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Gorgeous Chaos

Page 6

by T. K. Leigh

  Searching the refrigerator for some snacks, she grabbed a block of brie and gouda, and set about preparing a cheese and fruit plate for her visitor. There was something about Alexander’s museum-like home that made her feel as though she should actually attempt to entertain Kiera as she would a guest. She hadn’t been to his place yet so she was eager to show her friend around.

  A short while later, she heard the buzzer sound. Sliding back the door, Kiera stood in the foyer with her mouth agape. “Holy shit! This place is incredible, Libs,” she said in awe.

  “I know. For a straight guy, he has fantastic style.”

  Kiera nodded in response. Olivia was surprised that her friend was completely speechless. Kiera was never one to have nothing to say.

  “Let’s go enjoy this weather,” Olivia said, grabbing Kiera’s hand and leading her through the open floor-plan of the penthouse’s main level. “I’ll give you a tour later.” She led her toward the windows, sliding back the glass door that opened to the balcony.

  “This view is amazing.” Kiera looked out over all the boats below on the glistening water. “I would never leave. Well…I probably would when it snows.”

  “Thank you.” Olivia sat down at the bistro table and gestured at the cheese and wine she had set out earlier. “Help yourself.”

  “Aren’t you the best little host?” She took a seat opposite Olivia, grabbed the bottle, and poured herself a glass. “So, you’ve set a date then?”

  Olivia grinned, her heart racing at the thought of marrying Alexander in just a few short months. “Yes. August twenty-fourth.”

  Kiera's eyes grew wide. “Really? Even though it’s the same day as…?” She trailed off, gauging Olivia’s reaction.

  “I’m okay with it,” she said, giving Kiera a convincing look. “It actually never even crossed my mind that it would be the same day that my parents died. I guess being with Alexander is more important than dwelling on something that I can’t change.”

  “Okay then. That doesn't really give us a lot of time. I’ll call around and see what we can do about getting you an appointment to go look at some dresses.”

  Olivia flushed, not realizing how little time she actually had. Her excitement quickly turned to nerves when she was met with the reality that she had absolutely no clue where to begin with wedding plans.

  “Any idea what kind of dress you’re looking for?” Kiera grabbed a cracker and sliced a piece of brie.

  “Not really. I haven’t even looked.”

  Kiera reached down and grabbed her commuter bag, unzipping it. “Well, it’s a good thing I’m your friend. Here.” She shoved several large bridal magazines at her. “Just start looking through these so you can get an idea of what you may want. The good thing is, between the two of you, you have more money than sense, so you’ll be able to get whatever you want, whenever you want.”

  Olivia took a drink from her glass of wine, starting to feel like she was about to break out in hives from discussing her future wedding.

  “Have you gone over any details with Alex?” Kiera asked, all business.

  “Not really. I think we’re going to do it on the beach. Cape Cod.”

  “Kinky…” she said with a smile on her face.

  Olivia picked up a cracker and chucked it at her friend. “His company owns this huge beach house with a massive private beach.”

  “I love the idea of a beach wedding. It’s very ‘you’.” Kiera grabbed a legal pad out of her bag and started to take notes.

  “We’re going to try to keep it small, though. I know it will be hard. He has a huge extended family but…I don’t know,” she lamented. “I have no family and I think he feels bad that the majority of the guests will be there for him and not for me.” Olivia looked down, thinking about how difficult that day would be for her with no family there to watch her marry the love of her life.

  “Hey.” Kiera reached out and grabbed her friend’s hand. “It doesn’t matter how many people you have there supporting you. That’s the problem with weddings. People feel like they need to put on a big show. Most people only go to weddings for the free booze and couldn’t give a shit about celebrating the actual day. So fuck ‘em. Do what you want and what makes you happy.”

  Olivia met Kiera’s gaze and gave her a grateful smile. “Thanks, Care Bear.” She loved her friend’s perspective.

  “Okay. Back to important shit,” she said, releasing Olivia’s hand. “Pick a weekend for Vegas!”

