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Awakening (Book 2) (The Destined Series)

Page 19

by Suzanne, Ashley

  The blonde smiles at me, blue eyes sparkling at the mention of Jacoby’s name. My brain is sending red flashing lights with the words “danger” blinking every few seconds straight to my heart, but I don’t back down.

  “Jacoby, sweetheart, can you come down here please?” What the mother fuck? You’ve got to be kidding me.

  “You know what, I can wait and talk to him tomorrow. He did say he was busy but I figured he might want some company. Apparently he already has some.” I pivot on my heels and make a beeline straight for the cab. Thankfully he’s still there and he was given enough money to wait on me all night, if need be.

  The only person I know in the vicinity is Marisol and she’s always up for company. I give the cabbie the address and lean back in the seat to think of exactly how this night went wrong.

  My phone starts glowing in my lap, indicating that I have an incoming call. Seeing Jacoby’s name on the screen makes my blood boil. “Your girlfriend not enough for you?” I mumble to myself, putting the phone back in my purse.

  There is one thing that Kylee fucking Anderson does not do and that’s share. If I want him, he’s mine. If I fuck him, he’s mine. If he shows the littlest bit of interest, he’s mine; for as long as I choose to have him. I do the throwing away around here. I don’t get used and then set aside to come back to when you’re bored.

  Jacoby Roberts has another thing coming if he thinks I’m going to sit idly by and allow him to dip into this posh pussy while he’s fucking half of Wayne County. No sir, not on my watch. If casual is what he wants, casual is what he is going to get.


  “Jacoby, get off of me. I can’t breathe,” I fuss. After an hour long fuck session, I’m out of breath, thirsty and have to pee. I’m not a damn mattress and shouldn’t be laid upon.

  “Sorry, Ky. That was amazing.” No shit, Sherlock, it’s always amazing. Have you seen me?

  “Yeah, it was good. Come on, I have to get going. I’m meeting Mira in an hour to help her pack up to go to Skylar’s for Christmas and do the usual holiday things with them.” I don’t know why any of this is his business, but I have to tell someone.

  “Wow, that sounds like fun.” Jacoby rolls off to the side allowing me room to go to the bathroom.

  I get out of bed, grab my clothes and walk straight into the bathroom, letting Jacoby stare at my naked body. I know I’m sexy as hell and I use it against him every damn time. He’s probably hard and ready to go again. Not gonna happen.

  After I handle my business, I walk back into the bedroom fully clothed to see an almost sleeping Jacoby.

  “What are you plans for Christmas?” Jacoby asks.

  “I’m doing Christmas tonight with Mira, Danny and Skylar. They’re going back home for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The day after I have Trevor and Amy’s wedding but then I’m free. What’d you have in mind?”

  Jacoby suddenly looks lost in thought but then comes to, “I was thinking we could do something for Christmas. You know, together.”

  Well, slap my ass and call me Jenna. What the fuck?

  “Hey, don’t forget, this is casual. There’s no need for holiday time or any time that doesn’t involve you fucking me until I can’t walk straight. Let’s just keep it light, okay?”

  Jacoby is burning holes through me, probably trying to debate what he wants to say next. What finally comes out of his mouth leaves me shocked and unable to move.

  “What if I don’t want this to be casual anymore? What if I want more?”


  Keep an eye out for Kylee’s story, Façade, coming early 2014.

  Until then, SMOOCHES babes!!!


  Let me just start off by saying that I’m beyond thankful for all of the response that Mirage and Inception had. You all blow me away each and every day. And even more than that, thank you sooo much for being patient while I finished this book. I know it’s a little later than originally anticipated, but I needed to make sure I was able to put all of me into this one. The support you all show me daily feeds my need to write. I really hope you enjoyed Awakening and can’t wait to deliver Kylee’s story, Façade.

