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PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans

Page 15

by Joseph, Fabiola;L. Ramsey, Matthew

  “Hold up, Jasmine, there are too many people out here. I’ll drive home as fast as possible, trust me,” he said while flashing his seductive smile. I reluctantly went back to my seat and crossed my legs to stop the pulsating storm that was brewing between my legs.

  “You really want what you want when you want it, huh?” he asked while rubbing my left nipple through my bra. He was teasing and I wasn’t going to take it lying down.

  “Yeah, I like to have things my way, and to tell you the truth, I usually do.”

  I reached over to him as he drove and unbuttoned his pants before he could stop me. I reached in and pulled out his rock hard dick and it brought a smile to my face. It was big, brown, and gorgeous.

  “Looks like I wasn’t the only one who was ready to get it in.”

  “What can I say baby, I may be able to lie but he’s never really had a good poker face,” Lust said speaking of his male parts.

  I rubbed Mr. {not so} Mini Chocolate Bar and I was surprise to see that even though I was happy with its size before, it was a mistake to think that it couldn’t get any bigger. I wanted to taste him and I wasn’t going to wait.

  “Whoa, what are you doing Jazzy, you gonna fuck around and make me crash.”

  “Don’t do that, I wouldn’t want to be found with a dick in my mouth, know what I mean?”

  We laughed as I covered the head of his dick with my lips. This wasn’t something that I loved to do, but with him it brought me great pleasure. I loved how he started to fuck my mouth the better it got for him, and when we pulled into my parking lot he was ready for the goodies. He damn near pushed me out of his Navigator, and we hurried to my door while touching and kissing each other. He stood behind me playing with my nipples and kissing my neck as I stumbled with the keys and couldn’t get it in the door.

  “It’s a good thing that you’re not the one who has to find the hole,” he said as we let the alcohol’s effect take over us. While I tiptoed on the drunken border, Lust was only tipsy. Once inside of my living room, I started to undress and give out orders.

  “Put on that Gregory Isaacs CD that you just got.”

  On my way to the bedroom, I heard the sweet sounds of Gregory Isaacs singing his sweet love song.

  “Tell her try her best just to make it quick, woman tend to the sick. 'Cause there must be something she can do, this heart is broken in two. Tell her it a case of emergency; it’s a patient by the name of Gregory. NIGHT NURSE.

  The music took us both back to the festival and we picked up right where we left off. He must have kissed me from my head to my toes. He left nothing unattended to. He made pure love to me. When I got on top of him, I made sure to keep my eyes locked on his. I watched everything that he wanted to say flash through his eyes. We came together and sounded like wild beaches as our bodies trembled and shook violently. We both were pleased beyond any words could express. I lay beside him drenched in our sweet love sweat and I could no longer keep in what was on my mind.

  “Why can’t you stay?”

  “Here, with you or in Cali?”

  “Whichever one, it doesn’t matter, you pick.”

  “Well, I only really come down here to work, Jazz, this is not my home.”

  “Why can’t it be? I just want to spend more time with you, is that too much to ask?”

  He didn’t have the answer that I was looking for. There were things that he would have to tell me but he just didn’t think that it was the right time. Yes, we had only known each other for a few days but he was kind of feeling the same way I was. He would have loved to stay but he had other responsibility that he just couldn’t turn his back on.

  “How about if I extend my trip a few more days? I’ll be back to see you soon and make it a longer trip. Maybe by then we can talk and figure something out.”

  I wasn’t going to push the issue, he promised to stay a few days longer than planned and I was just going to have to take that deal.

  “Fine, but don’t make me wait too long to see you again, I won’t be able to go too long without LUSTING.”

  We took a shower together and he gave me another round of back breaking sex. We slept like babies that night, well, until someone tried to damn near kicked my door in at 3:00AM that morning.


  “What the fuck are you doing here?” I asked Breeze as he pushed past me.

  “Where have you been? I’ve been calling and you haven’t picked up, and that’s not like you so I got worried,” he lied as he looked around my apartment.

  “How did you know where I live?”

  “I looked it up from your file. Are you here alone?” he asked although he already knew the answer to that. Unbeknownst to me, he was outside of my house ever since I came from the festival. It took everything in him not to jump out of his car and question Lust and me about out whereabouts.

  “That’s none of your business, and didn’t I tell you not to contact me unless it was about work.”

  Breeze was blown away by my new attitude. He thought that I was wrapped around his little finger. He just knew that he had me where he wanted me and to him it was because of someone new. He knew it was Lust’s fault and he blamed him for the change in me.

  “What’s going on out here? Are you okay, Jasmine?” Lust appeared in the doorway of my bedroom with squinted eyes and no shirt.

  “Yeah, it’s cool, Breeze just stopped by to check on me.”

  The expression on Lust’s face said it all. He wasn’t buying my bullshit.

  “Yeah, well maybe if I lived in L.A. I would have gotten the drop by and check in treatment, too. I guess Breeze is good that way, huh?”

  The sarcasm was so thick in the air that you could have cut it with a knife. I watched Breeze’s jaw tightened as his temper boiled out of control.

