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First of Spears

Page 4

by Billy Wong

  Claire glowered. "You brought it on yourself."

  "Wait," Theo said, "I know he tried to kill you, but can't we take him captive for now and punish him after a trial? I'm sure the sentence will still be... death."

  "He wanted to show the strength of your nation by demonstrating what happens to those he deems to disrespect it. Instead we'll see the fate of those who disrespect mine." At that moment, Theo felt rather distant from her.

  She ripped both spears outward, tearing Rufus' arms from their sockets. He howled and fell into a seated position against the wall, blood spurting from the holes that used to be his shoulders. He tried to fix a defiant glare on Claire, but soon lost that battle as the shock proved too much and his head dropped in death.

  "Y-you okay?" Theo asked.

  "I should ask you that."

  "I'm fine. I don't think it went too deep." Seeing Theo turn into the spear's path might have made Rufus hesitate just a tad. Her wounds, though... there had been no mistaking how grave they were. How could she have rallied enough to resume fighting, and moreover how did she remain standing? And even if Rufus' joints were partially severed by the spears, it must have taken incredible strength to tear apart what was left. "You're something else," he said.

  She crouched beside Lily and gently shook her awake. "You going to live?" When the younger girl nodded, she added, "You need to train harder so you don't embarrass us like that again."

  "He was one of the better fighters in our kingdom," Theo pointed out.

  "He was also wounded. And still, someone who travels full time with me shouldn't be getting punched out that easily."

  "Wait a minute... you know what happened?" His eyes bulged. "Don't tell me you were faking being that hurt!"

  Claire smiled slightly. "I wasn't faking the injuries. You saw my wounds yourself—they're not minor to say the least. I collapsed while waiting for you, and was pretty unconscious when you came. It's just that I'm a light sleeper compared to most. It doesn't take a lot to rouse me again."

  "But you still have enough strength to stand, walk and fight again... couldn't you just have walked out of here with Lily's help instead of having her come get me?"

  "I didn't think of that. I was feeling pretty faint at the time." Yet he wondered if she told the truth, or had seen an opportunity and intentionally set him up to "rescue" her. She probably hadn't counted on Rufus' return, though.

  "Anyway, I'm glad you made it."

  She nodded grimly. "It's a good thing I survived, for me and for you. If I was killed my nation might have used it to justify a war. Were that to happen, we would slaughter your men, subjugate your women and children, and absorb you into ourselves. Your kingdom would become no more than a footnote in history." She didn't say it with any malice, pride or glee, simply as a matter of fact. It chilled him nonetheless.

  "Do you think the king was in on it?" Lily asked, voicing the question Theo dreaded to ponder.

  "No, I doubt Theo's father had anything to do with this. He doesn't seem stupid enough to be nearly so reckless."

  Finding her words true, he breathed a sigh of relief. "They might still have been encouraged by somebody else, though. Since you killed the last one before he could be questioned..."

  "It probably wouldn't go anywhere. You think anyone important who 'suggested' an attack on me would be really be punished, unless we could prove they actually hired them as assassins? And it's just as likely some drunken chatter was what led to this."

  Skills aside, the triplets had been hotheaded brutes not shy about looking for trouble when the trouble didn't come to them. He remembered them breaking a barkeep's leg one time, after claiming mistreatment when the busy waitress forgot to bring them their drinks. This could easily have started with bravado among their peers, which they ill-consideredly decided to follow through on.

  "We should get back before I lose too much more blood," Claire said. "By the way, thank you for taking that spear for me. It was very kind."

  "It's not a big deal. You would have caught it anyway."

  "Maybe, maybe not. I was just waking up then. Besides, it's the thought that counts." She headed for the exit—then stumbled and put a hand against the wall for support.

  Theo leaned down to regard her as she stood hunched over. "Are you faking again?" But then he saw her face, awash with sweat, eyes squeezed shut, gorgeous features twisted with agony. She looked like she fought not only to stay up, but to stave off death.

