PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
Page 38
“Okay, Jamar, thanks for all you hard work earlier, and I know you don’t have anything to do with this, but I’m going to need you to open up your locker for me.”
He said as he patted me on the back.
“No problem, Mr. Cappello.”
Now I was really feeling guilty. If he did have me on tape in possession of his money, I was going to look and feel like the biggest asshole ever. I knew he’d feel betrayed and press charges on me for sure. My name would be ruined in the porn business forever. The security guards quickly searched my gym bag, and cleared my name. Mr. Cappello smiled and winked at me, I’m assuming he was relieved that the thief wasn’t one of his top money makers, but if he only knew. After searching the men’s locker room Mr. Cappello seemed like he was disappointed, but still on a mission. I thought I was able to leave now, but all of the men still had to wait until the rest of the place was searched. Breeze announced that they were ready to search the women’s locker room. I looked on wondering if Jasmine was just as nervous as I was. I knew it was only a matter of minutes before the money was located. I wished I could’ve followed them in there, or had been a fly on the wall because I knew the expression on Tanya’s face when they discovered the money in her locker would be priceless; a Kodak moment and I didn’t want to miss it. At least I knew I’d heard about it later from Jasmine and DeeDee. Once I heard Mr. Cappello yelling inside of the women’s locker room I moved closer, without making it too noticeable so I could hear what was going on. I was relieved when I realized he wasn’t yelling at Jasmine. I mean I knew he had to be screaming at Tanya, but my paranoia had me thinking somehow he found out Jasmine really stole the money, and that I was her accomplice. How would I have explained to him that I was only helping out a wounded friend who I loved dearly? If I could’ve taken her place, and let Tanya ram the dildo up my ass so none of this would’ve happened, I would have. Who knows, after taking Tyree’s huge dick on the regular I may have liked it, but poor Jasmine, no matter how relaxed she was her little pussy wasn’t prepared for all that dick, or should I say plastic? Inside the locker room I could hear Tanya crying and pleading that she didn’t do it, so when I turned to see if anyone else was hearing what I was hearing, I saw all of the men had moved closer to hear too. I felt better since I wasn’t the only nosey one inquiring about what was going on in there. At this point all of the men assumed Tanya was the guilty one, and that she was being terminated. When we heard Mr. Cappello tell everyone to head back out to the warehouse, we quickly moved away from the door and stood around like we didn’t know what was going on.
“So since she’s insisting that she only stole the money off of my desk and not the money in my safe, we’ll all just go through the tapes and see, not that it would matter anyway, a thief is a thief.”
Mr. Cappello said the words I feared the most. Now that he just confirmed that there were cameras, I knew I was finished. I put my head down because I was ashamed for what I had done. Don’t get me wrong Tanya had it coming, and I was happy to hear her crying; but now all I could picture was Jasmine and I being escorted out of Fantasy Pictures in handcuffs. The embarrassment alone made me start to have a panic attack, although I hid it very well. When Breeze told everyone we had a fifteen minute break, I needed to speak to Jasmine so she could calm me down.
“What are we going to do? We’re going to get arrested. I just know it.”
She told me to calm down for the second time, but I needed more than those two words to help me. I knew I looked like a punk, but at that moment I didn’t care. All I cared about was our future, and how the hell I was going to explain to my father that I got arrested? I opened my car door, pushed out the ashtray, and grabbed the half smoked blunt that I didn’t finish earlier that morning. As we shared the rest of my tree, she made me feel somewhat at ease when she confirmed again that she would take the blame.
“Don’t worry about it, I got you Jamar. You were only helping me out because I couldn’t walk at the time. I promise you I’ll explain everything to them, and I’ll make sure to take full responsibility for this, if they caught us on tape.”
“Are you sure Jazzy? Please tell me everything is going to be okay before I have a heart attack.”
“Trust me, Jamar, I won’t allow you to go down for this.”
I think for the first time since we stepped foot outside I stopped shaking. To know that Jasmine had my back proved to me that she was nothing like Ebony, she was my true friend.