  She laughed, relieved to be discussing a lighter topic.

  The friends spent the next several hours enjoying the weather and each other’s company, as well as a few bottles of wine. As the sun began to go down, a chill set in and the girls retreated indoors.

  “Shit,” Olivia said upon noticing the time. “I should probably call Alexander before he freaks out.”

  “Yeah. You’re probably right. Jack’s expecting me, as well.”

  Olivia raised her eyebrows.

  “Yup. That’s right, Libby. Kiera’s getting laid tonight.”

  “Jesus, Kiera,” she responded, her face turning bright red. “I don’t want to hear the details about you and Mo.”

  Kiera laughed. “Okay, Libs. Thanks for the fun afternoon. Dress shopping this Saturday.”

  Olivia hugged her friend and said good-bye. When she was all alone, she grabbed her cell phone and walked up to the bedroom, eager to hear Alexander’s voice. She hated when he had to leave town for work.

  “Burnham here,” he barked angrily into the phone, picking up on the third ring.

  “Hi. It’s me,” she said quietly.

  “Olivia, angel.” His voice relaxed. “How are you?”

  “Good. Everything okay?”

  “Yes. As good as it can be. I miss you terribly.”

  “I miss you, too. How much longer will you be gone?”

  Alexander exhaled loudly. “It’s hard to say. This mission isn’t going as well as I had hoped. I wanted to be home by tomorrow to see you sing with the band but, at this rate, it will probably be after the weekend before I can get back.”

  “Oh,” Olivia replied, clearly disappointed.

  “I’m so sorry, love, but I have to make sure these guys are properly trained.”

  “It’s okay, Alexander. I understand. I just miss you.” She sat on the bed, lying down. “I don’t like being apart from you.”

  “I don’t like it, either. I miss falling asleep next to you, listening to your gentle breathing. I miss the feel of your skin on mine.”

  She moaned, thinking about his body moving on top of her.

  “I miss the taste of your sweet pussy,” he breathed out, his voice turning husky.

  “Fuck, Alex,” she said quietly. “I need you here, inside me.”

  “Touch yourself,” he ordered.

  She obeyed, slipping her hand into her panties.

  “Are you wet for me, Olivia?”

  “I’m always wet when I’m thinking about you,” she replied coyly.

  He groaned. “Tease your clit for me. Gently.”

  She followed his instructions, her breathing becoming heavy with longing. Alexander was over a thousand miles away, but he still had her bundled up in knots, the desire for him building with every stroke.

  “How’s that feel, Olivia?”

  “Good,” she whimpered, feeling overwhelmed with sensation as she fondled herself, listening to Alexander’s sultry voice over the phone.

  “Good. Now I want you to put two fingers inside. Slowly.”

  She bit her bottom lip as she complied with his request, the pleasure starting to overtake her body.

  “Now, picture me on top of you, Olivia. Picture me fucking you senseless. Are you doing that?”

  “God, yes, Alex. I need you.”

  “Pretend I’m there, slamming into you, filling that delicious little pussy,” he growled into the phone, his breathing heavy. “Sliding in and out as I bite your perfect nipples. You like it when I do that, don’t you?” />
  Olivia moaned, thinking about his teeth on her breast, loving when he was gentle and rough with her at the same time. Her heart rate increased and she felt that familiar tingling feeling from her stomach down to her toes.

  Alexander must have sensed it as well. “Come for me, Olivia. Give me your pleasure.”

  She rubbed harder, screaming Alexander’s name as she felt herself spasm around her fingers, her orgasm ravaging her body for several long moments. Her breathing began to slow down, neither person saying anything for a while.

  “Did you enjoy that, love?” Alexander asked, finally breaking the silence.

  She giggled. “I would have enjoyed it better if it was your hand, but I guess beggars can’t be choosers.”

  “I’ll let you beg when I get back,” he replied. She could almost hear the smile on his face. “Till then… I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “Hey, Olivia?”


  “Thank you.”

  Olivia scrunched her eyebrows. “For what?”

