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Page 12

by Jennifer Moulton

  “Look, I do care about you Jule’s, you have to know that by now, very much. But now is not the time to discuss our feelings! Given everything that has happened, to both of us… neither one of us can trust how we might or might not feel. We’re grieving on all levels, and now is not the time to try to figure this out,” Mark turned the handle and opened the door to leave.

  Julie spoke softer. “I know that you feel like you can’t trust anyone, and I totally get it. But if there’s anyone in this world that you can be sure of… it’s me,” her voice cracked.

  Mark stopped in the door way and turned around to face her. His dark, hard stare focused on her, searching her eyes for a sign of validity.

  Julie had never in her life, felt more vulnerable than she did right then. Her eyes began to tear up and her bottom lip quivered as she felt her tough exterior softening.

  Mark’s eyes burned into hers, as he stepped back into the room, and shut the door behind him.



  Mark rushed at her with such fierceness, that it stopped the breath in Julie’s throat. He reached out and grabbed the back of her neck, passionately kissing her firmly on her lips. His kiss deepened as she opened her mouth to kiss him back.

  His lips were incredibly soft and his tongue was electric. Instant heat radiated through her body, melting away all her defenses. She has wanted him secretly for so long now, that it felt natural and only right to finally be in his arms.

  Julie’s hands flew up and grabbed a handful of his thick, dark hair. She knew now, that he wanted to be with her just as much.

  Julie began to peel back his leather jacket, off of his wide, muscular shoulders. She yanked down hard, hearing it thud as it hit the floor. His body pushed against her, backing her up to the bed. Breaking off the kiss for a moment, he took off his guns and set them safely on the floor. He quickly took off his shirt in one swift movement. Whatever emotional barriers he had that held him back before, were definitely gone now. All of the repressed anguish and sorrow that he felt was now being transformed into his insatiable need for her.

  He ripped her sweater open and tossed it to the side. Mark grabbed a section of her buttoned blouse with his hands and yanked it open, not fumbling with them this time as the buttons scattered across the floor. Their hands were now intertwined in each other’s hair as they kissed feverishly. Tugging her head back slightly, he ran his tongue down the side of her throat. He opened his mouth wide and pressed it to her neck, biting down on her. The mixture of wet heat and teeth sent shivers down her spine, and spread across her entire body.

  Mark ran his hands down the front of breasts, to her waist. He felt around for the top of her pants and unbuttoned them, sending them down her legs to the awaiting floor.

  Mark hooked his fingers under the straps of her bra and gently pulled them down her shoulders, reaching around with one hand, he unhooked it, sending that to the floor as well. He stood up straight, breaking the spell of their long, magnetic kiss.

  Looking down at her face in the moonlight, he tenderly held the back of her head as he held her close. He paused to watch her breasts rise and fall with each breath she took. Julie’s body shook with anticipation.

  “I have wanted you for so long… I just told myself it would never happen,” he whispered.

  That’s when Julie saw it… that warmth, that softness in those gorgeous, hazel eyes that melted her every time. That look that she had come to love so much.

  His tender expression changed to concern. “This is going to change everything, Jules. We shouldn’t go any further unless it’s what you really want.”

  Julie reached up and gently traced the outline of his thick, perfect eyebrows with her thumb. “Feels like velvet,” she thought.

  “Everything has already changed,” she said quietly. “I’ve always wanted you, from the moment I first saw you and I know that I always will… regardless, of your name.”


  Mark reached down and grabbed her thighs, effortlessly lifting her up to his waist. Julie tightly wrapped her legs around him, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him fervently. He turned his body and carried her towards the large window, putting her back against the wall.

  Julie felt him lift her higher to adjust himself. She gripped him with her thighs to hang on tighter. Mark reached in between their bodies, carefully sliding his fingers inside the crotch of her panties, pulling them off to one side.

  The feel of his strong hand brushing gently against the inside of her thigh and his fingers lightly touching her, sent a shocking sensation straight to her core. Julie let out a moan, as her left arm flung out to the side. Her hand eagerly searched for something to grab hold of, but felt nothing but the flat cool wall.

  “Just hold on to ME,” Marks raspy voice simmered into her ear, as Julie’s body surrendered to his, trusting him completely.


  Julie drowsily awoke to the smell of brewed coffee. All she could remember was being with Mark.

  “Typical girl,” she thought. Julie slowly realized where she was. She opened her eyes as the harsh reality set in. The reality being that… Allie was still dead. Nick was a suicidal murderer and people might be trying to kill her too. She wished it were all just a really bad dream.

  Rubbing her eyes and brushing the unruly, still damp hair from her face, she sat up. The only light was coming from a single lamp on the kitchenette table. Glancing towards the window, she saw that the sun was coming up. Julie opened the curtains to let in the golden light.

  “Mark?” she asked aloud. No response.

  She noticed the bag he had packed for her, laying in the chair and got up to sort through it. Julie quickly got dressed into a comfortable pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt before sitting down at the table to brush out her hair. She noticed Marks cell phone lying on the table there.

