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Government Zero : No Borders, No Language, No Culture (9781455563517)

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by Savage, Michael

  If a Progressive-Islamic takeover sounds unbelievable to you, I’m not surprised. The media continues to bend over backward to support a president who will not even say the word “Islamic” when he talks about the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. They call themselves Islamic, but the president says they aren’t.

  The progressives claim the president avoids saying “Islamic” so as not to offend his Muslim allies in fighting the extremists. That’s very convenient. It also just happens to obscure the truth in every public statement he makes about what the Islamofascists are doing. Those not keenly aware of what is going on would never suspect that we are fighting maniacs who commit their atrocities in the name of Islam.

  The president’s newspeak fits neatly into a much larger pattern. In every conceivable space, from immigration policy, to law enforcement, to education, to social policy, to the military, Islam is accommodated and defended.

  Left-wing magazines print completely false stories about university campus rapes, while ISIS forces eight-year-old girls to marry if they’re Muslim and become sex slaves if they aren’t. Where is the feminist outrage over these atrocities? Why aren’t gay activists marching in the streets over ISIS throwing homosexuals off rooftops?

  They’re too busy trying to put Christian bakeries and pizzerias out of business for not wanting to participate in their weddings.

  President Obama has refused to curb illegal immigration through our southern border or to deport illegals once they’re caught, in violation of his oath of office. But illegal immigrants from Central and South America are not the biggest immigration threat facing us. Much more dangerous are the hundreds of thousands of Muslims this administration has brought in through its refugee program from war-torn Muslim countries like Somalia and Syria.

  What possible reason could there be for admitting more Muslim refugees than Christian, when Christians are being slaughtered by the thousands in the new Holocaust in the Middle East and elsewhere? Why bring in people among whom are those sworn to kill us and leave those being killed to fend for themselves?

  One reason nothing is being done about this new Holocaust is that the government-media complex won’t admit it exists. Time and again, the president has ignored or downplayed the atrocities committed by the Islamofascists, referring to them as “zealots” adhering to some unknown ideology. The media virtually never calls him on this, but they are quick to yell “Islamophobia” the minute anyone criticizes even the most brutal violence perpetrated in the name of that religion.

  At the same time, the president has pursued a disastrous deal with Iran that both Israel and our traditional Sunni Arab allies have condemned. When Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu heroically spoke out against it to the U.S. Congress, Obama snubbed his visit under the pretense of neutrality toward the Israeli elections, while sending hundreds of operatives to Israel to try to thwart Netanyahu’s reelection.

  The administration not only claims it is committed to defeating ISIS, but that its alliance with Iranian-backed Shiite militias is winning the war and has the Islamic State contained and on the defensive. Yet, the day after the administration tried to intimidate the media into reporting more favorably about the war, ISIS captured the strategically important city of Ramadi. After the vermin in ISIS blew up portions of the magnificent ancient temples of Palmyra, what happened? Did you ever read about this atrocity against world civilization?

  Just a few days after that, the president gave a commencement speech at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in Connecticut, during which he told them the greatest security threat they’ll face is climate change!12

  Is it all coincidence? I’ll let you be the judge of that. All I can do is present the facts and the most objective interpretation of them I can give you. But I’m going to challenge you to look a little deeper than the talking points Obama’s sorority or the Republican nonopposition leadership throw at you. What might have seemed like isolated news events the first time you heard them form an unmistakable pattern.

  Vain and Aspiring Men and Women

  Samuel Adams once wrote, “If ever the Time should come, when vain & aspiring Men shall possess the highest Seats in Government, our Country will stand in Need of its experienced Patriots to prevent its Ruin.”13

  I believe that time has come. We are going to need every patriot taking a stand to stop the relentless attack on our nation, both from within and without.

  Recent polls show a leftward shift in America,14 with more people identifying as liberal. Why is this happening? Because not a single Establishment Republican has articulated what a nationalist is and why a nationalist movement is necessary to save our identity as a nation. Those moving leftward are following George Orwell’s satirical adage, “Freedom is Slavery.”

  Nationalism vs. National Socialism

  As soon as anyone says the word nationalism, people immediately think of Adolf Hitler. That’s because nationalism has been successfully denigrated by the left since the end of World War II. If you are a nationalist, you must be a Nazi, as far as the left is concerned. A lot of well-meaning people believe them.

  What the progressives conveniently fail to mention is that the Nazis weren’t just nationalists, they were socialists, too. The word “Nazi” is merely a shortened version of their party name: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or National-Socialist German Workers’ Party. The party sought to implement socialism within a nationalist framework, meaning it put the needs of the nation before any international socialist movement.

  Their nationalism made them fierce rivals of the internationalist communists, but they were socialists all the same. Before the Holocaust got under way, Hitler became internationally famous for his implementation of a command economy. Hitler allowed private business owners to retain titles to their businesses, but he regulated them so heavily that decisions on what to produce and how much were really made by the state. They were state-owned enterprises in all but name.

