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Shield Her (A Bad Boys in Her Bed Menage, Cop Versus Biker)

Page 7

by Cop Versus Biker) Christa Wick - Shield Her (A Bad Boys in Her Bed Menage

  “What about them?” I asked, wondering if he had finally reached the conclusion, rationally or by pure paranoia, that this was a set up.

  “They saved you from having to answer the question of whether you’re sorry.” He lifted his hand to my face and pinched at my bottom lip. “Tell me, Hedgehog, are you sorry now?”

  I jerked my head away and turned to face him. “Seriously? You want to waste everything I can do for the club on the chance to get head or some pussy?”

  “I was kind of aiming for both,” he smirked before grabbing a fistful of my hair. “And who’s to say I can’t have all your gifts?”

  I didn’t struggle against the tight grip he had on me, just glared at him as I explained why he didn’t get a choice and prayed he would agree.

  “I can lie to you and your old lady,” I started. “Lie my ass off to the SEC — wouldn’t be the first time. I can lie to the cops and my bosses. The only person I can’t lie to is Carson.”

  He blew a wet raspberry at me. “Fuck Carson.”

  “Fuck your wife,” I shot back. “What do you think happens to your shitty little empire when the two of them find out you made me suck your cock for what you’re doing for me with the accident?”

  Shoving me away from him, he got out of the cab, stopping to glare at me over his shoulder. “I gotta unhook. I suppose you want a fucking ride home, too?”

  I glanced through the window at the street and buildings beyond the garage’s lot. Any cab that came into the neighborhood was probably driven by a serial killer.

  “Yeah,” I answered, my voice dripping with sarcasm now that I had established some boundaries with Eight Ball. “That would be very gentlemanly of you.”


  Maddox made it up to the apartment about half an hour after Eight Ball dropped me off. He found me on the couch tucked against Carson with a tumbler full of fifteen year old Balvenie Single Barrel Scotch. With its price tag, it wasn’t the kind of liquor a person used to get drunk, but it was all I had in the house at the moment.

  “She’s sauced,” Carson said as Maddox drew the locks on the door. “Want to tell me why?”

  “Am not,” I said a little too slowly after the accusation to convince anyone but me.

  I expected Maddox to give Carson a detailed description of all the reasons why, in part to punish him for getting caught up in Eight Ball’s net, but he shook his head. “She had to drink enough for him to believe she was drunk driving.”

  “Yeah, but…” he pointed at the tumbler in my hand. “That’s her third glass in half an hour. She doesn’t need to pretend anymore.”

  “And why the fuck did you let her have the second or even all of the first?” Maddox asked, crossing the room and taking the alcohol away from me.

  “Hey, that’s mine,” I said as Maddox slammed the drink down his throat then huffed as the delayed burn hit him. “And you’re supposed to sip it.”

  “Baby girl,” Carson laughed, tucking me tighter against him. “You should have remembered that half an hour ago.”

  “I can’t have another?” I asked, looking up at Maddox with the same puppy dog face I had used when Carson objected to my second glass. The third glass had required the very real threat of tears. I wanted to forget everything I’d seen the last few weeks, especially the warehouse, but also the fear of attack I’d faced both in the tow truck with Eight Ball and that first encounter with the members of Steel Tide at Carson’s shop.

  “No,” Maddox said, taking the bottle off the coffee table and carrying it into the kitchen.

  “Fine,” I pouted, trying to get onto my feet. “Then I’m going to take a shower.”

  “The hell you are,” Carson said, his hands on my hips to keep me from tipping over. Gaining his feet, he grabbed hold of me and turned me in his arms. “Baby, what happened tonight?”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Nothing.”

  He looked past me to Maddox, who only slightly disagreed. “He made a few moves, but she trash talked him out of insisting she start repaying the favor immediately.”

  I smiled at that.

  “Shitty little empire,” I whispered, stretching up on my tiptoes to plant an expensive whisky kiss on Carson’s lips.

  With the Scotch in me, I wasn’t above whining to get my way. And I wanted more whisky or a decadently long and hot shower. “That truck was so filthy I feel like I have bugs crawling on me.”

  It was true that the truck was filthy, but the bug crawling sensation was entirely because Eight Ball had put his hands on me and shoved his tongue into my mouth.

  “I really need that shower,” I whined.

  “No,” Maddox said. “Hot water is bad for you when you’re drunk. Unless it was a cold shower you wanted and that’s not going to work because one of us would have to hold you up.”

  I shivered at the idea and shook my head solemnly. Still holding onto Carson’s neck, I leaned back and looked up at Maddox. “You’re so beautiful.”

