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Government Zero : No Borders, No Language, No Culture (9781455563517)

Page 10

by Savage, Michael

  Just as they looked the other way while Stalin and Mao killed a hundred million people in the twentieth century, progressives can look the other way when the Islamofascists burn people alive, rape them, enslave them, and cut off their heads. Where are the so-called radical feminists on the wholesale enslavement and rape of non-Muslim girls as young as eight years of age?

  Putin offends the other half of the Progressive-Islamist Alliance with his policies against radical Islam. From listening to the progressive media, you might believe he crushed a peaceful, separatist movement in the idyllic Republic of Chechnya. Just as they provided cover for Stalin and Mao, the progressive media constantly made excuses for the Islamic International Brigade, which in reality was just another brutal group of ninth-century throwbacks seeking to enslave an entire region.

  Putin vowed to wipe them out in 1999 and was uncompromising in his treatment of the separatists. He wasn’t there to win hearts and minds or convince the throwbacks to start a business. He was there to protect the Russian people from barbarians. That he succeeded is more galling to the Progressive-Islamists than anything else.

  Now the Obama administration has joined with its fellow progressives in Europe to help instigate the revolution in Ukraine. Just like the Arab Spring, the Ukraine revolution had foreign fingerprints all over it, including support from Obama, who admitted to CNN his administration “brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine.”30 That’s Obamaspeak for ousting the democratically elected president, Viktor Yanukovych.

  I believe there was even more involvement by the U.S. government and its progressive allies in Europe in fomenting that revolution. We already know the Obama administration sent hundreds of leftist operatives to Israel in an attempt to defeat Netanyahu. We know about the administration’s involvement in the so-called Arab Spring. It’s hard to see the revolution in Ukraine as anything other than another chapter in the Progressive-Islamist destruction of the world order.

  I’m not implying Obama is the first president to use covert action. International politics is a rough business. My problem is with where and why he has employed these tools. What possible U.S. interest was advanced by regime change in Ukraine? What is to be gained by openly antagonizing Russia? Russia should be a close ally of the United States against the Islamists by now. Instead, this maniac is actually risking a war with her. That’s a war the U.S. could very well lose, especially with a military made weaker every day under his command.

  It’s just more evidence that this man has no place in the office he’s in. More and more people are asking the question I’ve been asking about him for years. Is he playing for the other side, or is he just a clueless, pedantic academic who is incompetent leading a nation in the real world?

  I was also the first to give you the answer. It doesn’t matter. Either way, he’s flying this country and the world into a mountain, just like that unbalanced pilot on the German plane. More importantly, he’s executing the Progressive-Islamist agenda to perfection, intentionally or not, preparing the way for his successor to complete the transformation of America into a socialist prison nation.

  Where Is Our Warrior King?

  Thanks to the mess the progressives have made of the world order, we have to change our tactics. We need to do more than speak softly and carry a big stick. We have to start swinging that stick if we’re going to survive.

  The Progressive-Islamist alliance accused George W. Bush of being a crusader. They believed the myth that the Crusades were Christian aggression against Islam. The truth is the Crusades were a response to hundreds of years of Muslim aggression.

  Here’s the problem. The West stopped fighting the Crusades when the Muslims were thrown out of Europe, but the Muslims didn’t. They’ve continued their thousand-year war against civilization right up to the present. They were contained for a time by Western economic, social, and military superiority. Now they’re loose again, thanks to the Progressive-Islamist Arab Spring.

  We need a new Richard the Lionheart. We’re facing worldwide jihad, just as Richard and his successors faced during the Middle Ages. It’s going to take a real leader commanding a refocused military to defeat it.

  The American public is dying for a warrior king crusader. That explains why American Sniper is the most popular movie of modern times. Why do you think it grossed $100 million over a single weekend? Because we’d like a sniper to run for president, to be our warrior king crusader, to save this country before it’s too late.

  Right now, we have a sorority running the military as a social services organization. That’s not what a military establishment is supposed to do. I have no problem with women, homosexuals, minorities, or anyone else voicing grievances, as long as their opponents are free to disagree when those grievances are unfounded.

  But the military is not the proper forum for this. It is not a town hall. It is a martial institution with one purpose and one purpose only: to destroy the enemy before it destroys us.

  The military must be run by people who have the strength to take decisive action when it is needed and the restraint to avoid action when it is not in the interests of the people. We have exactly the opposite in charge now.

  We have a group of progressive academics who won’t say the word Islamic when describing the real enemy. As ISIS rampages through the Middle East, they are more concerned with not offending Muslims than protecting Western Civilization from its greatest threat since Hitler and Stalin.

  At the same time, they treated the military like a new toy they got for Christmas when overthrowing governments during the Arab Spring. They were like a two-year-old with a machine gun, shooting in all directions because he doesn’t know any better. They destroyed stable, relatively secular governments and replaced them with radical Islamist ones, almost without exception.

