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My Guardian

Page 2

by Alanea Alder

  Adriel inclined his head. "It was all in good fun."

  "Good. Now, when can we eat?" Aiden asked, changing subjects.

  "Sir, are you hungry?"

  Aiden shook his head. "Not me." He pointed to Meryn, who turned around as if on cue.

  "I smell food. I'm hungry."

  "Then, by all means, let us find you some sustenance." Adriel bowed.

  Meryn threw both arms in the air. "Yes! Food!"

  "Denka, you're going to have them thinking I don't feed you. We ate less than an hour ago," the squire said, smiling softly at his charge.

  Meryn stopped walking and faced the group. She pointed to her squire. "Ryuu feeds me."

  The announcement was so blunt and unexpected the men began to chuckle.

  Micah wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Of course he does, how could he leave such a gorgeous flower to languish without food." Together with Bethy they steered Meryn toward the transport tunnel.

  "Your witch. Do I have to kill him?" Aiden asked, growling.

  Adriel pinched the bridge of his nose. "No, sir. He is like that with every woman he meets."

  "Every woman?" Aiden asked.

  Declan nodded. "Yes, sir. Young, old, thin, curvy, shifter, vampire, it does not matter. He treats them all like goddesses."

  "He must be popular." Gavriel said, clenching his teeth.

  Adriel sighed. "He is, but he is never inappropriate with anyone's mate, despite what the men here in the city may think. Micah is beloved by all the women here because in some sad cases, his words are the only ones of kindness they hear."

  Adriel watched as Gavriel and Aiden's expressions changed from suspicion to respect.

  Aiden shrugged. "I don't see the harm."

  Adriel hid a smile. As he had suspected from previous correspondences, his commander was a softie when it came to matters of the heart.

  Aiden was all smiles until he watched as Meryn dropped out of sight down the transport tunnel. "I'll kill him if she's hurt!"

  Adriel pulled out his pocket watch. Half-past eleven. Wonderful. His day was just starting.


  "Oh! I want to try some of those!" Meryn said, pointing excitedly to the shish kebab vendor.

  Adriel turned to Etain, who nodded. "Be right back." Etain jogged to the vendor.

  Meryn frowned. "I could have ordered for myself."

  Bethy looked at him, and Adriel nodded. She sighed and turned to Meryn. "Noctem Falls doesn't receive many human visitors; it's best to let the men order for you."

  Meryn tilted her head. "How will they get used to dealing with humans, if the few times humans visit, a unit member runs interference?"

  Adriel blinked. He had never thought of it like that.

  Meryn sighed and walked after Etain, Ryuu right behind her. When she popped up beside Etain, the fae looked back to where they stood, a questioning look on his face. Adriel nodded. Etain stepped closer to Meryn in a protective manner.

  Adriel turned to Bethy. "Is she always like this?"

  Bethy smiled. "If you mean does she somehow manage to look into the heart of matters and deal with things in an efficient and fair manner, the answer is yes. She may not do well with strangers, but she definitely marches to the beat of her own drum."

  "How remarkable," he murmured.

  At the food vendor, the vampire who was handing over the kebabs was smiling down at Meryn and laughing. Meryn stuck her tongue out at the man making him cackle harder. A second kebab joined the first and Meryn's face lit up. She took a bite off the first stick and began bopping around in an impromptu little dance.

  The next vendor down, who had watched the entire interaction with curiosity, leaned over his counter and shouted to Meryn. "If you like those, you have to try some of my meat pies. On the house and welcome!"

  Beside him, Declan exclaimed, "What?"

  Aiden turned to him. "What is the matter? Is she safe?"

  Adriel shook his head and just stared. "Old man Richter does not give anything away. He usually charges people he does not like double, just because he can. If he could get away with charging for napkins, he would; he is that tight with a dollar. He must be taken with your mate."

  Meryn made a beeline to the pie vendor. She handed her squire two empty sticks and hopped from foot to foot in anticipation of her next treat.

  With a gentle smile, the older vampire handed Meryn a napkin-wrapped pie. She smiled up at him and took a bite. She swallowed quickly and began to blow on the hot snack.

