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[In Distress 02.0] In Pain

Page 24

by Caethes Faron

  “So Kaleana was killed just to see how I’d react?”

  “Yes. I hope you’ll let it stoke your hatred for this system and focus you on the task at hand. We will succeed. That I promise you. Before I leave this earth, the entire caste system will burn.”

  “Oh, yes, it will.” Steely determination filled every part of Malcolm.

  “Wait,” Will said, “so you’d kill an innocent Zed?”

  A flicker of something passed through Walken’s eyes. “I didn’t have a choice. The DGI needed assurances that Malcolm held no love for Zeds, that he wasn’t doing exactly what he is. I convinced them to kill whichever one he didn’t go with. I knew he’d choose to stay with you. So be happy I gave you that much, Malcolm. This way you had a choice.”

  He wouldn’t let Walken drag him back down into the pit of guilt. Yes, he’d had a choice, but only in name. Nothing had been in his control. At least he knew that together he and Will would ensure Kaleana hadn’t died in vain. “So what now?”

  “Now we can move forward at a quicker pace than before.”

  “What are your plans?”

  “First, I’m going to get myself appointed to the board.”

  “And how will you manage that? You’re still an outsider. The board is made up of Alphas.”

  “I have my ways. I’ve been collecting information, making friends, planting seeds. It’s almost time for my harvest.”

  “And what ways do you have that revealed my involvement in the movement?”

  “Oh, I think you’re more than just involved. It was actually quite a surprise. You’ve done a good job maintaining your cover. If I hadn’t seen how protective you are of this boy, I would have believed in your cruelty. You and I have a mutual acquaintance. Marcy, I believe her name is. If I’m not mistaken, she works in your home.”

  The shock momentarily stunned Malcolm. What possible connection could Walken have with Marcy? He’d trusted Marcy like a member of his own family. She didn’t even know of Malcolm’s involvement. “I don’t understand.”

  “I don’t know her directly, you see. Her brother works in the city hospital, in the maternity ward, to be exact. The Spark of Life Movement is not the only front I’m interested in manning. I’ve worked closely with some Betas for quite some time to expand a smuggling operation to get Zed babies to safety. We can’t do many, but we do some. Marcy lends a helping hand when she can. Talking to her brother, I discovered quite some time ago that the formidable, cruel Malcolm Price was playing house with his Zeds. Really, it’s the kind of sentimental thing I thought only existed in fairy stories. That was my first clue, so I decided to follow it up with a little experiment. When you left one of my parties and were spotted going into my office by one of my Zeds, I knew.”

  “And here I thought I had been so clever.”

  “Don’t be hard on yourself. You wouldn’t have been caught except for the fact that I needed confirmation. If I hadn’t taken the unusual step of having Alisha watch my office door through a peephole, I would have never known. I do hope the hack proved useful to you.”

  “It did.”

  “Good. I want to give you as much as I can, but even my access is quite limited. The DGI is very compartmentalized for many reasons. Everyone wants power, and that means keeping others in the dark. I often don’t know much more than what I’m specifically assigned to do.”

  “And what is that?”

  “I do research on animals, testing how introducing different genetic mutations affects them. I assume my research is then used to perform tests on human subjects, but I have no part in that. I don’t have any firm idea of what happens to my findings once they leave my department. If you were hoping that I’d act as a key into the DGI, I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

  “So that’s why you want on the board.”

  “Yes. It’ll give me more knowledge than I have now. But that’s not the endgame. I plan to be appointed Nicodemus’s successor.”

  Malcolm had known Nicodemus for years. The man exuded power and corruptness. “He won’t let go of that position until he’s dead.”

  “He’ll relinquish it to me. If that requires his death, then I’m not above that.”

  So it wasn’t just Zeds he was willing to see die. At least he was an equal-opportunity killer. “If you like, I can start helping you out there. Nicodemus has always liked me for some reason. A few well-placed whispers in his ear might smooth the way.”

  “Yes, I was hoping you might be able to do something. Now that we’re doing business together officially with the patent, our acquaintance isn’t a strange one.”

  “Consider it done. Now, what else can you give us?”

  “I was hoping you might be able to give me something.”

  “I’m afraid I’m but a solitary cog in a movement that is much bigger than myself. I do what I can, but that’s really constrained to the collars.”

  “How is that project coming?”

  “It’s working well. I’m told we’re getting the same information the Geneticists have.”

  “I’d like to work out a new form of communication so that we can speak more directly. We can have more of these meetings as necessary, but too many may rouse suspicion eventually.”

  “Yes, I’ll have Will set you up with an alias and connect you to our secure messenger.”

  “Good. That should make things move faster.”

  “I’m interested in the serum.” Malcolm couldn’t leave without first finding out if Walken could be any help to them there.

  “I can see what I can find out. It’s not under my direct supervision, so I doubt I’ll be much help.”

  “You’ve gotten us reports from the EZD,” Will said.

  “Yes, but those aren’t as secure. I’ll do what I can though without compromising myself. We all need to think big picture. I won’t sate idle curiosity at the price of not destroying the DGI. I’m a man of singular ambition. My goal to destroy the DGI happens to align with yours. I hold no ideological dogma, no plans for the future other than that I will see this world stripped of the abomination the Geneticists have perpetuated.”