“Here comes DeeDee; what is she saying?” I asked as I saw DeeDee running over toward my car. Jasmine shook her head, and shrugged her shoulders because she obviously couldn’t hear her either.
“They what?” Jasmine asked DeeDee while looking at me bug-eyed as if she was shocked.
DeeDee made me want to jump up and down and scream out loud when she confirmed that there were no tapes in the VCRs, because that meant there was no evidence linking Jasmine and I to the “crime”. Before DeeDee could fully finish talking Jasmine was already walking back toward the building. I quickly put what was left of the blunt out, and threw it in the bushes, before following her inside.
When we walked back in Mr. Cappello’s face, ears, and neck was blood red. I never knew he could get so mad. He was pissed off and was yelling at the security guards before really letting Breeze have it. I’ve heard him yell at Breeze before, but this time he sounded as if he was disgusted with his son. Breeze tried to defend himself, while Tanya tried one last time to prove her innocence and save her job.
“So you can’t fire me now, there’s no proof Bobby. You have to just take some time and think this over. None of it makes sense.”
It was too late though, Jasmine’s plan was a success. Tanya took the blame, and would forever be known as a dirty thief, and would never be allowed on Fantasy’s Pictures premises ever again. Tanya could’ve walked out of there with her pride, and dignity; basically with her head held high knowing she didn’t take the hundred thousand dollars; but she chose to go out looking desperate and pathetic just like those criminals on Cops, who know they’re going to jail, but cry and beg for mercy anyway. It was actually quite sad to watch, especially since she got fired, and kicked out of Breeze’s mansion all at once. I know I shouldn’t have laughed at her too when the girls busted out laughing, but Jasmine’s laugh caught me off guard and it was a mixture of that and knowing that I was safe. After Tanya was finally escorted out of there, Breeze came back and announced that production was shut down for the rest of the day, and that everyone was free to go.
After we left work the girls and I headed over to Shadow’s for a few cocktails to celebrate. Jasmine and I were celebrating for a lot more reasons than DeeDee was. We would’ve loved to let her in on our little secret, but that was one we’d take to the grave. I don’t know if Jasmine felt the same way, but I didn’t know where DeeDee’s loyalty laid the most, with us, or with Mr. Cappello. I’d like to believe with us, but it was too much at risk, so it wasn’t worth letting her in on it.
The next couple of days went by so fast that before I knew it Saturday had arrived. I lied in bed restless the night before thinking about how everything was going to go down. I planned on getting up at 8:00a.m., but ended up waking up at 6:00AM. I went for a run to clear my head and think about how I was going to please P.V. and make sure he got his monies worth in case he wanted to hire me again. Once I got back it was still only a quarter to seven so I took a shower, then cooked something to eat, and had some coffee to give me the energy I was going to need in case he was boring. I checked my cell phone, and e-mail again for the twentieth time in two days making sure he didn’t cancel, or reschedule on me. I also didn’t tell Tyree anything about my date with P.V., now I really felt like I was the one keeping secrets. I hate it when Tyree keeps secrets from me, but here I was doing the same thing. I guess that makes me a hypocrite. I knew he would’ve been pissed, and asked how come I didn’t make sure he was invited so he could get his cut of the money. In a way
I wish I would have, but at the same time he was working so much between L.A. and Santa Barbara, and pleasing me at home that I thought he would be all sexed out. Besides P.V. never even mentioned anything about him, I’m sure if he wanted Tyree he would’ve sent him an e-mail. Maybe he did, but Tyree doesn’t reply back to fan mail as often as I do, so the hell with it. One thing I was worried about though, was the fact that no one knew where I was going, or who I was going to meet. I still didn’t even know who I was meeting, so my first thought was to text Jasmine and let her know. Then, I thought about her worrying about me while she was out in Vegas performing, and spending time with Lanell. I didn’t want her mind anywhere but there. I wanted her to enjoy every minute of it and live it up, so I did what I necessarily didn’t want to do, but had to do.