  “For letting me love you. For letting me in. For letting me beneath your skin…your beautiful, perfect skin.”

  Olivia’s heart swelled at his words. She loved how one minute he could be telling her how much he loved fucking her, and then the next, he could say the most sweet and sentimental things. “Thanks for not giving up on me, Alexander.”

  “Olivia, I’ll never give up on you. No matter what this life throws at us, no matter what obstacles we face, I will always stand by your side, looking out for you, protecting you. I love you. I’ll hurry home.”

  “I love you, too, Alexander,” she replied quietly, a lump forming in her throat from his sweet words. Placing the phone on the nightstand, she curled up on the bed, feeling completely satisfied. Not from the orgasm she just gave herself, but from Alexander’s loving words.



  OLIVIA SAT IN HER office Friday afternoon, thinking about Alexander. She longed for his arms to be wrapped around her, for his body to be next to hers as she drifted off to sleep. Instead, she woke up that morning in an empty and cold bed. She was rather disappointed that he would be unable to make her gig that night, but understood he had obligations and couldn’t be expected to blow off his job just to see her sing with a band in a bar.

  She began to think about how much her life had changed since she met him. Just a year ago, she would shudder at the thought of having an actual relationship with anyone, and now she was planning a wedding. Maybe Alexander was exactly what she needed in her life. She still worried about losing him, but she no longer let that fear control her.

  As she gazed out her window at the city streets below, her brain rewound to the phone conversation she had with Alexander the previous night, a smile creeping across her face. Her body warmed when she recalled his sweet words, amazed at how his sensual tone could send her over the edge so quickly.

  She was so engrossed in her daydreaming that she had lost track of the time. “Shit!” she exclaimed when she looked at the clock, finally snapping out of her thoughts, realizing that she was late for a circuit training class she was supposed to teach. “Crap. Crap. Crap,” she muttered under her breath as she ran down the hall and into the studio.

  “Sorry I’m late, y’all.” She smiled at her waiting class, making her way over to the sound system. “Okay. Let’s get to work.” She returned to the center of the room once the music began blaring. “Warm up time. Let’s start with some arm crosses.” She exhaled deeply as she began to lead her class, clearing her mind of everything as best she could…everything except for Alexander Burnham.

  Over the next half-hour, she worked her class pretty hard, leading them through three circuits. As she began the last exercise in the third circuit, she heard the door to the studio open and close. She ignored it and focused on finishing her class.

  “Just five more, guys. Almost there. Do not quit on me.” The class began to groan as she pushed on through bicycle crunches, doing them alongside everyone. “Last one…and done!”

  She laughed when she heard sighs of relief from all around her. “Great job. Now let’s cool down. Everyone go to sitting position.” She sat up and pulled her legs wide, looking up. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw Alexander standing in the back of her studio, wearing an olive green t-shirt with camouflage cargo pants and boots.

  She blushed, having trouble concealing her smile and excitement. He looked hot. She had never seen him in his fatigues before and she was so incredibly turned on.

  She finally snapped back to the present when she realized she had her class in the same stretch position for far too long. Hiding her distraction, she finished leading her students through their cool down stretch rather quickly. “Thanks, guys. Keep it up.” She dismissed her class and grabbed a towel, dabbing the sweat off her body. She felt rather exposed wearing only her sports bra and a pair of gym shorts. She silently wished that she had grabbed a t-shirt to throw on.

  “Olivia, love. I’ve missed you.” Alexander pulled her into his arms.

  She tried to push him away. “Stop. I stink. I’m all hot and sweaty.”

  “I like it when you’re hot and sweaty.” He leaned down, kissing her neck.

  She stopped trying to fight him and relaxed in his arms, breathing in the heavenly aroma she had missed the past few days. “You smell delicious. Like rugged man.” Their eyes met. “I like this look on you. It’s fucking hot.”

  “Come, let’s get you all cleaned up.” Alexander grabbed her hand, leading her out of the studio and into her office. “Do you have any more classes to teach today?” he asked, walking over to her refrigerator and grabbing a water bottle. He loosened the cap and handed it to her.

