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My Guardian

Page 17

by Alanea Alder

  Marie clapped her hands together in front of her. "A thousand blessings on your child! The first baby to be born in Noctem Falls in decades, how exciting!"

  Eva caught Gavriel's mouth moving and could have sworn he muttered that the baby would be born in Lycaonia. Poor Gavriel. Eva felt like laughing, even though he was the vampire, Noctem Falls claimed his shifter mate as their own, while he remained loyal to Lycaonia, the shifter city.

  Beth leaned forward to stare at Meryn. "By the way, what's with your new word usage? First eviscerate and now exsanguinate?"

  Meryn stuck her nose in the air. "I am trying to improve my vocabulary."

  Aiden chortled next to her. "Ask her what's she's using to build her vocabulary."

  Beth hesitated. "What?"

  "It's a perfectly legitimate app."

  Aiden nipped her shoulder. "Tell her."

  "I downloaded the Serial Killer Word of the Day app," Meryn answered. She looked around as the table fell silent. "What! All the normal ones were boring, I mean who really wants to use words like 'mulct' and 'gormandize' in everyday conversation. The serial killer app came with cool information about blood splatter patterns and medieval torture methods."

  Again, there was silence.

  Javier regarded Meryn intently. "You are the most dangerous creature in the city, are you not?"

  Meryn beamed at him. "I knew I liked you."

  Simon shook his head once and then turned to Magnus, changing the subject. "Is it true that the warriors have already completed the first set of housing?"

  "It is. Two small witches recently of Storm Keep managed to accomplish what their older counterparts could not. Under their own power, they easily carved building after building out of the stone walls. It was all the other warriors could do to keep up," Magnus said, practically bragging the two witches up. "And to think that Storm Keep begged me to accept them."

  Eva watched as Adriel turned to his prince. "They did?"

  Magnus nodded. "Evidently, they barely passed their warrior exams and were such misfits they did not know what to do with them. They did not want to be separated, so I told them we would try them out. Best thing I could have done."

  Beth raised an eyebrow. "And you couldn't bear the thought that the two brothers would be sent to different cities."

  Magnus cleared his throat. "Maybe."

  Eva watched a thousand thoughts play out on Adriel's face. She hoped her mate never took up poker, because he couldn't hide what he was thinking to save his life.

  "They're mine; I adopted them," Meryn declared cheerfully, taking another bite of pudding. Beside her, Aiden began to choke on his steak. Gavriel leaned over and whacked his commander on the back.

  Once his airway was clear, he turned to Meryn. "What?"

  She looked up, confused. "What?"

  "Adopted them?"

  "Yup! They are my baby Keelans."

  Aiden's brow creased. "Baby Keelans?"

  Ryuu stepped forward again. "She is referring to the fact that Masters Nigel and Neil look very similar to Keelan."

  "I think it's the hair. And their sense of humor. And pranks," Meryn rattled off.

  "But not really adopted, right Meryn?" Aiden asked, desperation on his face.

  Meryn frowned. "They don't have anyone in this whole world, just like me. They are smart and funny and sweet. I want to help them. Can't I have them?"

  "You can't adopt people like kittens!" Aiden growled.

  "I wouldn't know; someone wouldn't let me get a kitten," Meryn retorted.

  "Fine, you can have a kitten, no people."

  "Too late."

  Aiden rubbed circles around his temples with his fingers and then sighed. "How old are they?"

  "They have just turned one hundred," Adriel responded, smirking.

  "Gods, that's how old Keelan was when he joined Alpha." Aiden turned to Adriel. "I bet you feel like you're juggling glass."

  Adriel exhaled. "I would say you have no idea, but from that statement you obviously do. I have seriously considered sending them back to Storm Keep. Being a unit warrior is not safe and they are so very young. I worry that something will happen to them."

  Leana tapped the rim of her wineglass and turned to Magnus. "What if you reached out to Storm Keep enraged over something these boys had done. Let them think you are about to send them back then demand two more witches. Make them believe you are doing them a favor by keeping the boys."

  Marie nodded. "Even better, we could ask to get Leif and Travis back despite their test scores. I heard Viktor say that neither of them wanted to return to Storm Keep anyway. They are experienced, seasoned witches, and they know the city."

