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O'Gallagher Nights: The Complete Series

Page 30

by Mignon Mykel

  I pushed my finger up into her now, watching as her gaze became hooded and her mouth dropped open with the intrusion. She swiveled her hips, allowing better access to my probing digit.

  With my finger rubbing against her inner walls, and my lips leaving a trail of kisses from her temple down, down, down to her collar bone, I kept Emily close. Her nipples were pebbled against my chest and her breathy moans were soft under the surrounding water falling.

  “I don’t have a condom on me,” I told her after pressing a marking kiss to her collar.

  “Pull out then. Damn it, Rory, I need you.”

  This little vixen…

  Not what I was expecting, that was for damned sure. I figured I’d come in here, play with her a bit, relax her a little bit more, and fist one out after she stepped out of the shower. But if that’s how she wanted to play…

  I reached between our bodies to take my engorged cock between my thumb and two fingers. I bent my knees slightly, just as she rose up on tiptoe, a leg still around me, and angled the head of my cock at her entrance, letting it drag over her clit on the slide back.

  Before I could thrust into her warm heat though, Emily slapped a hand over my chest and pulled her upper body back. “This is a stupid thing to ask now, considering…” she started. Her eyes searched mine and I could feel the worry in her expression. What…? “You’re clean, right? I mean, it’s been a while, other than last night, right?”

  Shit. That’s what she was worried about?

  “I wouldn’t do that to you,” I told her honestly. I let go of my cock and straightened my knees, but brought my hands back to the small of her back and pulled her close once again. “I had a physical before moving out here and you know there hasn’t been anyone.”

  “Ok,” she nodded. “Ok, yeah. “ She brought my face to hers now and kissed me open mouthed. “Now, Rory.”

  Bending my legs once again, I found the spot I wanted to be in and thrust into her as she moved her hips against mine, bringing me fully into her. This wasn’t my first time barebacking, although I found myself wishing it was. There was something innately intimate about it with a person you cared about.

  Scratch that. Loved.

  With the water at my back and pooling at me feet, I made sure I had even footing before moving my hips against hers.

  This was no slow loving like last night.

  Not with Emily’s hands pulling at my hair, her fingers scratching down my back, her foot digging into my ass, egging me on. And I found I was ok with it.

  For the longest time, I thought sex with that so-called forever person had to stay vanilla and unexciting. But I was learning that there was more to making love than sweet, slow, meaningful moments.

  Just because this was fast, my cock pounding into her, pressing her against the tiles as her body reacted violently against mine—it didn’t mean that there wasn’t anything meaningful in this moment. If anything, the wild fucking was just as solidifying as last night’s slower romp.

  There was fucking to fuck, and there was fucking someone you loved. It was just a little more crazy and fun.

  And I would take it.


  I think I surprised Rory earlier in the shower. After I got mine, I dropped to my knees, pulling his cock into my mouth. I was a little put off by the fact I was all over him—licking your own cum just wasn’t something that I had any desire to do—but I knew how Rory reacted in my mouth.

  He’d already been close so I didn’t have much work to do on him. As his thickness was in my mouth, my hand fondled his balls. Just when they drew tighter to his body, Rory pulled my head back.

  “Not your mouth.”

  If that wasn’t one of the oddest requests… I thought guys went all bonkers on that?

  “Well not my face,” I argued with him, my eyes narrowing. Shooting a load on a girl’s face was just nasty.

  His fist was around his cock, holding tight. “Your chest.” He tugged on his cock in a long, slow pull. “I want to see my cum all over you, Emy girl.”

  It was better than my face and I didn’t quite understand the whole thing, but hey, it made the man happy.

  We finally made it on the road at five-thirty, to which I may have done some freaking out. But Rory, being Rory, just laughed at me, shaking his head.

  The drive to San Diego had us going back near our place but we continued driving through the desert mountains. We made minimal stops and were actually making great time but no sooner than we crossed the Arizona-California border and Rory was making a turn not on the map.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, trying to eye the gas gauge. We’d recently stopped for fuel and a bathroom break, so it shouldn’t be that, but then again maybe he didn’t want to get gas again until we were headed home in two days.

