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Government Zero : No Borders, No Language, No Culture (9781455563517)

Page 8

by Savage, Michael

  It’s a tragic irony that gay activists would participate in a military purge, because they have been the victims of precisely the same tactics in the past. For all of the left’s characterizing conservatives as “Nazis,” it is this progressive administration that is actually acting like them. Since public schools don’t teach history anymore, you may not have ever learned about “the Night of the Long Knives.” It was a purge conducted by Hitler against his own Brownshirts.

  The Brownshirts, or SA, were Hitler’s unofficial, paramilitary thugs. They were the equivalent of the street gangs that Al Sharpton was riling up in Ferguson and elsewhere. Sharpton’s thugs aren’t as organized or well-armed, nor in uniform. But they play roughly the same role in Obama’s dictatorship as the Brownshirts did in Hitler’s.

  The leader of the SA was a man named Ernst Röhm, a street brawler who happened to be a homosexual, as were most of the leaders of the SA. Hitler and the Nazis abhorred homosexuality as much as their modern-day counterparts, the Islamofascists. But they tolerated it in the Brownshirts while they were useful. Once they were no longer useful, Hitler turned on them and murdered them.

  I can’t help but see the parallel to gay activists supporting the Progressive-Islamist alliance. They may be useful to the alliance in destroying Western Civilization as we know it. But at least one side of that partnership would treat them the same way Hitler treated the homosexual Brownshirts. Moreover, the Islamofascists would kill the homosexuals in far more brutal fashion.

  Along with his prime targets, social democrats and communists, Hitler also disposed of loyal conservatives. Anyone who did not conform to his vision of the “new Germany” was killed, arrested, or intimidated into silence. On why he acted outside of the court system and without due process for the victims, Hitler said that because of the threat to the German people, he had declared himself “the Supreme Judge of the German People.”

  Does this sound vaguely familiar to you? Did Hitler not effectively place himself above the law and the German constitution, ignoring the courts and the legislature? Today, we have a president who boasts he will do the same thing with his pen and his phone. Sometimes, history repeats itself.

  Of course, our pedantic academic president would never have the fortitude to perpetrate such brutal acts. Thank goodness he’s much too passive-aggressive for anything like that. He may cut you loose if you’re serving your country overseas in a dangerous region, but he won’t do anything directly attributable to himself. His breed would rather send operatives like the weasel who set up Chaplain Modder and then pontificate about diversity and “white privilege” in the military.

  He has shown he will go after people in his own party if they stand in the way of his foreign policy agenda. That’s just what Sen. Robert Menendez believes Obama did with the administration’s prosecution of Menendez over corruption charges.3 Menendez was an outspoken critic of the decision to ease the trade embargo on Cuba and of the nuclear deal with Iran. Menendez stated unambiguously that the prosecution was intended “to silence me.”

  I don’t know if Menendez is guilty or not. Charging a New Jersey politician with corruption is a little like handing out speeding tickets at the Indianapolis 500. That the administration decided to focus on a Democratic critic of its anti-American policies seems a little too convenient to me. If it wanted to fight corruption in politics, it could have started with the equally corrupt Chicago political machine that helped put Obama in the White House or the California Democrats raking in fortunes on contracts steered toward friends and family.

  Not only has the administration purged people from the military for political reasons, they’ve actually gone after people for being too effective at fighting the enemy. Maj. Mathew Golsteyn has already been stripped of the Silver Star he earned for heroism during the Battle of Marja in Afghanistan. He was actually in line for the medal to be upgraded to Distinguished Service Cross, second only to the Congressional Medal of Honor, when he ran afoul of one of Obama’s appointees.4

  Secretary of the Army John McHugh, who has never served in the military, decided to revoke his Silver Star because of unsubstantiated accusations of wrongful conduct in killing an enemy bomb maker in Afghanistan in 2010. The Army investigated him in relation to these charges and did not find sufficient evidence to charge him with a crime.5

  Nevertheless, Golsteyn is now fighting a less-than-honorable discharge from the Army, on top of having his medal revoked and being kicked out of the Special Forces.

  Forget whether the accusations against this hero are true or false. Why is the government even investigating a war hero for killing an IED bomb maker in the first place? IEDs are the number one killer of American soldiers deployed in the Middle East. Why is the administration overly concerned with how this enemy combatant might have met his end?

  The name George Witton comes to my mind. You have probably never heard that name. George Witton was a soldier in the British army at the turn of the twentieth century. He was also the subject of a politically motivated witch hunt regarding his treatment of the enemy during the Boer War. He wrote a book about it called Scapegoats of the Empire, which was the basis for the 1980 movie Breaker Morant.

  Witton and his brothers-in-arms were accused of shooting prisoners, an arguably more egregious offense than whatever Golsteyn may have done in eliminating an enemy bomb maker who was still in the field. Yet no one who read the book or watched the movie would consider Witton anything other than the victim of politically motivated injustice.

  The Progressive-Islamic alliance is doing the same thing to our soldiers today. While ISIS rapes, kills, beheads, and sets people on fire, our rogue progressives persecute our warriors on slim evidence trumped up by the enemy.