  Quietly putting down her brush and looking around to assure herself that she was in fact the only one in the room, she opened up his phone to take a quick peek. Keeping the fact that, Mark, wouldn’t have gone too far without it in the back of her mind. She was just a little curious.

  Suddenly, the phone received a text message. Startling her with its vibration, she yelped and put the phone down. Glancing around and realizing once again that she was indeed alone; she opened it to read the text.

  It was from Detective Williams. “Got our warrant and picked her up at 7:00 a.m.”

  “Oh, thank goodness!” Julie thought.

  Julie heard the hotel key slide through the lock. She turned with the phone in her hand just as Mark came in. He had a paper bag in one hand and a magazine rolled up with today’s paper in the other.

  “Well, good morning,” he greeted her with a smile. “Did you have fun snooping through my phone while I was out getting your breakfast?”

  “I‘m sorry, you got a text from Detective Williams,” she handed it out to him and sat down at the table again.

  Mark sat down across from her and placed the bag between them. Julie smelled sausage and eggs. He quickly read it and closed his phone with a snap, sliding it inside his inner jacket pocket.

  “I’m going to have to leave soon… I have a busy day ahead. I need to stop by the precinct to hear about Leo’s parole hearing as well,” Mark said.

  He got up and poured two cups of the brewed coffee. He sat down putting one in front of Julie.

  Julie sat quietly and smiled as she watched Mark lay down a napkin and put a breakfast sandwich and a little hash brown in front of her.

  “Thank you… that looks great,” she smiled at him. “It was very nice of you to get me food.”

  His sweetness was almost amusing to her. She loved that about him. He was always so kind… so courteous.

  “You’re very welcome. You worked up quite the appetite. I bet your starving,” his eyes smoldered into hers as he took a sip of his coffee. That grin would be the death of her.

  Julie blushed, remembering last night. They
had made love and stayed up till the early morning hours talking… before they made love again. The heat began to rise, as she remembered.

  She cleared her throat, refocusing her thoughts on the day’s events.

  “As you know... I’m not going to work today and I could be ready in just a second and come with you if you want,” she mentioned.

  Mark appeared hesitant.

  “I really need you to stay here, Jules. It’s not that I don’t want you with me… It’s just that I want you to be safe and stay as far away from things as possible,” he replied.

  “I understand,” she took a drink of her coffee and tried not to seem so disappointed.

  “This has nothing to do with last night, absolutely nothing to do with us…. so don’t think for a second that I’m doing the typical man thing and blowing you off. So… don’t do the typical woman thing and sit there and pout,” Mark said jokingly.

  Julie smiled. “No. I really do understand. Captain Haddock told me that I need to stay here. I have a confession to make though… I read your text. So I know you’re curious about what’s going on with Lucy. So am I,” Julie began to eat her breakfast.

  “I figured as much,” he smiled. “I don’t mind that you read my text at all.”

  “I’m not sure what’s going to happen today, or how things are going to unfold…but I would feel a hell of a lot better knowing you were here. I need to know that you’re alright, even if you’re bored,” he said with a half-smile.

  “Which reminds me, I picked up a newspaper and a magazine for you!” He quickly flipped through the pages of the magazine lying on the table.

  “You also have room service, cable and that awesome jetted tub,” he mentioned.

  She blushed… again.

  “Before you know it, the day will be over. What more could you ask for? Besides me, of course,” he flashed his famous grin.

  His playful expression changed as he looked at is watch.

  “What time is it, anyway?” Julie asked in between bites.

  “It’s a quarter to eight. I should probably be heading out now,” he said seriously.

  Mark looked at her for a long moment. “Thank you for last night. I feel like I’m the luckiest man alive to have shared this time with you. You’re such a wonderfully loving and passionate woman. Next to my mother, you’re the kindest person I have ever known. Last night meant more to me than you will ever know,” his expression was somber as he reached over and took her hand.

  “It meant a lot to me too, Mark,” Julie said cautiosly.

  Julie’s forehead wrinkled in confusion. She leaned over the table to look into his face. “Why are you talking to me like you’re never going to see me again?” Julie was worried now.

  “I have this horrible feeling that you’re going to do something stupid, and probably homicidal. So, DON’T,” Julie squeezed his hands.

  Mark clenched his jaw and looked away from her.

  “Please, Mark, don’t let those horrible people turn you into something you’re not. I understand your NEED… to be a part of this investigation and I’m going to stay out of your way and let you handle things however you think you need to, but please don’t take matters into your own hands. More people will end up hurt, or worse…killed. That includes you. Enough innocent people have died,” Julie’s eyes were pleading with him, searching his face for an indication of understanding.

  Mark stood and walked around the table to Julie. He reached down and carefully brought her up to him and he hugged her and softly kissed her goodbye.

  “I have unfinished business that needs taken care of… that’s all. I promise you, that you will see these eyes again,” his eyes twinkled when he smiled down at her. He cupped her face in his hands.

  “I love you, Julie and I always will,” he whispered.

  “I love you too, and I always have,” Julie replied with a smile.