  To My Readers – I really would be no where without you. Each time you buy my book, read it and then message me to tell me your thoughts, my heart is melted. Every single post on my facebook, author facebook, twitter and email message brightens my day and keeps me pushing forward. There were so many times I thought about quitting and then I remembered all of you who were patiently waiting (some impatiently LOL) and I kept at it. I’m thankful you guys all showed me what it is that I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to keep giving you stories that freak you out, make you happy, make you swoon but want to throw stuff at me. This one is for you!

  BP – Thank you for your love and support. Every single day you drive me to be the best me I can be. Your ideas and passion for my books shows in each and every chapter. Not a lot of these people know that YOU are my Skylar. You’re strong, compassionate and loving. I only hope to give Skylar the kind of happily ever after he deserves; kind of like us! I pray that every single day you know how much I love you and would never be able to live without you. You’re the other half of my soul. I didn’t choose you, my heart did.

  Toski and Sommer – SWEET BABY JESUS IN A MANGER! You guys ROCK my life so hard it’s unreal. Just talking about my ideas for the cover of Awakening gave me chills. To actually see what I felt in my heart come to life, I’m beyond words. I can’t even tell you. This is EXACTLY what I wanted and it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. You’ve given a face to my books and for that I’m eternally grateful. I cannot wait for the rest of the series.

  Stephanie – You. Are. My. Rock. I don’t think you realize exactly what you do for me. You pick me up when I’m down and put me back in the right state of mind. When I give you an idea for a scene, you help me word it so it’s perfect. There isn’t anything that I don’t love about you. You’re an amazing writer, an exceptional friend and an amazingly generous person all around. Thank you for being such a strong influence in my life.

  Amy – I made it happen babe. Without your constant words of encouragement and amazing stories I don’t know if I could have finished this book. You were always there to keep me on my game when I stumbled. Who would have thought you and I would end up being so close? You’re so important to me and to my family. BP even loves his gorilla arms and it’s his only signed book! I’m so excited for your 2014 and all the good things that are coming your way. You’re making it happen, one huge exciting thing at a time. I can’t effin wait!

  Riley (JP) – My CP. You’re wonderful and amazing and crazy as shit. You’re the other half of my brain and I am infatuated with our stories. I need more Lexi like my life depends on it. Please hurry your ass up, I’m not going to remain patient for too long.

  Meli – I really hope you know how much you mean to me. Regardless of anything else in this world, I want you to know that. You’re such an important part of my life, life without writing, that I can’t stand going a few days without talking to you. I just want you to know that! Never forget it!

  My Editor – Tiffany – Every single day I’m so blessed I found such an amazing editor. You truly the best person for the job. Not only do you get my story, you understand my flaws and know what to look for. I will say, the original draft I tried to semicolon you to death to show you how it feels. I hope it made you cringe LOL. But really, I love you to death. Your expertise makes my books so much better than if I just hit that damn button. I really hope that more people realize your talent and move their editing needs TOWARDS This damn redhead! I love you bunches pumpkin!!

  My Angels – Do I have the best street team or what? I really think I do. You guys never let me down and go hard each and every day to promote my books. The teasers you make knock my socks off, the massive amounts of posts make me so happy and the love you give
me when I just need to vent shows me that I have the greatest group of pimps on the planet!!! I’m still refusing to name you so no other authors steal you away.

  My beta readers – Manda, Joni, Stefani, Sam, Toski, Jessica, Christy, Tabby, Christen, Toni – THANK YOU for all of your honest feedback. I told you I can take it!! I really don’t know what I would do without each of you reading and giving me advice. It makes my stories so much better and I wouldn’t trade any of you for the world!!!

  OH BLOGGERS!!! – SHIT HOT DAMN!!! You butches are CRAZY! Any time I ask for a little post or some pimping, you guys come out guns blazing. You MADE my books what they are! Your reviews mean everything to me, even the not so hot ones. Without those words of criticism and confidence, I wouldn’t be half the writer I am today. Because of you, I’m getting better with each book I put out. THANKS BUNCHES!!!