  Maj. Gen. Michael Keltz joined the ranks of the purged last May when he was forced to resign over a racially charged comment he made during the disciplinary hearing for a lower-ranking officer.6 And what was this horrifying comment that cost a two-star general his career?

  He told the officer being disciplined that he appeared “drunker than 10,000 Indians” in a photo.7

  Seriously, that’s it. That’s what cost this general his entire career. I’m not saying the comment wasn’t inappropriate. But wouldn’t a public apology for the remark have been more appropriate? Can anyone seriously argue this remark did so much harm that a two-star general’s career had to be sacrificed?

  Incidentally, I can’t help wondering if the reaction would have been the same if the general had said “drunker than 10,000 Irishmen.” I think we both know he’d still be on the job.

  In another questionable prosecution, the four Blackwater security guards convicted of first-degree murder for killing the enemy were sentenced earlier this year to decades in prison. Despite their own testimony that they were under fire and killed only in self-defense, they’ve been mercilessly prosecuted by the Islamophilic, anti-U.S. military administration.8

  The prosecution of the Blackwater guards and attempted purge of Golsteyn are even more outrageous when you consider the administration’s support for a man we now know likely deserted his post in Afghanistan and joined the enemy. At the same time the Army concluded it could not charge Golsteyn with a crime, it filed formal charges against Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl for desertion and misbehavior before the enemy.

  I am not going to convict Bergdahl in my book before he has received due process. I won’t lower myself to the anti-American standards of progressive jackals. But at the time of this writing, two things are true: The Army found enough evidence to charge Bergdahl with desertion. It did not find evidence to charge Golsteyn.

  Yet Golsteyn’s persecution continues, while the Obama administration continues to stand by Bergdahl, at least passively. As of this writing, it has issued no formal statements on the military charges against Bergdahl or how they relate to the administration’s strong support for him prior. The most we’ve heard is it’s inappropriate for the White House to comment “on what’s obviously an ongoing investigation by th
e military.”9

  That’s very convenient. What will Obama say if he’s found guilty? What does he tell the parents of those who died trying to rescue this man, especially after it’s come to light that the administration knew he likely deserted six years ago?

  That’s right. We also now know that the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) investigated Bergdahl’s disappearance and found substantial evidence that he planned his desertion back in 2009. That means the White House knew Bergdahl likely deserted six years ago, before sending six men to their deaths attempting to rescue him from captivity.

  Susan Rice must have known about the 2009 NCIS findings in June 2014 when she infamously described Bergdahl as having “served with honor and distinction.” Just like Obama, she sounded like a guilty child caught in a lie when she followed with “And we’ll have the opportunity eventually to learn what has transpired in the past years.” How can this woman still be employed as national security advisor?

  As I tell my listeners on The Savage Nation, follow the bouncing ball. When you step back and look at who the administration has purged and who it has defended, there is an unmistakable pattern. Effective leaders in the war for Western civilization, like General Petraeus, Major General Carey, or Vice Admiral Giardina, are purged based on spurious, trumped-up charges. War heroes like Maj. Mathew Golsteyn are purged, despite no charges being brought against them at all.

  If you are too critical of Islam or too devoted to Christianity, like Lt. Comm. Wes Modder, you are a target. The Progressive-Islamist alliance will bend over backward to attack you, including using gay activists to entrap you.

  Contrast that with the treatment of an accused deserter. The White House has stood by Bowe Bergdahl, promoting him from private to sergeant during his absence, despite knowing he was likely a deserter since the day he walked off his post five years ago. President Obama literally stood next to Bergdahl’s father, who appeared on the White House lawn in the beard of a Muslim cleric, sending Bergdahl coded messages in Arabic.10

  And by the way, Nidal Malik Hasan, a devout Islamist and perpetrator of the Fort Hood massacre in 2009, who killed thirteen people, including a pregnant woman and her unborn child, while wounding over thirty others, has still not been executed for his crime in 2015. How is that for military justice?

  This is how transparent the Progressive-Islamist alliance has become. It is openly flaunting its sympathies, while actively weakening the only institution that stands between us and the maniacs overrunning the Middle East.

  From Soldiers to Social Workers

  As egregious as the military purges is the administration’s appointment of wholly unqualified civilian leadership in the cabinet. I have yet to find any evidence that Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James has ever piloted a plane. There is no mention in any bio I can find of her having a pilot’s license or having ever taken lessons. As far as I can tell, she’s never even flown a Piper Cub.

  We do know she got violently ill while riding along on the USAF’s Thunderbirds last year.11 Granted, flying an F-16 isn’t a requirement of her job as air force secretary, but what qualifications does she have relevant to this job? She has no military experience whatsoever. According to her official bio, she has held staffer jobs in Congress and executive positions for a defense contractor. She was an assistant secretary of defense for reserve affairs under Clinton.12

  Don’t misunderstand me. I am aware that this is a civilian position, as it should be. A bedrock American principle, enshrined in our Declaration of Independence, is that the military should at all times be subordinate to the civil power. We have laws on the books prohibiting anyone from being appointed secretary of the Army, Navy, and Air Force within five years of their active duty.