  “Detour.” His eyes never left the road and I frowned. We didn’t have time for a detour, and I told him as much.

  “Just relax, Em. Your parents know we’re getting there late.”

  I narrowed my eyes more. “What? Are you in cahoots with my parents all of a sudden?”

  This elicited a laugh from him. With a smile and a shake of his head, he answered, “In cahoots. You’re somethin’ else, Emy girl.”

  I shifted in the passenger seat, trying to angle toward him. “Well?” I asked, ignoring his jest. “Are you?”

  “Just relax,” he said again.

  Crossing my arms, I turned forward again. I refrained from mumbling under my breath, as much as I had to say to him at the moment.

  It was Christmas Eve. We already were only staying with my parents through an early dinner, heading to Conor and Mia’s to sleep that night, where Brenna and Stone would be staying as well.

  Sure, my parents came out for Thanksgiving, but we had limited time with them today! We didn’t have time for this joy riding near the Mexican border!

  But your parents know, I mimicked in Rory’s voice in my head. This detour better be worth it.

  There better be a whatever numbered wonder of the world where we were headed.

  It was Christmas Eve! I thought again. It wasn’t like much was happening today.

  When Rory pulled onto a dirt road, I started to get nervous. What in the ever loving world…?

  Down the gravel and dirt road, we bumped along in his truck, but still he said nothing.

  The asshat had a shit-eating grin on his face, though.

  When he pulled into a driveway leading up to an older farm house, I really began to frown. What was happening?

  He put the truck in park and tapped the middle console between our seats. “Get out.”

  I unbuckled as he did, slowly stepping down and out of the truck. “What’s going on, Rory?”

  He rounded the front of truck and stepped closer to me, holding out his hand. “C’mon,” he said instead of answering.

  …and because after the last two years, more notably the last few months, I did trust him, I went with him. We walked past the house and toward the back, where young crying was happening.

  But it wasn’t a baby’s cry.

  It was…

  I stopped in my tracks, pulling on Rory’s hand when he kept walking. With the shit-eating grin still on his face, he turned back to me. “Hmm?”

  “I thought we were getting the puppy for the kids after my parents’ house tonight,” I said slowly.

  “Who said anything about a puppy?” he asked, still trying to play coy.

  He tugged on my hand and again, I followed him to the very back, where a woman was waiting with an adult Golden Retriever, and a puppy in her arms.

  “I’m glad you made it,” the woman said, addressing Rory. “She’s the last one and she’s been waiting for you.”

  Rory brought me close to the puppy holding woman. “We had a later start this morning than I anticipated,” he answered. He let go of my hand and I let my arm drop to my side. I watched as he reached out and took the dark golden mass of wavy hair from the woman. Awe struck, I simply watched a
s Rory cradled the puppy in his arms after lifting it, eye to eye, and having some sort of silent communication with the pup.

  With the puppy in a football hold, Rory scratched the puppy’s head while having a conversation with the dog’s owner but I was stuck staring at the puppy. I’d seen Rory with his nephew and niece. Multiple times. But even cradling a puppy, he made my heart go all aflutter. Mix that with our baby conversation earlier and I couldn’t wait for school to finish.

  When Rory told me the other night about the puppy for Con and Mia’s kids, he said we’d pick it up after my parents’ Christmas celebration. We were still a good hour from their house, and they were only twenty minutes for Con and Mia. There would have been no logical way we would have back-tracked to pick up a puppy for the kids.

  Which meant…

  Just as my smile started to bloom on my face at the thought, Rory turned toward me. “You want to hold her?” he asked, holding the puppy out toward me. Seeing it’s mama was a Golden but this puppy had some curliness going on, my guess would be it was a Golden Doodle.

  “Yeah, sure,” I finally said, holding my hands out. Rory handed me the puppy gently and I saw that on the back of its neck—her neck; she had no little boy parts and the lady did say ‘she’ a little bit ago—was a tiny red Christmas bow with a little note attached.