  Magnus exchanged looks between Javier and Simon. "Why do we even pretend to be in charge?"

  Beth smiled and winked at Leana and Marie. "Because we let you."


  Eva woke with a pounding headache. So had been so relieved the night before when the tension dissolved, she had indulged in more wine than she usually drank. She remembered apologizing to her mate, who told her if anyone deserved to relax, it was her.

  All she wanted to do was drill a hole in her head and pour coffee directly on her brain. She knew if she got up and got to the coffee pot, she'd feel better, but she couldn't get her arms and legs to move. What in the hell was in that wine? She could drink all night with shifters, she owned a bar for goodness sakes; it wasn't as if she were a lightweight. Damn sneaky vampires.

  Groaning, she sat up. She went to swing her legs over the side of the bed and ended up sliding off and landing on the floor.

  "Gods damnmit!"

  "Yup, she's awake. Stay here; let me check if she's naked." The bedroom door opened, and Meryn's head poked in. Eva heard laughter and then the sound of feet walking toward her.

  "Here's your bra and tank top. Good thing you're already in underwear, I think that would be beyond your capabilities right now." Meryn dropped the items on the floor.

  Eva pushed herself up and miraculously managed to put on the garments without choking herself. Having expended what little energy she had, she lay back down on the floor.

  "Y'all are safe to come in now." She opened the door, and the twins walked in behind her.

  They looked down at her and winced. "That bad, huh?" Nigel asked, kneeling down. Eva closed her eyes and laid her cheek on the floor. "Let me die."

  "No way. We have stuff to do, houses to build, things to kill, the family business." Meryn was opening dresser drawers. "Where's your stuff?"

  "Things to kill?" Eva asked ignoring her question.

  "Yeah, I went to watch Doctor Who but Supernatural kept playing. I think something has jacked my Netflix account. I binge watched like five seasons yesterday. I now carry my sonic screwdriver, my laptop, and salt." She looked around. "Your stuff hasn't come yet, has it?"

  "Nope." Eva cracked open one eye when she felt two hands on her head. "What are you two up to?"

  Neil winked. They whispered, and Eva had to close her eyes at the green light. Slowly, the pounding in her head dissipated, and she didn't feel like she was about to cross over to the other side. She opened her eyes and sat up. "Don't let anyone tell you that the two of you don't kick ass."

  Nigel laughed. "We learned that one very young. The witch that ran the house we grew up in liked to get drunk, but dealing with him the next day while he was hung over was dangerous. This spell pretty much saved our asses."

  Eva growled. "One of these days you'll have to tell me more about growing up in Storm Keep."

  "Yeah, I'd like to hear more, too," Meryn chimed in.

  Eva stood and stretched. She pulled her clothes off the chair and got dressed. "So we're heading where?"

  "The twins are going to the Marketplace to get more houses built, and I'm tagging along. There are so many unit warriors up there, we should be okay." Meryn headed to the door. "But before that, we're meeting up with Ryuu at the transport tunnel. He's bringing us coffee."

  "Hot damn
girl, why didn't you say so sooner, let's go." Eva herded everyone downstairs and out the door.

  Meryn looked around and scrunched up her nose. "It's okay, but I like the Alpha estate better."

  Eva bumped her with her hip. "Of course you do, you live there." Eva marched toward the tunnel with the single-minded purpose of getting her cup of coffee. When she saw Ryuu waiting for them, two to-go cups in hand, she almost cried. She walked up to him and took her cup. "Gods bless you, Ryuu."

  Ryuu nodded with sympathy and handed the other cup to his charge. She and Meryn sighed happily at the same time after their first sip.

  "I think I'd be okay with the world ending as long as I had coffee," Meryn admitted.

  "Agreed." Eva took another sip.

  Ryuu bent down and picked up a large cooler bag. "Ladies, after you." He bowed and motioned them to step into the tunnel. Unlike when the twins floated her up, Eva actually felt something solid under her feet. Looking down, she couldn't see anything, but it was if they were on a moving platform. The five of them arrived at Level Six and made their way to where the loud noises announced the housing project in progress.

