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Desire Part Three (The Desire Series Book 3)

Page 2

by Alexia, Ava

  “How exciting to travel to so many exotic places,” she said.

  “I would imagine that you have traveled quite extensively,” he remarked.

  “Not really. Photography is a new career for me. I haven’t yet established myself to be sought after by major newspapers and magazines,” she said. “It’s going to take more time.”

  “You will get there. You are welcome to use the photos you took of the house to get the job that you want,” he offered.

  “Really! Thank you. I probably should have just asked to begin with. Undoubtedly it would have prevented a swim in your fountain,” she chuckled.

  “Undoubtedly,” he laughed.

  “What’s the name of the magazine you’re going after,” he asked casually.

  “Homes Extraordinaire,” she said. “Getting their attention this way is a long shot but worth a try.”

  “You never know,” he returned.

  Matt knew the publication well. He had considered buying it but they had not wanted to sell. He’d thought about a takeover for they were in financial straits but decided against it. He was sure that he could influence them to hire Tess. But how would she feel about that. She was so very proud. Matt bent forward to lift the coffee pot to refill their cups. Tess also sat forward to offer him more salad. It was then that he noticed that her robe had slipped open and he could see her bare thigh. The pot tilted and hot liquid spilled on her knee.

  “Ow!” she exclaimed.

  Matt hurriedly set the pot down and picked up a cloth to dry her leg.

  “Ana! Bring a cold wet cloth and Neosporin,” he yelled. “I’m sorry, Tess. I’m so sorry.”

  Matt felt horrible. Damn it! How could he have been so clumsy? He closed his eyes in mortification; he knew the answer to that question. He gingerly touched her thigh. The skin was red and puckering. Ana ran in with cold water and the ointment. Matt took it from her and pressed the cold cloth against Tess’s thigh. She winced but made no other sound. He then administered the medicated cream, spreading it liberally over the burn. Thank goodness it was only a minor burn. But he could imagine it still hurt like hell.

  “Can I get you anything else,” Ana asked worriedly.

  “No, Ana. This is fine. The pain is lessening,” Tess smiled at Ana to ease her worry.

  “Thank you, Ana. That will be all,” Matt said.

  Ana left the room.

  “Are you really feeling better?” Matt asked anxiously.

  “Yes. I’m really feeling better,” Tess smiled wanly.

  “I’m so sorry, Tess. I should have been more careful,” he said apologetically.

  “It was an accident, Matthew. I don’t blame you,” she answered.

  He looked down at the burn. His hand was still resting on her thigh. He ached to slide his hand along her inner thigh. How would she react to the caress? Did he dare hope that she would welcome it?

  “You should,” he murmured thinking her attitude would change if she knew his thoughts.

  He looked at her gorgeous face and saw the expression of confusion on her face. Her lips were parted and her beautiful cherry eyes clouded. Her dark hair fell heavily on her shoulders, free and wild. He couldn’t resist. He clasped his other hand behind her head and lowered his head. He captured her mouth in a tantalizing kiss. She didn’t pull back which was all the encouragement he needed to deepen the kiss. He pushed his tongue past her lips and into her sweet cavern beyond. Matt couldn’t believe how good she tasted. He hadn’t expected the explosion of desire that kissing her had created. But he wanted more. His hand on her thigh moved of its own accord; inching slowly toward her cloistered haven. It was when his fingers had almost reached their objective that she pulled back. Tess broke the kiss and pushed against his chest. He moved slightly away from her but could not resist caressing her cheek. Her lovely eyes were clearly troubled.

  “Once again I must say that I’m sorry,” he smiled ruefully. “You seem to make me act out of character. I don’t normally go around kissing women I barely know.”

  Tess adjusted the robe more securely about her.

  “I should probably go,” she whispered.

  “I’ll check on your clothing,” he said.

  Matt quickly left the room. Tess looked after him bemused yet unexpectedly regretful.

