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Page 8

by Carys Weldon

  She shook her head. “Giselle is Hood’s woman.”

  That made no sense to me. “I thought--”

  “Oh, he has sex with me. And everybody else, too. But he doesn’t care about the rest of us. Now, if you slept with Giselle, he might just kill you.”

  A second later, she said, “Correction. He would kill you.”

  “How long have they been together?”

  “Off and on for a while.”

  “How long a while?”

  I was thinking about Bark. Had he stepped into bad territory with Hood? Over Giselle?

  “You’ll have to ask her, to get the exact date.” She pushed me out of her way, hopped down, and reached into her pocket, pulling out a tie belt. She slipped it on while I watched. Apparently, my questions bothered her.

  “It irritates you that I asked?”

  “Everybody wants to know, and it’s nobody’s business.” Amber reached up and pushed her hair out of her face. “I’ll tell you one thing...Hood never had eyes for anybody like he’s got for Giselle, and she’s got him coming and going.”

  “They’re playing games with each other or what?”

  She groaned. “I can’t tell who’s playing and who’s serious.”

  “What are you doing?”

  She edged toward the door. “Playing.” With a grin, she said, “Let me see if I can find you something to wear.”

  Left alone, I thought, What world did I step off into?

  So now I had to wonder if Hood had been responsible for my brother’s disappearance. Bark and Giselle had spent quite a bit of time bouncing off one another, if I remembered right. I’d just been happy that he’d been with a natural garou.

  I put a hand to my forehead. I was a fucking idiot. Bark had to know that Giselle wasn’t. He’d spent too much time with her. No wonder his interest had clung longer to her than anyone before or since. “What did you get us into, Bark?”

  If he’d walked in right then, I would have killed him.

  Thank Gaia Amber returned swiftly with an armful of clothes. She said, “Hood’s coming down the hall. Be quick.”

  I was, but my hands shook. I wondered what the confrontation would be like.

  * * * * * *

  Hood arrived before I did. When I came out of the bathroom, he and the others were standing stiffly over by the seating area. I wish I’d been trying to tune in. It had never occurred to me to try and listen. I’d just been getting dressed as fast as I could. The clothes fit fine. In fact, so fine that you would not have guessed that they weren’t mine--which made me question the depth of the deception I was dealing with. Amber had been prepared for the event that I would morph?

  Displeasure marred my face as I came out of the men’s room, looking for her, tugging at the shirt cuffs. It wasn’t the same shade of suit I’d worn in the door, but very close. I liked dark blue, always wore a red tie.

  All eyes were on me the minute I came out. I rolled my shoulders and said, “Hood,” extending my hand, “Nice of you to join us.”

  He took my offering, no smile on his face or in his eyes. “I was just going to say the same.”

  “Bad breakfast.” I flashed some teeth.

  His free hand swung around and grabbed my elbow as he shook, drawing me close for a half hug. He sniffed.

  I knew what he was doing. He’d smelled Amber, nice and fresh, and was simply double-checking the info before responding. He’s nothing, if not thorough.

  When he let go of me, I felt his gaze bore into me. I remembered Frank’s comments about looking him in the eye. I didn’t have a choice. I stared him back, but it was tough. I felt more ‘seen through’ in those few seconds than all the rest of my life put together.

  He didn’t waste any time. He said, “You saw the report?”

  “Yeah. Right before you called.”

  I sniffed the air, too. Hood had the scent of every bitch within a hundred miles on him. His back was straight, and the whole Wolverine/X-men thing he had was going on big time. I glanced down at his hands, and was half-surprised to see them--almost effeminate in their human form. I knew he had some slashing claws. They were legend. He’d gutted more--

  Doesn’t matter.

  He gestured. “Why don’t we sit.” It wasn’t a question. More like an order.

  Frank dropped immediately into a chair. I got the impression he’d have rolled over belly up too, if Hood had suggested it.

  Giselle slipped, fluidly, onto the closest surface, the corner cushion of the sofa. Amber followed suit, moving to the spot next to her. That left a chair and the end of the couch open.