  “Did you piss and mark your territory in here or something? I thought that you already did that back in Jersey?”

  I watched the two men face off as if they were two pit bulls waiting to rip into each other.

  “What the fuck is your problem man? I thought that we were cool? If I was stepping on your toes, well Jasmine didn’t say so.”

  “Maybe you should say that Jazzy might be stepping on your wife’s toes. By the way she called, she wanted to know why you haven’t called ‘cause from what she knew, you were set to come home yesterday.”

  It was as if everything and everyone in the apartment had stopped. I walked over to the couch and sat down before I looked over at Lust. I was trying to read his face but he wasn’t looking at me. He was giving Breeze the death stare and looked like he was about to tic and fuck him up at any minute.

  “You’re fucking married, are you kidding me?”

  “Oh, he forgot to tell you that part, huh? Well, his wife is looking for him and she’s pretty pissed that he hasn’t called home.”

  “Motherfucker you know that Kiki and me are separated. I told you way back that I caught her cheating and decided to leave her ass. Is this the only thing that you could think of to use when you came over here?”

  “Yeah, you’re separated yet living in the same house. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit nigga. Get this, a porn star leaving his wife ‘cause she cheated, you’re gonna have to do better than that, COME ON!”

  Breeze although laughing while delivering his last statement, was just as hot as Lust was. His tone had changed and had a hint of street in that I had never heard from him before. As Lust came out of the doorway and got closer to him, I couldn’t decide who was going to win a fight if they decided to take it there. Both Lust and Breeze looked like they were willing to go the limit.

  “If he’s lying then why didn’t you tell me?” I asked as I got between the two men and faced Lust.

  “I was going to tell you when I thought that it was appropriate. We just met and I didn’t want to scare you away.”

  “Don’t you think that you should have given me the option to make my own choice and assessment of the situation? What the fuck is wr
ong with you lying ass men, DAMN.”

  I was disgusted and disappointed. I thought that Lust was an exception to the rule but once again, my earlier statement was right.

  “YOU ARE ALL THE FUCKING SAME,” I screamed and I walked to my bedroom.

  “Hold up, Jasmine, you’re taking this shit all wrong; I was gonna tell---”

  “You weren’t gonna tell me shit, you fucking liar,” I said as I walked back toward him.

  “Yo, the fucked up part about this is that you’re not even asking me if what this nigga just said is true. As soon as he said it you just took it and ran with it.”

  “Is it fucking true, are you married and living with your wife?”

  He didn’t answer and that told me all that I need to know.


  I was done with him. It wasn’t the fact that he was married, it was that he didn’t tell me. Lust and I had shared a lot of information yet he left that fact out. Although I’m guilty myself for not sharing the whole truth about Breeze and me, I didn’t care. The ties that bind Breeze and I didn’t run as deep as marriage.

  I went into my room and closed the door. I didn’t want to see Lust leave because I may have stopped him. I heard it but wouldn’t be able to handle seeing it, my heart was too weak and open for that.

  “Jazzy, can I come in?”

  I heard Breeze asking as I lay on my bed. I didn’t answer forcing him to come in anyway.

  “Jazzy, I didn’t want things to go down like that but once I saw him here I just had to let you know who you were dealing with.”

  We both knew he was lying but I didn’t have it in me to fight anymore.

  “I may be a lot of things Jazzy, but the good thing is that at least you know me. I don’t have much to lie about; I’m pretty much straight up.”

  He lied so much that everything that just came out of his mouth was a fragment of his imagination. I hardly knew anything about him and he planned on lying to me constantly. Straight up shouldn’t have not ever been in his vocabulary.

  “I know that I fly off the handle sometimes but I really like you Jazz. I’m not just gonna stand by and let some off brand dude play games with your head. I’m here to look out for you, baby.

  His words although all lies, were what I needed to hear at that moment. I was never one for abandonment. I always needed someone there, someone to love me and make me feel special. And since I had just gotten rid of Lust, I was happy that Breeze was there to take the empty place in my bed where there once was a man.

  I sat up and kissed his lips as tears ran down my face. It wasn’t as fulfilling as the tender kisses I had gotten from Lust, but they would do. As I once again let a man invade my body and mind that night, I thought of the one that left. I was missing him already. It was going to be hard getting over that one and I didn’t know if I was going to win that fight or if I was just going to throw the towel in and give Lust a call.

  Chapter 10

  “Dickin’ Down Domingo”

  Once we got back from Philly, I called Breeze because I wanted him to recast Dickin’ Down Domingo. Everyone at work pretty much knew that Domingo didn’t like me, so I was surprised when I found out Breeze wanted us to be in a movie together.

  “Look, sometimes in this business you have to put your feelings aside and film scenes with people you don’t necessary want to have sex with. Your main focus should be the money, and giving the fans what they want to see,” Breeze said as he tried to convince me.

  “Look, Breeze, I hear what you’re saying, but just hire two other guys because I’m NOT DOING IT.”

  “Okay, calm down, Jamar. I can tell you’re serious about this so I’ll take care of it.”