“Hey girl, I just wanted to give you a heads up, I’m going on a blind business meeting, I guess you can say, and I wanted someone to know where I was going, and who I’m with in case things go wrong. I’m meeting P.V. in Beverly Hills, and his e-mail address is (don’t ask). I’ll text you again when I’m leaving, so you know everything went as planned. If you don’t hear from me by, let’s say 11:00PM, come save me girl. I’m just playing DeeDee, don’t trip I know how you are, no but seriously come save me, LOL, oh, and keep this between us.”
DeeDee texted back telling me to be safe, and that she’d be waiting to hear back from me. I was expecting her to ask a hundred questions, but then again she’s not really into texting, she’s more of a in your face kind of girl. I threw my cell phone on my bed while I got dressed. Once I was looking fly, I grabbed my wallet, my BlackBerry, and my keys and headed downstairs to check outside. Sure enough, the limo was pulling up as scheduled. It was a stretch limousine, so I’m assuming he wanted to impress me, and he did. The limo driver, who was a handsome Latino, who looked to be in his mid to late 20’s, got out of the limo and waited for me to approach the door before opening it.
“I’m Eddie; I’ll be your driver for today. If you have any questions, just put down the divider and feel free to ask.”
“Okay, thanks!”
Inside there were all kinds of alcohol to choose from, but I didn’t want to arrive intoxicated so I chose to wait until I met P.V. and decide then if I would need a drink or not. Besides the light traffic, the ride to Beverly Hills was relaxing. It felt good not having to drive myself around, it was definitely something I could get used to. The limo pulled into his gated driveway, which felt like a street because we were driving for a few minutes before seeing the private mansion. I had to put down the tinted window to see if my eyes were deceiving me. I knew Beverly Hills had some nice mansions, and we passed a few on the way there, that I wouldn’t mind owning; but nothing like the one we were pulling up to. I filmed plenty of movies in rented mansions, but none of them were even half the size as P.V.’s mansion. I waited for Eddie to let me out of the limo. He was very nice and professional. I started to walk away but realized I did have a question for Eddie. I turned back around to ask.
“Will you be out here waiting until I’m ready to go, or will there be another driver taking me home?”
“I’ll be out here waiting. The limo was reserved for the entire afternoon and evening. Whenever you’re ready, just come back outside and I’ll take you back to L.A.”
“Okay, great!”
I turned back around so I was facing the mansion. I couldn’t stop staring. Who the hell lived here? Was I meeting another celebrity? Damn, I wish I brought my camcorder in case he tried some shady shit like Black did. I looked around and some huge lion statues caught my eye, they looked tacky and out of place. Rich people always find things to waste their money on. Then, I saw the large running fountain that was captivating. It was my first time seeing a beautiful fountain in front of someone’s home. It reminded me of my childhood when my mother would take me to the zoo, give me some change, and then tell me to make a wish as I threw the money in the fountain. For a second I wished I had a quarter on me so I could run over and wish I’d have a mansion like that one day, and that was before I even saw the inside. To get to the front door there were two sets of steps on each side of a lovely garden full of colorful flowers, so I chose to walk up the steps on the right side since they were closer. I have no idea how someone who was handicapped would get inside, because I didn’t see a ramp anywhere. I started to ring the doorbell, but Caleb, PV’s young, adorable butler I like to refer to as his houseboy, opened the front door before I could put my finger on the buzzer.
“Hello Krave. I see you’re right on time.”
He stood there in his fitted Armani suit smiling and blushing. His curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes turned me on. My dick started to rise as I thought damn I hope this is P.V., but instantly I knew better. There was no way his barely eighteen looking ass could afford that place.
“Well, don’t just stand there, come in already. Mr. Visage is waiting out on the back deck for you. He has a delicious spread ready for you, so the two of you can have an intimate lunch together.”
“Okay, cool just lead the way.”
