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My Guardian

Page 4

by Alanea Alder

  Adriel sucked in his breath and turned to Bethy. She placed a trembling hand to her stomach before leaning into her mate. "How?" she whispered.

  Magnus rubbed his chin. "Not to pry, but how often do you feed from Bethy?"

  Adriel watched Gavriel's eyes shift from gray to red. "That is none of your business."

  Magnus sighed. "I am trying to be delicate."

  Gavriel growled. "That is private."

  Magnus ignored Gavriel's aggression and continued. "I will take that to mean often. What I am trying to get at is this has happened before. It is extremely rare, but in the vampires written history, the Book of Life, there have been recorded examples of women conceiving out of season. In every instance, the male is an ancient vampire and the female another type of paranormal. It was theorized that the act of multiple feedings"--he cleared his throat, blushing--"while being intimate, passed along something of the vampire to stimulate his mate to ovulate. It has not happened in nearly five thousand years, but then again, most of our older generations were lost in the Great War. There are not many old enough that can do such a thing anymore."

  Bethy looked around the room, her face haunted. "What if something is wrong with my baby?"

  Magnus was up in an instant and kneeling down in front of his niece. "There is nothing wrong with your baby. He or she will be perfect just like you are. You will have every possible resource and healer at your disposal, I will see to it myself," he promised. He lifted her hands and kissed them.

  "Plus you have Kendrick and Rheia and Anne and Amelia and me and..." Meryn rambled until Aiden once again covered her mouth with his hand.

  Bethy took a deep breath. "Of course, you're right. I'm being silly."

  Meryn shook her head, moving Aiden's hand. "Little Jack will be just fine." Meryn cooed wickedly.

  Bethy's eyes narrowed. "Stop calling my baby a jackalope, Meryn!"

  "I'll love the little thumper no matter what," Meryn said solemnly.

  Bethy growled. "Thumper?"

  Meryn began to giggle. Aiden gently tapped her on the nose. "Fine! I'll be good. Promise."

  Sebastian handed Bethy a cup and saucer. "Here love, Ryuu said this would help calm you. Two babies in the family, we have been blessed by the Gods!" Adriel watched in amazement as the man practically danced his way back toward the kitchen.

  Magnus stood up and resumed his seat. He looked from Meryn to Bethy and hesitated. "Maybe you ladies should go lie down while I go over some things with your mates," he suggested.

  Bethy raised an eyebrow, and Meryn snorted. Adriel turned his face to hide his grin. He had only just met Meryn, but he had a feeling she was just like Bethy. They wouldn't let Magnus exclude them so easily.

  Meryn turned in Aiden's lap to look at Magnus. "I thought you called Beth and me here specifically; why send us away?"

  Magnus looked at them with a pained expression on his face and grimaced. "I actually needed Aiden and Gavriel here but did not want to alert the Founding Families by sending for the Unit Commander and his second in command." He turned to Bethy. "Not that I was not desperate to see you again, dearest heart."

  Bethy tapped her finger against the side of her tea cup. "You might as well begin. We're not budging. Besides, Gavriel and Aiden would probably tell us later anyway. What you have to say can't be any worse than what we have been through in the past few months."

  Magnus nodded more to himself than to anyone in the room. He stopped then looked at Aiden. "Everyone at the council level believed that what was happening in Lycaonia was a localized attack. We assumed that since the ferals were going after shifters the other cities would be safe. We were wrong."

  "Uncle, what's happened?"

  Magnus leaned back in his chair. To Adriel it seemed as if all of Magnus's years caught up to him at once. He looked tired. "Whole families have been disappearing. Not just in New Mexico, but as far east as Texas and as far north as Colorado. Reports trickled in at first, since whole families were disappearing, there was no one around to report them missing. But last month, I started getting four and five reports a day from local Vanguard units. You have to keep in mind, each report contained anywhere from four to ten people per family."

  Aiden growled low. "Why didn't you report this immediately?" he demanded. He stood and placed Meryn down in his chair. He began to pace back and forth. "Every single delay must have cost dozens of lives!"