  He stared at me like I said he had two heads.

  “Told you she was sauced,” Carson laughed.

  “And horny,” I added. If I couldn’t have more whisky or a steamy shower, then I absolutely wanted to fuck these two gorgeous men. In their arms was the only time I truly forgot the horrors of the last few weeks.

  “That can be accommodated,” Maddox said, dipping his head to kiss me before Carson pulled me upright. “If you can stay awake long enough.”

  “Right here, right now, sailor man,” I smiled even as a wave of drowsiness made my legs go all rubbery.

  “No, baby girl.”

  He nodded at Carson. “Take her to the bedroom and help her undress. I think I have an idea on how we can fulfill her other request.”

  “Yay, whisky!” I shouted and thrust a victorious arm in the air.

  “Not that request, Reg,” Maddox laughed as Carson hefted me over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry and headed toward the bedroom.


  The scent of vanilla and honey filled the bedroom. By Maddox’s order, I was naked on the bed, my belly pressed against the mattress and my arms at my side. The warm washcloth in Maddox’s hand ran down my back while Carson stroked another against one of my calves.

  They were cleaning me, washing away the night with sweet smelling water and the warm manipulation of my flesh. My eyes fluttered as I tried to keep them open.

  Damn these men were amazing. They spoiled me with attention, not just when we were being intimate, but whenever we were away from the outside world and they were free to show their love.

  “Are you awake enough to roll over,” Carson teased as he dipped the washcloth in the hot water and wrung it out.

  “Yes,” I mumbled against my pillow then carefully tested my assertion.

  “See?” I asked when I was on my back.

  “Yeah, I see,” Maddox answered, his gaze ravaging my naked flesh.

  Quickly, he dipped his cloth and wrung it out. Together, they each started at one of my shoulders, running the cloth down to the wrist then back up. Then they smoothed it over my collarbones.

  Hmm…shoulders, collar bones…

  Eyes closed, I grinned. “I like where this is headed.”

  They re-wet their cloths and started to massage at my breasts. I relaxed deeper into the mattress, let my mind drift on a cloud of nothing as my body responded to their intimate ministrations, their hands skating lower to wash my thighs.

  When they reached my knees, I growled.

  “Patience,” Carson teased, lifting my leg and hooking an ankle atop his shoulder.

  Maddox did the same, my thighs splayed open and my most intimate area on display. I cupped my hands over my mound, suddenly shy despite the hot rush of an ever growing arousal.

  Pressing a kiss to my ankle, Maddox met my gaze. “How wasted are you, Reggie?”

  “Don’t ask me to do the alphabet backwards,” I answered, grinning.

  Really, how did anyone
do the alphabet backwards? I had a master’s degree in finance — magna cum laude, thank you very much — and couldn’t do it completely sober without a lot of stopping and mentally backtracking.

  “Seriously, baby girl, how far gone?”

  I looked from him, to Carson. They were different in so many ways and didn’t always behave the way I expected them to. Carson would dive into something head first — but he had only pushed Maddox and I together that night after my first time in the club house because he was out of options to maintain our friendship. After that initial push, his laid back nature meant he was perfectly happy to let Maddox run the show.

  And Maddox loved being the boss.

  Lord how he loved being the boss!

  Knowing neither man was going to give my pussy the attention it needed until the matter of my sobriety was settled, I lifted both hands from my mound. First I simultaneously touched thumb to pinky on each, then thumb to ring, then middle, then a double tap to the index finger, then back in the same order to my pinky again, with another double tap, and continued the loop, the taps going faster and faster until Maddox relented.

  “Not that drunk,” he said, lowering my leg to the mattress. “Get on your knees.”

  “Yes sir,” I grinned.

  Expecting some kind of immediate action, I was disappointed. Maddox got off the bed and went into the closet. A turn of my head and I could see him removing fabric belts and ties from pieces of my wardrobe and then grabbing a handful of scarves.

  My bed frame had four metal corner posts. At their top, thin bars ran diagonally corner to corner, meeting at a small circle in the center. Standing on the mattress, his erection stabbing at the air, Maddox began to secure one of the belts through that small circle. To that, he attached another belt.

  “Are you sure about this?” Carson asked.

  As almost sober as I was, I hadn’t quite figured out Maddox’s intent. Thinking wasn’t really possible with his big cock dancing above my head.

  “Yes,” he answered without a trace of doubt. “Sit up, Reg, and raise your arms.”

  I obeyed on the sitting up part of his command, but his cock was right there in front of my face when I did so and my hands had a mind of their own. Wrapping my fingers around the big, meaty monster, I held it still while I laved the fat head.

