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Sweet Promise

Page 1

by Emily Jane Trent

  Sweet Promise

  Bend To My Will: Book 12


  Emily Jane Trent

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 1

  Jacob stared at the expansive mural covering the wall behind the bar in the King Cole lounge. His future seemed uncertain. Vivienne reached out to take his hand, distracting him from the Maxfield Parrish art nouveau masterpiece.

  He was on his third drink, and was somewhat calmer. The issues had sharpened in his mind, allowing him to think more clearly. The displeasure of seeing Carl Hahn left a bad taste in his mouth. It marred his life, pulling the dark past into the present, like a nightmare that had become real.

  The unexpected encounter had been a shock, but now Jacob was determined to get his wits around the situation. His childhood abuser had appeared on the streets of Manhattan and accosted Jacob when he was on his way to lunch. It didn’t make sense; something was off.

  “Carl told me that Daniel Kenyon tipped him off on where to accidentally meet up with me,” Jacob said.

  Vivienne listened intently.

  “What I don’t understand is why Kenyon is going to such extremes to disrupt my life.”

  Vivienne frowned. “It’s no secret that he considers you his enemy.”

  “True.” Jacob twirled his empty glass. “There must be more to his motive than I know about.” He studied the polished wood surface of the table, not really seeing it.

  “What could it be?”

  “There’s something I’ve missed all along,” Jacob said. “I’m sure of it.”

  The waiter came to escort them to a table in the dining room. Holding Vivienne’s hand, Jacob followed. Myriad thoughts swirled in his mind. Too much about the situation wasn’t clear, and it was unsettling.

  Astor Court was a dining experience Jacob knew well. The grand chandeliers, the ornate murals, and all the shiny gold trim edging the walls spoke of European elegance. Yet the pleasurable atmosphere didn’t placate Jacob’s anxiety.

  The greeter seated them in velvet chairs by an enormous flower arrangement perched high on a pedestal behind them. It gave a sense of privacy that was sorely lacking in Jacob’s life. Whatever personal life he’d had was about to be laid open to the public, in excruciating detail. But for a short while, he could sit with Vivienne, away from it all.

  But that wouldn’t last.

  Jacob had to get a grip; he couldn’t wallow in his upset. And he definitely couldn’t allow Carl Hahn to ruin his life, as the man had tried to do since his childhood. While Jacob went through the motions of dinner, his focus was elsewhere.

  Vivienne sipped the tea that was served to her, and quiet ensued during the wait for dinner. But Jacob’s mind wasn’t silent at all. When the orders were brought to the table, he shoved the English peas and roasted chicken around his plate. For once, he didn’t have much of an appetite.

  “What are you thinking?” Vivienne said.

  Jacob scooped a forkful of risotto, examining it. “How did Daniel Kenyon know about my biological father?”

  “That’s a very good question.”

  “Did Sam Williamson tell him about the adoption?” Jacob said. “He was good friends with Vico, so he would have known.”

  “From what you’ve told me, that doesn’t sound like Sam. What would his purpose be for sharing that with his stepson?”

  “I can’t think of any,” Jacob said, taking a moment to gaze at Vivienne. He loved her, and he’d finally told her. Now his life was falling apart, and she might be dragged down with him. “Everything isn’t adding up.” He looked at Vivienne. “I’m sure that Kenyon is hiding something.”

  That had to be it.

  Vivienne wrinkled her brow. “What would he be hiding?”

  “I don’t know.” Jacob put his fork down. “But I intend to find out.”

  For the rest of the meal, Jacob made a futile attempt to focus on other things. He chatted with Vivienne and asked her about the shop. He didn’t want her taking on the burden of his issues, so deflected some attention from the alarming situation.

  But Vivienne knew the magnitude of the situation. Jacob could tell by her demeanor, the look in her eyes. And he didn’t like it one bit that the demons of his past interfered with the oasis of joy that he’d found with her. Even more than that, he was angered that he’d been unable to keep the danger away from her. She was involved now, and he knew it.