  It’s hard to believe it all wasn’t intentional. Both the progressives and the Islamofascists have an interest in destroying the world order. Intentional or not, that’s just what both groups are doing. They are truly fellow travelers.

  The world order wasn’t perfect before the Progressive-Islamist onslaught. Nothing constructed by human beings ever is. But it did keep America safe for seventy years. Whether you like it or not, that’s the truth.

  Did America support some oppressive governments? Yes. There isn’t really another kind in the Middle East, outside of Israel. Now we’re seeing the other side of the story. We can see just what kind of people those dictators were repressing.

  Whom do you prefer, the dictators or the radical Islamists? Did getting rid of Gadhafi make Libya freer and safer? Did it increase or decrease American national security? Was Egypt freer under the Muslim Brotherhood than it was under Mubarak, a U.S. ally? Hillary Clinton famously boasted after he was killed “we came, we saw, he died”—to the cackles of her feminist cadre.

  The truth is there were no good choices in most of these countries before the progressives blew them up. Former administrations recognized this and did the best they could, forging partnerships with lesser evils to advance U.S. interests. That meant a strong alliance with Israel and cooperation with traditional Sunni allies like Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.

  A warrior king knows how to pick his battles. He knows when to negotiate and with whom. He risks military conflict only when it is in his country’s interests, and then he commits to destroy the enemy, not win hearts and minds.

  The enemies we’re facing right now do not have winnable hearts or minds. They aren’t going to be dissuaded by a government jobs program. We need to face reality and elect the kind of leadership that will deal with the enemy as they truly are.

  As Richard Gabriel writes in Military History magazine:

  It’s unfortunate that in today’s world the Arabic word jihad is most directly associated with heinous terrorist acts committed by Islamic extremists who either don’t know or don’t care about the word’s origin and true meaning.

  The doctrine of jihad, or holy war, was Muhammad’s principal military
legacy. It is indisputable that divinely justified warfare became a force of major importance during the early Islamic period, was a significant motivator for the Muslim conquests that followed Muhammad’s death in 632 and remains a primary characteristic of Islamic warfare. Pre-Islamic Arabia knew no notion of ideology of any sort, and certainly no notion of religiously sanctioned war.31

  Do you understand what he’s saying? Jihad is not an aberration within Islam by a few radical elements. It is a foundational part of the religion itself. It has underpinned Islam since Muhammad and remains a driving force within mainstream Islam today. It doesn’t just inspire terrorism. It inspires the conflict Muslims have with their neighbors in all the countries I told you about in the last chapter.

  We’re in desperate need of a new Richard the Lionheart as president who puts aside the pantywaists who have run this country off the rails. Not tomorrow. Not after many of us are decimated. Right now. He wouldn’t sit here waiting for sleeper cells to strike, even after the FBI has opened investigations of ISIS in forty-nine states.32 He would hit them before they hit us.

  This assumes we have leadership that isn’t playing for the other side.

  The Islamofascists are fighting a religiously sanctioned war, if you consider Islam a religion at all. Retired U.S. admiral James “Ace” Lyons doesn’t. He said, “Until you recognize Islam is a political movement masquerading as a religion, you’re never going to come to grips with it.”33

  How else could you describe these maniacs, who are willing to kill boys in Iraq, machine-gun them for watching soccer, in the name of Allah? No religion would teach that. These are the brutal tactics of a Jacobin political movement. That’s one more thing the progressives and Islamofascists have in common.

  Admiral Lyons pointed out something else I’ve been saying for years. We had our chance to stop the Islamofascists before it came to this. We could have stopped them when they took our hostages in Iran, but Jimmy Carter is part of the Progressive/Islamic alliance. We could have stopped them after they bombed our embassy in Lebanon, but Reagan’s order to respond was disobeyed by Caspar Weinberger. There is blame to go around for both sides of our one-party system.

  Now we’re back to where we were in the Middle Ages, with the Islamofascists on the march toward Vienna. This is not World War I. We are not fighting European nations who recognize international rules of war. We’re fighting throwback lunatics who don’t realize it’s 2015 and who rape, murder, and torture as their ancestors did a thousand years ago.

  We don’t need a jobs program. We don’t need diversity in the Air Force. We don’t need equal opportunity for mullahs. We need a warrior king crusader to rebuild our military and defend Western Civilization once again.

  The Vikings’ Fate

  If you think social engineering of the U.S. military is without consequences, I invite my skeptical readers to study the Danish or Swedish military of today. After many a decade of progressiveness, the descendants of Vikings are today unable or unwilling to defend their homeland against an Islamist invasion. Witness the capitulation. Thank the progressives, the gays, the feminists, and the socialists. Is this what you want for the United States, to be a helpless giant?