  "I'll be damned. How did she charm that old bastard?" Micah whispered.

  "She's Meryn," Bethy said, an amused look on her face.

  Adriel turned to Aiden. "You never stood a chance, did you?"

  Aiden shook his head. "Nope. She beat me into submission. I'm glad though; I've never been happier."

  Startled, Declan turned to their commander. "She beat you? Sir?"

  Aiden smiled wide and rubbed his chin. He looked at Declan and winked. "And set my car on fire. But I'll tell you all about that later, when were in a less public place."

  Declan nodded then turned and stared at Meryn who was waving her meat pie around, exclaiming it to be the best meat pie in the whole world.

  "Look at their faces," Micah said, pointing to the crowd. "They're enchanted by her."

  "They do not see many pregnant women nowadays. It has been quite some time since our last birth here in the city." Adriel sighed.

  "As soon as we show Aiden and Meryn the city, we need to meet with my uncle," Bethy said before she looped her arm around his.

  Adriel patted her hand. "Of course, dearest."

  "She's going to eat herself sick," Aiden said as Meryn was invited to another food cart.

  "Today is a hungry day, Aiden. Let her get as much nutrition as possible. Tomorrow could be a sick day," Beth admonished.

  Aiden nodded quickly. "I know; I just don't know where she puts it. She's only so big."

  "She is eating for two, sir," Micah added.

  Aiden turned to Adriel. "Later, I want to talk to you about something that happened up at the portal."

  Adriel inclined his head. "Of course, sir."

  After another twenty minutes of bouncing from vendor to vendor, Meryn patted her belly. She waved goodbye to everyone and walked back over to where they waited. "The food here is amazing!" She looked up at her squire. "Can you learn how to make those little meat pies?"

  Ryuu nodded. "Of course, denka."

  "I am glad that were able to find something you liked." Adriel nodded his head to the open square where dozens of merchants were set up.

  "Me too! So, what is this, like, the shopping place?" Meryn waved around them.

  Micah stepped forward. "Sir, may I?"

  "Of course, Micah." Adriel nodded.

  Micah bowed low and stood up, a charming smile in place. "My lady, after entering the city from the Ledge, you entered the Grand Hall. From there we used what we call the transport tunnel to drop down to where the Levels begin. When the city was first designed, there was a bit of prejudice left over from the old days, so the levels closest to the surface, or where the humans were, denoted a drop in class in the social structure. This is Level Six, the Market Place. Here vendors and merchants of all kinds set up daily to sell their wares." Micah pointed to the rows and rows of carts.

  Meryn smiled. "It feels like a Middle Eastern bazaar."

  Micah grinned broadly. "It does, doesn't it? Now, here's where it gets a bit tricky. As you descend lower into the city, the higher the social standing. On each level, the closer you are to the transport tunnel, the better your standing. Vampires are extremely class conscious."

  Adriel cleared his throat.

  Micah rolled his eyes and continued. "Each of the residential levels is ruled by a single Founding Family and the two Noble families that report to them. For example, Level Five is ruled by the Founding Family of DeLaFontaine; their quarters are the closest to the transport tunnel. Then we have the Noble families
DuBois and LeBeau. DuBois outranks LeBeau, so they are located in the quarters after the DeLaFontaine residence making LeBeau the innermost located ranking family. After the LeBeau quarters are your everyday people, or citizens. With me?" he asked, pausing his explanation.

  Meryn had her eyes closed and was tracing lines in the air with her hands. She nodded. "Yup. Keep going."

  "Right. The next level is Level Four. The Founding Family is Géroux. The Noble families are Fabre and Tremblay. After Level Four is where we lowly grunts live. It's not a numbered level, as we were not given such a distinction, but as luck would have it, we're located right in the middle of the city, so it makes patrolling pretty easy. Under us is Level Three, the Founding Family is Régis; the Noble families are Evreux and Delacroix."

  "Yikes!" Meryn's eyes popped open as she grimaced.

  "What darling?" Micah asked.

  Bethy waved her hands frantically. "We'll explain later."

  "You both tease me mercilessly, I find myself loving your tortuous ways," Micah sighed.

