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Once Bitten_Wolves of Hemlock Hollow

Page 24

by Heather McCorkle

  “Leave her alone, you son of a bitch!” I yelled.

  It took every ounce of control I had not to run to her side. His leg halted, relaxed, and returned to the floor. If he had kicked her I wouldn’t have been able to hold myself back. As it was, my fangs and claws had extended. Knowing I might need them, I didn’t try to retract them.

  “The Reinhard’s little leitar is awake. Good, she should see this,” James said.

  Dustin moved to help the young girl to her feet, putting himself between her and the man who had been about to kick her. For that he moved up on my list of people not to kill.

  “I’ve never seen anyone burn through chloroform and wolfsbane so fast. It’s amazing,” Dustin said in an almost reverent tone as he stared at me.

  The third man kicked Dustin in the back hard enough to make him stumble as he helped the young woman to her feet.

  “She’s to be a Reinhard, you idiot. Don’t sound so smitten,” the man said.

  Fangs extending, Dustin growled at him. “You know I don’t swing that way, Calder. She’s the leitar, she belongs to all packs and none, just like Ayra here will. They are above even the Alpha Council who oversee the umbrella packs. You would be wise to remember that because she’ll soon be far more powerful than you. You shouldn’t treat her the way you do,” he snapped.

  Hands curling into fists, Calder took a step toward Dustin. “Don’t tell me how to treat my own sister, mutt.”

  “Someone should, ylva,” Dustin said, sneering at Calder upon the last word.

  I recognized the word. It was Old Norse for female wolf. Probably his way of calling Calder a bitch, which I was torn between wanting to applaud and taking offense to. Detestable as he was, I cringed to think the man treated his own sister so badly. Now I really wanted to hurt him. Something Dustin said struck a chord and distracted me. Ty had an old book he wanted to check after he saw my birthmark. Oh Gods, Ty. He had to be half out of his mind right now. This was all my fault. I took a deep breath. One problem at a time.

  Calder growled, baring his fangs as he stepped toward Dustin. “You’re calling me a ylva? In your fucking dreams, queer!”

  Though he stormed toward Dustin, it was Ayra who cringed as though she expected a beating. Abusing his own sister and now insulting the sexual orientation of one of his own pack members, I’d had it with this guy.

  “You want to hit someone? Hit me, you son of a bitch,” I snarled.

  Light reflected off his eyes as his head whipped my way. His lips pulled up into a grin that showed fangs. “You want some of me, Leitar? That’s fine, we don’t need you in one piece. Until your first full moon, you won’t be at full power, and I’m guessing you haven’t even shifted yet. Which means you’re that much weaker. We’ve got a few more minutes before it rises.”

  Steps light, he strode up until he towered over me, broad chest heaving with pants that hinted at more arousal than anger. Then again, by the dark look in his eyes, I had to guess the two went hand in hand with him.

  He brought his face close to mine, breathing in deep as if savoring my scent. “I’d love to ruin what the legendary verndari of the Draupnir pack has been dipping into,” he said, low and husky.

  Oh, this guy had so much pain coming. A low growl began to rumble in my chest as I bared my fangs at him. It was all I could do to keep my hands low and twined within the ropes that were supposed to be restraining me. The moment was not now, it was close, but it wasn’t now. My control almost slipped when Calder took a lock of my hair and held it up to his nose.

  “You even smell like power. I can’t wait to see the look on Tyler’s face when he learns that I split his little wolf in two,” he said.

  I pulled back from him, not out of fear mostly, but because I was too close to losing my temper. This was testing me in ways I had never been tested before, not even by the verða. At the very least I worried that I would give away my element of surprise too early. Not only did these assholes not know I was loose, they thought I hadn’t shifted yet. The problem was, I hadn’t figured out fighting as a human, let alone as a wolf. While moving as one was instinctual, fighting, probably not so much. But I had to try it. Or maybe something in between…

  “Calder, no. Even you wouldn’t stoop to such a level,” Ayra spoke in a voice that held far more confidence than I expected from her.