  "No, she's not!" Lily waved her arms frantically, though he'd already realized his error. "Look at her, she's trembling! You have to help her."

  He tested his arms. Moving them didn't hurt his back too much, and he took a deep breath. "Rest easy, Claire. I can carry you."

  Chapter 3

  Theo took Claire back to her room, where he left her in Lily's care. "Patch her up good," he said before going to tell his father what had happened. Lily looked concerned at Claire's pallor and shallowness of breath, but he told himself she'd be just fine. After overcoming such odds to win the fight, surely nothing bad would happen to her now.

  The king turned out not to be in the throne room, which was good. It might not do to let others know of what'd happened just yet, before they had a chance to discuss it. Theo found him in his study reviewing some documents at the worn desk which seemed like that of any common businessman. Speaking formally as his father preferred him to, he said, "The messenger from High Waloros, Lady Claire, was attacked by the triplets not an hour ago."

  Darius frowned. After a brief pause, he asked, "How is she?"

  "She was hurt, but lives. They are all dead."

  His father raised a brow. "You killed them?"

  Theo recoiled, taking a step back. He winced as the sudden movement agitated his back wound. "Why would you think that? If I had the chance to subdue them, I would have taken them into custody first, as that would be prudent. But I did not have the opportunity."

  "You seem injured too. They dared to attack you as well?"

  He didn't know if he should mention that he'd shielded her with his body. "I was in the way and they weren't having anyone in their way, not even a prince."

  "Those ungrateful louts. I suppose it serves them right that they are dead now. Although, are you certain they were the ones who attacked her first? Did you witness how the conflict began?"

  The question caught him off guard. "I wasn't there to see how it started. But I'm sure they targeted her and not the other way around. If her goal was to assassinate someone here, why would it be three skilled warriors who aren't so vital to our government when it comes down to it and not a more important person? Besides, Rufus himself claimed to do it for the country, presumably to show our strength to High Waloros and demonstrate we will not be bullied."

  "Foolish of them. If she had died..."

  Theo blinked at the familiarity of the words. "That's what she said too."

  "It is truth. With war perhaps already looming, we cannot afford to make another enemy much less one as powerful as the Hierarch. Even if High Waloros did not decide to attack us directly, their assistance alone could turn the tide for Ailune."

  "Are we sure that Ailune means to start a war with us?"

  "It is not certain, but what is? That they amass ever increasing troops along our border is quite enough to make me wary."

  "I hope there won't be a war." Despite being about as well trained as they came, he had never killed another person before. He had seen it happen quite a few times, but felt certain it wasn't the same. But if war broke out he, being a warrior prince of Egrent, would surely have to start.

  The king patted his shoulder. "It would not please me either. But we must be ready nonetheless."

  "Of course."

  "By the way, I know you did not kill any of her attackers—but did you assist Lady Claire in defeating them?"

  He looked down. "What assistance I was able to give was very limited indeed."

  Darius nodded, a mix of admiration and awe in his ey
es that Theo wasn't sure suited a king. "It's remarkable... if even their women can be so strong, perhaps their warriors truly are far superior to ours."

  "But she might be one of their greatest warriors," Theo pointed out, "from what she said."

  "That seems unlikely."

  Unlikely or not, Theo chose to believe it possible. Claire had already done things that seemed like they should be impossible, so why not? Besides, it was harder to imagine somebody being much better than her than her being one of the best. "What will you do now?" he asked.

  "What can I do? Men under my employ just attempted to murder my guest. We'll allow her to stay as long as needed until she's recovered and make sure she gets the best of care."

  "I don't know if she'll want any care from our physicians. The girl Lily who travels with her has knowledge of healing, and if I may be honest, I wouldn't completely trust us either in her situation."

  "It would be good for me at least if they could check on her enough to let us know how she is progressing."

  Even though his father didn't share his concern for Claire for the same reasons, Theo smiled at it nonetheless. "I can keep you informed on how she's doing."