  "Get on with it," Declan growled.

  Adriel watched as Micah winked at Meryn before continuing.

  "Level Two, the Founding Family is Belle Rose. The two Noble families are Voclain and Richelieu. And last, but certainly not least, is the much-coveted Level One. That is where the Royal Families, as leaders of the Founding Families, established their residences. At the time of the city's creation, there were four royal families. After much tragedy, there are now only two. Level One is divided into four quarters. House DuCoeur and House DuSang are now extinct. But House Rioux and House Ambrosios, as you well know, exist today. That's where we are heading, Level One. Prince Magnus is most eager to see his niece."

  Meryn's eyes narrowed into little slits. She turned to Bethy. "Prince?"

  Bethy grimaced. "It's a lingering title. Outside of Noctem Falls, he's more recognized as the vampire Elder."

  Meryn turned her attention to Gavriel. "Prince?"

  Gavriel shrugged. "The House only became active again when I stepped forward to be a member of the Alpha Unit. I gave up such titles a long time ago. I happily leave that to Magnus."

  Meryn tilted her head. "Which level are the council members on?"

  Etain stepped forward. "The fae, witch, and shifter council members maintain a residence in the Noctem Falls estate in the human city of Albuquerque. They use a portal to travel here for council meetings."

  "I'd like to see the estate later." Meryn smiled at Aiden who just nodded. "Good idea."

  Micah extended his arm and pointed to the transport tunnel. "Now, if you don't have any questions, I'll joyously escort you to Level One."

  Meryn scrunched up her nose. "How do you poop? Where does it go? If you get more prestigious as you go down, aren't you shitting on the upper classes?"

  Micah froze and then blinked. No one seemed to breathe.

  Behind them, the meat pie vendor began to howl with laughter and beat on his counter. "She got you with that one did she not, pretty boy!"

  Adriel winced. Maybe a public explanation hadn't been the best idea. Beside him, Bethy had her face in her hands.

  "I... uh... Adriel?" Micah stammered.

  "Come back up here to visit, girlie; I will show you how the common folk live and how the city really works," the vendor promised.

  Meryn turned and gave him a thumbs up. The older man just chuckled.

  "Micah, let us escort our guests to the prince," Adriel suggested.

  Micah nodded and shook his head. He smiled, and the flirt was back in action. "Come, my turtle dove, I'll escort you down."

  Meryn walked with Micah and Ryuu back toward the transport tunnel.

  As Adriel walked behind them, he heard a snort. He turned to find Declan grinning like an idiot. "What?"

  "I have been here for over six hundred years, and I never thought to ask how shit works." Declan began laughing uproariously.

  Adriel gave him a flat look before turning to Etain. "I will escort our commander, you deal with the laughing hyena."

  Etain's mouth twitched. "Yes, sir."

  Adriel moved over beside their commander. Aiden shot him a sympathetic look. "I have one just like him. Can't kill him since he's my best friend."

  "So what did you do?" Adriel asked curiously.

  Aiden gave him a slow grin. "I left him in charge."

  Adriel nodded. "Not a bad idea. Maybe a few days in my shoes will give him an appreciation for decorum."

  Aiden stared down the transport tunnel. "Or the men will kill him."

  Adriel sighed and agreed. "Or the men would kill him. Ready, sir?"

  Aiden swallowed hard. "No, but let's go."


  "Uncle! Uncle, I'm home!" Bethy called out, swinging the large wooden door open.

  "This is not her home." Adriel heard Gavriel mumble under his breath.

  Aiden patted his second in command on the back, and they walked into the opulent residence quarters for House Rioux.

  "Bethy!" Magnus Rioux came barreling toward them, a huge smile on his face. He swept up his niece and swung her around as she laughed.

  "Gods girl! I have missed you!" He peppered her face in kisses.

  "And I've missed you!" Bethy laid her head on her uncle's shoulder.

  Adriel smiled at the pair. Growing up, Bethy had spent more time with her uncle than with her fathers. The man spoiled her outrageously, but not with material things. He had spoiled her with attention and unconditional love.

  Magnus set her down and kissed her cheek one last time.

  "Where's Daddy and Papa?" she asked, looking around.