  There was a dilemma. Sit by the bitch that I’d probably end up dead over, where Hood could stare between us with his laser gaze--or take the chair across from her, and force him to sit close enough where he couldn’t ignore her fragrance.

  I took the chair. I figured it was closest to the door. I had a fighting chance there.

  Everyone else watched Hood.

  I, personally, hated to glance up at him from that sitting position. The minute I took a seat, I gave him control--not that he hadn’t had it before--but that was when I became ‘less than.’ Licking my lips, I thought about the politics of staying alive, and being second best, and renewed my vow--if I got out of there alive, I’d find Bark and give him back his damn job, no matter what it took. I didn’t want to deal with Hood regularly. How on earth had Bark done it? Especially with his preferences running--okay, I’ll say it--Bark had a thing for bastet whores.

  That was one step above unnaturals, wasn’t it? To tell the truth, I didn’t know any more. Thank Gaia no one could read my thoughts.

  Hood took his sweet time looking us over before he made his way to the open spot on the sofa. For a minute, there, I didn’t think he was going to sit. I thought he was going to stand over us until one of us began to babble.

  Frank, of course, was the one to crack first. He said, “Mark and I are going to Missouri when we’re done here. We’re going to check into things.”

  “I have people down there already.”

  Hood’s announcement wasn’t really a surprise. It didn’t matter that Missouri was a backwater. Lobos had people virtually everywhere.

  Amber said, “I already told them that I’d be going with them.”

  I sat forward, rubbing my hands together. I wanted to get it straight up with Hood. Suspense kills, ya know. “I’d rather she didn’t, if that’s all right with you. I see no reason for a...what are you? Pharmacist? To go with us.”

  At that, Hood appeared to relax. He chuckled even, and leaned back, crossing his legs, spreading an arm out over the back of the overstuffed leather sofa. In one smooth move, he drew her up against him, sniffing her hair, dropping a kiss to the top of her head, saying, “Amber’s much more than a pharmacist, Mark.”

  Giselle’s fingers curled up. I don’t think she realized it, but she pulled the edge of her skirt up as she did it. It drew my attention. I knew how she felt. The muscles in my arms were bulking. The hair on the back of my neck was prickling again.

  Frank kicked my foot. Accidentally, of course, and said, “Oh. I’m sorry.”

  It drew my gaze--which had been hazed over with instant fury--from Giselle’s knees. I sniffed without thinking.

  That must’ve pissed Hood off. He practically forced Amber’s head around and kissed her. Shoved his tongue down her throat.

  I jumped up off the couch, my hands bunching into fists. “I don’t have time for small talk.”

  Hood pried his lips from hers, but not too fast, and said, “You have two minutes. Sit down.”

  I sniffed again. To Amber, I said, “If you’re going with me, you better pack your shit.”

  He didn’t let her up. I could see that she tried to move from beneath his hold. Hood said, “If you tell me you want to stay here with me, I won’t make you go.”

  Everyone tensed. He was pushing all the buttons. Was he making her go, or asking her to stay? I wasn’t sure any more.

sp; Frank tried to relieve the tension. “What do you hope for her to do, if you don’t mind my asking?”

  Hood chuckled. “Amber, among other things, is a scenter.”

  Swinging his head around, Frank said, “‘Scuse me?”

  Scenters were a myth in garou legend. They had phenomenal senses. There were a myriad of tales about them, none of them believable. They could hear, smell, ten miles away, and feel without touching.

  “Sweetheart, why don’t you--” Hood spoke to Amber with that endearment, but I don’t know who tensed more: Amber, Giselle or me. “Show them some of your tricks.”

  Amber lifted her chin, making her hair fall backward. Her gaze was on me when she said, “Oh, I think I’ve done enough showing off for one morning.”

  Hood pulled her head close again and kissed her cheek. She winced, and took it. Giselle kept her eyes on Frank, but her lips were pursed. She wasn’t fooling anyone. She saw it all out of the corner of her peripheral vision, and she wanted to kill something. You could smell her raging fury.