  As Mark walked away from the hotel, he focused his newly found energy on the task at hand. Leo wanted HIM right? Well, he would have his wish. Even if it meant sacrificing himself to end it all, he would. Mark knew that his legacy would live on through Julie and that herfuture would be safe and secure. By the end of this day, Leo, Lucy and Dom would pay for whatever their individual parts were in the injustice done to his family. If Mark was going to go down today, they were all going down with him.



  Marks phone began to ring as he walked around the corner to the police station. It was Williams.

  “Mark, I’ve got bad news. Lucy and her lawyer “walked” about thirty minutes ago. Without a confession or hard evidence, we were having a hell of a time finding something to hold her on but… that’s not the only reason I’m calling. Where are you anyway? You’re not at your house or the hotel,” Williams said frantically. He must have been driving around looking for Mark.

  “I’m at the police station now, apparently a half hour too late,” Mark replied as he walked up to the precinct. “I had some things to take care of this morning. But I’m here now.”

  “Alright, I’ll meet you in Haddock’s office then,” Williams hung up.


  “Good morning, Mr. Anderson,” Captain Haddock shook Marks hand and smiled.

  “Please come in, we’ve had some developments this morning that I would like to discuss with you,” Haddock gestured towards his office.

  Mark walked into the familiar room, and sat down in the same brown leather chair he sat in the day before. He glanced up at the clock and saw it was almost eleven o‘clock.

  “Good morning, Sir. Detective Williams just told me you had Lucy, but you had to let her go with her lawyer,” Mark said calmly.

  “Yes, we weren’t able to get anything out of her though. Except, her opinions about Nick, and how he’s so messed up on drugs, you can’t believe a word he says. We started in on her about Leo and out came the magic word, “Lawyer”. We couldn’t arrest her for anything just yet, so we had to let her go. But now we think we know who the “Man” is that she’s meeting up with today, the one that Julie may have overheard her talking about,” Haddocks’ expression was worrisome.

  Haddock was concerned about what Mark might do, how he was going to react. But, there was no easy way to say it. There was no sense in putting off the inevitable.

  “Now, this is pure speculation, but it’s got a little weight to it. We think that the man she’s meeting up with today is simply her husband, Dom Angelo. He was the first person she called. It was him who sent the lawyer. The tail we put on Lucy just reported that Dom has arrived at his home just a few minutes before you arrived here,” Haddock glanced up at two officers now standing outside of the office door. They were all watching Mark very closely.

  “Relax,” Mark looked at them. “I’m cool. I won’t be causing a scene today fellas.”

  Williams came walking in now, observing the officers awkwardness, and sat down next to Mark, looking at Haddock.

  “What am I missing?” Williams asked.

  “I have already suspected that Dom could be involved, so this isn’t a surprise to me at all,” Mark continued the conversation.

  “Well, forgive me for anticipating your reaction. You’ve been through your share of surprises over the last few days and no one would blame you if you were upset.” Haddock said reasonably. “We just don’t want you entertaining any notions of confronting them on your own. That would be a big mistake,” Haddock said sympathetically.

  Mark nodded in agreement.

  “Honestly… the way I see it is, there’s nothing I can do at this point, but to accept the truth, whatever it may be and allow justice to take it’s natural course. Anything I do at this point could be detrimental to the case… and that would definitely delay any progress that we’ve made so far,” Mark said simply.

  Mark looked steadily at Captain Haddock. “One careless stride in the wrong direction, could wipe out the entire case. I’m not willing to jeopardize
it,” Mark said with conviction.

  Williams leaned back in his chair and watched Mark now; with his eyes half squinting… he didn’t believe what he was hearing. But then he quickly looked away, not wanting to give away his real thoughts on the matter.

  Captain Haddock was awestruck. He seemed to think that Marks suddenly calm disposition was out of exhaustion. “This poor man has been drained, he’s got no “fight” left in him,” he thought.

  Mark sat in the musty office watching Captain Haddock and Detective Williams talk back and forth, not listening to a word spoken. Williams glanced at Mark periodically for approval on the plans that Mark had absolutely no interest in. Mark would nod, pretending to comply.

  His calm composure and relaxed nature never wavered for a second.

  “Have you heard anything about Leo’s board hearing?” Mark asked unexpectedly.

  Haddock looked at Williams who stiffened up in his chair and shot him a look that all but said, “Don’t say a word.”

  Haddock shrugged it away and said “It’s alright Williams. I think he can handle it.”

  Mark saw this exchange and said, “I’m assuming that means he was paroled. Was he released already?” Mark asked bluntly.

  “The hearing was about an hour and forty five minutes ago, and you‘re correct in assuming. It was granted based on his impeccable prison record and the positive work towards his rehabilitation. The board was quite impressed with his positive attitude,” Haddock answered.

  Williams grimaced.

  “I find it hard to believe that such a cold blooded killer has been rehabilitated the way he has on paper, and received such honorable merit over the last thirteen years. But, according to these transcripts they sent over, he’s the model prisoner.”

  Williams picked up a file and threw it back down, un-enthused by its contents.

  Haddock continued to explain.

  “We notified the warden and voiced our concerns. There wasn’t much we could say or do to sway their opinions without evidence linking him to anything. Without a confession from Lucy, or more information from Nick, it’s all circumstantial at this point. Our hands are tied.”


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