  I was relieved to know that was over with. I was drained and tired so I just wanted to sleep in on Monday. I woke up alone a little after noon. I knew Ebony had to work, but Tyree should’ve been home that day. I tried calling his cell phone twice, but I received his voicemail both times. I assumed he went to the mall since that was his favorite place ever since he started making money. I waited until 3:00 PM, and since he still wasn’t home, or answering his cell I called Ebony to see if she saw Tyree when she was getting ready for work.

  “Yeah, I saw him. I asked him what he was doing up so early, and he said he had to work today. Why? He didn’t tell you?” Ebony asked as if she was concerned.

  “No, I didn’t even hear him get up, or get ready. He must’ve slept out in the living room last night,” I replied.

  I couldn’t believe Tyree still filmed that scene after I told him we weren’t doing it.

  “See if you were calling my insurance company figuring out what the fuck is wrong instead of gossiping on the telephone I wouldn’t be standing here wasting my time.” I heard some female yell, and it sounded like she was yelling at Ebony.

  “Who is that? Is she talking to you?” I asked since I was confused.

  “Yes, and I need to go because this bitch is pissing me the fuck off.” Ebony replied, and it sounded like she was frustrated.

  “Okay, handle that,” I said as I laughed, and ended the call.

  I wasn’t going to wait around for Tyree to come home to find out what happened. I drove up to Fantasy Pictures to see for myself. When I arrived Tyree’s new black Mercedes S600 was gone, so I must’ve just missed him. Domingo was smirking, and smiling at me as he got in his Cadillac Escalade. It seemed like he was trying to rub it in that he just had sex with my man. Before he drove off, he took one last look at me and winked. Right then and there I knew Tyree had just finished fucking Domingo. Breeze was still there so I went upstairs and knocked, well more liked banged on his office door.

  “COME IN!” Breeze yelled loud enough for me to hear him.

  I walked in and as soon as Breeze looked up from his computer and realized it was me he started smiling.

  “I thought you were enjoying your day off Jamar,” Breeze said sarcastically.

  “I was until I realized Tyree still fucked Domingo today. What happened? I thought you said you would take care of it. That’s fucked up Breeze. You lied to me,” I said trying to sound as mad and hurt as possible.

  “I don’t have time for this, especially when I’m the boss and I say what goes down here, NOT YOU. You said you didn’t want to do the movie, so I helped you out and hired Blaze to play your part. I called Tyree and asked him if he still wanted to do it the movie, and he said, ‘I’ll do it. I’ve been waiting to fuck Domingo.’ As a matter of fact he was excited about it, so there you go… I took care of it.”

  “Why did you have to call Tyree? I had already told him we were off today.”

  “Look I appreciate you Jamar, but don’t you ever question me, or my decisions. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?”

  I never saw Breeze turn so red, and sound so serious before so I didn’t feel like arguing with him, especially since Tyree agreed to do it.

  “I understand,” I replied sounding disappointed.

  I turned around to walk out of his office.

  “And the next time I hire you for a movie I don’t expect you to question me about it, or back out of it.”

  I didn’t reply. I just shut the door, and then headed home. Tyree finally called me back, and said he was going to the bank, the mall, and then picking us up something to eat for dinner so we could talk since he obviously knew by now that I had an attitude.

  It was after 7:00PM when Tyree finally made it home that evening. He knew I was upset, but he still had the nerve to beep the horn, because he needed my help carrying stuff inside. He brought us a pizza, salads, and buffalo wings, but before we ate, he surprised me with a few new outfits, two new books, and an Xbox 360 Elite bundle pack. He remembered I mentioned I wanted to start getting back into the things that I enjoyed, which included reading, and playing video games. How could I stay mad at him after that? I couldn’t because not only was he sexy, but he was sweet, and he always knew how to make my day. Although I wasn’t mad anymore I still wanted to kn
ow why he went through with the movie.

  “Breeze called me last night and said you weren’t doing it, but he made it clear that he still expected me there so what was I supposed to do?” He asked as he ate his salad.

  I was shocked and appalled. I couldn’t believe Breeze made Tyree do it even though I asked him to replace us. Unless Tyree was lying to me, and wanted to do it as Breeze stated earlier that day. One of them lied, and the fucked up part was I couldn’t confront Breeze about it again, especially after he basically put me in my place. I just had to get over it, but it wasn’t going to stop me from venting to Ebony about it. I couldn’t finish eating my dinner with Tyree, because Ebony called and asked me could I pick her up; she was too drunk to drive. Not only was I going to vent, but I was going to find out what was going on with that girl. She never gets drunk to the point that she can’t drive, especially on a week night so something was definitely wrong. It took me a good 25 minutes before I picked her up from Shadows. It was obvious that she was wasted. She was about to leave without her stuff, so I made sure she had her purse, keys, and cell phone. She pointed out where her car was parked, which was down the street, so I knew where to drop her off at in the morning. On the way home, I didn’t even have to ask she just started telling me what happened.

  “You’re not going to believe the kind of day I’ve had,” she slurred.

  “If it was anything like mine I will.”

  “Did you get fired?” she asked with an attitude.


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