  Chapter 2

  Tess stood on her hotel balcony dressed in her nightgown and stared at the gorgeous rays of the setting sun. Today had been very productive and interesting to say the least. She had completed her assignment and sent the photos to the editor at World Travel. But the most captivating part of her day had been when she met Matthew Edelston. And captivating was the perfect word to describe her encounter with him. He had a charismatic air that captured her attention and wouldn’t let it go. She had been horrified and embarrassed when she fell into the fountain. And it hadn’t helped matters when he laughed hysterically at her. Punching him in the face would have given her tremendous gratification but he had nipped that in the bud before she could get into full swing. Tess placed her forearms on the balustrade and leaned forward. She had to admit that her foray in the fountain must have appeared funny. She most likely would have laughed too if she had not been the unfortunate victim. Tess had to give him props where they were due. Even when she admitted that she was there illegally he still offered to help her. She had sustained a burn in the process but his kiss had made it worth it. She remembered the feel of his fingers trailing up her thigh. The stirring of desire caused by his touch was electrifying. She’d been hard pressed not to give in to temptation. Tess knew she was extremely sexual and enjoyed engaging in sex. She often wondered if that had not been the reason for her break up with her first love. She had given her virginity to the love of her life, Todd Decker. It was during her time with him that she discovered her nearly insatiable sex drive. She’d been in love with Todd and wanted to express that love through sex but he had not responded in kind. Todd began to complain of being too tired to make love or simply was not interested. He began breaking dates or being a no show. When she asked where he had been he became defensive and argumentative. Tess grew tired of trying and they eventually parted. Tess had begun to think there was something wrong with her for wanting so much sex. Todd had often called her a freak and she’d begun to wonder if he’d been correct. But her friend Jaclyn convinced her that it was Todd with the problem and she was better off without him in her life. Her relationship with Todd had been four years ago and since then Tess had avoided being sexually active. She just hadn’t wanted to deal with any possible fallout in the relationship. Now at twenty-four years of age she was feeling those familiar pangs of desire for a man that she barely knew. She’d always needed to have emotional feelings for the man that she bedded. Although she was attracted to Matt, he didn’t fit that criterion. So why did she want to jump his bones? It was too bad that she wouldn’t see him again. She would have liked to further their acquaintance. But a new assignment beckoned and that was where her focus should be. Tess sighed and went into her room and got into bed. She looked forward to the hot, sexy dreams she was sure to have of Matthew Edelston.


  Matt sat on a barstool in one of his favorite New York restaurant and drank a Highland Park 30 Scotch while he waited for his very good friend Whit Lampier. They had met eight years ago at the Manchester Derby and quickly became great friends. They had partied all night when Matt’s thoroughbred had won the race and the wild escapades that happened that night would shock the most debauched of men. When Whit told him that he had the perfect designer to decorate his Aruba home he had trusted his recommendation. Little did he know that the designer, Madison McClain would become Whit’s wife. Whit had found his happy ever after and he was thrilled for him. But he had major doubts when it came to finding love for him. That elusive emotion seemed to always dance out of his reach. He hadn’t been concerned about it until he’d met Tess.

  “Hey Matt,” Whit greeted him. “Sorry I’m late. My meeting lasted longer than

  They embraced briefly then Whit sat next to Matt.

  “Not a problem. I’m just sitting here drowning my bad luck,” Matt sighed. He took another sip of his Scotch.

  The bartender came over to them.

  “I’ll have what he’s drinking,” Whit said. Whit knew what Matt was drinking. They always drank the same Scotch.

  The bartender nodded and moved away.

  “How’s Maddie?’ Matt asked sincerely.

  “She’s great. She sends her love,” Whit replied. “So what’s the bad luck that you’re watering down with expensive Scotch?”

  Matt looked at Whit pointedly. Whit knew the answer.

  “Why haven’t you contacted her?” Whit asked.

  The bartender brought Whit’s drink. Whit nods his thanks. Matt is silent. Whit prompted him. “Well?”

  “It’s been a month. She’s probably forgotten the incident and me by now,” Matt sighed.