  After dinner, they went home and sat in front of the fireplace, holding hands. Jacob wanted to reassure Vivienne, tell her that he’d take care of everything. But he wasn’t clear about how. No matter what he had to deal with, Jacob didn’t want anything to happen to her. Yet he wasn’t clear on how to make sure of that.


  Jacob didn’t sleep much that night, and was up early the next morning for a hard jog. He needed to clear his head. And he had to regain control. Sweating and breathing hard, he came to a decision. As soon as he got back to the penthouse, he promptly showered and dressed.

  Vivienne was in the kitchen tending to breakfast. “Do you want something?”

  “No, I’ll grab food later.” Jacob wrapped his arms around her. “I’m going to handle this situation. I just want you to know that.”

  Vivienne hugged him tight. “I know you will. I have confidence in you.”

  Jacob wished he had the same confidence. But as fury rose inside him about the position he found himself in, his determination increased along with it. Those two slime bags weren’t going to get away with it, not while there was still breath in his body.

  He kissed Vivienne goodbye and took the car to work, stopping for a triple espresso on the way. When he passed Meg, she took one look at his expression and, wisely, didn’t ask. In a span of hours, Jacob had gone from feeling vulnerable to being royally pissed.

  Once at his desk, he stabbed the button on his phone. Walsh picked up, and Jacob said, “I’m coming down right now.”

  Ignoring the work on his desk, Jacob went directly to the investigations department and sat across from Walsh. His investigator wore a sandy-colored sweater, his biceps filling out the sleeves. The winter garb was as close as he got to business attire.

  Walsh leaned back in the chair. “What’s up?”

  “It’s not good,” Jacob said, and proceeded to bring him up to speed, including Kenyon’s alleged connections to powerful media sources.

  “So, out of the blue, Carl Hahn materializes?”

  Jacob nodded. “Alone, he wouldn’t have the power to cause trouble.”

  “Who would listen to a drunk?”

  “Exactly,” Jacob said. “But this whole thing can’t be Carl’s idea. It’s Kenyon who went to the effort to find him.”

  “I suppose that maligning your reputation could be Kenyon’s way of discrediting you, so the other importers won’t continue to support you.”

  “You have a point.” Jacob shook his head. “But that can’t be all there is to it. That’s too easy. Sure, I’m a thorn in Kenyon’s side, especially now that I’ve set up the alliance. The online sales are good for the bottom line, and Williamson Imports is cut out of the action.”

  “That must have ticked him off.”

  “I’m sure of it.” Jacob furrowed his brow. “But that’s only the surface. It runs deeper.”

  Walsh leaned forward with his forearms on the desk. “I agree.”

  “It was no easy task to locate Carl Hahn. The man’s a derelict. Kenyon didn’t just look him up in the phone book.” Jacob rubbed
the back of his neck. “We’re missing something. And it has to be significant.”

  “We’ve been investigating Kenyon, and you’ve seen my reports.”

  “I’ve read them with avid interest,” Jacob said. “And we’re on the right track. What we’ve found so far is good. I just need more. A lot more. And quickly.”

  Walsh’s expression looked as determined as Jacob felt.

  “I’m authorizing you to step up the investigation,” Jacob said. “You have an unlimited budget. I don’t care if it takes every dime I have, we will find out what these creeps are up to.”

  His investigator nodded.

  “And learn everything about Carl Hahn that you can,” Jacob said. “He’s not innocent, and I don’t believe that he’s only a pawn in Kenyon’s scheme. He’s a ruthless bastard, and I want to know all there is to know about him.”

  Jacob looked directly at Walsh. “Do what’s required.”

  His investigator had access to information, the type that Jacob needed. With his expert team, details that only an expert hacker could glean would be provided in forthcoming reports. It was best not to ask how Walsh found out the things that he did. And now, Jacob didn’t care. He just needed the goods on his enemies, and fast.

  When Jacob stood to leave, Walsh was already banging away on his computer. He understood what was needed, so Jacob left him to it. Once back at his desk, he dropped into his chair. He had faith in his investigations team, but the question was whether they could uncover what he needed in time.