  Still, that doesn’t mean it is a good idea to appoint a secretary of the Air Force who has never even flown a plane, even in civilian life. The combined military experience of this administration’s secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force is two years. Only Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus has served at all. But as we’ve seen with Secretary McHugh, they are willing and able to advance the Progressive-Islamist agenda.

  That may be the reason the administration picked James for her job. She has one qualification that trumps all others for the Obama administration. She’s a true believer in this administration’s quest to remake the military into a progressive social club.

  This past March, Secretary James unveiled her “sweeping plan to increase opportunities for women, minorities and enlisted airmen.”13 In addition to lowering height requirements and other standards, her plan quite explicitly calls for quotas, particularly in the pilot ranks. She might call them “diversity and inclusion requirements,” but they are quotas just the same. This means she will require a certain number of female and minority pilots, regardless of whether they are the best candidates for the positions.

  Retired colonel Terry Stevens, who actually served thirty-five years in the Air Force, including eight years in personnel, wasn’t buying it. “If you’re going to do that instead of picking the best qualified of any applicant, then you’re actually downgrading the quality of the force,” Stevens said.14

  This isn’t just theoretical nonsense to be debated at a think tank seminar. All of this adds up to a weaker military on the battlefield. Our pilots’ hands are tied trying to fight ISIS. The dearth of actual airstrikes was one of the factors contributing to the Islamic State’s victory at Ramadi. This is what happens when you have a sorority running the military. According to the Washington Times:

  A former official who is frequently in the Pentagon said, “The building is very guarded about what they say, but clearly the White House is running the campaign, which has them furious.”

  This source said combat pilots can loiter over a target for hours before approval comes to strike it. Sometimes approval never comes.15

  The sorority girls decide when our air force pilots can release a rocket. I suppose it’s difficult for them to manage everything, given their important work cooking the books to prove global warming, proving racism by white cops causes inner city crime, and proving homophobia is everywhere. Meanwhile, ISIS now controls Ramadi. You can watch their victory parade on YouTube.

  This is just more of the same from an administration who wanted to lower the physical standards for admission into the Marine Corps. That was a reaction to the revelation that almost half of the female recruits were unable to perform the minimum requirement of three pull-ups. Never mind that their fellow soldiers might be in more danger on the battlefield if they had to depend upon soldiers physically unable to perform their functions. Diversity trumps battle readiness in the new progressive military.

  This past April, the long experiment with integrating women into combat ended when the last two female recruits washed out of the Marine Corps’ Infantry Officer Course, after failing to complete the Combat Endurance Test. The female recruits were already granted lower physical fitness screening standards, but had to match male performance on this phase of the test. They were unable to.16

  One can only guess what the progressive answer to this predictable outcome will be. I suppose the Combat Endurance Test will be waived as a requirement next. Then, maybe they can waive the requirement that Marines be able to fire a service weapon. Doesn’t that offend the antigun crowd?

  Now, we’re going to be downgrading the skill level of pilots as well. Don’t misunderstand me. I believe the jobs should go to the best pilots, whether they are women, men, black, white, Hispanic, or Native American. We need the absolute best talent available piloting our state-of-the-art aircraft and supporting our troops on the ground and ships at sea.

  Secretary James sees it in completely the opposite way. She believes we need diversity in the personnel piloting our aircraft, whether the pilots represent the best talent or not. She’ll sacrifice talent to fulfill race and sex quotas. That puts lives at risk. Ask any of our troops on the ground what’s more important to them: the best air cover possib
le or the most diverse? How would they like the equivalent of a Germanwings copilot in charge of a fighter jet?

  Not only are the progressives weakening the military with affirmative action, they are going on the offensive against white soldiers. Approximately one month after Secretary James’s announcement about implementing racial and gender quotas for pilots, a story broke about soldiers at Fort Gordon being lectured about white privilege during a training seminar.

  Among other important information disseminated to our troops that day was a Power Point slide entitled “The Luxury of Obliviousness,” which had this to say:

  Race privilege gives whites little reason to pay a lot of attention to African Americans or to how white privilege affects them. “To be white in America means not having to think about it.”17

  I’m sure the pedantic academics in the White House sorority were very pleased to learn white soldiers were “educated” about their privilege. Meanwhile, back here on planet Earth, the U.S. military has been integrated for almost seventy years. Americans of all colors have been fighting together and dying for each other since before the academic in chief and most of his sorority were born.

  Our troops need training, equipment, and team building that helps them survive and succeed in combat. They don’t need divisive nonsense like this building tension between men and women who would otherwise put their lives on the line for each other without a second thought. Ask anyone you know who’s been in combat. There is no white privilege on the battlefield. Bullets and bombs kill and maim in very equal-opportunity fashion.

  The Army spokeswoman who responded to the incident said the slide in question was not authorized by any higher command and that the individual instructor had inserted it without permission. That would be a perfectly reasonable explanation if this were an isolated incident. But there is plenty of precedent for this soul-bending propaganda being foisted upon our soldiers.


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