  "Ah, that's right." Darius eyed him intently. "You get along well with her, don't you."

  "Is there something amiss?"

  "It's useful to make allies when you can, even if they may become enemies in the future. But you should also keep remember your first loyalties."

  He bowed his head. "I won't betray our nation for anybody's sake. I don't want us and High Waloros to become enemies, though. That wouldn't be of any benefit to us, and I'd like to work towards not letting it happen."

  "Competently spoken. However, the nation is not the only thing to which you have obligations you should keep in mind."

  That darned suffocating tradition of parents getting to choose who their children were supposed to love. The stories popular among the people didn't even give it much respect, so why did the royal family have to? He didn't dare defy his father outright, though. "I haven't forgotten. Every man is bound to encounter temptation, but like an enemy in battle, it's more admirable for him to face it than just run away."

  His father nodded appreciatively, but then said, "I only wish that your heart be as steady as your words."

  His heart wouldn't be what kept him from breaking his shackles to Sophie. "Will that be all?"

  "One other thing. I assume you weren't able to have your match with Lady Claire as you desired?"

  "She still offered to fight me after. But I declined." Granted it had been in jest, considering she'd barely been able to speak as he carried her in his arms by then.

  "Very well, you may go. Tell the young diplomat your father admires her skills, and would be curious to see them tested against his champion when she is fully recovered."

  Theo's eyes widened. He had not expected this. It seemed rather rash of his normally calculating father. "Are you... challenging her on Gunther's behalf?"

  "There is no obligation for her to accept. It would be nothing more than a friendly match, as I presume you were to engage in with her—nothing at stake, naught on the line."

  Nothing but her pride, and that of High Waloros by proxy. And if she failed to accept, that would be as good as a loss in many's minds. All of a sudden, Theo didn't feel so confident in her. She was an astonishing warrior, but Gunther was by far the best he'd ever matched blades with. "Matched." The word seemed almost a joke taking into account how easily Gunther bested him whenever he fought more than half serious.

  Theo returned to Claire's room, where Lily greeted him. It was aggravating at a time like this how the beds stood to the side of the door, so one couldn't see them right away without entering. "How is she doing?"

  The girl looked away, and Theo's heart skipped a beat. "Her wounds were very bad. If someone else had them, I don't know if I could have saved them." She smiled. "But Lady Claire is exceedingly strong, and assures me she will be just fine."

  "Is she awake?"

  "I've been trying to stay awake," Claire said from inside. "You made it a bit hard for me taking so long."

  She sounded weak, but the humor in her voice told him she was just fine... he hoped. He walked in to find her pale, ashen even, but when they clasped hands her grip proved still strong. He wondered how she looked under those blankets—what she wore now, if her bandages were hidden or exposed, whether or not blood soaked through them. "I wasn't gone long. You're just impatient."

  "Felt like it took forever when Lily here was sewing me up."

  He figured that would make the passage of time harder to endure, and thus seem longer. "At least you didn't faint."

  "It would've saved me some pain if I did. Anyway, how did it go with your father?"

  He didn't know where to start. "He wanted the royal doctors to check on you."

  "I don't need any help from your healers. Not that I think the king is stupid enough to order them to poison me to death or stab me in the midst of their examination... but who knows if any of them have notions like the triplets?"

  "I thought you might have such thoughts. Hence why I proposed to keep an eye on you in their place."

  "Your mind reading ability puts me in awe. What other magic can you wield?"

  It took him a moment to realize she was making a joke. "The magic of staying a lifelong prince."

  He counted it a small victory that it took her a moment to comprehend what he referred to. "It's not that bad. Not everyone can be firstborn."

  "Obviously, but I mean, it's just a funny thing to think about. In the popular stories the prince always becomes king, which is rather unrealistic..."

  Her lips bent upwards. "You like those commoners' folk tales? A little surprising of a prince. They represent a simple view."