  She saw her mate talking with Beth. They were both bent over his clipboard, which now sported a pretty stone on the metal clasp. When she asked, he told her it was an alert stone in case Beth hurt herself. She was amazed that the girl had lived as long as she had if she had to pass out alert stones to ensure she got help. Beth pointed to the house in front of them, and they both nodded. Adriel looked over and saw her. His face transformed into a smile. Beth turned, and seeing them, walked over with Adriel.

  "Looks like you lived," her mate teased kissing her gently.

  "What in the hell was in that wine and why didn't you warn me?" Eva demanded.

  Adriel winced. "It was not technically wine, more like a fruit flavored whiskey. The fae and the vampires discovered the recipe for it when attempting to create an alcohol that would not burn off with paranormal metabolisms. They call it Forbidden Fruit."

  "I was drinking glass after glass of whiskey? No wonder I felt like dying this morning. You should have warned me." She poked him hard in the chest.

  "I had no idea that you had never had any. You do own and operate a bar in a shifter town, my love," Adriel pointed out.

  "Well, we don't stock that. Kinda glad now, I would have spent more time rolling drunk wolves out of my bar than pouring drinks."

  "Forgive me," he asked, kissing her neck.

  "I guess. But only because the twins pulled me back from the brink of death. Thank them. Because of their spell, I didn't spend the entire morning planning your death while trying to keep my head from exploding."

  Adriel turned to the twins. "You have my thanks. When you are not pulling pranks, you have proven to be quite useful."

  "Sugar!" Beth hissed, turning toward them.

  Eva looked up and saw a vampire walking toward them with a smarmy smile on his face.

  "Behave," Adriel murmured.

  "I aim to misbehave," Meryn said, and the twins high-fived each other

  "Elizabeth, darling! How good to see you again! Your efforts to supply homes for those poor wretched refugees does honor to your uncles' house," the man said, spreading his arms wide as if to greet Beth with a hug.

  Meryn stumbled and wrapped her arms around Beth. "Sorry!" she said, her eyes wide and innocent. Beth kept her arms around Meryn, effectively evading the newcomer's embrace.

  "Ivan DeLaFontaine, I'd like you to meet Meryn McKenzie, she is my adopted sister and the Unit Commander's mate." Beth smiled as she introduced Meryn.

  It wasn't lost on Eva how she introduced Meryn's tie to a vampire family before her mating with the Unit Commander. Meryn was right; Beth was a master politician.

  Ivan's oily smile turned to Meryn. "Oh! Isn't she delicious?"

  Meryn stepped back, looking scared. "You want to eat me?" she exclaimed loudly. Her voice carried over the workmen's noise, and heads turned in her direction. Eva watched as her pack edged closer to where Meryn stood.

  Ivan shook his head. "Of course not, darling. I was referring to the fact that you're pregnant. New babies are such a joy!"

  Meryn gasped and wrapped her arms around her midsection protectively. "You want to eat my baby!"

  "Here now, what's going on?" Stefan demanded, walking up to stand directly behind Meryn.

  Ivan's polite facade began to crack. "Nothing, she is deliberately misinterpreting my every word."

  Meryn sniffled and turned her face into Beth's shoulder. Beth patted her on the back. "She is in a delicate condition. You, of course, understand how frightening it must be for her to be in a strange city and have a new threat hanging over our heads. Even in the most peaceful of times, being with child is difficult." Beth kissed the top of Meryn's head.

  Ivan was instantly repentant. "You're absolutely right. I'll just check on the housing project and then return to my Level. Give your uncle my regards, darling." He waved at them and walked over to where the unit witches were organizing for the day.

  "I don't like him," Stefan growled.

  "Me, either." Meryn said, pulling her head out of Beth's chest.

  "You two almost gave me a heart attack," Adriel said, rubbing his chest. "I am too old for shocks like that. Do you know how hard it was not to laugh?"

  Eva rubbed his back. "You did just fine."

  "That was awesome," Nigel said, and Neil nodded his agreement.

  Beth sighed and watched Ivan from afar. "He's up to something. He knows I hate his guts. I wonder why he wanted to hug me."

  "I wasn't going to give him the chance." Meryn said.

  Beth smiled at her sister. "What would I do without you?"