  “Highly unlikely. Any woman would have a hard time forgetting such a horrid memory of falling into a water fountain,” Whit said. “But your description of the event was quite funny.”

  “She didn’t think it humorous,” Matt recalled wryly.

  “All the more reason why she still remembers it and you,” Whit said. “Why are you hesitating? It’s not like you to not go after what you want.”

  “I’m not trying to buy a racehorse, Whit. A little more finesse will be required,” Matt retorted.

  “Go see her, Matt. I know you have tracked her whereabouts.” Whit urged. “And I suspect that if you’re here in New York then you know that she is at home.”

  “I could have business here,” Matt stated.

  “But you don’t. She’s here, isn’t she?” Whit pressed.

  “She is not away on assignment at the moment,” Matt conceded.

  “Then go to her before she is,” Whit replied.

  Matt was silent again.

  “You must really like her. I’ve never seen you vacillate like this. I can’t wait to meet her,” Whit said perceptively.

  Matt drained his glass and stood up. He threw several bills on the counter to pay both tabs.

  “Your drinks are on me,” Matt said.

  “Where are you going?” Whit asked in surprise.

  “I’ve waited long enough,” was all that Matt would say.

  Whit took a sip of his drink as he watched his friend leave the bar. He smiled. Things were about to get interesting.

  Tess couldn’t believe her eyes. She stood on her small balcony and stared down at the man she’d been thinking about for weeks. It was like her thoughts had conjured him up. He stood across the street gazing at her apartment building as if mesmerized. Was it possible that he had come to see her? It would have been easy enough for him to find her. How many Tess Zeplers of Zepler Oil were there in New York? Tess’s heart fluttered at the sight of him. She had dreamt of seeing him again; and what their reunion would be like. Maybe dreams could come true, after all he was here; almost anyway. Tess chafed her arms in the cool breeze of autumn. She was just about to go inside for a sweater when she spotted Matt. How long had he been standing there watching her building? Would he approach the building and buzz her apartment? Or would he turn and leave without contacting her? Tess had made up her mind to go back inside when suddenly he looked upward. His pale grey eyes connected with her cherry brown orbs. Even from their distance she could see the sparks twinkling in his piercing scrutiny. He ran across the street, dodging moving vehicles and ignoring their blaring horns. His overcoat billowed out behind him as he ran in the strong wind. He arrived at the door of her building and Tess quickly returned to her apartment to await her door buzzard. It sounded promptly. Tess took a deep breath then pressed the button.


  “Tess? Is that you?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she answered.

  “It’s Matt. May I come up?” he asked.

  “Alright,” she replied.

  Tess pressed the button to release the security door. She knew he would be knocking on her door in a matter of minutes. This is what she’s wanted to happen, so why was her heart racing? She needed to calm down and breathe. He was here but she didn’t know why. It could be a completely innocuous visit; he was in town so he decided to look her up. Nothing less, nothing more. It could very well lead to nothing. He knocked on the door. Tess slid her nervous hands over her hips then opened the door. Matt stood there bigger than life staring intently at her.

  “Matt. Hello,” she greeted.

  “Hello, Tess. May I come in?” he asked smoothly. He was glad his voice did not reflect his nerves. He had never felt nervous in his life until now.

  “Yes. Of course,” she said.

  Tess stepped aside to let him in. He moved into the room and looked around. It was a small but cozy room. He liked it. It was obvious that she wasn’t using her family money to live and he admired that. She was trying to make it on her own which was a reflection of her character. He had come from a poor family and left home with only ten dollars. There were plenty of nights when he begged for leftovers from the neighborhood restaurant and slept on a wooden bench in the train station. But he refused to return home with nothing. His mom deserved more than that and he’d been determined to give it to her. He still had the two dollar winning horse race ticket that had changed his life.

  “This is nice. I like it,” he smiled.

  “Thanks. So do I. It’s not grand but it suits me,” she grinned. “Please, sit. Can I get you anything? Coffee perhaps?”

  He saw the twinkle in her eye and knew she was recalling the last time they’d had coffee together. He accepted the challenge. If she burned him so be it.