  "I know, but the idealism in them is somehow soothing."

  "I like them too. The prince saving the princess, defeating the great evil and becoming king—although, I sometimes wonder when it isn't specified whether or not the prince and princess might be related."

  Theo laughed with her. "It's usually a prince from a different kingdom saving a princess, but I can see how that could be overlooked if not paying full attention."

  "Or if the storyteller forgets to mention it."

  "That's probably less common."

  "You think storytellers don't drink? Let me tell you the tale of the brave Prince Parsithis, who sought to rescue Princess Pagmelia from the evil sorcerer Ragatort, who-"

  His eyes fell on a small keg atop her bedside drawer. "Have you been drinking?"

  "Lady Claire insisted the skin she carried wouldn't be enough," Lily said. "So she told me to go out and..."

  "You stayed here by yourself undefended? What if-"

  Claire rolled her eyes. "I could have defended myself. It's not like Lily-"

  "That's insensitive."

  "Oh, yeah." Lily looked confused at her friend's unfinished sentence. "Anyway, I'm glad your father acknowledges his people's wrongdoing and doesn't try to blame this on me. It shows wisdom on his part, to be able to see clearly and not be blinded by bias."

  "Well, I vouched for you defending yourself. I'd hope he would believe his own son."

  "You vouched for me? But you weren't there at the start of the fight. How do you know I'm innocent?"

  He paused in surprise. What was she doing? "I heard Rufus' stated reason for trying to kill you. It didn't indicate you attacked them first."

  "I could have led them on."

  "Provoking three dangerous men in unfamiliar territory would show a certain lack of smarts, which I don't see you having."

  "You don't have to be stupid to be crazy or have a lust for danger."

  Theo realized she was testing his trust towards her, and found he rather enjoyed it. The wordplay sure beat the monotony of his mundane conversations with Sophie. "Maybe if you were alone. But provoking that trio in your current circumstances would endanger Lily, and I don't take you for the type to put
your friends at unneeded risk."

  Lily smiled, and Claire said with a grin, "I enjoy your appraisal of me." She reached up as to clap his shoulder or touch his face, he didn't know which, but suddenly grimaced and rolled to her side clutching her stomach.

  "Should I leave you to your rest?" Theo asked. "Maybe you shouldn't talk too much."

  She looked to be in overwhelming pain, barely able to turn her head to gaze at him, but replied, "I don't need to rest, just... ah, ahhh... give me a second to catch my breath."

  He waited until she mastered her agony enough to roll onto her back again, found that he couldn't think of what to say. After looking awkwardly into each other's eyes for a few moments, Claire burst out in laughter. Then her facial muscles seemed to tense with pain from doing so and she stopped. "I really hope you feel better soon," he said. "It's really sad to see a person like you suffering because of a bunch of hotheaded fools."

  "I paid them back well enough. But why are you touching my hand?"

  Theo did a double take. He hadn't even really registered that her hand was outside her blankets. But it must have remained there resting upon her middle after she'd reached up towards him, and somehow his hand now covered it. He gently moved his hand away, taking notice of how hers looked. Her fingers were graceful and slim, with short-cut yet decidedly feminine oval nails at the ends, and though he could glimpse a fair share of calluses, it still baffled him to think where her true strength was hidden. "Your hand looked cold, so I figured it could use some warmth."

  She giggled, but this time kept it more controlled in order not to aggravate her wounds. "My hand is grateful for your concern."

  "Your arms have some muscle to them, but they're still on the small side compared to men. Yet you seem to have incredible strength. I wonder who would win an armwrestling contest between us?"

  "You would," she said without hesitation.

  "You think so? Taking Rufus' arms off like that was quite a feat. I don't know if I could do it."

  "Of course you would beat me, or you'd better at least. I am rather weak right now."

  He laughed. "Oh, I see. I meant when you were healthy of course. Taking advantage of your current state would be pretty pointless."


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