  Zero Education

  Contrary to what you have been told by our progressive media, the United States spends more per student on education than any other nation in the world. We spend over $15,000 per student annually. Yet, U.S. students rank twenty-fourth in literacy1 and thirty-first in math literacy.2 Across the board, U.S. students perform poorly compared to other countries that spend less per student on education. How can that be?

  There are a lot of answers to that question. One of them is that American public schools don’t spend a large percentage of their time teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic. Instead, they spend it indoctrinating children into the progressive religion. This means teaching them to hate or mistrust everything that made Western Civilization in general and America in particular the freest, most prosperous civilization in human history.

  There is a direct connection between the phony economic recovery and the destruction of American education. What the government calls unemployment continues to fall even though unemployed people don’t actually get jobs. They just give up looking for work and become permanent residents on the welfare rolls. Our education system is contributing significantly to this disastrous trend.

  The federal government has been increasingly involved in education since Jimmy Carter created the Department of Education in 1979. It’s no accident that school and student performance has plummeted almost from that moment on.

  Thomas Sowell once wrote, “The most fundamental fact about the ideas of the political left is that they do not work. Therefore we should not be surprised to find the left concentrated in institutions where ideas do not have to work in order to survive.”3

  That couldn’t be truer than for education, a field dominated by leftists for more than a century. From what students are taught, to how they’re taught, to how it’s all paid for, education is a microcosm for the epic failure of progressivism over the past one hundred years.

  Lesson One: People Are Evil

  One of the first things our progressive schools teach kids is to believe they’re evil, to feel guilty they were ever born. Does that sound outrageous to you? It isn’t.

  If you don’t believe me, ask your own child what he or she has learned about science in school. You may hear some basics, like photosynthesis or the order of the planets in the solar system. But before long, you’ll find out that your child has also been taught that human beings are bad. Human beings upset the fictitious balance of nature and cause the extinction of animal and plant species. They’re also taught the global warming lie, starting at as early an age as possible.

  Much of this is driven by the increasingly centralized control over curriculum by the federal Department of Education. As I told you in my last book, Stop the Coming Civil War, the federal government hasn’t mandated a national curriculum yet. Instead, it has bribed states into adopting its dictates through federal funding in return for adoption of national standards like Common Core.

  Conservatives instinctively resist national control of education and their instincts are correct. Take a look at the first ten lesson plans that were listed on the “Science” page of, the federal government website providing educational resources for children to study in science class:

  Air Pollution: What’s the Solution?

  Air Quality Index (AQI) Toolkit for Teachers

  Air Quality Resources for Teachers

  Conservation Central Online Curriculum

  EekoWorld—Lesson Plans

  Energy Education—Teach and Learn

  Energy Lesson Plans and Activities

  Energy Star Kids

  Estuaries.Gov—Educators Page

  Fossil Fuels for Younger Students4

  Have you noticed a recurring theme? Does this look to you like a comprehensive overview of anything you’d recognize as a primary or secondary school education in science? Or does it look more like the agenda for a radical environmentalist rally?

  The rest of the list is similarly skewed toward phony environmental science. There are at most three lesson plan categories representing purely scientific subjects like geology, biology, or rudimentary engineering. The rest are largely propaganda to teach children “actions students can take to protect their health and reduce air pollution” or “how you and your classmates can make big changes and help save the world.”

  As you might have guessed, the “Energy Education—Teach and Learn” section teaches kids about all of the wonderful green energy research being done by crony capitalists getting rich on taxpayers’ money. But don’t expect to find the most important thing children should learn about these rip-offs: They’ve all been miserable failures.

  All of this is part of the larger narrative that people and the modern world we’ve created are inherently evil. We’re a
scourge that upsets the fictitious balance of nature and is killing Gaia, the earth goddess. Only our benevolent, omnipotent rulers in Washington can save the earth from people and people from themselves.

  Earlier this year, the Detroit Opera House presented The Very Last Green Thing. The opera depicts students of the future taking a field trip outside. This is a rare occasion in the story because the air is so polluted, goggles and masks are required just to survive outdoors.5

  It’s not a very original story. There are at least a dozen similar stories in leftist twentieth-century literature, most of them more interesting than this one. What makes this noteworthy is that it was performed by the children themselves. Using the power of music is a particularly devious but effective tactic employed by radical environmentalists to indoctrinate children early on to their religion.

  Most people are familiar with how Hitler used music as an emotional tool to brainwash the public. This is no different.

  In Fort Campbell, Kentucky, prekindergarten students put on a fashion show featuring clothing they made entirely out of recycled materials contributed by their parents. The kids made everything “from dresses to accessories to environmentally-friendly superhero attire.”6

  This doesn’t sound so bad in a vacuum. The kids had fun and there is nothing wrong with learning to make clothing by hand nor to appreciate recycling. But listen to the rhetoric from one of the pre-K teachers involved in the project:

  “We read books about recycling; we talked about Earth Day and how we can save the planet… At this age, they’re very impressionable, and their parents are listening to what they’re saying,” said Emanuel.7


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