  I guess she’d had enough by then. She stood up and said, “Mark, why don’t I show you around while Hood says goodbye to Amber...” her teeth gritted as she completed her sentence with, “properly.”

  Rounding on them, slipping her fingers into the crook of my arm, pulling me up, she smiled down at Hood and Amber. Giselle really is beautiful. And a phenomenal actress. She said without a hint more of irritation, “I’m sure you wouldn’t feel right about letting her go without a special send-off.”

  I wasn’t sure who I wanted to hurt more. Giselle? Hood? No. Amber.

  Because she smiled up at us and said, “That’s probably the best idea. Why don’t you show Mark the habitat?”

  Tightly, I said, “No thanks. I need to--”

  I didn’t count on Giselle’s persuasiveness. She looked up at me, leaning in, her breasts rubbing against my arm. I could see right down her shirt.

  What was it with the Lobos women? No bras whatsoever?

  She begged in the prettiest pout she could manage, “It’s only fair, you know, that I get a chance to show you around, too. Amber’s little tour hardly counts.”

  I didn’t want to be fair. And I’d been there before.

  I didn’t care how beautiful she was, either. Compared to Amber, Giselle is skinny. And her looks aren’t quite my taste.

  However, Frank kicked me again, under the ploy of getting out of his chair. He said, “I would love to see the habitat, Giselle.” He chuckled nervously. “You were inviting me, too, weren’t you?”

  “Of course,” Giselle didn’t miss a beat.

  Batting her pretty eyelashes at Hood, she said, “You won’t mind if I show both these men the habitat, would you?”

  You might wonder why we were messing around with this...personal business...when we had a major crisis unfolding in Missouri. I questioned it myself. I was antsy to get the hell out of there.

  But Hood’s the original mad scientist, I think. He likes having the rats under the microscope.

  You’d think he would have gotten up, too, but he didn’t. And he doesn’t hold to any human laws of morality, either. Ignoring Giselle’s question--or so it appeared--he reached up inside Amber’s legs and copped a feel. Right there in front of us.

  In fact, he readjusted to get a better angle. I don’t know why we watched. Thrill of the voyeur? Nature of the dog?

  I was unable to move. Stunned. Numb. I had never felt, in the least, jealous of any man. I screwed women and moved on. Who cared about the man stepping up after me? I never looked back.

  But this was different. I watched her lean her head back, close her eyes, and moan. Giselle’s fingers got a death grip, but she didn’t move us away from there. I know she held her breath the whole time, until Hood pulled his hand out.

  And sniffed his fingers.

  His gaze went, unerringly, to mine.

  You can say I’m a fool. Sometimes I know I am. But right then, towering over him? I had his woman on my arm, and I’d fucked the one beside him on the couch. The dog in me...smiled.

  Giselle helped the image by reaching up on tiptoe and whispering in my ear, “I’m gonna fuck you, too. I promise.”

  Wolf ears--all of them--heard her words, despite the fact that she said them quietly.

  Hood said, “Giselle.” It came out curt and clipped, like he was calling his dog.

  She didn’t snap, though. She let her lips rub the tip of my ear lobe, as she said, “Promise.” Yeah, she totally nuzzled me with no regard to my life or hers before she turned her head, smiling, toward Hood. “Hm?”

  “Why don’t you go, too.”

  One big power game.

  She showed her teeth. Giselle has a gorgeous smile. “That’s a great idea.” To me, she said, “I’m anxious to see how much you and Bark have in common.”

  Again, the hair on the back of my neck stood up.

  That did it for Hood, I guess. He came off of that couch in one smooth move. A nano-second later, he had pried her free of my arm and dragged her down the hall, saying, “Amber take care of our guests while Giselle and I talk.”

  They disappeared behind a door. It slammed with a kick, I think.

  Frank asked, “He won’t hurt her, will he?”

  Amber let out a little laugh. “Not unless she asks for it.”

  He turned to stare at the door.

  I, on the other hand, asked, “Are you completely pleased with yourself...bitch?”

  “Actually,” she got up. “Yes. I think that went rather well.”