  I was curious to see what it said, but I could feel Rory’s eyes on me so I refrained, instead choosing to cuddle the fluff ball close to my neck. She nuzzled her nose into my neck and the cold of her nose near a sensitive spot had me giggling.

  “Thank you, Meridith,” I heard Rory tell the woman and he turned back toward me, putting his hand on the small of my back and turning me back toward the truck.

  He took the puppy from me to allow me to climb into the truck, handing her back to me after I secured my belt. He quickly jogged around and got in, too, buckling as well before nodding toward the puppy. “What’s her note say?”

  He took his keys and stuck the one in the ignition, cranking the truck back to life.

  I pretended to not hear him, instead continuing to cuddle the puppy and rub under her chin. She stretched her neck, offering me more to scratch and closing her eyes in bliss as I did. She had a cute white patch in the middle of her chest, and her little chin was much lighter than the darker color of the rest of her fur.

  “She’s so cute,” I finally said as the puppy sighed and curled into my lap. “Will she be ok not in a crate?” I looked over at Rory, who was now pulling the truck back on to the main dirt road.

  Just as I ignored his question, he ignored mine. “What’s the note say?”

  Again, I could feel my giddy smile starting to bloom. This puppy was totally ours. He screwed up on his story. I probably wasn’t supposed to see the email.

  Oh my goodness, we had a puppy!

  “Emily!” His eyes were still on the road but his knuckles were white as he gripped the wheel. “What’s the note say?”

  “Is this puppy ours, Rory O’Gallagher?” I asked instead.

  “Dammit, woman. Just answer my question.” He was getting agitated but in a cute way. It was as if he was nervous.

  Rory? Nervous..?

  Deciding to give the man a break, I did as he asked. By now the pup was sleeping so I was careful to turn the tag over against her wavy golden fur.

  “It says,” I started, looking at the feminine writing that must have been the woman’s. “Merry Christmas, Emy. Love—” Tears immediately filled my eyes and I choked out the last word. “You.” I looked over at him through the blur of tears. “You love me?” I wasn’t expecting that.

  But my goodness, I had grown to love this man too.

  Rory’s body visibly relaxed again and he took his right hand from the wheel. With a glance in my direction, he reached out to cup my cheek, his thumb wiping away a tear. “Yeah, Emy girl. I love you.”


  I probably should’ve had Emily read the tag before I started driving because all I wanted right now was to watch her face. When her voice choked off the last word and I could hear tears I had a slight moment of panic.

  A moment which quickly receded at the awe and wonder in her tone when she asked me if I loved her.

  Of course I loved her. Last night only solidified it.

  One of the first emails arranging the purchase of the puppy had me adding the sentiment—I’d known how I felt for the woman prior to this trip. I nearly blurted it out any number of times but I felt that Emily deserved grand gestures, something that I didn’t have all that much practice in, so I waited for this moment.

  Last night’s email to Meredith simply had me adding my new name for my Emy girl.

  I wiped a fallen tear from Emily’s face before returning my attention to the road. It would be nice if Emily returned the feelings but I would completely understand if she needed time.

  Two years ago when she and I truly began this game I didn’t have the best track record but I definitely thought I proved I could be the man Emily needed. But if she wasn’t there yet, if she couldn’t say she loved me yet, I would be ok. Things were going in a positive direction for us…

  “I love you too,” she finally whispered.

  I glanced back at her, huge grin on my mug. “Yeah?”

  Emily nodded, her face blotchy from tears but her blue eyes bright with emotion. “Yes, Rory O’Gallagher. I do love you.”

  We neared the highway then and as soon as I pulled the truck onto the smoother road, I reached for her hand, holding it over the center console. The puppy snoozed away on Emily’s lap, not that I blamed the pup. Emily was a pretty cozy place to be.

  I went from a bachelor in a huge assed apartment I didn’t need, making forgeries for college kids and playing music at parties, to a bachelor living above the family bar. I had my women and I made my money, but it was this willowy blonde beauty next to me who made me re-evaluate everything.