  “Coffee would be great,” he chuckled.

  “Okay,” she responded.

  She went into the small kitchen to prepare the beverage. He followed her and sat at the small table for two beside the window.

  “I was surprised to see you standing on the sidewalks of New York. What brings you here?” she inquired.

  “You,” he said directly.

  Tess almost spilled the coffee grinds she was putting into the coffee maker. She looked at him in shock.


  “Yes. I wanted to see you,” he said. “You left a beguiling impression that I want to pursue.”

  Tess wasn’t prepared for such stripped down honesty from him. She wasn’t sure how to respond to him. She returned to making the coffee and stalling for time. She set the coffee to perk but did not move. They were quiet for some moments; each lost in their own thoughts. Then he moved to stand behind her. He clasped her waist and turned her t face him. She looked up at him; confusion clouding her beautiful eyes. He gazed into her amber eyes and knew he could get lost in them. He anticipated the time when he could.

  “I want to get to know you; in all ways, Tess. I came to New York specifically for that purpose. I won’t take no for an answer,” he said firmly.

  “Wow! He’s arrogant,” she thought.

  Irrationally Tess bristled. She wanted the same thing but it was the way he said it as if she had no say in the matter. Well she did.

  “It’s far from a done deal. I’ve been fine without having you in my life, and will continue to be. You can go back to Aruba,” she snapped.

  “Not without you,” he vowed.

  His mouth swooped down upon hers. Tess was shocked, appalled and foolishly thrilled. It took all of two second for her to respond to his tongue pushing into her mouth. Her arms crept up and around his neck as she leaned into him. He tightened his embrace, molding her slender frame to him. Tess could feel his penis straining against the fabric of his pants. It wanted its freedom and God help her she to release it. Tess was sexually charged and she was having trouble holding back. Her criteria for needing to be emotionally connected with a man to sleep with him had flown out of the window. She wanted him regardless of lack of emotions. And he wanted her just as badly. He grinded against as he massaged h
er breasts. She wasn’t sure when he had unbuttoned her blouse but his hands on her black laced covered breast was sending tremors through her. His tongue began acting as his penis in her mouth and she could not stop her hand from sliding down his torso to cup his cock. He groaned in response.

  “Tess! Don’t stop. Take me out,” he urged.

  She unbuckled his belt and slid his zipper down. He pushed his pants over his hips and they dropped to the floor. She cupped his cock through his brief and slowly massaged him.

  “Tess!” he cried.

  Just as her fingers slid under the waistband of his briefs her phone rang. She stilled.

  “No Tess. Ignore it,” Matt pleaded as he suckled her neck.

  But the ringing didn’t stop and in all good conscious she couldn’t dismiss it. Phone calls usually meant jobs. She couldn’t afford to ignore it. She broke away from Matt and ran into the living room to answer her phone.

  “Hello,” she answered breathlessly.

  “Tess? What have you been doing? You sound out of breath,” Jaclyn asked.

  “Oh, it’s you,” Tess bemoaned.

  Jaclyn was her best friend and any other time she would have been glad to hear from her. But right now she was exhibiting the worst timing.

  “Gee, thanks,” Jaclyn said irritably.

  Tess sighed and tried to massage Jaclyn’s bruised ego.

  “Of course I’m glad to hear from you. I was coming back from running and rushed into the house when I heard the phone ringing. I thought it might be a new assignment,” Tess lied. She asked God to forgive her white lie.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Tess. I wish I had a lead for you,” Jaclyn said apologetically.

  “It’s alright. I’ll get a job soon. What’s up?” Tess asked.

  “I’m calling to invite you to dinner tonight. I thought you could use a night out,” Jaclyn said warmly.

  Leave it to Jaclyn to be looking out for her. She was so loving and caring. Actually, Jaclyn’s call came at the perfect time. Tess needed to put the brakes on her raging hormones. She couldn’t seem to think when she was near Matt. And thinking was precisely what she needed to do.


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