  She thrust her head up, her long white-blond hair spilling back over her shoulders like fine silk. The defiance on her face was mixed with surprise, almost as if her own words and boldness shocked her. Calder’s dark gaze shot to her.

  “To teach that packless son of a bitch a lesson, yes I would,” he said.

  Threatening me I could take, insulting Ty, I couldn’t.

  “Clearly you haven’t seen the size of Ty’s cock, because trust me, yours is bound to be smaller and totally incapable of splitting me in two,” I snapped.

  Even before his face burned red with fury I knew it was the exact wrong thing to say. From what he had said, though, I needed to distract him until the moon rose. I didn’t know if he was crazy or telling the truth about me becoming powerful. That was a risk I was going to have to take. The other option would be to let him hurt his sister again, and I wasn’t about to do that.

  He leaned closer, his bodybuilder bulk blocking out all light. I knew I couldn’t take this guy. Being stronger and faster than I had ever been as a human had given me a little more confidence than was healthy for me at the moment. This guy at least doubled my weight, and from the looks of how his shirt fit, it was all muscle. The element of surprise alone might not be enough. I suddenly felt very underdressed and vulnerable in only my cutoff shorts, tank top, and Ty’s flannel. The hard-on bulging out the crotch of Calder’s jeans didn’t help either.

  “I’ll split you in two no matter what I have to use,” he snarled.

  As he reached for me, I sidestepped and moved around the post I was pretending to still be tethered to. It was too soon. I needed James away from the door before I fought and tried to make a break for it.

  “Is this really why you brought me here, James? To threaten me and try to rape me?” I called out to him, letting my anger fill my voice so it hid my fear.

  Finally, he came closer. “No, it isn’t. Back off, Cal,” he said.

  A muscle in Calder’s right cheek twitched. “I will take what I have earned.”

  Long fangs bared, James leaned into him. “Becoming monsters wasn’t part of the plan, Cal.”

  Chest puffing out, Calder’s hands closed into fists. “You don’t even know the whole plan.”

  I could hardly believe my luck. They were going to do half my work for me. They growled and began circling each other. Though Calder bared his fangs right back at James, he did so through a huge grin. I had a bad feeling he was going to win and then I would have to fight him. And if I lost… A shake of my head dislodged the thought. Couldn’t let my mind go there. That way led to fear, which would dissolve my control. Hopefully James put up a good enough fight to at least wear Calder down so I stood a chance. They launched at each other and my attention shifted to Dustin, but the man only watched them with wide eyes.

  “Dustin, please, get me out of here,” Ayra said, her small voice holding an authority that hinted at a hidden power.

  Eyes filled with indecision, Dustin looked from the small blond woman to the fighting pair, and back again. I had a feeling if she had made it a command and not a plea, he might have complied.

  Overly long dark hair brushed his brows as he shook his head. “I’m sorry, Ayra, but you know my standing in the pack. I can’t disobey Calder.”

  The only reason I could hear their soft voices over the growls and curses of the two men fighting was because they stood close to me. Too close. They were now in the way of the door as much as James and Calder. Oblivious to the three of us, the two men punched, kicked, cursed, and growled at each other, using not only their fists but their fangs and claws as well. Blood spilled from more than one wound on both, its copper
y scent filling the air.

  “Calder only said to bring me here. You’ve done that, now take me home,” Ayra said with a bit more force.

  Good girl.

  Like a rat in a cage, Dustin’s eyes traveled between them all again. “I’m not sure it’s enough, just having brought you to her.”

  “But I don’t want this, Dustin. Please, you were my friend. Don’t do this,” Ayra begged.

  The desperation in her voice, the catch at the end as her words turned into a sob, tore at me. What possible reason could they have for bringing her to me, even if I was this Seeker they talked about? My eyes flicked back to James and Calder. Sweat and blood poured from James’s brow. He seemed to be dodging and blocking a little slower than the last time I had glanced their way. On the other hand, Calder bounced on the balls of his feet, dodged and wove with a seemingly endless flow of energy.

  “Calder is going to win. She doesn’t need to see what happens after that. Get her out of here,” I said.