  Magnus stood, his eyes shifting to crimson. "You think I do not know that? That I do not lie in bed each night and recite the names of the families, the children who were reported missing that day? My hands are tied! I had to send a cryptic message to my own niece just to get you here! The Founding and Noble families would have protested outside interference!" he roared.

  Adriel stood and went to his prince's side even as Gavriel stood beside Aiden. "We are not enemies here," he reminded them both.

  The two powerful men stood, eyes locked glaring at each other. Adriel turned to Gavriel, who gave a quick shake of his head, advising him not to interfere. Adriel was about to physically get between the two of them when the face of his prince changed from anger to startled pain. Adriel looked down in time to see Meryn turn and kick her own mate in the shins.

  Both men looked down at her in astonishment. A human woman not even half their size managed to put both of them in their place.

  Adriel shook his head. "Meryn, you are a wonder."

  Meryn wedged herself between Aiden and Magnus and pushed them apart with her tiny arms. They let themselves be moved and each took a step back.

  Meryn glared up at both of them. "And what in the fuck do you think is going to get accomplished by snarling at each other? Of anyone in this room, the two of you need to work together. People's lives are at stake; you don't have the luxury of whipping out your dicks and seeing who's bigger."

  Adriel felt his mouth drop. In all his long centuries, he had never heard anyone speak to their prince in such a manner.

  Meryn crossed her arms over her chest. "Besides, you're upsetting Beth. For that alone I could eviscerate you both, got me?" she threatened.

  Both men turned to see that Bethy was pale and trembling. Magnus was instantly contrite. "Bethy, my darling, I am so sorry." He turned to Aiden. "As you can see, I am not at my best. This situation has sapped me of my patience and energy. My apologies." He sat back down, exhaling loudly. Once his prince was seated, Adriel himself sat back down. Behind him, he could almost feel the nervous energy pouring off of his unit. They were stuck in the middle between their loyalty to their prince and their Unit Commander.

  Bethy smiled wanly. "Eviscerate, huh?"

  Meryn stuck her tongue out at her.

  Aiden turned to Meryn and Adriel instinctively leaned forward to get between his commander and the small human.

  Aiden flinched. "That is the second time you or your men have tried to protect Meryn from me. Do I have a reputation of being a mate beater that I don't know about? I'm a unit warrior for Gods' sake; I protect people." Aiden scooped up his mate and sat back down with her on his lap once again. Gavriel sat back down next to his mate, pulling her close.

  Adriel half bowed to his commander. He shot a look at Magnus, who nodded his permission. He regarded Aiden for a moment and deliberately chose his words for his explanation. "Sir, it is not you. Unlike Lycaonia, Noctem Falls is not diverse. The city is primarily made up of vampires. Many of these vampires have an ingrained way of thinking, including what is and is not acceptable behavior in their own homes. As you visit the different levels you will see an enriched culture that has pulled the best aspects from previous centuries and emulates the social decorum and graces of the Victorian Era. Despite the acute attention to detail given to etiquette by embracing this certain age, the people have also subconsciously accepted the myriad of underlying social injustices that were prevalent during that time."

  "What the fuck?" Meryn asked.

  Aiden gave him a dark look. "Any abuse of the people here should have been repor
ted to me."

  Magnus leaned forward placing his hands on his knees. "A few bad apples can spoil a bunch. The council here is aware of the behaviors of certain high ranking family members, but unless someone comes forward with a formal complaint there is nothing we can do." He looked at Bethy. "It is why I supported Bethy leaving the city. The higher you go in the city, the more the people accept modern culture. I wanted Bethy to be able to learn and experience all that the human world has to offer. As much as I would like to make changes, I am only one man, representing the last of the Royal Families. I am outnumbered at every turn."

  Meryn looked at Gavriel. "You always said House Ambrosios was a founding family, but here Magnus is saying you're royal, what gives?"

  Gavriel winced. "Originally, there were eight Founding Families and eight Noble Families. After the Great War, House Ambrosios, House Rioux, House DuSang, and House DuCoeur were elevated to Royal Houses by the four councils for their contributions to peace after the war. Those four Houses did not allow rank to sway them when it came time to administer aid and distribute supplies to war ravaged areas. They had the trust and love of the people. So, technically House Ambrosios and House Rioux are Founding Families."