  “Then we are in agreement.” Something about the madness in Walken’s expression put Malcolm at unease. Malcolm wanted the system destroyed, but he also had a family to think about. He was in this to see them freed. It appeared Walken was in it just to see it burn. “I’ll leave you now.” Malcolm stood, and Will joined him. “If you’ll keep your security cameras off, I’ll go remove the device I put in your office. Within the next day, you’ll receive instructions for how to communicate with me further.”

  “Yes, I’ll have Bridget here walk with you so you aren’t questioned. Not everyone is aware of your purpose.”

  Malcolm nodded. “Good day.”

  “Here, let me show you to his office.” Bridget led the way, although Malcolm needed no directions.

  As soon as she opened the door to the office, Malcolm strode to the desk and disengaged the underside panel that housed the components for the computer and Glass surface. It didn’t take long to find the device and replace the panel. He put the chip, which was smaller than a fingernail, into his pocket. “Everything is back as it should be.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Price, and you too, Will, for everything. He’s wanted this for so long. We all have. I didn’t ever think we could actually succeed though. I’ve always indulged his fantasies, but I’ve never really believed in them until now. With someone of your standing helping us, with you controlling the collars, I know it’s going to happen. I know you’ll take it off of me.”

  “I’m afraid it’s not that simple. We don’t actually control them.”

  “Don’t worry, Bridget, we won’t let you down.” Will eyed Malcolm in reproof.

  The confidence Will had in Malcolm continually humbled him. They made their way back outside, the bright light of the sun causing Malcolm to squint after the artificial light of Walken’s home. As he got behind the wheel of his car, he vowed that before this was
over, Walken would pay for what he had done to Will and the life he had stolen from Kaleana. They might be allies for the time being, but it wouldn’t always be so.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Will reeled at the information he had learned. When he had badgered Malcolm to come to Walken’s, he’d had no idea what kind of surprises he was in for. The knowledge of Walken’s past—his birth as a Beta and his motivation to join the movement—should have been enough of a surprise. Will had known going in that he’d be shocked by any reason a Geneticist would give for joining the movement. What had been entirely unexpected was to learn that the baby-smuggling operations, which had up until this point been just rumor, were in fact reality. Furthermore, to learn that Marcy, someone whom he saw every day, was involved with the operation was entirely unexpected.

  When they got back to the house, Will ran up to the office. As soon as he unlocked the computer, he pulled up Marcy’s personnel file. He knew she had taken time off recently, and it gave Will a thought. Looking through the file and seeing all the days she had taken off, he saw them in a new light. Had each of these times been to enable her to smuggle a Zed baby out of New Cali? The thought stunned him. She and Jess had always done such a good job of taking care of him and the others, she was always there in the background taking care of everything, but it was hard to imagine that when she went home at night she was taking care of yet more people. He had never heard her speak about her brother. In fact, he hadn’t heard her speak about much of anything that happened outside of the house. He wondered if Jess was involved as well.

  “What are you doing?” Malcolm asked.

  “I was looking through Marcy’s personnel file. She hasn’t taken off as much time as I had expected. Still, to think that when she requested time off earlier that it could have been to help the baby-smuggling operation…I just don’t know what to think about that.”

  “I always suspected that Marcy was sympathetic. It’s part of why I hired her. She’s always had a soft spot for Zeds and for Beta mothers who have lost their babies to become Zeds. In fact…” Malcolm’s eyes got a faraway look, as if he were thinking about something in the past. With a little shake of his head, he began to speak again. “I wonder if her baby was smuggled out. Or perhaps that’s how she met Jess. I knew Jess had lost a baby, and Marcy is the one who recommended her to me. I think it’s time we have a chat with Marcy and see exactly what’s going on.”

  “Yes, but what can we tell her? She might not even know that Walken is involved. And she supposedly doesn’t know that we’re involved in the movement either. How can we tell her without rousing her suspicions?”

  “She knows enough of my character to know about my feelings for Zeds. A woman doesn’t cook three square meals a day for a table full of Zeds and not understand the Alpha’s feelings on the matter. We don’t need to tell her how we found out or anything more than that we know. It would be good to find out what we can from her about the operation and make sure she understands that we’re willing to help out as much as possible.”

  “All right, I’ll send her a message that we want to speak privately. Maybe we should do it now, before lunch.”

  “Ask her to meet us in the sunroom. I doubt anyone’s in there.”

  Will sent the message and waited for a reply. “I know you’re upset with him, and I don’t exactly like him either, but with Walken on our side, this is really going to happen. Once he gets appointed to the board, we’ll be able to get a lot more information.” The meeting with Walken had done nothing to lessen Will’s distaste for the man. However, he couldn’t deny the appeal of having such a fervent and highly placed ally.

  “Oh, I intend to use him for all he’s worth. But make no mistake, when this is over, he will pay for what he’s done, Will. That’s nonnegotiable.”