  Dustin’s wide eyes landed on me. A glimmer of sympathy in them suggested I might have an ally. Too bad he was too submissive to do any good in a fight.

  “Do it, now,” I commanded.

  Just as I had suspected, he began to move toward the door as if unable to go against a command. But it was too late. A cry of pain followed by the grunt of air expelling from lungs came from the direction of the fight. James writhed slowly on the ground. The amount of blood on his shirt, arms, and dripping down his forehead ensured he wouldn’t be getting up any time soon. Breathing hard and grinning like a maniac, Calder turned toward me.

  “You’re mine now, ylva,” he said as he approached.

  Holding my ground and keeping my hands before me as if I were still bound, I let him come. An easy calm settled over me while I watched him walk, assessing his energy level and injuries as he came. Dark blood flowed from a long gash on the inside of his right arm. He favored his right leg a bit. Little things, considering how much stronger he was than me, but they’d have to do. The smug look on the bastard’s face made it clear he didn’t expect me to put up a fight. Shit, the man’s biceps alone were intimidating. Eyes wide, I did my best to look scared. It wasn’t hard. He ate it up, grinning all the wider, baring his fangs as he scented the air.

  “You have his stench on you. But I’ll fix that,” he said as he reached for me.

  I cowered and flinched. As he took that last step I pretended to step back, using the motion to draw my leg back for a kick that I drove into his groin as hard as I could. Beneath my foot I felt soft bits slam into his pelvic bone. Air left him in a groan that sounded as if it wanted to be a scream but lacked the ability. He hunched over and covered his crotch with his hands, but didn’t go down. Without hesitation, I turned, cocked my leg, and threw a potentially deadly hook kick that whipped my heel into the side of his face. His head snapped to the side so fast I expected to hear his neck break—and didn’t, dammit—he went down hard. Guilt tried to rear its head at the death wish, but I forced it away, knowing I may still have to do worse.

  I stood over him in a fighting stance, waiting for him to move. After a moment of stillness, I dashed for the door. Dustin stepped in my way. As he did a power tugged at something deep inside me, stirring it to life, awakening it. But it wasn’t my wolf. This was something impossibly stronger, deeper. I could feel the moon like the pressure building before a storm, but instead of pushing, it pulled at that thing inside me. Trying to ignore the sensation, I shook my head.

  “Don’t do this, Dustin,” I warned.

  He swallowed hard and straightened. “I have to at least try to stop you or Calder will kill me.”

  Having seen Calder’s chest moving, I couldn’t waste time. The man would get up eventually. Dustin’s fists shook as he held them up. Faster than even a snake could hope to move thanks to my wicked varúlfur skills, I planted a palm heel strike solidly into Dustin’s left cheek. He went down almost as hard as Calder had. Leaving him groaning on the ground, I ran for the door again. James stood in my way, silhouetted by the pink light of early evening. In his arms he clutched Ayra.

  “Don’t hurt her,” I demanded.

  He shrugged. “Fine, here.”

  With a mighty shove, he heaved her at me, his varúlfur strength lifting her easily off the ground. It was either catch her or let her fly across the barn and slam into a wall. I caught her. The moment we touched, that energy the moon had been pulling at erupted from me in a golden glow and poured into her. Warmth spread over my skin, not like the heat of fighting the change, but more like the buzz from far too much whiskey. The mark on my hip burned slightly. Though it felt kind of good to me, it must have hurt her because she screamed like a banshee. Not wanting to hurt her any more, I let go of her and stepped back. Her screams turned into sobs as she slumped to the ground and clutched her head in her hands.

  “I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you?” I asked, taking a step closer to her.

  When she didn’t answer or even lift her head I took another step and started to reach out a hand. “Are you all right?”

  Head bowed as it was, she couldn’t have possibly seen me, but she flinched nonetheless. At first I thought it was a varúlfur thing, scent, sounds or something. Then I felt the push and pull of her energy as if somehow we were tied together in a way that allowed me to feel her without needing to see or smell her. In an instant, I knew she wasn’t hurt. The opposite, really. She felt like a fountain of that golden energy that had burst from me. Not even Ty felt this powerful. Bumps rose along my skin and I took a step back.