  Magnus gave Gavriel a sly look. "If another royal were to return, prove his lineage, and take on the mantle of House Ambrosios in truth instead of name only, our Houses united could sway many of the fence sitters."

  Gavriel sighed and shook his head. "You know why I cannot. I do not want the responsibility that my position would demand. I am dedicated to serving in the Alpha Unit. My home"--he looked down at his mate--"our home is in Lycaonia."

  Adriel eyed the large vampire closely. He had never gotten an explanation or proof from his prince as to why Gavriel was who he claimed to be and why he was allowed to claim the name of Ambrosios. "You cannot prove you're a royal, can you?"

  Gavriel simply shrugged. "It is a moot point."

  Magnus turned to Aiden. "In that case, I will need your support and the support of the units. The council here backs my lead, but some of the Founding Families, and through them the Nobles, do not. I would like to declare a state of emergency and call my children home. I would also like to open the city to any paranormal in the area who needs refuge."

  Aiden frowned. "Why wouldn't the Founding Families support that?"

  Behind them Declan barked his laughter. "Because sir, the prince wants to open up the city to any local paranormal, not just vampires. The locals do not want to sully their precious city with shifters." Declan sounded bitter.

  Aiden's expression turned frosty. "Is that so?"

  Magnus nodded. "I hate to admit it, but they would probably protest younger vampires with mixed bloodlines as well. It is why I had to get you here. They will hate having shifters here, but they will not dare speak against it while you are in the city."

  "Why me? I'm not a vampire?" Aiden asked.

  Declan, Etain, and Micah chuckled.

  Adriel just started at his commander. "Are you serious, sir?"

  Gavriel smirked. "Aiden, I keep telling you that you are popular; you do not listen."

  Tarak stepped forward. "Your Highness, if I may?"

  Magnus nodded smiling.

  Tarak turned to Aiden. "Sir, you have had sway over the Founding Families since the day you brought back the bodies of the murdered Alpha Unit to Lycaonia, nearly six hundred years ago. Jean-Marc Géroux, my uncle, was very much beloved here in the city. When his final words pledging his loyalty to you reached us here in Noctem Falls, along with the story of what you had done, every single member of the Founding Families swore to support your position as Unit Commander in his place. They recognized that if you risked your own life to bring Jean-Marc home, we could do no less than honor his wishes to respect your authority. You may not hold the rank of a Founding Family member in their eyes, but they will respect your orders. To do otherwise would bring dishonor on their Houses and their names. They would never deny your request for assistance in saving shifters when you have done so much to save our kind." Tarak placed his fist over his heart and bowed, his brother bowed beside him.

  "Now do you see why I needed you here?" Magnus asked.

  Aiden blinked in astonishment. "I only did what any warrior would do."

  Tarak grinned at him. "It is also because you honestly believe that, that so many follow you without question."

  Bethy turned to Tarak. "Is that why you volunteered to guard me? Because I was a shifter needing to be saved?"

  Kuruk nodded then laughed. "That and you were the cutest little thing we had ever seen. You have to remember Bethy, we do not get many babies in the City of the Night. You have had most of the city wrapped around your finger since you were a toddler."

  Aiden strummed his fingers on the chair arm. "What exactly do you need me to do?"

  Magnus's face lit up. "Just support my decision in opening up the city. Make it known that you are counting on the citizens of Noctem Falls to help save your people, and possibly have dinner with two or three Founding Families. A week of your time, two tops. By then, having shifters and witches in the city will be an everyday occurrence." His face softened. "They are not a bad bunch, Aiden. Old fashioned, stuck in their ways, but they are not bad. If I have to use you to make it fashionable to assist shifters, I will. At the end of the day, they will do the right thing. I have to believe that."

  Aiden looked down at his mate. "Just two weeks. I'd like to get Meryn back home as soon as possible."

  "Whoo hoo! Vacation!" Meryn threw her tiny arm in the air.