  And just a few random shout outs because I can: The girls at the Triple M Bookclub, The P Ninjas, This Redhead Loves Books, Tabby’s Tantalizing Reviews, Everything Marie, Gia, Diana, Kara, Chantel, Alma, The Booker Hooker, My Goddaughter Lyndsey, Hilary Storm, SE Hall, Perfect Pear Creative, Toski Covey Photography, MGBookCovers, Pamela Ann, Brooke’s Book Blog, What to Read After Fifty Shades of Grey, SHUT THE FUCUPCAKES, The Chick Click, My Voxer Babes, Feisty Girl Book Blog, 2 Chicks and a Blog, Three Chicks and Their Books, HEA Bookshelf, Eye Candy Bookstore, BestSellers and BestStellars of Romance, Maryse, Kiss and Tell Reviews, Crazies R Us Book Blog, Chrissy, Deuces Babe, Diva’s Discussion, Lustful Literature, Who You Callin’ a Book Whore, and countless others that make my life worth living!!! You all rock. I wasn’t going to name names, because I know I forgot some of you. Please forgive me. You all get shout outs in my soul!

  About the Author

  Ashley Suzanne is a married mother of three little boys as well as a daughter, aunt, sister, best friend, birth mother, blogger, book whore and author. Ashley is a native to the suburbs of Detroit, with most of her family living in Kentucky and New York.

  You can usually find Ashley sitting in bed, with her laptop, playing on Facebook, pretending to write, entering giveaways (she’s also a swag whore) or on a football field with her oldest son, Tyler. Yep, not only is she a football fan, she’s a football mom!

  When she’s reading, it’s typically something to do with romance, erotica being her favorite genre. Ashley co-owns a blog, 2 Chicks and a Blog, with her GBFF Manda. She’s a total fan-girl over a few authors, Pamela Ann, Brooke Cumberland, SE Hall, Madeline Sheehan, Jasinda Wilder, Angela Graham, CM Stunich and Riley Rhea to name a few.

  Ashley has no pets, unless you count her children and she is a little OCD. Her favorite color is pink. Her favorite drink is cherry vodka and coke and double chocolate brownies are a must.

  Stalk Ashley on Facebook:

  Twitter: @itsashleyyo



  Other works by Ashley Suzanne:

  Mirage – Book 1 -

  Inception – Book 2 -

  Just to get you a little excited, I have a sneak peek

  ENTICE by S.E Hall.


  “Why are we here again?” Zach looks around and questions me.

  “Just put your pussy back in your pocket and shut the fuck up.”

  Since all my boys keep getting lost in the Bermuda Bush - like, they dive into her bush once and I never see them again, I have now nominated Zach, the only single one left, as my new partner in crime. But if he doesn’t quit his fucking whining, I’m going it solo.

  I’m a man on a mission, no time for complaining. After spending the last few weeks scouring every club within fifty miles of school, in all directions, my patience is wearing thin…and I’ve run out of clubs. All Brock had to do was take Dane’s money and throw together a bachelor party for Parker. No one said send dancers, but he did, and because he can’t get ahold of the shady fuck he did business with, I’m plagued by the image of a girl who’s proving to be more elusive than Bigfoot.

  “I don’t think this is a strip club bro. Look,” Zach nudges my shoulder and points to a small stage, a wall of chicken wire wrapped around it.

  The flashing sign outside says Unbuckled? How is it not a strip club? Disappointed doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel, watching, as we speak, Meemaw and Peepaw slow dance amongst the peanut shells on the floor. I’m not sure if I should sue for false advertising or thank God they’re not going to actually unbuckle anything

  Add ENTICE on GR -

  And now a sneak peek at Saving Stella by Eliza Brown and can be purchased at


  By Eliza Brown


  "I hate seeing her like this. There's just no colour in her life you know? Just her pant suits and her frigin numbers."

  "Pant suits can be hot."

  "Ha, not the ones Stella wears. Trust me Bray she needs something to liven her up. I'm sick of seeing her looking so, I don't know, dreary?"