  Will could forgive Walken for what he had done to him. He didn’t have any particular wish for Malcolm to exact revenge for that sin, even though he knew he would. But he couldn’t forgive Walken for what had happened to Kaleana. And he couldn’t expect Malcolm to, either. Will wanted the success of the movement more than almost anything. He would fight every moment of his life, give his very last breath to the cause to see the collar removed from his neck and the necks of all Zeds, but he could not and would not condone the killing of innocents, especially Zeds.

  Will got a message from Marcy saying she’d meet them in the sunroom in five minutes. Will locked up his computer, and he and Malcolm made their way downstairs. When they entered the sunroom, Will was surprised to see Rufus sitting across from Marcy. He hadn’t thought anyone would be in here, but it was nice to see him out and about and not just content in his room or working.

  Rufus sat looking out the window at Kaleana’s memorial. Malcolm gestured to Marcy to come sit with him and Will outside of Rufus’s line of sight. They’d be able to have their discussion in private without disturbing Rufus.

  “Did your recent leave go well?” Malcolm asked.

  Marcy relaxed back into her seat. “Yes, it was quite nice. Thank you for asking. I appreciate your giving me the time off. I know it probably wasn’t the best time.”

  Marcy seemed so at ease that Will knew she had no idea what was coming. In fact, he didn’t know how Malcolm would broach the subject with her.

  “Marcy, you’ve worked for me a long time. I hope in that time you’ve learned I’m a fair and rational man.”

  “Of course.” A little concern entered her eyes at that.

  “I have reason to believe that you’re involved with smuggling newborn Zeds out of New Cali.” Malcolm held up his hand to stall the retort she appeared ready to make. “Now, before you say anything, I just want you to know that if this is true, I’d like to help, and if it’s not true, then I’ll just go back to believing the entire operation is nothing more than an ill-founded rumor.”

  Marcy’s face softened from the defensiveness it had taken at his first sentence. “That’s very kind of you. I can’t say much, but that’s very kind.”

  “Is that what this time off was for?” Will asked.

  “Yes. I was needed at the last minute.”

  “If you ever need time off in the future for this, you can just tell me. Only Malcolm and I know. I’ll make sure you get it off.”

  “Yes, and I’ll want to know as far in advance as possible so I can prepare some supplies to send with you. In fact, Will and I will come up with some kits that you can disperse to whomever the other volunteers are. You’ll need medical supplies, and we’ve got that in abundance. If there’s anything specific you can think of, let me know. You don’t need to worry about suspicion. This compound is big enough that we can hide any purchases. Nothing would seem out of the ordinary. We could order extra supplies for the nursery.”

  Malcolm’s compound really was like a small city. Since all the Beta workers lived on site, a school and nursery were available for the children. Will hadn’t even thought about that since he never really interacted with any of the children. “He’s right. I’ll take a look at the current order volume for the nursery and see what we can do as far as food, clothing, blankets, those sorts of things.”

  “Thank you. Really, you don’t have to do this. I thought you might respond this way. It’s why I never mentioned it before. I didn’t want to put you at any risk. I know you’re already doing plenty with Panacea getting healthcare to the poor.”

  Will had to rein in his instinct to laugh. If only Marcy knew that her activity with the smuggling operation was about the least risky thing going on at the compound.

  “You’re not putting anyone at risk, Marcy,” Malcolm said.

  “Do you mind telling us how you got involved?” Will’s curiosity was stoked by the knowledge of Marcy’s own little girl who had been taken away as a Zed. He had wanted to tell her that they already knew of her brother’s involvement, but he didn’t know if it was prudent.

  “Well, there have been rumors for as long as I can remember. After my Hope was born, I was devastate
d. I needed to know if it was real, even though it was already too late for Hope. I knew if I didn’t do something, my grief would destroy me. So I did some digging along with some friends of mine and was able to get involved. I found out that Hope had been one of the babies saved. Mothers usually aren’t told. It’s too risky. When there’s an opportunity to get one out, we take it. It’s been a pretty small operation until recently.”

  “All this time I thought you had made peace with losing your daughter,” Will said. “When you first told me about her, you seemed resigned to her fate. But you knew she was safe.”

  “Yes. I miss her dearly, but I at least know she’s safe. I try to picture her sitting around her own dining-room table, eating with friends and family.”

  “Why don’t you join her?” Will didn’t understand what kept her here.

  “It’s not allowed. Even if we removed the Beta chips from our necks, the people at the other end won’t take a Beta or an adult. They can only help so many people. If Betas started disappearing or questions were raised, it could endanger the entire community of people who take the children. It’s a sacrifice, but a small one given the alternative. We’re just grateful that anyone’s willing to take in a baby.”

  “How much does Jess know?” Will asked.

  “She knows about as much as I do. She tries to help when and how she can.”

  “Was Jess’s baby able to get out?” Malcolm asked.

  “Yes. I helped her. Even knowing that her baby is safe, it still crushed her just the same. A baby’s rightful place is in his mother’s arms, nowhere else.”

  “You’re absolutely right, Marcy. You can let her know that we know. If she needs anything, she shouldn’t hesitate to ask.”

  “I’ll make sure to do that. If there’s nothing else, I need to go help Jess with lunch.”


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