His Songs and His Sayings: The Folk-lore of the Old Plantation (Harris), 379
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 512
Uncollected Stories of John Cheever, The (Cheever), 281
Underbidder principle, 438–39
Underground Railroad, The (Blockson), 401
United States Revenue Stamps, 303
University of Arizona, 319, 470
University of California, Berkeley, 172, 411, 453
University of California, Los Angeles, 411, 466, 513
University of California, Riverside, 418, 466, 472–73
University of California, Santa Cruz, 453
University of Chicago, 168–69, 337
University of Cincinnati, 466, 469, 513
University of Colorado, 512
University of Florida, 368–75
University of Georgia, 488
University of Idaho, 513
University of Iowa, 358
University of Massachusetts, 390
University of Michigan, 466
University of Minnesota, 466, 502
University of New Mexico, 466
University of Oregon, 466, 476–78, 513
University of San Francisco, 452
University of Southern California, 466, 473, 493, 512–13
University of Texas, 307
Humanities Research Center, 312–54
University of Virginia, 297
University of Washington, 474
University of Wisconsin, 466
Unnamable, The (Beckett), 318
Unpublishable Memoirs, The (Rosenbach), 215
Updike, John, 54–55, 280, 282, 284
Up from Methodism (Asbury), 406
Uris, William, 390
Uzanne, Octave, 11
Valdarfer, Christopher, 114
Valdarfer Boccaccio, 114–16
Valéry, Paul, 351–52
Van Buitenen, J. A. B., 258
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 141, 166
Van Gogh, Vincent, 355–56
Vanity Fair (Thackeray), 176–77
Van Sinderen, Adrian, 293
Van Veen, Otto, 287–88
Van Wingen, Peter, 4
Varro, Marcus, 64, 67, 74
Vatican Library, 29, 78
Vaughan, Henry, 142
Vello-maniac, 120–21
Venice, publishing in, 79–80
Verlaine, Paul, 350
Verona, Gaspar da, 78
Vesalius, Andreas, 238, 458–59
Vespucci, Amerigo, 162. See also Italian Vespucci
Victoria and Albert Museum, 450
Vietor, Harold D., 479, 496, 509, 517
Vincente, Don, 33–34
Virgil, 71, 82
Virgin and the Gipsy, The (Lawrence), 318
Vision of Piers Plowman, The (Langford), 90
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr., 284
Vosper, Robert, 20–21
Wagner, Henry R., 493
Wagner, Richard, 437
Waiting for Godot (Beckett), 318
Waldron, Martin, 330–31
Walker, Frank, 333
Walker, Margaret, 406
Walpole, Horace, 23–24
Walton, A. Lester, 397
Walton, Izaak, 43
Wanley, Humfrey, 107–8, 267
Warhol, Andy, 291–92
Warner, Charles Dudley, 427
Warren, Robert Penn, 284
Washington, George, 143, 362, 379, 442
announcement of election of, 437; copy of The Federalist, 155, 331; letter from Valley Forge, 439; letter to Drayton, 364; maps owned by, 489; proclamation of Thanksgiving, 439
Washington Library, 153–54
Washington State University, 466
Watch papers, 290
Watkinson Library, 165
Watt (Beckett), 318
Waugh, Evelyn, 314, 347
Waxman, David, 254–55
Wayne State University, 466
Wealth of Nations (Smith), 533
Weaver, Rick, 489
Webb, Mary, 406
Weber, Max, 347
Webfoot Diary, 476
Webster, Daniel, 152
Webster, Paul Francis, 421
Wedding March from Lohengrin (Wagner), 437
Weiner, Norman S., 27–30
Weinstein, Ben, 411–14
Weinstein, Lou, 411–14, 527, 532
Weissman, Steve, 532
Wells, James M., 324
Welty, Eudora, 284
West, Andrew Fleming, 86
Wharton, Edith, 414
Wheatley, Henry B., 101