  "Maybe she likes dreary? Is she happy?"

  "She thinks she is. I know better though. I need to do something to shake her up a little, show her there's so much more to life than sitting in her apartment with that weird little dog of hers. I just don't know what? I've tried getting her to hit the town with me, even a bar but nope, says she can't do it. Sometimes I think she just doesn't want to get anything on her ridiculously expensive sensible heels. What God loving woman spends that kind of money on sensible heels? Really?"

  I let out a huff as my frustration built. I really had to do something about Stella. I had to bring my sister back.

  "Why not set her up?"

  "Pfft, as if any of the guys I know would be good enough for my baby sister."

  "Hey now! I take offense to that."

  True, if I were to set Stella up with anyone, Bray would probably be at the top of my list of candidates. He's attractive, ha who am I kidding? Bray is HOT. He's successful, motivated and an all-round good guy.

  I leaned back from the piece on his left bicep I was working on, coming together nicely. I sized him up, it had been a while since I fully checked him out. Friends don't ogle friends, unless they're scoping them out for their sister.

  Bray raised his eye brow at me as if to say, 'What the Fuck'.

  "Dude, chill. I was just assessing the goods. You might be right about setting Stella up. In fact I think you're the right guy for the job."

  "Wait, what? That's not where I was going with this Sloan."

  "No no, you planted the seed my friend. It's as good as done. You said you can't manage the books on your own anymore. Here's the perfect solution."

  "What, start sleeping with your sister so she'll do my books for me? That's a little sleazy don't ya think?"

  "Geez, not what I meant. Stella is an accountant. Some crap about numbers making sense, always adding up, yada yada, yada. Anyway, Il get you an appointment, she can go through your books, you can invite her for coffee, next thing ya know I'll be wearing a hideously ordinary maid of honour dress at your wedding."

  From the look on Bray's face he wasn't as down with my plan as id hoped. His eyes were popping out of his head and a sweat had broken out across his forehead.

  "Jumping the freaking gun there a little aren't ya Sloan! I haven't even met the chic, and you're already planning our wedding. You're frigin crazy! I'm not the marrying kind. You know that."

  I knew it wasn't
anything personal but this is my baby sister we're talking about. I tend to get a little defensive where she's concerned, perhaps even a little irrational. I pushed my seat away from Bray and got to my feet, hands fisted on my hips.

  "You saying my sister isn't good enough for you asshole! Well I got news for you, you'd be lucky if Stella spared you a glance, and if she wants to marry you, you'll God damn do it! You hear me!"

  "I knew it, bat shit crazy! You're off your rocker if you think I'm going to go out with your sister now."

  "What? Why not? She's an angel."

  "Jesus Sloan, you just told me I have to marry the chic if she takes a fancy to me, and let's be honest here,"

  Oh here it comes, he was gesturing up and down his body, I knew where this was going.

  "Who wouldn't want all this?"

  He had that smug look on his face, like he's the shit and everybody knows it, including himself.

  "Way to be modest Bray."

  I started walking away, slipped my phone from my pocket and flicked Stella a text.

  'Need a favour baby sister, boss man needs an accountant. You got time?'

  I knew I wouldn't have to wait long for a response, Stella was glued to her phone like it was a life line. Plus she was super-efficient, she'd know off the top of her head what appointments were free without having to check with that airhead receptionist of hers.

  '1.45 tomorrow. Name? Not a baby!'

  A grin spread across my face, she hates it when I call her that. But older is older, even if it is only by 4 minutes.

  'Brayden Brooks, 4mins is 4mins baby sister. Xx'

  "It's done Bray; I'll text you the address. 1:45 Tomorrow."

  I heard him groan as I started clearing my work station. The shop was empty apart from us. We'd hung back so I could get started on his latest piece. It would probably take another session or two before it was done. Mean ass phoenix rising from the ashes. It'll be beautiful when I'm done.


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