  He groaned, pulled back and dropped to his knees.

  “Are we going to fuck anytime soon?” I asked as he captured my hands and used one of the scarves to bind my wrists.

  “We’re going to fuck you delirious, love,” Carson said, moving behind me to hold my arms up while Maddox secured the scarf to the belts he had attached to the top of the bed frame.

  When I was properly tied, my elbows bent at a comfortable angle, he ran his fingers down my back, over my bottom and then dipped one hand between my legs. “First we need to make your pussy ache.”

  I moaned. Carson was making it ache already with the rub of his fingers between my labia. My head rolled back and I stared at my bound hands.

  “Why am I tied up?” I whispered. “Have I been bad?”

  With the scotch and Southern Comfort still lingering in my blood, the question made sense, but Maddox laughed.

  “No, you’ve been very, very good,” he said, tugging on my chin and kissing me softly on the lips. “You’ve been strong and in control and holding it together when almost anyone else would have fallen apart at the very beginning.”

  My lip began to tremble at the compliment. His words were making me think of things I wanted to forget.

  “Shh…” he said and kissed my eyes shut. “Tonight you get to give up that control. That’s why I bound your wrists.”

  Finished explaining, he draped a scarf over my eyes. Carson grabbed the ends and tied it off. I couldn’t see, couldn’t move more than a foot any direction. But, if I stood on the mattress, I could probably remove the makeshift blindfold and free myself.

  They had me just where I needed to be — on the edge of helpless, but secure in their presence and in my ability to free myself.

  I felt Maddox leave the bed again. Carson moved around to my front.

  “Fuck, Reggie,” he rasped against my ear, his beard tickling my throat. “I did not think I had this particular kink, but you are so fucking hot tied up.”

  His fingers slipped between my labia again to surf along my clit before exploring the rim of my hot core. “And your pussy is so wet right now.”

  He kissed at my neck then sucked one breast ripe with arousal into his mouth. His teeth grazed at the nipple, his lips pinching and tugging as he rubbed firmly against my clit.

  “I need my cock in you, baby,” he panted, his already rough suckling growing rougher. He sluiced a triangle of fingers into me and vibrated them hard and quick as I tightened against him. “You need it in you.”

  “Yes,” I whimpered, squirming from the ache of wanting one of them in me.

  “Here,” Maddox said softly as he returned to the room.

  Blindfolded, I couldn’t see what he was talking about, but Carson returned to his position behind me with a rough groan of anticipation. Some thick liquid squirted twice from a bottle and then I heard the rub of their callused hands. They touched me at the same time, Maddox in front, Carson from behind. The smell of almond oil kissed the air around me as they began to rub my breasts and back, my thighs and ass, the alternating soft and hard manipulations of my flesh making my need flare inside me even though they had not yet spread the oil where I burned the hottest.

  “Just a little longer, baby,” Maddox said with a nip at my bottom lip. “We’re going to take you all the way tonight.”

  “Yes.” I answered with as much reverence as any Hallelujah spoken.

  Beyond a cock in my mouth and another in my pussy, I had not yet taken them both at the same time. Suddenly my entire body hurt from the need to be possessed by both of their cocks in such close proximity, only a thin membrane of flesh separating them inside me, my mouth free to be kissed and plundered.

  A thicker squirt and I smelled the vanilla flavored lube. Then Carson’s thick fingers parted my ass cheeks and began to rub around that other hole. I gasped from the cold of the gel, but my body soon heated the liquid. A finger slipped in, teasing me as Maddox thumbed my clit.

  My body danced, greedy for more of each man’s touch. An inch back as Carson slid another finger in and worked at stretching me, an inch forward as Maddox’s thick thumb bullied the pearl of my clit.

  Maddox stopped massaging me to rip open a condom wrapper and hand it to Carson. Out came the fingers in my ass. Another thick, gloppy squirt and I could feel the motion of and brush of flesh as Carson put the condom on and covered it with the lube.

  Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck! He was really going to enter me with that long, curving cock of his. I bit at my lip, chest tightening and my nipples contracting to painfully small tips.

  Reaching around me, Maddox grabbed my ass cheeks and spread them for his best friend.

  “Kiss me,” he ordered at the same time.

  I gulped in air then did as I was told, my mouth blindly searching for his. Our lips touched. His tongue entered with the same tentative exploration that Carson made at my backside. The head breached me. Carson groaned. I trembled. Maddox took curling licks against the inside of my upper lip as Carson pushed higher up inside me.


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