I started to ask Caleb, who the hell was Mr. Visage, and how did he get the money to buy that place, but I decided to wait and ask myself, that way I’d have something to talk about. As soon as I walked in I was amazed at how well decorated the mansion was, and that was just the foyer. Everything looked like it was meant to be in its place, and looked brand new. I found myself walking down the hall without paying attention to where I was going because I was so mesmerized by the incredible art work that was hanging up on the wall. Caleb opened two large doors before we walked out on the deck. The view was just as amazing, and he had acres of land behind his mansion. Not only was there plenty of land, but it looked like a resort. There was a nice tennis court, a long pool that had a large lion face designed in the concrete at the bottom, so big that you could see it through the water. A guest house, comfortable expensive looking lawn chairs, a grill area, multiple cabanas with silk curtains tied back to show off the lounge areas, and a huge gazebo that made my backyard look cheap, and boring. I finally turned to the table and there he was sitting at the table drinking scotch on the rocks, smoking a cigar, while typing something on his laptop. I knew right away it was going to be a long day, and that I was going to smoke both blunts before I could have sex with him. Mr. Visage wasn’t my type at all, he looked to be in his late 50’s, he had a full head of gray hair, he was overweight, and I could tell by his arms and legs that he had a hairy body. He looked like he would sweat during sex, gross. I wanted to turn around and run back to the limo, and just go home to my sexy man; but I figured this could be a good investment. I’m not stupid; I knew I couldn’t be a porn star forever. I’d just had to keep thinking I’d get fifty thousand dollars each time he hired me to get through the day. He finally looked up and smiled so big that I wondered if his teeth were real, or false. Then, I looked at his light blue eyes and realized he still had a handsome face, he was just old and letting himself go. He stood up to greet me, and shook my hand.
“It’s nice to finally meet you again Krave.”
I forgot he met me before at one of my club appearances. I’ve met so many men these past two years that I didn’t remember meeting Mr. Visage at all, which is strange because I don’t how I could have forgotten him.
“Can you refresh my memory, which club did you meet me at again?”
“Did I say club? I’m sorry about that, I actually met you at the Adult Expo in Las Vegas a few months ago, but you probably don’t recognize me. I didn’t look like this that day. I have some friends in the business that can make me look like anyone I want to, so I’m not recognized.”
“The business?” What the hell was he talking about?
“You’re obviously only into adult movies otherwise you’d know who I am. I’m Patrick Visage; I’m one of the biggest horror movie directors in Hollywood.”
“Hold up wait, you’re thee Patrick Visage?”
smiled and nodded.
“I’ve definitely heard of you, but I never knew who you were or what you looked like.”
“I see, so you are into my movies?”
“Of course, anyone who loves good scary movies is a fan of your work.”
“Well you’re in for a treat. I just received the final cut of Self-Absorbed, the latest movie I directed. It’s based off the novel written by Mattiola.”
“I’ve never heard of it.”
“Don’t worry you’re gonna love it, so let’s eat. Afterwards, I’ll give you a quick tour of my home, and then you’ll be the first person besides me to see the movie.”
“That sounds good to me.”
On the table there were all kinds of cheese, different types of crackers, sliced up fruit, plenty of fresh deli meat, homemade baked croissants, a couple bottles of wine, and a pitcher of iced water. It definitely wasn’t what I expected, but it looked good and made me hungry.
“I wanted to eat something light so I hope this is okay. If not, just let me know and I’ll have Caleb get you something else.”
Just for the fun of it I started to ask for a steak, a loaded baked potato, and some asparagus just to see if I could get whatever I wanted, and to delay what he ultimately wanted, me. I chose otherwise.
“This will be fine.”
He smiled then looked at Caleb, who was staring at me the whole time.
“Thanks, Caleb, that will be all for now.”
I watched as Caleb walked away, and all though he was dressed up I could still see that he had a nice round ass that I wouldn’t mind tapping. He closed the doors as we connected eyes and smiled at each other.
“Do you like what you see?” Mr. Visage asked.
The smirk on his face let me know he caught me staring at Caleb.
“He’s cute,” I said as I started to make my plate.
“I know that’s why I hired him. After I’m finished with you, if you’re still up for it I’ll let you play with him.”