  At one point, Hitler’s control over the economy was so authoritarian that people were forbidden from quitting their jobs.

  Hitler even got the government into the automobile business, just like another dictator we know. You may not know this yourself, but the Volkswagen, literally “the people’s car,” was originally produced by a state-owned factory and marketed to people who would purchase with a strange, government savings plan that never had a chance of solvency.

  In short, it wasn’t nationalism that made the Nazis so horrible, it was Hitler’s brand of socialism. Socialism is by nature an authoritarian political system. The state seizes forcible command of the means of production and the fruits of each individual’s labor. That’s the definition of the word socialism.

  Hitler’s gross abuse of civil liberties was the natural result of his dictatorial command of the economy. The former were necessitated by the latter, just as civil liberties are being attacked here in support of Obama’s policies. Had I told you ten years ago that someday soon you could face legal penalties for not buying a product from a private company, would you have believed me? That’s just what Obamacare legally requires you to do. This is the true nature of socialism.

  The nationalism I propose is obviously not national socialism. We want a strong military that projects power but is used only in defense of American interests, not to conquer the world. We wish to preserve our borders, language, and culture because they are the foundation of our liberty, not because we believe we belong to any “master race.” We promote truly free markets within a regulatory structure that seeks to preserve a free and fair environment, not institute a command economy. We insist upon tariffs on goods manufactured in countries where tariffs are imposed on imported American goods or where their currency is manipulated to rig the import-export scales.

  I have the intellectual honesty to grant that Obama is not an absolute dictator. However, you’ll see he is an authoritarian when you look at the similarities between his authoritarian policies and those of other dictatorial regimes.
  • He claims authority to spy on every American, collecting their phone and e-mail records without a judicial warrant.

  • He claimed the authority to kill an American citizen on American soil without due process. He had to back up on this after Rand Paul’s 2013 filibuster.

  • He seized control of an automobile manufacturer and violated contract and bankruptcy laws by distributing assets to unions, rather than to the company’s creditors.

  • He has given tacit support to street gangs, who could be compared to Brownshirts, undermining the uniformed, local police.

  • He may intend to institute a national police force.

  • He has essentially erased our border with Mexico, not permitting our Border Patrol to do its job.

  • He has purged the military of many patriotic and talented leaders.

  • He has antagonized Russia, alienated Israel, cozied up to communist China, and reopened an embassy in Cuba without demanding any advancement of human rights.

  These are all the natural outgrowths of socialism, a political and economic system that assigns too much power to the government. It is impossible to separate absolute economic power and absolute power over all aspects of life, as every nation which has experimented with socialism has learned.

  Nationalism without socialism and racism has nothing to do with the Nazis or any other authoritarian society. It is simply love of one’s country and its national identity. America’s national identity is built around personal freedom. Its borders, language, and culture are the elements out of which that national identity is formed. A nationalist approach toward preserving our borders, language, and culture is the only way to preserve our freedom. We must organize and create a vigorous nationalist movement.

  Critics may argue I can’t call for a nationalist movement and still claim to be a small-government conservative who supports limits on federal power. That isn’t true. Our federal government today is an internationalist one. It aspires to rule the whole world and is willing to act against the interests of its own constituents to achieve that goal.

  A nationalist government in Washington, DC, would actually be smaller government with a more limited scope than the one operating there now. It would represent the will of its own people, returning to its founding principles, including forgoing powers not delegated to it and left with the states or the people. As Abraham Lincoln so eloquently put it, it would be “a government of the people, by the people, and for the people,” not a government of the New World Order controlled by a secretive group of unelected plutocrats.


  Zero Leadership

  One of the consequences of Government Zero is Zero Leadership. We’re already there. We have a rogue president, a sleeping Congress, a supine media, a docile, narcotized populace, and a barely functioning Supreme Court.

  The rogue president tramples every institution, divides the people by race, sex, religion, and political orientation. He set out to transform the beautiful nation, and in so doing, he’s causing irreparable damage.

  Like a stoned plastic surgeon, he botched the operation and created a mutilated face and an ugly body politic. The anesthesia he used when he applied his scalpel forever rotted the body politic within. His toxic mixture of race and class warfare has been injected so deeply and so often and in such high dosages that the once beautiful nation will soon be unrecognizable.

  The American presidency reached a new low point when Barack Obama gave his speech in Selma, Alabama. On the fiftieth anniversary of Bloody Sunday, when true victims of racism bravely marched in protest of their oppression, the president did what he always does: He divided instead of united. He reopened wounds that were healing, instead of helping them to heal further. This president takes demagoguery to a whole new level.

  He was doing just what he wanted to do, which was to divide black against white, straight against gay, Asian against Hispanic, Hispanic against black. This is what the president spends every waking moment thinking about how to do.

  I can refute his demagogic speech point by point, but first I want to share something completely different with you. I want to tell you about two dreams I had, both on the same night, that are both very important to what I’m trying to tell you.