  Hands covering her face, she shook her head. “No, I’ll never be okay again,” she said.

  Something red against her pale skin on her lower back caught my eye. At first I thought it was a bruise from her brother’s rough handling or something, then I realized it was far different. The bumps that had risen on my skin spread until it felt as though they covered my entire body. Her mark was a port wine stain, a birthmark exactly like mine; the rough shape of a crude S, as if someone had stamped it on her skin. I reached a hand toward it and it started to glow the same gold color of the energy that I had seen pass from me into her. The mark on my hip began to heat up again.

  “What the…?” I stumbled backward. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on, Ayra, but we need to get out of here while these guys are still down.”

  But deep down, I did know. Both of our powers had just awakened. The feeling was undeniable. In my gut, my heart, I knew I was this seeker they spoke of. I held my hand out to her, far enough away not to be intrusive, but close enough that I knew she’d feel it. The sobbing stopped and her hands moved slowly away from her face. She looked up, hair falling away from a pale face from which topaz blue eyes peered.

  “You really don’t know, do you?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “I didn’t, and I didn’t mean for it to happen. Please, let’s get you somewhere safe.”

  Her head turned as she looked at each of the men, then back to me. “Might as well. There is no going back now,” she said in a sad tone that told me she didn’t think that was a good thing, not at all.

  Looking at the men lying on the barn floor, I couldn’t blame her. Family wasn’t exactly my strong point either.

  Slowly, she took my hand. An almost electric charge that wasn’t entirely unpleasant passed through us. It felt more like residual energy than anything else this time, like a powerful static from clean laundry.

  James blocked our way.

  “What just happened? What did I do to her?” I demanded. Part of me needed to hear it said out loud.

  The smirk that turned up the corners of his lips made me want to tear him a new one. “She has become what she was always meant to be, thanks to you.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “For every leitar there is an uppskera. It takes one to bring the power of the other forth during the full moon,” he said.

  I knew what leitar meant, well, the word at least. But the other
word… Swallowing hard, I glanced at Ayra before I asked. “What does uppskera mean?”

  His grin melted away. “Reaper.”

  My mind chewed slowly over that but couldn’t make any sense of it. Right now, especially in present company, I didn’t care to think on it anymore.

  “You got what you wanted. Get out of our way,” I said.

  One hand pressed against his left side, James widened his stance. “You can go. She stays with us.”

  “That’s not happening,” I said as I moved between him and Ayra.

  Reaper or not—whatever that meant—this young woman was in no condition to fight and I wasn’t about to leave her with these men. Gravel crunching beneath tires sounded from outside—two motorcycles from the whine of the engines. Footsteps pounded toward the barn a second later. Whether it was backup for these guys, or Raul, both were trouble that I couldn’t afford right now.

  A door slid open to our left. Two men rushed in from the dark. “Get Ayra before she realizes what she can do,” James commanded.

  I tried to pull Ayra to my other side to shield her, but she tore her hand free. “Can you fight?” I asked her.

  From the corner of my eye I saw her smile, but it was not a pleasant expression. “Unfortunately for them, yes,” she said.

  I couldn’t wait to see if she was right. This had to end quickly. Her image wavered like a heat mirage, then became a white wolf. With a thought, I grew my fingernails and toenails into claws, and made my fangs extend. The two men rushed Ayra and I lunged at James with a sidekick that was meant to look like I put all my power into it. He deflected it with one hand and stabbed the other at me, claws extended. Pretending to be off balance from the kick, I let myself fall in the direction my movement was going. Hopping on the leg I had just kicked with, I whipped my left leg toward his abdomen. It collided with his thrusting hand and I felt a claw dig into my knee, but the roundhouse kick followed through and struck him solidly in his bloody gut. At least two of the claws on my toes dug into flesh. With my varúlfur strength behind it, the kick would have sent anyone else flying, but it only doubled James over.


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