Where the Wild Things Are (Sendak), 378
Whiston, John, 131–32
White, E. B., 378
White, William A., 199
White Fang (London), 532
Whitehill, Walter, 193
Whitman, Walt, 30, 533
Whitney, Gertrude Vanderbilt, 141
Widener, Eleanor Elkins, 185–89
Widener, Harry Elkins, 181, 185–87
Widener, Joseph, 181, 198
Widener, Peter A. B., 187
Wilde, Oscar, 314, 317, 330, 356, 527
Wilhilde, Elizabeth, 447
Wilkins, Charles, 148
Willdorf, Morris and Sarah, 392
William C. Clements Library of American History, 19
Williams, Garth, 379
Williams, L. Paul, 73
Williams, Roger, 129
Williams, Tennessee, 284, 314, 434
Williams, Virgil, 455
Williams, William Carlos, 284
William Shakespeare’s small Latine and lesse Greeke (Baldwin), 371
William Shakspere’s Petty School (Baldwin), 371
Willingham, Robert J. “Skeet,” 488–90
Winship, George Parker, 162, 191–93, 552n
Winsor, Frederick, 379
Winsor, Justin, 187
Winthrop, John, 129, 164
Wisconsin State Historical Society, 466
Wise, Thomas J., 39–40, 314 forgeries by, 218–20
Wishing Tree, The (Faulkner), 297–98
Wisse, Ruth R., 385, 387
Wizard of Oz, The (Baum), 378, 381, 532
Wodehouse, P. G., 416
Wolf, Clarence, 532
Wolf, Edwin 2nd, 40, 130, 137, 187, 264
Wolff, Robert Lee, 349
Women in Love (Lawrence), 318
Wonder-Book for Boys and Girl (Hawthorne), 379
Woodson, Carter G., 402
Worde, Wynkyn de, 104, 177
Works of Geoffrey Chaucer (Kelmscott Press), 324, 444–47, 532
Wormser, Richard S., 196
Wrenn, John Henry, 314
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 309
Wright, Louis B., 326
Wright, Richard, 284, 406
Wroth, Lawrence C., 5–6, 128
Württembergische Landesbibliothek, 231
Wusku Wuttestamentum nul-lordumud Jesus Christ Nuppoquohwussuaeneumun, 128. See also Eliot Indian Bible
Wyeth, N. C., 380
Wynne, Marjorie, 128, 451
Xenophon, 59
Yale, Elihu, 127–28
Yale College, 156
Yale University, 127–28, 141, 165–66, 189, 193, 203, 366, 384, 392, 493
Adrian Van Sinderen Award, 292–93
Yates, Frances, 93
Yearling, The (Rawlings), 378
Yeats, William Butler, 239, 446
Ye Olde Fire Laddies (Asbury), 406
Yerby, Frank, 406
Yiddish cultural preservation, 383–94
Young, George B., 324
Young, Owen D., 210, 212–14
Young Child’s ABC, The, 379
Zamorano 80, 492–94
Zamorano, Don Augustin, 493
Zamorano Club, 466, 492–93
Zeitlin, Jake, 317, 411r />
Zenodotus, 63
Zinman, Michael, 301–7
Zinman Collection of Pornography, 307
Nicholas Basbanes
Nicholas A. Basbanes is the author of eight books about various aspects of books and book culture. His first, A Gentle Madness, was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award in 1995, and was named a New York Times Notable Book of the Year. An award-winning investigative reporter during the early 1970s, Basbanes was literary editor of the Worcester Sunday Telegram from 1978 to 1991, and for the next eight years wrote a nationally syndicated column on books and authors. His work on Common Bond: Stories of a World Awash in Paper, was supported in part by a 2008 National Endowment for the Humanities Research Fellowship, and will be published by Alfred A. Knopf. Basbanes lectures widely on book-related subjects, reviews for the Los Angeles Times, and writes a featured column for Fine Books & Collections magazine. He and his wife Constance live in Massachusetts.