  Bethy looked from Meryn over to Adriel then at her Uncle. "Oh dear."

  It was just one tiny human, what trouble could she possibly cause?


  Adriel stood in the back of the large meeting hall where members of the Founding and Noble Families gathered to hear Aiden's speech informing them of the new dangers the ferals posed and asking for their support in opening up the city to save as many paranormal lives as possible.

  In every word, Adriel could hear Bethy's influence. She, more than most, understood the politics of their city. Aiden had proven his leadership skills when he asked for her assistance in writing the speech. Very few people with power ever realize that they aren't all-knowing and all-powerful. For Aiden to have learned that lesson at such a young age gave Adriel hope for their future.

  Grant leaned in on his left. "So you are getting a mate huh?"

  On either side of Adriel, all thirty members of Noctem Falls six units lined the back and side walls of the room, lending their support to not only their Unit Commander, but also to their prince.

  Adriel kept staring straight ahead but gave a slight nod. "Evidently."

  On his right, Declan growled. "As am I."

  Adriel turned to his second in command. "You have been having nightmares?"

  Declan just nodded.

  "Why did you not say anything?"

  Declan raised an eyebrow. "Why didn't you?"

  Adriel turned back to face the room. He knew why he had not said anything, sharing the death of the woman of your dreams was not high up on his things to do list. Was Declan seeing the death of his mate too? "How bad?" he asked.

  Adriel could hear Declan grinding his teeth. "She dies, trapped in a fire. You?"

  "Femorals cut, hung from a meat hook, and drained." Adriel shuddered at the memory.

  "Gods!" Grant whispered harshly, sounding shocked. "I am making it a point to beat the shit out both of you in training tomorrow for keeping secrets like that. You know we would never let that happen to either of your mates. We can't help if you do not tell us."

  "I'm tempted to cast a spell to make you cluck like a chicken for a week," Micah threatened, sounding pissed. Adriel leaned forward to look at the witch; for once, the jovial man wore a serious expression.

  "What?" Micah demanded. "I'm angry because you didn't come to us. We're your brothers; who else are you going to turn to?"

  Adriel straightened and r
efused to answer, Micah's honest words touched his heart. As the leader of all the units in the city, he maintained a certain distance from the men, even his own unit. He believed that was the only way to keep their respect, but watching Aiden today, seeing him joke and smile not only with his second in command, but with others, he started to wonder if maybe he had the wrong idea.

  After Aiden wrapped up his speech, there was a smattering of unenthusiastic, polite applause. As predicted, no one overtly opposed the plan, but Adriel was willing to bet that they would somehow find small ways to sabotage their efforts. He watched as Jourdain Régis made his way over to where Bethy stood with her mate.

  "Declan," Adriel hissed.

  "On it." Adriel watched in amusement as the crowd parted for Declan. The shaggy redheaded shifter was one of the largest men in the city. He made even the haughtiest elitist think twice before tangling with him.

  Declan grinned evilly as he stepped in front of the odious man. Jourdain Régis had been dogging Bethy's steps since before she was legal by their standards. Adriel was surprised and a bit disappointed that Magnus had not had him killed before now. Jourdain had made his interest in Bethy known, and he always managed to make her uncomfortable, pushing the limits of polite behavior. Tarak had almost lost it and challenged Jourdain when he found Bethy shaking in a corner in an attempt to steer clear of the Founding Family member. Bethy was only sixteen at the time. Jourdain's father had to step in, using his rank to keep his son in one piece. He assured Magnus that his son would leave Bethy alone until she was of age.

  Now that she was mated, Adriel had hoped the man would give up, but Jourdain was proving him wrong. Declan simply stepped left and right, blocking Jourdain's path to Bethy. Jourdain's mouth twisted, and he said something under his breath.

  Adriel could not hear what was said but knew it was bad when Declan smiled wide, showing off his perfect pearly whites.

  "Etain," Adriel barked. But the man was already moving. Seconds later, Etain laid a friendly hand on Jourdain's shoulder, and with a tightened grip, steered the offending vampire away from the angry grizzly-shifter.


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