  "We were not expecting you quite this early. I believe they are working on a surprise for you. I sent my secretary, Cheryl, to Broderick's lab to let them know you had arrived." Magnus kissed Bethy's temple.

  Gavriel cleared his throat loudly.

  Bethy shook her head. "I'm so sorry my love." She walked over and grabbed Gavriel by the arm before she dragged him over to her uncle. "Unky, this is my mate, Gavriel."

  Magnus eyed Gavriel then grinned. "I know who the bastard is."

  Gavriel rolled his eyes and extended his forearm. They clasped arms in a warrior's greeting before stepping back.

  "She made it all the way through the city, and she is not bleeding. I commend you." Magnus said smiling.

  "It was not easy," Gavriel admitted.

  Magnus shook his head. "Tell me about it." He turned to Bethy. "Tarak and Kuruk Géroux have insisted on being your guards again."

  Bethy's eyes widened. "I thought you sent them to the Caribbean to recuperate after my last visit."

  Magnus nodded. "I did, but when they caught wind you were returning, they made it back to the city in record time. They are adamant that no one except for them can keep you safe."

  "It is true," a deep voice rumbled from the doorway.

  "Tarak!" Bethy squealed and ran toward the huge vampire smiling at her.

  She was almost to them when she clipped her shin on the coffee table and started to go down. Before Gavriel could react, both vampires had Bethy in their arms holding her above the floor.

  She gave them a goofy grin. "Thanks!"

  Kuruk shook his head and looked at Gavriel "She always seems to trip or fall at the exact same points throughout the city. If you stay close, we can teach you where they are."

  Gavriel nodded with a tight smile. "Perhaps you can let her go now?"

  Meryn giggled and poked Gavriel in the ribs. "Your eye is twitching."

  Tarak chuckled. "No need to get riled up, Your Highness; we have been watching over Bethy since before she could walk. Kuruk and I would rotate with a witch healer to keep her safe."

  Kuruk nodded, an absent look on his face. "Remember the time she almost suffocated in her crib by wrapping herself up like a burrito?"

  Tarak shuddered. "Gods, yes. That was just the beginning."

  Gavriel's eyes widened in surprise. "You have been with her that long?"

p; They both nodded.

  Gavriel walked over and extended his arm to Tarak in greeting. He clasped arms with both of them. "Thank you. Thank you for keeping her alive."

  The men exchanged looks, and each clapped a hand on Gavriel's shoulder. "We know your pain." The three of them seemed to share a moment.

  "I'm right here!" Bethy exclaimed.

  "Now, now angel, you know they are not exaggerating." Magnus wrapped an arm around Bethy's shoulders.

  "It's embarrassing," she admitted.

  "They love you. They've watched after you since you were a baby. That's not embarrassing," Meryn said quietly.

  Bethy stepped away from her uncle and pulled Meryn into a hug. "You have us now."

  Meryn nodded then turned her attention to Magnus. "Yeah, the human runt is here."

  Magnus winced and then turned to Micah who nodded. Micah began whispering a spell. "Tarak, the door."

  Tarak walked over and closed the door as Micah was finishing the soundproofing spell.

  Meryn crossed her arms. "Okay, spill it. What in the hell is going on?"

  The joy from Bethy's arrival seemed to drain out of Magnus. He looked at the group before turning to Aiden. "My people are disappearing."

  Meryn sat down on one of the couches. "Well, fuck!"

  Adriel couldn't have said it better himself.


  "This sounds vaguely familiar," Ryuu murmured.

  Aiden nodded then tuned to Magnus. "What have you heard about what happened in Lycaonia?"

  Magnus shot a look to Meryn who crossed her eyes at him. He smiled. "I heard you are mated to a walking disaster who destroyed the city square and leveled the Council Manor."

  Meryn gasped. "That's so not fair! Kendrick leveled the Council Manor; I just coated everything in flour glue."

  Magnus continued. "I also heard that you started taking in paranormals around Lycaonia since it was not safe for single families to be alone, that they were being hunted down and killed by a new faction of ferals."

  Aiden nodded. "Did you get the report on the necklaces?"


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