  Jacob had to gain the upper hand before all hell broke loose. But he didn’t intend to sit around and wait. Walsh had already provided some very intriguing data about Daniel Kenyon. It had certain implications that Jacob hadn’t completely figured out, but he was highly motivated to do so. While his investigations team did their job, he would work on unraveling the puzzle.

  The rest of the day, Jacob tended to business. He couldn’t allow the impending threat to knock him off course. Rinaldi Imports was stable, and he planned to keep it that way. But in any spare moments, he stewed about Kenyon, anxious to make sense of the man’s behavior, and to uncover the truth.

  Chapter 2

  When Jacob left for the office, Vivienne sat down to eat breakfast. She wished that she could assist in the fight against Daniel Kenyon and Carl Hahn. But the most she could do was support Jacob in his effort to overcome them. She knew even less than he did about the two men, and was at a loss about their motives.

  Vivienne was aware that Kenyon seemed to attack Jacob with little cause. But she agreed that there had to be a compelling motive. The nature of Kenyon’s actions wasn’t mere whim, and went beyond a passing annoyance. Jacob was smart to look below the surface, as there had to be more of an explanation.

  After all that Jacob had been through, Vivienne wished that he didn’t have to face such threats. Yet wishing didn’t make it so. The fact was he had a battle ahead. The prospect was distressing, but she had faith that Jacob would defend them against the onslaught.

  Vivienne finished eating, then showered and dressed. On the walk to the shop, she thought about the coming weekend. It was Friday, but all the commotion had distracted them from making plans. She didn’t have to wonder about that for long.

  After lunch, Jacob called to say he was taking her away for a couple of days. “A trip to the Poconos sounds good to me,” he said. Vivienne couldn’t argue, and looked forward to the getaway.

  “I can’t do anything more about the situation until next week,” Jacob said. “So there’s no reason to sit around and wait.”

  Vivienne hated waiting too, and knew Jacob well enough to realize he wanted to protect her. Getting out of the city put them out of reach, inaccessible to the enemy. She got home that afternoon before Jacob, and was already packed when he got home.

  “Where did you make reservations?” Vivienne said.

  Jacob wrapped her in his arms. “I booked a room at the Inn at Skytop. It will be a little more private, but we’ll still be close to the main lodge.”

  “I like private,” Vivienne said, folding against Jacob when he gave her a lip-bruising kiss. He made her forget all about their troubles.

  Jacob was packed in record time, and soon they were on their way. He’d hired a car service for the trip there and back. The two-hour drive went by quickly, and soon the resort was in view, rising majestically from the Poconos forest. It was already dark out, but Vivienne spotted the well-lit lodge on the picturesque mountaintop.

  The Skytop had a peaceful charm, and the serene setting was calming. The lodge was built in Dutch Colonial style, and was a welcome retreat. It reminded Vivienne of the hotel in The Shining.

  The inn looked like a European ski chalet, using the same mountain stone as the main lodge. It had exposed beam ceilings and rich woods, with the work of local artists displayed on the walls. The room had a fireplace and a balcony with a view of the lake, although Vivienne couldn’t see it at night.

  Once their luggage was brought up and they got settled, Jacob and Vivienne dressed for dinner. In keeping with the classic elegance of the establishment, men were required to wear jackets. Vivienne dressed up too, enjoying the experience.

  Windsor Dining Room offered gourmet cuisine, including seven choices of entrees each evening. Vivienne chose the sautéed fluke filet with pommes frites and bok choy. Jacob ordered the caraway- and cinnamon-rubbed pork loin with smashed potato and asparagus.

  While they waited for the meals to arrive, they shared a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc from Loire Valley. The wine went down well, and the cozy atmosphere was soothing. Vivienne looked at Jacob, admiring his sexiness. In his jacket and tie, he was a charmer.

  “How’s your wine?” Jacob said.

  Vivienne took another sip. “Mmm, very good.” He could have said anything and she’d have been enthralled. She could get lost in his blue eyes.