  I propped my hands on my hips. “How in hell do you get that?”

  “You still have your balls, Frank’s eyes haven’t popped out of his head yet, and I think Giselle might just be getting Hood’s full attention for once.”

  I waved toward the door. “What was that all about?”

  Chapter Seven

  Frank asked again, “You sure he won’t hurt her? He seemed pretty--”

  “That’s what she was hoping for. Trust me.” Amber got up. “I’m already packed, and so is she. I’m guessing our things are on the chopper, if I know Giselle.”

  “You planned all this?”

  “Well, as much as anything can be planned. You played admirably, if that’s--”

  I grabbed Amber’s upper arm and dragged her close. “I’m not playing any fucking game!”

  She yanked free. “Wrong. It’s all a game. The sooner you figure that out, the quicker you’ll--”

  “Get lost, Frank.”


  I repeated, “Get lost. Amber and I are gonna talk, too.”

  “Take her to another room.”

  I glanced over at him, fangs out. “Take a fucking walk.”

  He got the hint. He was gone in a flash.

  The minute he was out of sight, Amber shook me loose, and got some distance between us. I asked, “You always let him feel you up in public?”

  “This isn’t public.”

  “You had an audience.”


  Tightly, I said, “Stop telling me that.”

  “You’re gonna blow a friggin’ gasket, if you’re not careful.” She gestured toward my head. “Your blood pressure’s up.”

  “How the hell would you know if my blood pressure’s up?”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m a scenter. I can fuckin’ hear your blood moving in your veins.”

  “No Gaia-damned way.”

  “Suit yourself.”

  I didn’t want to believe it, but Hood had said it. She’d confirmed it. “What else can you do?”

  She shrugged. Glanced sideways. Sniffed.

  She smiled and cleared her throat. “I can tell you that Hood just fucked Giselle.”

  “That fast?” Maybe it made my ego feel better to know I wasn’t the only rabbit-fast fucker on the planet.

  Amber said, “He’ll do her slow next. You want me to tell you--”

  “You can hear that well?”

she said, “Yeah. My head’s a friggin’ nightmare. I smell the juices, too.”

  “Okay, so where’s Frank?”

  Again, she rolled her eyes, made a face and said, “Whizzing in the bathroom on the next floor down.” She smiled. “He’s been holding it a long time.

  “How do you know that?”

  “It was all he could think about. Well, that and worrying that you’d let your cock ruin the meeting. I believe he repeated, Don’t get us killed. I gotta go piss. About a thousand times in the last five minutes. In his head, anyway.”

  “What am I thinking?”

  That annoyed her. “Nothing.”

  “No, really, what am I thinking?”

  “I can’t read your thoughts until that drug wears off.”

  “How long will that be?”

  She shrugged. “Never tried it on a--you know.” She put her fingers to her lips, shh-ing me, mouthing, someone’s coming.

  I had a clear eye to the hall. There was no one down there. And it was a long mother fucker. I shook my head. “Wrong.”

  Amber rolled her eyes again, and I thought that might get real annoying if she kept it up. A second later, two orderly types came around the corner at the far end of the hall. She crossed her arms and cocked her head sideways. “I rest my case.”

  “Who are they? Can you tell that from here?”

  “Only because I know their voices. It’s Bob and Leon, they were running tests down in--” She shut up, listening, as they came closer.

  Sure enough, their tags read Bob and Leon. As soon as they saw her, they stopped chatting. Geeks, they pushed their glasses up on their noses and Leon asked, politely, “We, uh, were wondering if Hood was busy.”

  Amber smiled. “I’ll tell him the results.”

  Bob tipped his head, “Wait. You can’t possibly know--”

  She exhaled in exasperation. “I have to get out of here before I kill something. Both tests were negative. Get. I’ll tell him.”

  They turned to leave, arguing amongst themselves.

  “How does she know?”

  “She always knows.”

  To me, she explained, “I’m not psychic, really. They do sonic imaging tests. Those are easy to hear.” Louder, she called after them, “I wish you’d try something really silent next time!”


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