  She sat down at her desk and glanced at her daily schedule. “Nope. Free and clear for the rest of the day. We have a lot of new staff so, thankfully, I’m not needed as much. I have a wedding to plan after all.” She winked, taking a sip from the bottle.

  Alexander stared down at her, his eyes hooded.

  “You’re back sooner than expected,” she said, breaking the growing tension in the room. His proximity still overwhelmed her on occasion, her heart racing with the look he was giving her, almost like an animal stalking his prey…prey that anxiously wanted to be caught. “Not that I mind. I’m thrilled but, when we spoke last night, it sounded like you wouldn’t be home for a while,” she rambled.

  “Yes.” He softened his gaze slightly. “The training exercise is still going on right now, but I’d hate for you to think that I don’t value our time together. I will not be one of those husbands that puts their work ahead of their wives. You have a gig tonight so I came home. I do need to fly back out tomorrow morning, though.”

  Olivia shot out of her chair and rushed through her office, packing up all of her things.

  “What are you doing?” His voice had a hint of amusement in it.

  “I want you to take me home, Alex. I haven’t felt your body on mine since Sunday. I need to feel you inside me before I have to meet the girls at MacFadden’s.”

  A sly grin spread across his face as he watched her bend over and kneel on the floor to unplug her laptop charger. She glanced over her shoulder, feeling his eyes surveying her body. “See something you like?” She smirked, their eyes meeting.

  His smile grew wider and he nodded slowly.

  “Good.” She quickly raised herself off the ground and placed her things in her commuter bag. Alexander took the bag from her and practically ran down the hallway and out of the wellness center, dragging Olivia behind him. He punched the elevator call button repeatedly, praying for the car to arrive as soon as humanly possible.

  He pulled her body against his, her back to his front. “Do you feel me?” He brushed her hair to the side, exposing her neck. He traced his tongue across her smooth skin. “Even after a workout, you smell amazing, love.”

  The sensation of Alexander’s mouth on her skin after bein
g absent for so long made Olivia’s body tingle with anticipation. “Alex,” she exhaled breathlessly.

  “Yes, Olivia.” He gently nibbled on her earlobe.

  “Take me to your office.”

  She felt a smile creep across his face as he leaned forward and pressed the up elevator call button.

  “And what do you want to do there?” he asked coyly as his hands roamed her body.

  She spun around, her eyes blazing into his. “I’m pretty sure you know what I want to do, Alex,” she said, leaning in and whispering against his neck, “But in case you want to know in greater detail, I want you to fuck me. I want it fast. And I want it hard.” She pulled back. His eyes were wide. “Are you game?”

  He grabbed her hair, tilting her head back. “Olivia, I love your dirty mouth.”

  The elevator finally sounded, announcing its arrival and they were whisked nine stories up to Alexander’s office. When the doors opened, he grabbed her hand, practically running through the reception area.

  “Mr. Burnham.” His secretary jumped, apparently nervous that her boss had unexpectedly shown up. “I didn’t think you would be here today.”

  Alexander punched his code into the door. “Pretend I’m not even here. I won’t be long,” he snapped just as the door opened, pulling Olivia through a hallway she had become so accustomed to walking down over the past several months.

  “Do you think she knows?” Olivia asked.

  Alexander turned to face her, punching his code into the office door. “I think we made it pretty obvious when we ran down the hallway like a couple of horny teenagers.” His eyes sparkled with amusement.

  Olivia blushed as the door buzzed, allowing them access to his office. She rushed to his enormous bathroom and turned on the shower.

  “In the shower, Miss Adler?” Alexander asked.

  “Yes. I stink.” She began stripping out of her gym clothes.

  Alexander’s breath caught at the sight of Olivia standing naked in front of him.

  “Olivia,” he growled, pulling her body into his. “I don’t care if you just finished teaching your class. I plan on fucking you right now. The shower can wait.”


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