  I would gladly live in the tiny two-bedroom rental house—a house where I could put my arms out on either side of me in the bathroom, and without stretching, reach the walls; a house with an oven that was probably from the early nineties; a house with a yard made of rocks, as I learned Arizonians liked to do—with this willowy blonde, then go back to the way life was.

  I enjoyed growing my health and fitness company while helping Emily study her ass off for a career that she was passionate about. I even enjoyed cooking her dinner and cleaning up the house, so she wouldn’t have to worry about it later.

  Sure, someday I’d love a bigger place with her—I wasn’t lying when I told her this morning I wanted her to carry my babies. We were going to get a bigger house and fill it with a bunch of hell-raising blondes, and if our girls looked anything like Emily? Well shoot my now.

  Or help me pick out an appropriate rifle.

  One or the other.

  We drove along the highway in silence, the roads understandably busy for the holiday. The radio was on low but couldn’t be heard much over the road noise. Not that I minded. With Emily’s hand in mine, I was plenty comfortable.

  “So you, who thought of everything,” she finally spoke into the quiet truck. “Have you thought of a name for this beauty?” I glanced over and watched as Emily lightly stroked the puppy’s fur.

  “Nope. I thought you would like a say in that.”

  “Hmm,” Emily replied through a closed lipped smile. She looked incredibly relaxed and happy, and it had little to do with her customary leggings and oversized shirt. She even wore those fuzzy boots that girls seemed to like, but looked like she was walking with an animal on either foot, but hey—if she liked it…

  “Well, she kind of looks like a teddy bear, don’t you think?” I gave a noncommittal grunt but could do nothing to stop the slight grin on my face. “But Teddy is too masculine,” she continued.

  I squeezed her hand. “So what are you thinking?”

  With a big wide smile aimed at me, she announced. “Theodora. Teddy for short.”

  I let out a
short laugh. “A name and a nickname? She’s a dog, Emy girl. Not a kid.”

  “Hey, I could go and give her a pedigree name. You gave me naming powers,” she jested, squeezing my hand back. “Theodora, Golden light of the Arizonan sun, the Goldendoodle.” Her voice was thick with laughter. Letting go of my hand to scoop the sleeping puppy up under her forearms, she went nose to nose with the quickly excitable puppy. “You think that works for you, Teddy girl?”

  I shook my head, still grinning, albeit much wider now that she addressed the puppy. “You’re nuts, Emily. Absolutely certifiable.”

  “Yeah well, you love me,” she snuck in there, still looking and talking to the puppy now dubbed Teddy.

  Long-assed pedigree-type name or not, I could be game with a dog named Teddy.

  December 25


  I woke with a happy sigh. Stretching my arms over my head, I looked over, seeing Rory’s sleeping form beside me. He was on his side, one hand resting on my stomach and the other arm wrapped around the pillow under his head.

  Quietly, I rolled to my side to put a hand on his cheek. The man lived in scruff these days, but if he didn’t trim it up sometime soon, he’d start to look like Conor with his full beard.

  I trailed the tip of my finger down the slope of Rory’s nose then over his cheekbone. I wasn’t sure what time he joined me in bed. Yesterday when we arrived to my parents’ house, I was surprised to find puppy toys and food. Apparently Rory had thought of just about everything where our Teddy girl was concerned, managing to keep her a secret with the help of my own parents.

  So while I helped mom finish our middle of the day dinner, Rory and dad played with Teddy in the living room with her new toys.

  We left my parents’ house after dessert and drinks, arriving to Conor and Mia’s after the kids had already gone to bed. Tired, I said my own goodnights while Rory stayed up with his brother and sister-in-law.

  Checking over my shoulder, I saw Teddy still snoozing in her puppy crate, curled up with a blanket under her chin. My eyes sought out the clock behind Rory; it was only six. The sun was starting its morning struggle but it was still fairly dark beyond the window. I held my breath, trying to hear if anything was going on beyond the guest bedroom door but the house seemed quiet.


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