  The White Owl

  In the first dream, I was on a trail in the woods, with my son and another person. I used to walk in the woods with my son quite often when he was a kid. As I walked in the woods in my dream, I came upon a woman. She seemed to be walking a dog on a long leash, perhaps a thirty-foot lead. I stopped for a moment, because I didn’t recognize the breed of her dog. But it wasn’t a dog.

  As the animal turned toward me, I realized it was a white owl with one eye. It had one eye, hollowed out. I asked the woman, “Do you often come to this place in the woods?”

  “Yes,” she said, “we will know each other.”

  Immediately afterward, in my dream, I was giving a lecture in a seminar room, in a private facility. I was talking to my audience on the meaning of rain. Then, I gave a seminar to another small group on the meaning of hunger. I told them:

  “Most of you understand by now that you can eat the most expensive meal in New York City, or the most expensive meal in Los Angeles, but not enjoy one bite of it. Do you know why? Because you’re hungry. I am going to teach you today how to truly be hungry, so you can taste your food again.”

  Now comes the most important part. In the next dream, there was a black woman in a black van. She was middle-aged and heavyset. Around her were a group of black teenagers, with bandanas on. She spoke to them quietly, saying:

  “America is a deep country. You must find forgiveness in yourselves in order to know that deepness.”

  This is what I had prayed the first black president would teach America. Instead, this president teaches the opposite. He teaches division. He teaches hatred. He teaches envy. He teaches the antithesis of his alleged Christian beliefs. We constantly hear he’s not a Muslim; he’s a Christian. It doesn’t matter. He isn’t practicing either religion.

  Divisive Demagoguery

  He is instead practicing the religion of demagoguery. The black woman in my dream was a healer. She told her young audience about the healing power of forgiveness. But Obama is unable to forgive. He does not have forgiveness in his heart, as Jesus taught us to have.

  Let’s not forget that Barack Obama has no wrongs for which to forgive anyone. He wasn’t beaten by cops for demanding his rights. He wasn’t denied the right to vote or go to school. He was a spoiled white kid with a black father, who decided to pretend to be a downtrodden black man.

  He talks like he experienced racism himself, when he never did. Obama grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii, in a multiethnic society where there is almost no racial discrimination. If anything, whites are the minority discriminated against in Honolulu. Barack Obama has no experience with racism. Yet, he wraps himself in all the rhetoric of those who did.

  Even worse, he incites hatred in black Americans for racism where it doesn’t exist, all for political gain. That is how cynically and bitterly this man hates America.

  I’m not saying there is no racism in the world today. Of course there is. But Obama talks as if it’s still 1964 and he is Martin Luther King. He talks to black voters as if they aren’t voters, as if they hadn’t won that right fifty years ago. He talks to them as if Darren Wilson is one of those cops beating protestors on Bloody Sunday fifty years ago, even though two separate investigations concluded Wilson was telling the truth and found no case against him.

  This is the kind of leadership you get when the people have no representation and the government exists of itself, by itself, and for itself. You get lies instead of the truth. You get division instead of unity. You get hatred instead of healing. That’s Zero Leadership.

  I shared my dreams with you for a reason. My soul spirit came to me that night. Those of you who are intuitive, who know there is something beyond the one-dimensional world of politics, know what the dreams mea
nt. They are telling us that the only thing that can save this nation is spiritual, not political.

  We have a void of spirituality in this nation today. It is hollowing us out and destroying us from top to bottom. Regardless of your religion, only by finding your spiritual center can you overcome the division and hatred being forced upon you by Obama and his allies.

  Of course, the propagandists in the media aren’t talking about him this way. They loved his speech at Selma. They called it “one of his best.”1 The Missouri Democrat tweeted, “I dare anyone to listen to the speech the President gave today and then say he doesn’t love America.”2

  Can you believe that? That is classic Soviet propaganda, right out of Pravda. It is the opposite of the truth. Every line of that speech seethed with resentment for America and all the wrongs Obama believes America continues to perpetrate.

  In a way, Bloomberg was right. It was one of his best speeches, in terms of accomplishing his goals. He was able to mix lies with the truth to foster division and enmity, under the pretense of honoring real heroes of the civil rights movement who overcame real racism.

  In that way, Obama is a genius. He is a genius at dividing people and dismantling this great nation. He is a genius at dismantling our military. He is a genius at wrecking our economy with zero interest rates, courtesy of “Grandma” Janet Yellen, allowing him to borrow trillions. You’ll soon need a wheelbarrow full of currency to buy a loaf of bread, just like they did in the Weimar Republic.

  Think back to my second dream. One would assume, a century and a half after the abolition of slavery, after the Great Society, affirmative action, and trillions of dollars in welfare, after the first black president, the first black attorney general, and black CEOs running major corporations, there would be forgiveness. But there is no forgiveness in this man’s heart.


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