  “I’m glad we could get out of the city for the weekend,” Jacob said. “It makes me feel better.” He took her hand. “I want you to know that I wish you weren’t involved in all of this.”

  “I know that,” Vivienne said. “But I am involved, and it’s not your fault.” She smiled. “Whatever you have to face…I’m with you.”

  Jacob kissed her palm, but didn’t say more. Neither of them wanted to dwell on the situation. For the next couple of days, the impending doom could wait. They were together, alone for the weekend, and planned to make the most of it.

  They ate at their leisure, and lingered to enjoy dessert. When they went back to the room the bed had been prepared, including a wrapped chocolate for each of them on the pillows. After listening to music in front of the fireplace, Vivienne snuggled into bed with Jacob’s arms around her, feeling very happy.


  The next morning, Vivienne stirred and opened her eyes. Jacob was still asleep, with his arm draped over the pillow. She took a moment to admire his muscled bicep and gaze at his tousled hair. She reached under the covers to run her palm over his warm skin and down his belly.

  Jacob yawned and turned onto his back. Vivienne dragged her fingertips over his lean thighs, then fisted his morning erection. Without a word, Jacob pulled her on top of him and kissed her tenderly. Then he slid his heat along her sex, and shoved into her, slowly. It was delicious and erotic.

  In the warmth of the bed, Jacob filled her, and Vivienne’s sex clenched. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and covered her mouth with his, kissing deeply. Straddling him, Vivienne pumped over his cock, while Jacob rocked his hips in a rhythmic motion. A rising crescendo of pleasure filled her body, and at the peak, Vivienne cried out as she exploded. Jacob pulsed inside her, climaxing at the same time.

  Floating on a cloud of love and satisfaction, Vivienne sighed and rested her head on Jacob’s shoulder. He stroked her hair until she nearly fell asleep again. Lifting her head, she kissed Jacob’s soft lips, then reluctantly slipped out of bed.

  When Vivienne got up, she looked out the window to see the lake.
It had snowed overnight and the rooftops and lawns were white. Jacob stood behind her with his arms around her waist, nuzzling her hair. It was an amazing view, and sharing made it better.

  After a breakfast of omelets and French toast in the café, they took a dip in the indoor pool. In warmer weather, they could have gone kayaking or played tennis. But the winter scene wasn’t so bad either. The snow-covered forest was beautiful, so they went skiing. Maybe the next day they’d go ice-skating. Later that afternoon, Vivienne saw some children gliding down a slope on a toboggan, and closer to the lodge, a group of guys loading into a truck, preparing for ice-fishing.

  Before it got dark, they returned to the room for a nap, then showered and dressed for dinner. Jacob chose an upscale trattoria that wasn’t far from the lodge. Vivienne dressed up a bit, and wore a long string of pearls. A coat and tie weren’t required this time, so Jacob settled for a dress shirt under a charcoal blazer.

  The fare was just as delicious as the night before. Vivienne couldn’t rave enough about the pasta sauce with crab, which she devoured, along with her share of a bottle of Chianti. But it wasn’t the food that had her attention.

  Jacob’s eyes darkened, and his movements were sensual. The way he spoke to her and looked at her made Vivienne’s skin tingle. Her nipples were tight and her panties were wet. They couldn’t get back to the lodge soon enough to suit her.

  When they entered the room, Jacob turned on the fireplace for warmth and light. Standing barefoot on the rug, he pulled her into his arms, and Vivienne sighed into his hot kiss. One garment at a time, he undressed her, and Vivienne returned the favor.

  In the flickering firelight, wearing nothing but the long strand of pearls, Vivienne dropped to her knees. She grasped Jacob’s hips and leaned forward to run her tongue down his belly. He dug his fingertips in her hair to encourage her.

  Vivienne lifted the strand of pearls and, inspired, draped them over Jacob’s cock. Gently, she wound them around his shaft, letting each tiny pearl scrape his sensitive skin. The string of pearls circling his gorgeous cock, twisting around it like a tantalizing toy, made her shudder with delight.


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