  "Hug assholes," Meryn said bluntly.

  "Maybe," Beth agreed.

  "Meryn, if you need help, my pack is keeping an eye out for you. You can go to any of them, at any time." Stefan said, his eyes following Ivan until he dropped from sight down the transport tunnel.

  Meryn blinked. "Thanks, but why?"

  Stefan turned and saw everyone was staring at him in question. He shrugged. "No idea. You're mated to a shifter, so I guess I feel like I should watch after you. Plus, you're just a baby! You shouldn't have to face all of this craziness."

  Meryn rolled her eyes. "I'm not a baby." She turned to Ryuu. "Lunches."

  Ryuu stepped forward and unzipped the large cooler. He pulled out two large bag lunches and handed them to the twins. "My denka says you will need to keep up your strength as you are the ones doing the most magic." He handed each twin a bag lunch.

  They stood there frozen in shock. "No one's ever made us lunch before."

  Meryn nodded. "Me either, until Ryuu. It's kinda cool not having hot pockets all the time."

  Nigel and Neil broke out into wide smiles. They both crowded around Meryn, each kissing her on the cheek. She giggled and shooed them away. "Go have fun making houses." She pointed to where Micah waited.

  "We will," Neil said.

  "Aren't you going to tell us to stay out of trouble?" Nigel asked, grinning wickedly.

  Meryn laughed. "I did say have fun, didn't I?"

  Laughing, the two ran off to get started.

  "If they start creating rainbow colored houses, I will blame you," Adriel warned.

  Beth slapped at his arm playfully. "They'll be fine. I'll try to curb their enthusiasm." She ruffled Meryn's hair. "Be good."

  "Whatever," Meryn said.

  Adriel turned to Eva. "Be good."

  "Sure thing, darlin'."

  Adriel shook his head, chuckling. He and Beth walked over to help keep everyone on track.

  Meryn looked up at her. "So."


  "I'm bored."

  "Gods forbid," Eva teased.

  Meryn's face became pinched. "I feel trapped."

  Eva nodded. She knew exactly what Meryn was referring to. The city with its uniform stone made Eva feel like the walls were closing in. She looked back to the transport tunne
l. "Ryuu, you can fly right?"

  "Yes, of course."

  "And you're also Meryn's bodyguard in a sense?"


  "So between the two of us, we should be able to keep her safe."

  Ryuu's eyes narrowed. "I believe we could, why?"

  Eva turned to Meryn. "Feel like going topside?"

  Meryn practically squealed. "Yes!" She turned to Ryuu. "Oh, please!" She clasped her hands in front of her, begging.

  Ryuu sighed. "How could I say no to that?"

  "Yes!" Meryn pumped her arm in the air.

  Eva had to admit she was excited too. Between the two of them, they practically dragged Ryuu to the transport tunnel. They wove their way between cots and tents of the refugees and headed to the Ledge.

  When they got there, Warrick DuBois greeted them.

  "Holy shit! What do they feed you?" Meryn exclaimed.

  Warrick blinked then laughed. He practically had to bend in half to get down to Meryn's level. "You must be the commander's mate, Meryn. Nice to meet you. I am Warrick DuBois."

  Meryn took a step back. "Are you related to that douchebag Andre?"

  Warrick stood, his face pulled tight in anger. "What has that insufferable ass done now?"

  Meryn pulled up her sleeve and showed him the bruise. Warrick inhaled sharply. "I am so sorry he put his hands on you. He is my cousin, and unfortunately, he takes after my uncle instead of my sweet aunt. I swear to you that he will never do such a thing again."

  "It's cool; you can't pick your family." Meryn shrugged and lowered her sleeve.

  "Where were the two of you ladies headed?" he asked.

  "We're just heading to the surface for a bit. Feeling kinda claustrophobic down here," Eva answered.

  Warrick nodded. "I have heard shifters, witches, and especially fae say the same thing after being transferred here. Just be careful, any sign of trouble, get back down here. I will check on you in an hour or so," he promised.

  "Thanks." Meryn went to the door and pushed, nothing happened. "Is there a spell on it or something?"

  Warrick shook his head, fighting a grin. "It is just a bit heavy." He easily swung it open for them.


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